Variety (May 1950)

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FICTVttB CROSSES Ih* 9,^ Xos AngeleSr May 2.^^^ Firstruns continue very disap^ .pointing with biz Tunning from moderate to dull in all situations. ^‘Wabash Avenue” is barely pkay .$42,000 in five theatres. “Cham- pagne For Caesar” shapes to hit fair $25,000, also in, .five sites. ‘‘Destination Tokyo”-“Gdd Is Co^ Pilot” combo is hot doing badly for oldies at $24,000 in three locaH tions^' •■■■" ' Slim $24;000 is expected for ‘•Woman of Distinction” in two houses ' while “Reformer . a n d Redhead” shapes niild $10,000, also in two. “i Was Shoplifter” is ,do^ Ing moderately with $21,000 in five; spots. One bright spot is continued ups^ng of biz for “Third Man” at small-seater Fine Arts, pushing up to $7,800 in third round, ahead of Initial and second; sessions. Estimates for This Week . Downtown, Hollywood, Beyerly Hills, Hawaii, Forum Music Halls (Prin-Cor) (902; 512; 834; 1,106; 2,100; 55-$l) ~ “Champagne for Caesar” (UA). Fair $25,000. Last week, “Baron Arizona” (Lip) -and “Operation Haylift” (Lip) (2d wk- 4 days), $9,000. Los Angeles; Chinese, Uptown, Loyola, Wilshire (FWC) (2,097; 2.- 048; 1,719; 1;248; 2,296; 60^$1) — “Wabash Avenue” (20th). Just okay $42,000. Last week, “Three Came Home” (20th), slow $37,200. Hollywood,^ Downtown, Wiliem (WB) (2,756; 1,767; 2,344; 60-$l)^ “Destination Tokyo” (WB) and “God Is Go-PilOt”^(WB) (reissues). Okay $23,000 or hear. Last whek, “Rosie Otoady’^ (WB) (2d wk), $ 21 , 200 . Loew’s State, Egyptian (UA) (2,- 404; 1,538; 60-$l)—“Reformer and Redhead” (M-G).Mild $19,000. Last week, “Outriders” (M-G), $ 20 , 200 . Hillstreet, Pantages (RKO) (2,- 890; 2,812; 50-$l)-—“Woman of Dis- tinction” (Col) and. “Customs Agent” (Col). Slow $22,000. Last week; “Capture^V (RKO) and “Mili- tary Academy” (Col), only $17,000. LUs Angeles, Hollywood Para- mounts (F&M) (3,398; 1,451; 40- $1)—“Captain Carey” (Par) With stage bill at L: A. only^ (2d wk-5 days). Near $11,000. Last week, fair $24,000. United Artists; Rltz, Vogue, Stu- dio City; Culver (UA-FWC) (2,100; 1,370; 885; 1,145; 60 t$ 1)—‘I Was Shoplifter” (U) and “Rapture" (FC). Modest $21,OOO. Last week, “One Way Street” (U) and “Harbor Missing Men” (Rep) (10 days), $29,- ■■400,- ■■ ' ^ Orpheum (D’towh) (2,210; 50-95) -^“Traveling Saleswoman” (Col) (2d-run), with eight acts ^yaude. Slow $13,000. Last week,. ‘‘Killer Shark” (Mono) (2d run) ^th eight acts vaude, $13,400. Four Star (UA) (900; 60-$l)-— “Rigoletto” (Indie) (3d wk). Near $2,000. Last Week, $2,700. Fine Arts (FWC) (679; $1-$1,80) —“Third Man” (SRO) (3d wk). Perky $7,800. Last week, $7,600. •f on Estimated Total Gross This Week . . ., .$517»800 (Based: on 19 theatres, > Last Year V . .. $577,500 ffiosed 6ft 17 theatres.) Lpuisville, May 2. Biz is hot too hefty this week on the main stbm, with bulk of local attention focused on the spring meet at Churchill Downs which opened Saturday (29). Film houses usually don't get much at- tention frona Derby visitors who are here solely because of the in- terest in ' the gee-gOes. Way olit in front is ‘Trancis ■ at Rialto with solid session, in sight. “Nevadan” at State is only fair. : , Estimates for This Week Mary AhdersoU (People's) (1,260; 45-65)—“Rosie O’Grady” (WB) (2d wk). Musical pic gettihg healthy play, and fine $6,000 this week. Last week, $7,000. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3,000; 45-65)-.-“Francis” (U). While this town is not interested in mules this weeki this looks solid $14,000. Last week, “Biding High” (Par), below hopes at $12,000. State (Loew's) (3,000; 45-65)^ “Nevadan” (Col) and ‘Tather Is Bachelor” (Col). Modest $11,500. Last Week, “Conspirator*' (M-G) and “Black Haiid” (M-G), medium •$ 10 , 000 . Strand (FA) (1,400; 45-65)—“Sun- downers'* (EL) and “Fighting Stal- lion” (EL). Average $4,500. Last week, “Cheaper By Dozen” (20th) (m.o.), neat $5,500. ^ DAMNED^ M1U)19G 13G, 'OutrHle)rs^Dim 9G Pittisburgh, May 2. Biz continues on skids here with only dent bein^ made by “daugh- ter of Rosie O^Grady” at the Stan- ley. Otherwise the doldrums per- sist “The •Outridea^** probably won't last week out at the- Penn. Both “Under My Skin'* at Fulton and “Woman of Distlnetion” at Harris are slow,:; "^Estimates for This Week Barry (Skirball) (1,100,‘ 43-80)— “Great Rupert” (EL) and ‘'Golden Gloves Story'* (EL). Despite kind words for Jimmy Durante in “Ru- pert,” hot doing so well at $4,- 000. V La^ week,; “Gun CraaW^' (UA), same. FuUon (Shea) (1,700; 45-80)^ “Under My Skin” (20th): Down m. dumps ,als6 with $4,506 lowest here in some : time. Last week, “Buccaneer’s Girl” (U), $6,600. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 45-80)-^ “Woman of Distinctibn” (Col). Slow $8,500. Last week, “Cheaper By Dozen” (20th) (3d wk), socko $ 8 , 000 . Pehn (Loew's) (3,300; 45r80)^ ^Outriders” (M-G). Sldw start and not more than $9,000 for 5 days looms. “Champagne for Caesar” (UA) opens May 4. Last week, ^‘Riding High” (Par), big disappointment at $13,000, after strong getaway. Senator (Astor) (1,750; 45-80)^ “HellfirC** (Rep) and vaude. Policy fades with this show after month's try and closes down Thursday (4) for summer to convert into legit. Light $7,000 oh tap. Last week, “Father Is Bachelor” (Col) and bUl headed by Gus Van, ditto. Stanley (WB) (3,800; 45-80)-^ “Rosie O'Grady'' (WB). Good $13,- 000 or over, some better than re- cent pix here. Last week, “Cap^ tkin Garey^ (Par), around $10,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 45-80)— “Baron of. Arizoha” (Up) and “Operation Haylift” (Lip). Weak $5;50Q. Last week, “Destination Tokyo*^ (WB) and *‘God Is Co- Pilot” (WB) (reissues), $6,500. 'Pamned’ Sockaroo 25G, Key CitI Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week ..;;; :$*,29S>000 oh 23 cities» 208 the- atres^ chiefly ^first runs, ihcliid- "ihflf Y,) c " Total Gross Same Week Last Year ..,,... $2,655,00 , . (Based on 24 cities dnd 208 iheatres^i : Ink Minneapolis, May 2. Local film emporiums are well- heeled with boxoffice nuggets cur- . rently. Outstanding is combo of Ink Spots-Gil Lamb onstage with “Yellow Cab Man,” huge at Radio City. “Third Man” is fancy at State. Usual weekend near-bliz- zards and icy streets will put a dent in ^kings again. Estimates for This Week : Century (Par) (1,600; .50-76)-^ “Cheaper By Dozen” (20th) (4th wk). Still very socko at $7,606 after big $8,200 previous stanza. Lyric (Par) (1,000; 50-70)-;^“Wa- bash Avenue” (26th) (m.O;). Here after fairly good Radio City week. Okay $5,000. Last week, “Riding High” (Par) (2d wk), fair $5,000. Radio City (Par) (4,000; 55-85)— ^“Yellow Cab Man” (M-G): and Ihk Spots, Gil Lamb, others, onstage. Stage show winning particular fa- vor. Huge $31,000, Last week, ‘‘Wa- bash Avenue” (26th), fairly good $15,060 at 50-70c scale. RkO-Grpheum '^RKO) (2,860; 50r 70)—“Foolish Heart”, (RKO). Fa- vorably received picture but mild $16,000 looms. Last week, “Neva- dan” (Col), $9,500. RKO-^Pan (RKO) (1,600; 50-70)-- “Eiffel Tower” (RKO), Okay $7,500, (Continued on page 20) San Francisco, May 2. Market Street film theatre biz is strictly dull currently. Warm weather plus a local general trade slump is held responsible. Neither “The Capture”'at Golden Gate nor ‘■Damned Don’t Cry’* at Fox are doing well, with biggest money go- ing to latter, Brightest spot is St, Francis where “Third^ Man” still is big inu fourth week. “Nancy Goes To Rib” is okay at Warfield in second round: Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2,844; 60- 95)_^“The Capture^* (RKO) and “Everybody's Dancin' ” (Lip). Light $10,000 or less. Last week, “Black Hand*^ (M-G) and “Storm Wyo- ming” (RKO), $i2;ooo. Fox . (FWC) (4,651; 60-95)-. “Damned Don't Cry” (WB). Mild $19,060 or less. Ldst week, “Ticket To Tomahawk” (20th), $15,500. Warfield (Loew’s) (2,656; 60-85) —“Nancy To Rib” (MtG) (2d wk). Okay $12,000. Last week, fine $18,- 500. Paramount (Par) (2,646; 60-85)—> “Stage Fright’ (WB) (2d wk). (Continued on page 20) Philadelphia, May 2. Business ephtinues spotty with few pix getting a play. Intermittent rains did not help here. Uonel Hampton’s band at the Earle bobsted “Kill or Be Killed**' tO town's top take. “Damned Don't Cry” looms as best filmer at Boyd. “Champagne for Caesar” broke fast at Goldman. “House by River,” at Aldine, looks okay. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1,303; 50-99)— “House by River” (Rep). Okay $8,600 or near. Last week: “Four Days Leave” (FG); $5,000. Boyd (WB) (2,360; 50-99)— “Damned Don*t Cry” (WB), Big $25,006. Last week, “Womau of Distinctibn” (Col) (2d wk), $10,000. Earle (WB) (2,70(1; 50-99)-^“Kill or Be Killed” (EL) with Lionel Hampton orch onstage. Sock $30,- 000. Last week, “Mark Gorilla” (Col) with King Cole Trio onstage^ okay $25,000. Fox (20th) (2,250; 50-99)— ‘‘Cheaper By ■ Dozen” (20thi (3d wk). 'Socko $16,000. One of few pics lately to ‘^get . third stanza here. Last week, smart $21,000. Goldman (Goldman) (1,200; 50- 99):—“Champagne Caesar’* (UA). Neat $12,500. Last week» “Yellow cab Man” (M-G) (3d wk), $8,600. Karlton (Goldman) (1,000; 50-99) (Continued oh page 20) V. ^ Providence, May 2. Grosses are moderate all around this vweek with nothing doing ex- citing biz. Holding their own are /‘Champagne for Caesar” at Loew’s State, “No Man Of Her Own” at jStrand and “Capture” at RKO Al- bee. Majestic’s ‘barricade” looms poor.- Estimates for Tills Week ; Albce .SlKO) (2,200; 44-65)>-- “The Capture” (RKO)' and “Hid- den Room” (RKQ). Average $11,000 or over: Last week, ‘‘Ma, Pa-Kettle To Town” (U) and “Dynamite Pass” (RKO), neat $13,000.. Carlton ^ (Fay) (1,400; 44-65) — “Baton of Arizona” (Lip) and “Everybody's Dancing’* (Lip). Fair $6,500. Last week, reissues. Fay's (Fay) (1,400; 44-65)-^“1 Was Male Bride" (20th) and vaude opstage. Fairish $6,500. Last week, “Red Pony” (Rep> and: Vaude, good $7,000. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 44-65) — ^‘Barricade” (WB) and “Operation Haylift” (SG). Poor $8,000. “Last Week, “Cheaper By Dozen” (20th) and "Tarnished” (Rep) (2d wk), fast $14,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100; 44- 65) — “Sundowherg’* (EL) and “Great Rupert" (EL). Fair $8,000. Last iVeek, “Gapt. Carey” (Par) and “Girl In Heart” (Mono), $8,- 500 in: 9 days. State (Loew> (3,260; 44^65)— “Champagne for Caesar’* (UA) and “Beauty oii Parade" (Col). Just average $16,000 br near. Last week, •“Outriders’* (M-G) and “Intruder [In Dust” (M-G), $16,500. Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44-65) —‘No Man Of Her Owh"' (Par). Good $12,000. Last week,“Cargo Capetawn” (Col) and ‘‘Wonderful Lie” (Cpl), same. y Cleveland, May 2. This: is a solld:^ for the State where ‘‘Riding High” is cghtering to a jackpot gfbss and holdbyeri, “Daughter of Rosie O’Grady’V bigger Hipp but over the house’s hump“ Allen shapes fairly nice wlth“Baron of Arizona,” as result bf good salesmanship. "Laugh Happy** on second tounef* at Esquire still is nic^ Annual American - Canadian 'Sportsmen's Show is providing a bit of opposi- tion:- Estlihatcs for This Week ;.Allen (Warners) (3,600; 55-70) “Baron ot Arizona" (Lip). Good $10,000. Last week, “Cheaper by Dozen” (20th) (3d wk). big $9,500. Esquire (Conimunity) (704; 55- 70)^‘XDVe Happy” (UA) (2d wk). Extra-nice $5,500 following $7,000 first folio, Hipp (Warners) (3,760; 55-70) — “Rosie O'Grady” (WB). Middling $15,600. Last weekj "Woman of Distinction” (Col), $12,500. Lower Mall (Cbmmuhity) (565; 55-70)—“Titan" (Indie). Satisfac- tory $3,500. Last week, “Pagliacci" (Indie) (2d wk),: $2,300. Palace (RKO) (3,^; 65-70i) — “Wabash Ayehue’* (20th) (2d wk). Down to $9,500, after good $14,500 last week. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-70) — “Riding High” (Par). Looks solid $14,000 for Bing Crosby opus. Holds. Last week, "Ma, Pa Kettle to Town”: (U), with Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbride in three per- sonals, $10,000; StUlman (Loew’s) (2,700; 55-70)— “Side Street” (M-G). Thin $3,000 in 4 days. Last week, “Black Hand" (M-G), fairish $9,000. ‘Shoes’ Fast $11,000 In Port.; ‘adMon’bk tO, 2d “Portland, Ore., May 2. ; ^ Biz looks good this week. Nice weather, good product and few transient attractions are helping the boxoffice at first-runs. “Red Shoes” at popular prices at Para- mount and Oriental shapes nice. “Love Happy” At Broadway looks big and “Kid From Texas” is sock at Mayfair. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (1,836; 50-85) —“Love Happy" (UA) and “The Great Plane Robbery” (UA). Big $9,000 or Over. Last week, “Man With Horn” (WB) and “Far Fron- tier" (Rep), same. Mayiair (Parker) (1,500; 56-85) —“Kid From Texas” (U) and “Black Savage” (indie). Sock $6,- 500. Last week, “Black ^ Hand” (M-G) and “Stagecoach Kid” (RKO), $3:500. Oriental (Evergreen) (2,000: 50- 85)—-“Red Shoes'* (EL), at pop prices and day-date with Para- mount. GoOd $3,500. Last week, '‘Ticket To Tomahawk** (20th) and “Radar Secret Service” (Indie)). $3,760. Orpheum (Evergreen) (1,750; 50- 85 )t^“W oman of Distinction” (Col) and “Western Pacific Agent” (Lip). Ok^^ $7,500. Last week. “Riding High (Par) and “Traveling Sales- woman” (Col) (2d wk), $6,400, Paramount (Evergreen) (3,400; 50-85)—“Red Shoes” CEL).^ Popu- lar prices, also Oriental. Fine $7,- 5Q0. Last week, “Ticket Toma- hawk” (20th) and “Radar Secret Service" (indie), $7,000. United Artists (Parker) (890; 50- 85)—“Third Man" (SRO) (2d wk). Smash $7,000. Last week, $9,300. - i .Boston, May 2. Biz is ,down to . a slow walk around town tWs stanza with new /product at most major houses nm up;to expectattphs. "Wagonmaster’* at Memorial, "Stage Fright” at Met and “Conspirator** at State and Orpheum are only average bt less. “Barricade** at Paramount and FenVy^ay looks okay; “3d Man" is; holding hicely at Astor in fourth weeki and “Blacfci Haiid” *01 Pil. grim ^shapes oke for second stanza, BsUmates for This Week Astor (Jaycoxi: <1,200: 50-95) — “Third Man” (SRO> (4th wk). Okay $10,000 after $12,500'for third. « Beacon Hill (Beacon Hill) (786: 40-95)—‘H Travatore’* (Indie) (2d wk). Holding'to about $7,006. Last I Boston (RKO) <9,206; 40-85) — “Back to Batalan" and “Cbina Sky’’ <RKO) (reissues). Drab^ $11,000. Last week, “Captive? (l^KO) and “Outrages of Orient" (Indie), $12,^ ■500. Fenway. (NET) (1,373; 40-85) “Barricade** (WB) and “Woman from Headquarters’* (Indie). Oke $6,000. Last week, “Singing Guns” (Rep) and “Harbor Missing Men?* (Rep).,$3.000 in 5 days. Mayflower (ATC) (700; 35-85)— “Cargo Capetwoh" (Col) (2d wk). Poor $2,000 after $2,800 for first. Memorial (RKO) (3,560; 40-85)— “Wagonmaster" (WB). Nsh $16,- 000 in view. Last week, “Wabash Avenue" (20th) (2d wk). fair $13,- 000. ^ Metropolitan (NET) ^4,367; 46- 85) — "Stage Fright? (WB) and “Square Dance Katy” (Indie): Thin $18,000. Last week, “Cheaper by Dozen” (20th) and "Boy From In- diana" (EL), $13,506 in 3 days of third week. Orpheum (Loewi (3,000; 40-85)— “Conspirator (M-G) an d "The Palomino" (Col), Opened riowly Saturday (29). Last week, “Cham- pagne for Caesar” (UA) and ^‘Bodyhold" (Col). Mild $16,000. Pafamonnt (NET) (1,700; 40-85) —“Barricade** (WB) and “Woman From Headqjuarters" (Indie). Mild- ish $11,000. Last week, “Singing Guns" (Rep) and “Harbor Missing Men” (Rep), $7,500 In 5 days. PlIrHm (ATC) (1,706; 35-85) — “Black Hand” (M-G) and “Side Street” (M-G) (2d wk). Okay $10,- 500 after $15,000 for ffrst. State (LoCw) (3,500; 40-85)— “Conspirator” (M-G) and “The Palomino” (Col). Slow $10,000 shap- ing. Last week, “Champagne for Caesar” (UA) and "‘Bodyhold’* (Col), $11,00: i I Seattle, May 2; Seattle’s bbxbffice Is very spotty this round. “Cheaper by Dozen" shapes big while both '‘Loye Happy” and “Third Man” are do- ing well. Elsewhere the takings are mostly llghL some: being very drab. Estimates for This Week Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,877; 59- 84)—“Love Happy** (UA) and “Girl San Lprenzb" (UA). Good $9,000 or near. Last week, “Tomahawk" (20th) and “Kill or Be Killed" (EL), okay $7,800. Fifth Avenue'(Evergreen) (2,349: 59-84)—“Third Man” (SRO) and “Beauty on ► Parade** (Col). Nice $10,060 or over. Last Aveck, ''Woman of Distinction” (Col) and “Military Academy” (Col), oke $7,700. Liberty (Hamrick)- (1.650; 59-84) —“Conspirator” (M-G) and “Black Hand” (M-G) (2d wk): Down to $5,500 after big $9,400 opener. Music Box (Hamrick) (850; 59- 84)—“Ginderella” (RKO) (5th wk). Okay $3,066 in 6 days. week, $4,200.. ; ■ Music Hall (Hamrick) (2,200: 59- 84)^“YelloW Cab Man” (M-G) and “Side Street" (M-G) (2d wk). Off to $7,500 after great $13,500 last Week. Orpheum (Hamrick) (2,600; 59- 84)—“Stage Fright” (WB) and “Everybody’s Dancing” (Indie). Drab $5,000. Last week, “Bai rir' cade” (WB) and “Harbor Missing Men” (Rep), $6,300 in 6 days. Palomar (1,350: 25-$l)—“Paid in Full” (Par) (2d run), plus stage- show. Slow $4,500. Last week, “Gun Crazy" (UA). (2d run) with Kay Starr topping stageshow, fine $ 8 , 000 . Paramount (Evergreen) (3,039; 59-84) — “Cheaper By Dozen (20th), and '‘Killer Shark" (Mono), Sock$16,000 Or better. Last week,; “Riding High" (Par) and “Danger- ous Profession’* (RKO) (3d wk-5 days), $5,000.