Variety (May 1950)

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ORl^MESTB AS-MIJSIC AiTeiliiesflay^ May 17, 1950 I proudly preseiitiiij? tlie thrilling voice of a iiiagniiice;iit prodiictiou of ; Ahie|*ica^s favorite operetta Music by Sigmund Romberg Lyrics by Dorothy Donnelly lANE WILSON LEE SWEETLANO GLORIA LANE Orchestra and Male Chdriis Under Direction of VICTOR YOUNG available IN BOTH 33 1/3 oitd 78 RPM DECCA DL 7008 Ip-in. Long Play Microgroove Unbreakable Record Price $3 85 (Inc. Fed. Tax) PIECCA PAU^771 Four lOdn. 78 RPM Peccqlife’*' Records Price $!4.;75 (plus tax) ; ^ 'inbVealtaijtld Undoir Normal Us* DECCA RECORDS RETAIL DISK BEST SELLERS —— P%niETT~~'^ SuTvey of retail disk best sellers, based bti^ reports op tained from leading ptoses in. 12 cities ond sHoteingi cony parative sales rating for this and last week.' NatiGiial Rating Tbis LeisI wk. wk. MU Artistr Label, Title &: ' n •CO -I (S 1 1 2 3 3 5 4’ 4 , 5 12 6 A 15 6B .. 8A 6 8B 10 lOA 12 lOB . IIA 16 llB 8 12A r. 12B . . i3A 13 13Bv 7 13C > 13D 14 :i3E 16 15A ... 15B 13 15C ANTON KARAS (London) **third iitan Theiiie*^~536 BILLY ECRSTINE (M-G-M) “My YooHsh Heart’*-—10623A . : .. :BlLL:SNYDER :(T0w6r)' ' ' ;“BeM4tched“-^1473 v. . .. SAMMY KAYE (Victor) “It Isn't Fair“^20-36()^. ...... GORDON JENKINS IDecca) ’ “My Foolisb Hearr—24830 ;.... SAMMY .KAYE ■(Victor) .• “lVanderin*:*^-^20-3680 ,: : V PERRY COMO (Victor) “lIoop-Dee-DooV—20-3747 V..;... EILEEN BARTON (Mercury) “Knew You Were Coniing*--—5392. MILLS BROS. (Decca) “Daddy’s Little Girl“~-24872.;,.. DORIS PAY (Columbia) “Bewitched”—38680 . . . GORDON JENKINS (Decca) “Bewitched’^24983 :; ........ E. MEHMAN-R. BOLOER (DeccaV “Dearie”:—24873 .... . .;. : HUGO WINTERHALTER (Victor) *^Count Eveiy Star’’^()-3697B ■ HOAGY CARMICHAEL (Decca) “Piano Roll Blues”-—24977 > .. AMES BROS. (Coral) “Sentimental Me”—6()140... 1 . JOHNNY DESMOND (M-G-M) “crest Si Bon^’—10613.. RAY ANTHONY (Capitol) “Count Every Star”—979 ;. ..,.. DORIS DAY (Columbia) “Enjoy Yourself”—38709 ,.. LARRY COOK (Abbey) “Piano Roll Blues”—15003 , ,. BLUE BARRON (M-G-M) “Honestly I Love You”-—10672... VICTOR YOUNG (Decca) “La Vie En Rose’^—24816 GUY LOMBARDO (Decca) “Third Man Thenie”-^24839 ., ANDREWS SISTERS (Decca) n Wanna Be Loved”r-^27007..... :• PATTI PAGE : (Mercuiy) “With My Eyes Wide Open”^5344 TERESA BREWER (London) “Music, Music/Music”—604... LARRY GREEN (Victor) , “Bewitched”—20-2329A ....... 1 3 2 i 5 .V 12 3 1 •4;'.:3:'- 2 2 ...3.-/,. A 6:1 i:-'.. 7 9 2 ' ■■■ 7 2 . 8: 6 .. 2/.. .. 3 -2 .... ■■.„■■■// V. . 4 5 6 ...... . ^. .. 8.' * A' ■ * * f. • ' * 7 7 •k .1 • ■ .9 « '« • • 3 .. .. 8 1 7 .. 5 . . 1 9 ■' .. .... . 4 *. .... 3 6 . . SOUTH PACIFIC At BUM S Broadway Cost PARKED y WITH STRINGS Chat. ParVtr GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES Broodway Cait: " '4.. . SONGS OF BILLY KKSTiNB Billy Eclttlino Label Decca London Victor M-G-M Tower .. In Comeback 25 15 living Berlin, who dates liis ca- reer from 1911, no\v\sees one of Ju$ 1914 songs on the threshold of a comeback. It’s titled “piay ^ Simple l^elQdy,” from the first legit musical he ever V.wioip ’’W atch-Your Step.” In the likew upcoming of this song, as against several abortive attempts by Bei- lin to force ’‘revivals/’ the veteran sorigsmith Jias come to the eon- clu$ion that the pendulum in puh- lic tastes has likewise completed .a-.:Cycle.. ‘ ■ “I’ln forced to the opinion that this yen for ‘the good old days’ if erroneous; that the young peo- ple in 1950 are merely manilestihg a liking for the same things that the young folks liked a generation or t\vff ago. It should really not be surprising that the things tJv boys and girls like today in inusic is of the Same calibre as what tlrelF mothers and fathers liked in the .1920s and before that period ’’’ The Dixieland music revival; the return to the. two-beat and the ac- cent on melody may be a revei- sion , against bebop and certain other advanced Jazz forms, but Berlin has always been of the opinion that certain basic facto i s, particularly as regards melodv! could never be eclipsed or blacked Out on any grounds of being ieky or old fashioned. “Play a Simple Melody.” inci- dentally, happened accidentally when Groucho. Marx adlibbed it bn a Bing Crosby guestef, and later the latter did it wiUi his son Gary Crosby on another program, re- sulting in Dinah Siiorej Jo Staf- ford, Phil Harris and other record- ings. The song itself was done cas- ually in “Watch Your Step” in one of those crinoline rdutihes of rag- time (Charles King) versus melody (Sally Fisher). It was a Charles Dillingham production which also ,had Vernon and Irene Castle, Elizabeth Brice and Harry Kelly ill the cast. When the show broke in in Syracuse it also had a jug- gler who stopped the show so cold that nothing could follow him, and .Dillingham knew that if he was to have a show he’d have to let that overly socko juggler go. Gene Buck, then Florenz Ziegfeld’s chief producer, was also catching ‘‘Watch Your Step” in Syracuse. He quickly sighed the jugglei — one Vf Ci Fields^for Ziegfcld: K. C. Centennial Bands YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN Harry Jam**/ Day : • Kansas City, May 16. Muehlebach hotel is going in for strong lineup of bands during the city’s formal centennial cele- bration, official dates for Which are June 3-July 4. Barney Joflfee, who sets bands for the hotel’s dinner rooni, Ter- race Grill, has signed Joe Reich- man crew for two-week stand be- ginning June 7. He’ll be followed by Glen Gray and Jack Fina crews, each in for two Weeks. Don Reid erew winds the stand May 16. with Billy Bishop Coming in for three- week pre-Centehnial stand. WILHELMINA New York Roy Hamerslag sighed as road manager by Sammy Kaye, replac- ing John Hall, who joined Jimmy Dorsey. Hamerslag was formerly With Sliep Fields. . . . Guy Lom- bardo starts his 15th stand at the Waldorf-Astoria Starlight Hoof, N.Y.,, June 1 . . . Elliot Lawrence plays a week at Coney Island, Cim cinnati, beginning June 9 .V ; Gene Schwartz on an extended plugging jaunt throught the east and mid- west for Ben Bloom Music ahd Crest Music. Murray “Bliihpy” Blank, former trumpeter with Art Moohey,' toot- ing and doubling in comedy roles with Johnny Guarnleri orch on the Morey Amsterdam video show . . . Don McGraiie, band opens at the Cavalier Hotel Beach Club, Vir- ginia . Beach, Va;, Friday (19) for : two weeks . . Irving Fields sailing oh the He de Prance Saturday (20) Toast to Israel,” to Dr, Chaim Weizmann ... Jerry Levy took over personal mahagement of RoSetta Perry, Negro, songstress newconier. Gal has a Decca record contract under whibh she has waxed sides [ for the label’s sepia catalog. . Chicago for a four-week European vacasli. Pianist-leader will visit Israel and present his new composition, “A Capitors Lee Gilletie in last week to record Jan Garber orch, how at Trianon ballroom here . , . SkitCh Henderson goes back on road again, operiing at Lakeside Park, . Denver, July 2$; for two Weeks after some one nighters * . . Tommy Ryah to Melody Mill here June 28 for five weeks . . . Larry Fotihe to Centennial. Terrace, Sylvahia, O., June 17 for five days. . . . Don Ragon . into Dutch Mill, Deleyan Lake, Wise,, June 30 for two weeks . . , Michael Music has shuttered its Chi officer releasing Chi contactman Phil Miller Henry Biisse to Orpheum theatre, Omaha, July 7 for a week . . , ■ George . Shearing into Blue Note here May 29 for two weeks , , . Erwin Barg, Chi manager for Robbins Music, im New York visit- ing homeoffice . . Blue Barron set for eight weeks at Blackhawk here starting July 12 ... Joe Reich- man to Mubhiebach ■ hotel, Kansas City, for two weeks starting June 7 , . HarmoniCats to Zanzibar Club, Denver, May 19, then to Last Frontier, Las Vegas, June 2 for two weeks . . . Eddy HoM'ard cut four sides for Mercury this week, with Harry Geller in from Coast to supervise . . Liberace to Fox theatre, Detroit, week of June 16. . , ..Ted Weems to Pleasure Pier, Galveston, June 9 to 27 . . /Teddy Phillips to Peabody h otel, Memphis, June 12 for. two week’s, followed by Griff Wiillams June 26 for two weeks . . . TeX Benecke to play for ‘.‘Froritier Day” celebra- tion at Cheyenne June 24 to 29.' . . , Ghuok Foster into Aragon ball- room June 20 to July 16 . /. Dick Jurgens follows into Aragon July 18 for four weeks , . . Jack Fina into Muehlebach July 5 for two Weeks .. V Bill McCune and buintCt LEO into Glass JHat May 17 for entire summer, congress Hotel room summer, congress Hotel room will set up $2.50 dinner policy . ; . Benny Strong to Forest Park High- lands, St. Louis, July 21 foi: two weeks.