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Variety (July 1950)

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yx&mw a Wednesday, July 26, 1950 RCA •A George PUTNAM Star of I ■■■■■DUMONT, Wednesday, 10 PM. Sponsored by: TIDE WATER OIL CO. Makers of *T.V. Producer: j:erry gross *Tydol—Vt«iol News Editors: LEE PUTNAM and EDDIE HIGGINS DIXON “Perry Mason” “Life Can Be Beaut Edward R. Murrow Pr —CBS —NBC -CBS CBS-TV, as Sheriff Bob Dixon Personal Representative: KAY ROBERTS Press Relations: SIDNEY ASCHER ASSOCIATES Continued from page 34 s=il that: ‘The essence of this question is the comparison of the critical feature of color rather than the size of the picture’.” Cahill noted that CBS had also criticized the picture texture in reception on black-and-white sets of RCA color transmissions. “It even went to the extreme of deny- ing that the RCA system is .‘com- patible*,” he said. “It failed to mention that Dr. (Peter) Goldmark ^Cl3S engineer); had admitted the RCA system is compatible.” More- oyer, Cahill said, CBS made the “ridiculous claim” that it has the “most nearly compatible of the three systems.” Condon Commit- tee, Ije said, “confirmed in two words what everybody knows, that the CBS system is ‘Not Compati- ble’.” Cahill added: “In respect of compatibility «*id the RCA system, CBS again dem- onstrated how extreme and irre- sponsible is the language of its proposed findings. It said the RCA system has 4 , . a bare possibility of compatibility:. . at some time' in the future . The Condon Committee defined compatibility in terms of the ‘.quality of image rendered on existing sets.’ For the RCA system, it commented that this is ‘excellent.’ “In fact, the CBS document of June 26 is not proposed ‘findings’ at all or even a marshalling of the ‘major’ or ‘relevant- evidence. It is., instead, a highly argumentative brief.” • , New Rate Hike Continued from page 35 get $1,000. Spots and station break announcements on the same four stations are to be $500, N. Y.; $100, Washington; $120 for Cleveland, and $200. Chicago. Class B and Class C rates are also to be adjust- ed upwards. Basic time rates remain the same for KNBH, Hollywood, NBC’s fifth o.&o. operation, but that outlet, too, is subject tc the revised frequency discount schedule. Web has ruled out discounts on spot commercials and station breaks in all Class A time periods. For Class B and C times, the maximum discount al- lowable for 260 times or more is 10 %. In forwarding the new rate schedules to agencies and adver- tisers, NBC pointed out that tele- vision set circulation in the four cities due for upped time charges has increased an average of 47%. Sets in the metropolitan N. Y. area during the last six months, for ex- ample, jumped 39%, so that the new rates make for an actual de- crease in cost-per-thousand of 21%. Cost per-thousand decrease in Washington is 22%; in Cleveland i it’s 25%, and in Chicago 17%. j As usual when new rates go into effect, orders accepted prior to the effective date are to be protected , for six months after that date. On i WNBT, WNBK and WNBQ, how-1 ever, commitments made for soots i and station breaks in Class A time will be protected at current rates and discounts for three months only. TV FILM SHOW National film organization, headquar- ters In New York City, needs top- notch salesmen for Its TV department In various territories. A rare oppor- tunity for the right men. Offering a drawing account plus additional earn- ings based on performance to aggres- sive salesmen in. their 30's accus- tomed to earning In excess of $10,000 a year. Men with following in radio or TV field and with college education preferred. Send resume for appoint- ment when In town. Box V-527, Variety 154 W. 46th St., New York 19 ,4ITH ST., EAST (Bet. 2d ;J> 3d Aves.) EXQUISITELY FURNISHED APARTMENT 2- rooms, kitchenette on parlor floor. Newly decorated; antique furniture; Oriental rugs; new curtains, slip cov- ers. $150 month on lease thru Oct. '|j, . MRS. MABEL DETMOLD 230 E, 42th St., N. Y., ELdorado 5-1927 BETTY REILLY THE IRISH SENORITA Recently Concluded Successful Engagements CHEZ PAREE, Chicago and EL RANCHO VEGAS HOTEL, Las Vegas Management: WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY Call MR. BALLANTINE Call MR. NORTH for BALLANTINE PLaza'-7-3445