Variety (August 1950)

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Wednesday, August 2, 1950 P»laec f IV\ Y. | iv«h »»*vi j 1 ''"’j /‘rAatlnn qnfrerii from over-ar- 1 •Toimiy ^ mstei^v! Rets Bros. (2), Dale Sisters ( 2 ) ; , Dunpa^aOTjusi« S f a c While she onens fairly well with ; Kent Bros, offer trick cycling show, lects he starts cooking 'for top ap- plause. Undoubtedly, with the older nighttime audience lie will sell better. Peggy Lee, in a startling blue Orch: "MMcru Street’ (M-G). re- . ~ ish Heart." Chirping is more forte; Viewed in Variety May 17* 50. slOOI I id% A« " • for small bistros rattier than large —. Atlantic City, Julw 28. theatres. Her offering of “Be- The Palace has another diversi-, Jerry Colonna, Dorothy Claire, w ^ c h e ^’> j s casual and “Lover, fying layout. Considering modest The Cords (3 V, Bobby Whaling & Come Back to Me’’ only scores budget .and admission prices, it re- Yvette, The Eddies ( 2 V Johnny W hen the Dave Barbour quartet mains a bargain mart ofentertain- . ftjcConnell House Orch; ''The Pctlo - chimes in and comely songstress ment. . • . * . .. .huno” (Cot), gets on the beat. It's the oldie, Willr school out and the tourist —■—. “Mariana,” that? still gets the WE13K OF AUGUST % Numerals In connection with bills below Indicate openint day.otshow whothor full or split week L*tt*r In parentheses: Indicates circuit <FM) Fanchon Marco; (I) Independent; (L) Loew; (M) Moss; (P) Paramount; XR) RKO; (S> Stoll; (T) Tivoli; (W) Warner; <WR) Walter Read# rmno season in fulr swing, house is get- -with Jerry Colonna topping the j heaviest aplause. Putting the Dave ting more family audiences than m steel Pier has probably its i Barbour unit up in front, on one season; This has cued Dan pest-balanced layout so far this. side, is a mistake, as it’s hidden Friendly, house booker, to card { season. I from a larere Dortion of audience. Friendly, house booker, to cara season. from a large portion of audience. ^_of juvenile^ appeal. On this • , show gets away to fast start with It also would have been smarter Jiill Robinson s Elephant s, former- -pi le Eddies offering a fast combo to have the musicians take a tune ly featured with the Hamid-Morton • 0 j tapstering and acrobatics for ; solo. Circus, and Leroy Bros., puppet: nice returns< i Louis Basil orch backs in usual act, hit high with the moppet ti ade . Colonna comes on for. line of fine fashion. Zabe. and have similar appeal with adult come( jy patter and brings Out The —-— audience.- Cords (3\ a slick harmonica trio, Olympia. Miami . Overall, layout romps al on g. a * whose top numbers are “Dance of ." Miami, July 30. K S'' ' the Hour” and “My Devotion/’ j Andy & Della Russell, Danny , ^Mfn« tea Thp Pa T>rnvs Colonna joins them on harmonica Shaw, Olson & Joy, Bob Coffey, C. I u ltli ^if^ L t h p‘; r for fast “Stars and Stripes” to ' Ray Smith, Les Rhode House Orch; f f [9 Z j Sailer top applause, / ) “House by the -River” <Rep). a varied co11 ^?' strapless gown; goes over Well with j Another well-paced layout here voice acconipaniiuenL foi sold.- \ songs and patter. Her numbers, makes for entertaining session, sponse. WhHc “ r Feel a Song Coming On,” 4, Won- Toplirier Andy Russell, with wife, SL ^ n J^f ; derful Guy,” and Cole Porter tune t Della, hit all the way with songs 1 ^ win niaximum response. arid chatter. Russell’s stylized ver-1 A ail c^Avf 0r Colonna, in oWn slot, hits solidly sions score solidly, also duets of driimS get'o^er neatly^ in medley xvith fast Patter and tricky voice, pops and the special songs, with $ -‘Theri^f No Foodies “Girl That I Marryfrau also turning in neat chirping. ’ foSw-ana *4i£riev ”T • 1 clowns with .broken trombone- and- Off to;:, solid, returns;. >. Chester Dolohin comedv ’u^gler ' £ rabs real instrument for sock Emceeing is capably handled by ( offers standard feats Paced by* run- 1 “When Day Is Done.” “Road to Danny Shaw, who in own spot riing comedv gab P cUniaxed bv ■ ^ andalay and “It Might As Well 'works hard to garner neat re- maniDulation y of five hoops while in P e s P rin e” travestied in comic’s sponse via eccentric dances and ^ :em ^ 1116 bus ‘ rider bittqp Bobby Whaling and Yvette, in Olson .and Joy’s ado-taps tec off rf-prises of o’d fave tunes, dressed; 5° a n t ce bicycling proceedings^in^ fine. ^tyle. Haiv in nevy lyrics, for nice returnsv The tu ” 1 - Whaling s routine on break- mqnicist Bob ; Coffey i gets over in Three Arnauts, two lads and/ sis- • ? w i*^ , ^ ^ ■leughs--. as pre- okay fashion, with .slick imiWf- tei-, are equally 'valuable assets to ) l !J? e to his legit stunts. .Yvette, nients. Puppetry of C. Hay Smith comedy motif of setup in their n . lft y brunet, jiroiodes cliss and .is standout. Imaginative and ex- standard musical and bird flirta- also assists in .balancing feats. pertly handled. Lej Rhode house . tion. This perennial has been - Walk. oich backgrounds capably. ^ ; around for a long time and remains i « ■ T—T . * ^ , i-.ary. a potent applause-getter. j l*aloiii»i% S^fllllo ,!i "" —.- - — . ■? r"" —— , ■ ■ . Tommy Hanlon, Jr. # keeps come- ; Seattle, July 28. i mT * dy iri high With throwaways and] doe .Tershay. Frank Payne,* - A /i#n Running gags, whicli keep butfrorif- 1 Fileeii Macfc, Yopi Yorgeson, The 1 XxZlAJ ers chuckling as a prelude to his. Olympians C3), Ray Watkins Bouse , . • guillotine tricks. In ^ .latter he ;Orc/i (5»; “F ortuncs. of Captain - A _ brings up a lad from audience |Blood” (Col). FAGU places head in guillotine, drops the —-— i knife, but it never touches the 1 Nothing outstanding on this bill, f Xn Wnllvwood - ir," 1 -ms.» .L-i. - ^ . - "a *■-. * • V ^ ^.gciod^ suinmei -entei Pahfi Mirhpl voting Mexican. NSW YORK CITY Capitol (L) 3 Pearl Bailey Kirby Stoiie S Jay Marshall Jack Fina Ore Music Hall (I) 1 Town Topics Siiiir, Lee Sc Sins ' Jiine Winters ... . Mark Dawson Ricky Holden . Nip Nelson . ~ Raymond Paige Rockettes : Palace (R) J Lyllette . Ev elyn. Farfteji ‘ Mack, Russ. & Owen Billy Romano (4" to fill) Paramount (P) j Louis.Prima Ore Garry Morton Modemaires „ T & M Conine Roxy (I) 4 Frances Langford Carol Lynne Skippy Baxter 3 Bruises. Peg Leg Bates J.oe Jackson Jr Strand (W) 4 Martez St Lucia . 3 Lind Bros. Billy Vine Toni Harper CHICAGO Chicago (P) t Peggy Lee .. Myron Cohen Bert & HarlOtir . Hammonds Birds Oriental (I) .3 Chico Marx Gray & Jayne Yvette 3 Sherwoods Carl Sands Ore MIAMI Olympia (P) 1 Carlsons Wally- Overman Church St Hale Boylan St King Jerry . Colonna . 1 WASHINGTON Capitol (i.) 3 B & J Reedy. Kitty Kallen . Georgie' Kaye Gaudsmith Bros MONTREAL Gayoty (I) 31 Alverda Ray English . MHnten Moreland Billy Van Coliecns . ■ .; 2 Decorsays Tommy Paige . 2 Darringtons Verihettes Will. Skinner- Ore BRITAIN orch backgrounds capablj r . Laty . Robinson s Elephants, trio oi. tainment. and Yogi Yorgeson goes - u::"Wn aVmind town for baby mammoths, provide a bigtop over well with his Scandinavian ^^'^f.^^^i^ nowbeelnriin^ aura in closing slot. Trainer paces stuff. a whiie, but is oniy no ^°®Sinnm,, them through standard formations! Joe Tershay opens with a branch out as a single., Jies and other feats to evoke loud /smooth assortment of magic tricks alr ^ ady • ^noff squeals from kids in audience arid . which he sells without patter. J r °rind sonie of the siiiaJler_spots also the approval of their elders. | Utilizing,, cigarettes, hereabouts, but still needs plenty Don Albert’s House Orch .turns glasses, etc., he turns out bafflers P f work. . in usual nifty backing job. Edba. neatly scoring, particularly with Pac 9 ^ US? ndJw? ^ cigarette, cigkr arid- pipe routine/ . Palladium, Loudon Frank Payne, doubling as em- [one that sbowsj go ^ d k a a by x , T l o i cee, is in own impersonations slot. ta ^ e * ^arucuiany unen DacKeq oy London, July 24. Some of. the song impressions. 1 a , guitar. ' He should strum the Abbott & Costello, The Mcrri/• notably those of Frankie Laine and ' strings more often< working trou- JlfacS; 'Max Bygraves, Medlock ■ &. .• V-aughOr Mon'roe, are okay, but his • b a dour-style rather tnan^trying to Marlowe, Helen Ward. Mills & material needs refurbishing. ! ape the usiial nitery -singei* s antics Irene, 3 lokers , Kent , Bros. (2),; Eileen Mack does a- swift tap ;■ With a microphone.. Routming Frances Duncan , The Tiller Girls routine'for okay returns, j should be changed to keep Spanish (1 6),Skyrockets Orch. Yorgeson, a favorite here be- an . d . Mexican stuff to what s fa- -—-— ! cause of the large Scandinavian- nuhar. A few more Yanqui tunes After a succession of vocal acts descent population, starts out big would help, and sophisticated comedy the bois- with his crystal ball routine, and \ Paco shapes up as a good front terous slapstick knockabout of Ab-. gfffs big returns for renditions of i man for a Latune combo; he s got bott & Costello is something differ- “I Don’t Give a Hoot,” “The Bees the voice arid a good sense of Songs 15 Mins. Larry Potter's, No. Hollywood Paco Michel, young Mexican Palladium, London London, July 24. minutes of hilarious entertainment. Diggers’ Sweetheart.” * With the finest slapstick London Closing act. the Olympians* do a JAMES JARDINE has seen in years. Hollywood com-, fine job on the trampoline, with Dance ica move from one situation to. an- comic scoring particularjy. Trio 1 Mins.; Three other for maximum laughs and ap-' also does some unusual balancing Palace, N. Y. . . . plause. ] routines arid closes with a smash .'.-This-^ duo, which matriculated in Funsters launch into turn With double-twisting-somersault with } midwest bistros and theatres, make high pressure crossfire for a somersaulter landing on key man’s nice impression here on. first N. Y. Qolid 15-minutes of high hilarity, j shoulders. appearance. Both lad and gal. have Then, they move into their skits' Ray Watkin’s orchestra backs neat appearance and sufficient. With chirper Helen Ward -givirig ; proceedings okay. Reed. personality and talent to project neat assist their Wares foi’ maximum returns. Next phase allows for the intro- Chicago. Chi . Tll f y s ^ art . of ^, wi ,\ lv a neat preci- 4ueU«k of Medlock fc Marlowe Chicago. July 28. rf^ChS-cWll U1 BetS* 1 Hiitton^ C Orson Hallow, Bob H ai >>niohd’s a "^ n ,j 0 ' S o^fi v ^^y lC fbovder WeUM^ttdotheraf^^toally^the'^LOuh^Basil optimum .returns. Got' Whole outfit becomes involved in Orch: !"My 9 Frien<l Irma Goes !'Jn| r '^ "hohld lr, ()o PP ^°ok^ v 1n 0t other a riotous dentists s chair sequence West” (WB). i? n< L 0Ka -^ pj? 1 ! 10 ' in which Costello gets plenty man- —; vauders , niteiies or video. Edba. handling. .. ■ * Present a combination of ■dti/i't tt i- o l.* \t*a * Close harmony singing of The standard vaude turns and bistro 1>M1 XiaUlS 2 thl JNlteneS Merry Macs, the only other Ameri- : acts. Surprisingly enough, the mi- Ta Pmirt fnr Nah PavniAiit can act on bill, reacUly finds favor nor acts garner major applause, 10 Court lor JNonTraymeiU with the customers. This superb .with exception of Myron Cohen. Chicago, Aug. 1. team of singers click in a medley, ‘ who starts slow but builds for Broadcast Music, Inc., charged •‘Bewitched” and a spiritual, among | heavy payoff. in Chi Federal District . Court last Others, for solid returns. | Berk and Hallow, youthful tap- week that two Chi niterles* The Newcomer to the Palladium who pers, set a neat pace with their Blackhawk and The Cairo Lounge scores is British comedian Max footwork and Bob Hammond s had been olaving BM1 trine's for Bygravfes, with a fluent flow of com- Birds, white cockatoos still cap- the past six months without' pay- ic patter. ture the kiddie audience with merit F i Mills & Irerie put over a fast their antics. A Wai nf niriA inmxc Juggling act which mainly follows It’s rarely that a dialectician n laint noints nut wllr!’ .vftiS the usual pattern, but the slapstick comedian goes over in this house P whi^ dancing or The Three Jokers is of and Myron Cohen has a little diffi- upQ1 . 1 ; „ attpine ya for BMI the crude and obvious type that’s culty at first scoring with the early await an answer, they have in the foreign to the West End. afternoon audience With some of meantime secuied an injunction to Show tees off with a new Tiller his Yiddish accented material. e * 1J 1 01 *} mtertes against further Girls routine,' with .a tomtom He’s a welcome change from the violations. Law allows a minimum ‘background, and the dance cued to punchier type of coniedian. and $250 damage for each infringc- the slow rhythmib tempo. The' when he gets into the broader dia- ment. ASTON Hippodrofne.' <l) 31 Will Murray . : Roy Leo. BIRMINGHAM Hippodrome (M) 31 Harry Lester Co B St M Konyot 4 El; Granada?; Lester’s Midgets BLACKPOOL Grand <l> 31 Josef. Locke. J RadcUffe Co Francis St Gray . Joaii Stuart Annettes Ladias Jimrny Wheeler Larry Drew: Opera House (I) 31 ' Tessie O’Shea Nat Jackley Jerry Desmonde Terry-Thomas Ben Yost Guards 5 Glanders [ Sheila Mathews : Maureen Sims Tiller Girls Palace . (I) 31 Radio Revellers 2 I.ppoardog .- Danny Lipton Virginia Lee Stainless Stephen ' Arthur Worsley Devecri Sc'- N. Y. Blondes ' Pierre Bel Vernon, Sc VaT . . Tower Circus (I) 31 Charlie Cairoli . Paul Co'.. Ernie's ' Sealions . Gilbert Houcke Pierre Alizes Jacques & Maryse . 7 Ashtolis Roberto Chiesa Co 3 Peters Baudy’s -Animals Knie’s- Horses 3 Goetachis . Dorchesters Laconas .Timmy Scott i Annettes : Clrcusettes • Balcombes WINTER GARDEN Pavilion (I) 31 Jimmy Edwards Joy Nichols' Dick- Bentley Costello Twiiis Nino Wonder Dog St Clair Sc. Day 3 Rassi Peter. Grant Patricia Hartley Bobby Beaumont BOSCOMBE . Hippodrortie (I) 31. Billy Whitaker -Minii Law B Sc M Clayton C Fairweather Phil Lester Pat Hagen Sonny Hughes Elizabeth Parsons Eric Marsh . Hi Diddle Diddle Debs Terry’s Juveniles BRADFORD Alhambra (M> 31 Reg DiXoiv . Ryan & Young Mary. Naylor Cynthia & Gladys : Allen Bros St J V Seaforth Bill Waddington ■ Flying Comets BRIGHTON Hippodrome (M) 31 .Tommy' Barbara Perry .Lois Green Hajl, Norman A L' Bentley-Sis Virginians L'cs Marchanti BRISTOL Empire (I) 31 Frank Fox ..-Co Maurice -Keary Margret Scott. Dorothy Williams. . Les Jones Johnnie La.voock Co Jay-Deo Girls j Hippodrome (S) 31 I Billy Cotton Bd • i Harry Kahno ■La Esterollu Kemble Bros St C Mr. Lyons Dorthy Gray St Bro Charles Hague CARDIFF • • New (S) 31. I Nila. CT.ol'f ! Bert .Brownhlli Fred Stone, Nancy Hurne j Stella Kern hall Harold Childs Wilfred Johns i CHELSEA l Palace (I) 41 Charlie Ellis Sheti-Tuns Paul Sc Pauline : 2 Konyots ' Marie Joy Paula Coutts . E J Wood Peter. Keiiyon Dan Jarrett 16 Dancihg Feet • 1 DERBY ; Grand fS) 31 Hal. Monty Johnny Dennis Co Rosemary Andree Fiacjc Sc Lucas Margerite St . Charles . Zio Angels Kirk Stevens EAST HAMPTON Palace (I) 3V. Vic Gordon Peter . Colville Anna Mac • Patricia Sc Colin Gwynne Evans 6 8 ' Fischer Girls Norhian Vaughan Singing Barnstormers Piceadilly Nudes Metropolitan (I) 31 Eltham Sc Sharpe Marianne Margit Kollar Merry 3 Magyar Ballet D & S Stephens EDINBURGH Empire (M) 31 Bertha Ricardo Irving 4c Gird wood 5 Smith Bros , Margo Henderson Sam .Kemp ; : Jack Anthony Joan Rene Stewart Johns Bond Rowell . I & S Davis 12 Colinettes FINSBURY PARK Empire (M> 31 Bartlett A Ross ~ Douglas Harris • Cliff .Sherlock Les Merchants GLASGOW Empire (M) 31. V Sc T Elliott 6 Sweet Notes Issy Bonn Patricia & Rudy Len Clifford & F Maurice. & Mav GRITASBY Palace (I) 31 Eddie ■'Connor Trios D’Artagnanas McAndrews Sc Mills Erie. Corrie Marie De.Vere’s. Co Janet Frazer Geo Sandlford Vic Hammett HACKNEY . Empire (S'; 31 Francis Watts Harold. Berents Gladys. Hay Michael Moore Eanionn Andrews Petite 4 ■ 3 Macmurrnys A Christmas Sc M LEEDS Empire (M) 31 . Slim Rhyde Harold Berenta Gladys Hay Michael Moore Eainonn. Andrews Petite 4- .3 Macmurrays . A Christmas & M LEICESTER . Palate (S) 31 Morton Fraser Co Don Cuininings Peggy Mortimer BUly Mnxain Tipsy Sc Brow Banner Forbutt Zlo 3 Liverpool . Empire (M) 31 Allan Jones Johnny Lawson Willy Woltard E Arnley At Gloria • Goo Mcaton Myrons Cooke’s Ptiiiy Revue Hnckford & Dbvle LONDON ' Palladium (Mi 24 Abbott St Costello Merry Macs Max By graves Kent Br<»s 3 Jokers Medlock St. Murlowe I'unices Duncan Palladium Tiller Gls Sky Rockets.Ore MANCHESTER Palace (M) 31 Kortz St Eugene Nlcliolas Broa Fred Level le Deep River Boya Olga Varona Adrienne St Leslie Joan Hinde C Warren ft Jean . Kovucs Hippodrome <S) 31 Carroll Levis Co Canfield Smith Mandos: Sis Les: Murphy Alan Breen Howell Evans Jimmy Edmundson William Graham Skating Typhoons NEWCASTLE Empire .(M) 31 Stuart St Gyay Rochester Conrad’s Pigeons Fred Bamberger ft Pam Levanda; & Van Carsony Bros Tattersall Sc Jerry ; Wonder Wheelers . . NORWICH Hippodrome (I) 31 Rhodes ft Lane Dorothi Neal Paul Newington Avril Grant Tommy. Dee Bon Soir Mesdames NOTTINGHAM Empire (M) 31 T 4 P Shamva Sam Costa . Hazel ft A. Ross Bobby Breen Swan ft I.eigh Geo Wood Joe Ortnes Sandy Lane. V St J Crasionian PORTSMOUTH Royal (M) 31 .Charlie Chester Co Ken Morris Fred Ferrari Arthur Haynes Edwina Carol Len Marten Bqliana Ivanka 4 Marrott Sc Wenhian' 5 Brahims Gene Anderson SCUNTHORPI Savoy (|) 31 3 Lark Bros . 4*K-Foleys Tony Toner Joyce McGrady 8 Mirth Maids Bert Draper Lew Evans Ronni Smith. Geo Fairhurst John Culshaw Soubrette Cyril Boganny’s Co SHEFFIELD Etnpir# (M) 31 Joe Stein 3 Grosseto 5 Dally? Fred Sloan. Jackie Farr Ronnie Stewart SWANSEA Empire (M) 31 Norman Evan? Gray St Austin . Paul King & Freddv Senor Carlos. Bil Sc Bil 3 Cordells.. Maplelcaf 4 John. Tiller .Girls WALTHAMSTOW Palace (I) 31 8 Molinoffs. Billy Thorburn Low & Webster Franks St Le Creti Nippy . ' Les..Ritchie St W Del Rios Arthur St Nadia WOOD GREEN Empire (S) 31 . Lee Lawrence Alec Pleon-. Billy Thorburn 2 Valors Richman St Jackson Chris Sands 2 Sophisticates n M orecambe Sc Wise YORK . Empire (I) 31 Dick Tubb June Scott Les'Cooper . Mile. DuRoy . Aiitoii Petrov ' Mildred Hammond John Gerrard Noon Bros . Gridneff Sc P Geo. ft Lydia Eden Lovelies CANADA EAST HAMPTON Granada. (I) ; 31. Chas. Adey ft. Dawn 2 Luvas . Terry Hall Co Lowry Sc Thomas Cabaret Bills NEW 10B& CITT . BlrdlanO Charlie Parker Dizzy Gillespie Coleman Hawkins Bon Soir Jimmie Daniel? Baby Hines Norene Tate • Garland Wilson . Ellis Larkin 3 Bop City Ella Fitzgerald Cy Coleman 3 cafe Sbciaty Billy Daniel? Madmoiselles A1 Sears Oi’c Cliff Jackson '. Copacaoana Joe Hunter Ore Betty .Reilly Bill Russell Gilbert, St ‘Miller RI Durso Ore R ft A Farrell '■> Harrison & Kay Peter Hanley F. Alvarez; Ore Diamond Horseshoi Walter Dare WaliJ W. C. Handy Billy Banks Gloria LeRoy •Noble Sissle Ore Chic Morrison Ore Rigoletto Bros 1 Jack Spoons Frank Evans Tommy King Harry Meehan Billy Banks Harry Armstrong El Chico Roslta Rios Los Gltanos Pilarin Tavira Surita Herrera D’Alonso Ore . Leon & Eddie's Eddie Davis Nola Pardi Jean .March Wayne Thompson Bourbon .& Bayne Inna Henriqucz ' Littie^Club Ernie Warren . Ore No 1 Fifth Ave Paul Gayert . Caiolyh Maye Jimmy Lee . \ Christine Barrett Downey St FonviUe Hazel Webster Old Roumanian Sadie Banks Olive White Althea Christine Scoville Alverda‘ Marsha Stevens" Joo LaPorte ore D’Aquila Ore Park Ave Scotty Graham. Chas Stewart . ' Clarice Crawford. Hotel Ambassador Jules Lande Ore Hotel Astor ' Tommy Dorsey Ore Hotel Blltmore Sydney Ross Harold Nagel Ore Hotel Edison Harry Ranch Ore Hotel New Yorker Berriie Cummins O Rookies Jean Arlen B, Pennington Arthur Johnson Hotel Plaza Bob Grant Ore Mark Monte Ore M Bergere Emery Deutsch Hotel Roosevei* Sidney Kassimir 3. Hotel Statier Shep Fields Ore Hotel Taft ~ V’incent Lopez Ore Latin quart#* Alan Carney ~ : Mons. Choppy Marvellos Gloria Gilbert' Ralph Young Naaman Dcfs Art Waner Oro Penthouse Paul Taubman Riviera Zero Most el Jack Cole Dcrs Pat Tarry Arden .Line Walter . Ny e . Ore Pupi Campo Ore- Versailles Bernice Parks Emile Petti Oro Pan ditto Ore Village Bari* Gerry Fitzgerald Tex Fletcher Freda Wing 4 Some ■ David Blight Waldorf-Astoria Phil Soitalny Ore Griff Williams Ore CHICAGO , BlackhaWk. "Roaring Twenties’* Mhni Kelly Joel Friend Ray. .Hyson Margaret Banks. Jesse Elliot Ruy Arnett Bobo Lewis Bobby Barry Hcrtry Brniidon Ore . Chez pare* • Vic Damonc Les Charlivols Doran 4c-France Stan -Gl’pver D Dorbon Dors C!ee Davidson uro Chico -Ore. Halstngi Georgie • Gobel Jay no Walton Billy Chandler Orr H Edgewater Btacb Perii Slovens Alan Shits Fay ft Gordon | D Hlld Dcrs i Frankie Carle Ore Hotel Stovem Joan Hyl'doft Arnold Shoda . Jerry Mapcs Jack Raffloer Farrar St Carter Douglas Duff.v Harper Flaherty Bob Fitzgerald Skating Blvdeatr Mary A Fitzgerald Phyllis Miles Maxwells (2) Frank Masters Oro Palmer House Evelyn Knight Lew Parker Eileen O’Dare De Mattiazzis (2) Abbott Dcrs ; Eddie O'Neal Ore Vine Gardens Jan Bart Mickey Sharp