Variety (August 1950)

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Wcdn«fi<W, Augu8t t r 1950 PtfktIBfr $$ to set screenings of J2CA shorts j ier e, Thesper Dennis Edwards . here from England to join Longford productions, Sheila Lyne also pacted for season with same com- pany* ■ -i _ _ , ' ... Abbeyite ‘ Michael J. Dolan to London fox’ screen role in Asso- cited British production of Louis D’Alton’s Abbey winner, “They Got What They Wanted.” Foi’mer Abbeyite Maire Ni Shiu- blaigh has written theatre’s his- tory with Edward Kenny under title, ‘‘The Splendid Years/* She was in first Abbey company. Irene DUiine expected in for vacation at Kilci’oney, County Wicklow, after completing Queen Victoria role in “The Mudlark” for 20th-Fox at Shepperton, England, Bucks County, Pa. > By Sol Jacobson Mike Ellis and James Russo weekending at Don Walkers. Naomi Riordan checked out of Playhouse for vacation on Cape Cod. Ezra Stone back at Newtown farm after talent trip to France for Milton Shubert v r Victor Jory and family in from Norwich,-Conn., to appear in “The Spider” at New Hope. Leo and'Ada Freedman in for weekend. Ditto Bernard Hart and the Jerome Chodorovs. Robert "Schneider, art film pro- ducer, down for confabs with Bill Chapman at his New Hope manse. Bob Coleman* N.Y. Mirror critic, in last week to catch preem of “Anything Goes” at Lambertville. Bob Hector, associate p.a. to Barry Hyams on “Member of The Wedding,” here for fortnight to ogle Playhouse operation. Justin Herman, local resident, shooting 2 rceler at Music Circus for Paramount release. Made one of Playhouse last summer. Bob Feyti checked put to work at Hyannis lent last week. Local Weeklies carried belated, buildup on singer who has worked at Music Circus since June. It won kudos at recent Locarno festival, Gordon Jackson, Scots actor, do- ing part of show-business reporter in “Happy-Go-Lovely”* musical at Elstree* He'll also join Perth Rep- ertory Theatre in Scottish High- lands. . Dundee’vS Kinnaird Cinema get- ting British premiere Aug. 14 of Alfred Hitchcock’s “Stage Fright,” in which Richard Todd stars. Todd began as actor with Dundee Reper- tory Theatre. 'Queen Elizabeth will attend per- formance of “The Atom Doctor” by the Glasgow Citizens’ Theatre in Lyceum theatre, Edinburgh, September 5, during three-day visit to International Festival. India Product shortage in South caus- ing some South Indian producers to dub Hindi pictures produced in Bombay into Tamili Three mytho- logical subjects dealing with the Indian hero Ramma are currently being dubbed in Madras* Indian exhibition rights to Par.a- mount’s “Samson and Delilah” will go to those exhibitors making the highest bids for the film. Move marks the first time , that the bid- ding practice was used in distribu- tion of foreign pictures in India. A fiie in temporary film vaults in old Delhi destroyed some 1,600 reels of film at an estimated loss, of $700,000. Both Indian and for- eign films were stored in the vaults. The insurance companies had refused to insure the stock because of temporary nature of the vaults. Technicolor equipment used by Orient' International Film, Inc., for its production of “River,” recently completed in Calcutta, has been left behind for utilization by In- dian studios there with the under- standing that OIF would have ac- cess to it for any other of its films to be made in Calcutta. Arthur Rigby, British comedian, will do “Madame Louise” for the Fullers at Palace, Sydney, at con- clusion of the Elizabeth Bergner season in “Two' Mrs, Carrolls.” Sydney, the “New. York of the Pacific” is ,haying its wettest year since Captain Cook first took a gander at the spot away back in 1770. Terrific rain has Crippled theatre biz. “Song of Norway” off to a fine start at His Majesty’s, Melbourne, for Williamson-Tait. Cast includes Charles Doming, Doreen Ansell, Robert Bernard, Marjorie Cook and Hendrick DeBoer. Aussie commercial radio spon- sors are going overboard on give- aways* One local sponsor has upped hi$ giveaway to $18,000 spread over a limited span.. It’s a major headache to the local pix boys. New Haven By Harold M. Bone Charles Coburn due Aug. 15 for an appearance with “Loiiisa.” Ben Witken readying the Shu- bert for Aug. 30 opening with* “Af- fairs of State.” Paramount mgr, Jim ’ Darby spending his vacation building a home tennis court. No announcement yet on preem of “Call Me Madam,” but Shubert already has a flock of reservation requests. , Yale Bowl pop concerts, spon- sored by Junior Chamber of Com merce, doing okay to date. This week’s session has Benny Goodman soloist. Lou Brown handling publicity for Conn. M.P.T.O. annual outing and golf tournament at Race Brook Aug. 15. George Wilkinson and A1 Pickus are co-chairmen. ? erous Meeting” which he’ll do in Cannes. > Roland Petit," vacationing in Cannes, plans to preem a new bal- let at the Winter Garden, N, Y., in September. Charles Trenet ih his first Rivi- era appearance since his. return from America, stars at the Juan- les-Pins Casino gala. . “Holiday on Ice” terrific success at Esplanade-De Gaulle stadium in Nice. * Barcelona By Joaquina C.Vidal-Gomis Josephine Baker headlined bull- ring show for producer Jumar. Rosiiia Mendia, legit actress, will make a film comeback in “Amaya,” directed by Juan de Orduna. Juan Torena, vet Spanish pic J actor, in from the U. S. to appear ! in “A Man From Tangier/’ Roland Young starrer. Producer-director Juan de Oi> duna will start work on “Lola la Piconera” upon completion of “Agustina de Aragon.” Philippe RothchUd off to the Costa Brava to huddle with Salva- dor Dali on sets for his new ballet to be staged at the Paris Opera. Two versions will be made of the pic, “Andalusie” Spanish and French. Former will be directed by Luis Lucia and latter by Robert Vernay. By Gordon Irving Rochester’s date at the Empire now set for August 14. Emlyn Williams due in Glasgow Aug. 14 in his own play* “Acco- lade,” Strawhait shows at coast dolnj* good business, with Ayr Gaiety outstanding. Glasgow Unity Theatre offered 12-weeks’ season at SaviRe Thea- tre, London. BBC’s Richard Dimbleby record- ing programs in Hebridean Island of Benbecula and in Dunfermline, Peter Sinclair, Scots comedian and minstrel, plays Miami, Phila- delphia, Montreal and Toronto this fall- Louise Boyd, Glasgow singer, to have lead in South African tour of “Brigadoon,” opening in Johannes- burg in September. Lena Horne recorded interview with Regal cinema manager Bob Scott to bally her latest pic “Duchess of Idaho.” Dame Edith Evans set for The- atre Royal, Glasgow, Aug. 7, in James Bridie’s “Daphne Laureola/’ Flay is op pre-Broadway run. Italian film “Domenica D’Agosio” Sunday in August”) to be shown at Edinburgh Film Festival; Portland, Ore. Billy Bishop and Ann held over at the Clover Club. Arthur Lee Simpkins playing repeat at Amato’s Supper Club. Horace Heidt show set for the Portland Arena Aug. 6 , under auspices of local charity group. Phil Silvers, Gaie Storm/ and Rose Marie appeared at the Cos- mopolitan Club anniversary show. At Donahue Orch at Jantzen Ballroom. Lionel Hampton and Spike Jones Revue set for later dates. By Margaret Gardner Nat Pendleton relaxing at the Carlton. Liz and Nick Hilton prolonging their Cannes holiday. Rosario and Afitonio stars of the Palm Beach Casino gala. Ed Sullivan, cutting short, his' Riviera stay, off to Rome. Alice Faye and. Phil Harris at the Carlton for. a. quickie-look at Cannes. „ Michael Redgrave at the Mar- tinez* preparing for the film, “Dan- ,^v« -i ;a -L- fi* ^ Milton Berle in for Evelyn Knight opening at the . Palmer House. Kim Hunter, who withdrew from “Two Blind Mice/’ has been re- placed by Ann Sturgis. Singer, Vie Damone, currently , at the Chez, will be feted at Italian Festival here this wpek* Tom Drake playing lead in Chevy Chase strawhatter produc- tion of “Here Comes Mr. Jordari.” Eileen Mack, flack for “Dixie- land” at the Chicago Fair, has joined Harry Davies legit publicity office. During last week’s stint at Chi- cago theatre/ acts and house staff feted Margaret Whiting on 25th birthday. Actress Arlene Dahl in town to ballyhoo lastest pic, “Three Little Words.” Same for Ruth Roman, here to tubthump her starrer, “Three Secrets.” • f Continued from past 49 other unions to cfemand pensions or welfare funds. According to the prdducet group, the grips’ and footers’ unions have been delaying the start of their negotiations in order to see if Equity won its pen- sion demand. If such demands are made by other unions now, it’s predicted, the League will merely tell them to get together with Equity to share in the benefit per- formance setup. To Equity’s - demanc( that the road minimum be raised from $80 to $100 a week, the League has of- fered a compromise of $85 for the coming season and $90 for next, but has since okayed the $100 rate. However, this, like the benefit per- formance proposal, was reportedly made contingent upon Equity’s ac- ceptance of some of the League de- mands for modification of the terms of the existing contract. The latter demands are understood to include withdrawal of several re- cent Equity “rulings,” such, as a new interpretation of the unit com- pany rule and the regulation per- mitting a producer to change an actor’s contract from two-week clause to run-of-the-play. ' The producer organization is also seeking to have the expiration date of the next contract changed from Aug. 15 to sometime in either the spring or fall. The idea would be that it would be more practical to hold negotiations for a new agreement during the spring or fall than during the height of the summer, when many people nor- mally are out of town. births .Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones, daughter, in Pittsburgh, July 25. Father’s comptroller* of station KQV. Mr. and .Mrs. Larry Taylor, daughter, Chicago, July 23. Father is member of WBBM orch. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper White, twins, Chicago, July 23. Father is WBBM producer. Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Myers, daughter, Columbus, O., July 13. Father’s Columbus Dispatch radio- TV ed and Variety mugg in that area. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coe, daugh- ter, New York, recently. Father is producer of NBC’s “Philco Tele- vision Playhouse.” Mr. and Mrs. John P.. Sonlight- ner, daughter, Hollywood, July 23. Mother is Jessica Jordan, singer* Mr. and Mrs. . Jim Dyle, son, Houston, recently. Father is on announcing staff there for KNUZ. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Studer, son, New York, July 24. Mother is ac- tress Billie Lou Watt; father is an actor. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Golden- son, daughter, White Plains, N.Y"., July 31. Father is prez of United Paramount Theatres. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooksbn, son, July 30, Roslyn, L. I. Father is a legit producer-actor; mother is actress Beatrice Straight. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Murray, daughter, New York, July 30. Mother is former Toni Kelly, ex- nitery dancer; father is comedian. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Coen, son, July 21, N.Y. He was former Jletro foreign executive, later own- ing Peerless Travel Bureau. HELEN TYLER Helen Tyler, 78, one-time legit producer and play broker, died in Ebensburg Falls* Vt., July . 29* Miss Tyler entered play brokerage field in the early 1900’s when she joined Alice Kauser’s play agency. In 1908 she became associated with Edgar and Archie Selwyn as general manager of their . Play Co. While with the Selwyns, Miss Ty- ler acquired interests in such plays as, “Paid in Full” and “The House Next Door/’ In 1915, in association with the Selwyns, she produced Bayard Veiiler’s “Within the Law,” which enjoyed long rims on Broadway and on tour* bringing its producers an annual income of $500,000 for nearly four years, Which netted Miss Tyler $50,000 a year. Prior to World War I she»pro- duced (also with the Selwyns) such hits as “Under Cover.” “The Dummy” and “Polygamy:” Surviving are a nephew and two nieces. ARTHUR R. ZITA Arthur R. Zita, 75, orchestra leader and composer, died July 30 at his home in Albany, N. Y. A native of Naples, Zita came to the U. S. as a boy. Years later With a younger brother, Anthony, he formed an orchestra which re- ceived its first big break in play- ing for. the inauguration of Gov- ernor Charles S. Whitman in 1914. Zita played in the pit at the Capitol <now the Playhouse), Al- bany, for musical shows and v led orchestras at hotels in Albany and other upper New York areas. He composed eight tango, waltz and match tunes. Wife and a sister survive. AUSTIN E. LATHROP Austin Eugene Lathrop, 84, in- dustrialist and owner of five the- atres in Alaska and radio stations in Anchorage and Fairbanks, died in Sumtranai Alaska, July 26. Lathrop got his start and built up a fortune estimated at $15,- 000,000 in Seattle, after the fire of 1889, as a btiilding contractor. Later he operated steamers in Alaska and engaged in contracting business. played first violin with the Phila- delphia Orch at Robin Hood Dell concerts for several seasons, and also performed with the Indian- apolis .and Minneapolis Symphony orchestras. Wife survives. EDWARD GRANT JACKSON Edward Grant Jackson, 35; for the past 15 years tenor with the Charioteers, vocal group, died in No\v York, July 30' following an illness of two months. Wife, sort, father add two sisters survive. PAUL H. FIEBERG, JR. Paul H. Fieberg, Jr., 36, publish* er of ilm Chicago Stagebili, a the- atre weekly, died in Wilmette, 111. July 22. He also was a partner in the Fieberg Press, Chicago. Wife, two soils, and a brother survive. ■ CHITO IZAR Chito; Izar, 32, singer-emcee, who had been appearing at the S’naloa nitery, in San Francisco, died as result of an auto collision last week. Survived by wife and child. JACK OKIE Jfick Okie, 47, orqh leader; died In Detroit July 25. He was bandleader for 10 yealrs aboard the old steamer Tashmoo on Detroit River. His orch also, played at the Grosse Point Yacht Club and Harmonie Society. ANGELO DESFIS Angelo Desfis, .62, film character actor, died July 28 In Hollywood. A legit player in his youth, Desfis appeared in 110 motion pictures, both silent arid talkers. LUCILLE FLAVEN Mrs. A/ Maurice Grill, former actress known professionally as Lucille Flaven, died in New York July 30. During stage career she had apr peared with Richard Mansfield; E. M. Holland and others. She had a leading part in “The Girl With the Green Eyes,” appearing with Wil- liam H. Crane and Clara Blood- good. MAURICE L. GAFFNEY Maurice L. Gaffney, 46. ABC sales presentation director, died in N. Y. Thursday (27). Details in Radio Section. ISADORE FRIEDMAN * Isadore Friedman, 87, Yiddish actor and playwright, died July 28 at the Veteran’s Hospital, N. Y. Survived by wife and son. CARLIE LOEW Mrs, David J. Marks, 51, former vaude performer known as Carlie LoeW, died in New York, July 28. Starting ;out as a child perform- er, she later appeared in comedy abt of Bert and John Swor. Survived by husband and sister, Florence, also a former vaude per- former known as Lestro. HERMAN WOHL Herman Wohl, 48, former pro- duction manager for Chadwick Productions, died July 25 in Holr lywood after a heart attack. In re- cent years he was engaged in sell- ing films for television. Interment was in Cleveland, where he is survived by a brother and two sisters. LAWSON WILLIAMS Lawson Williams, 54, longtime employee of Universal in the prints and shipping department, died in New York, July 25, after a protracted illness. Williams joined the old Universal Co. in 1918 and served in various h.o. depts. ; Survived by wife and two chil- dren. ZEFFIE TILBURY Zeffie Tilbury, 87, character stage and screen actress, died July 24, in Los Angeles after a long ill- ness. Her film career started in 1925 after years in legit during which she played support roles in a number of films. She had been in retirement since 1941, Leo Nathan* 63, retmed labor foreman at Warners, died July 25 in Eos Angeles. He was the father of Paill Nathan/ casting director for Hal Wallis Productions, and Irwin Nathan, talent agent. Father of Lucette C a r o n ; Variety fashion editor in Paris* died in Cannes, July 25. He was also uncle of Leslie Caron, Metro actress. Joseph Albert. Thompson, 71, prop man at Universal for more than a quarter century, died July 25 in Hollywood* following a heart attack. 'Stephanie Basehart, 36, wife of Richard Basehart, screen, actor, died July 28 in Hollywood follow- ing brain surgery. Widow, 88, of Charles F. Whita- ker, theatrical manager, died in New York, July 30. Survived by two daughters. EDWIN B. BAILEY Edwin B. Bailey, 77, former vaudeville performer and silent film player, died July 22 at his home in Santa Monica. He had spent 60 years in show business. Surviving are his wife, Grace Lockwood Bailey, and two “sons, ; one of whom, George Bailey, is *n /radio. ADQLP1I BURES Adolph Bures, 42, violinist, died lh Philadelphia, July 30/ He had Motfier of David Ross, radio an- nouncer, died July 25 in New York, MARRIAGES Betty Rembert to David Milam, Dallas, July 14. Bride is the daugh- ter of Clyde W. Rembert, manag- ing director of KRLD-AM and TV there, Bette Davis to Gary Merrill, Juarez, Mexico, July 28. Both are screen players. Peggy Strohl to Louis Sobol, Santa Barbara* July 28. He's the N. Y. Journal-American columnist/ bride is former pressagent. Patricia Sims to Jess Swope, Los Angeles, July 23. Bride is a bal- lerina with the Civic Light Opera. Terry Leahy to Japies Jenkins, Dallas, July 28. Bride is vocalist on station WFAA in that city. Marcella Erwin to Max Gruen- j berg, Las Vegas, July 22. Bride is With the Mayfair-Morris Music Co, Helen S. Goodwin to John IL j Cranston, St. Andrews, Scotland, July 20. Bride is a singer. Anne King to Del Ray, Pitts- burgh, July 22. Bride's a theatri- cal agent; he’s a magician. Mary Aileen Rariney to Charles W. Matheis, Troy, N. Y., July 28. Bride is former director of women’s programs for WROW, Albany. . Thea DiSpeker to Lawrence^ : Greig, Scarsdale, N. Y., July 28. ; Bride is general manager of the , Little Orchestra Society and also r t ejp 6 for concert ,arti ? t»,