Variety (August 1950)

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84 CHATTER Wednesday, August 23, 1950 Broadway Jock Lawrences bought a car- just for the roadhouse trade. Dick Falk, Broadway press* agent, playing a role in U-I’s “Thundering Bails.” 'Herman G. Weinberg claims to hold the record fbr English titles* with a total of 92 foreign, films. Playbroker Hans Bartsch and his wife, Irene Palasty, returning from European trip on lie de France. Licia Albanese, Met soprano, and actor William Harrigan • re- turned from European vacations last week. Mitchell R'awson, Metro pub- licist, back at his desk after three weeks in the hospital because of a broken ankle, Edward O'Connor, Metro’s su- pervisor in the Far East, in New York for homeoffice huddles after two years in the field. Screenwriter Abraham Polansky sailed for a European tour Satur- day (19) on the De Grasse. Wife and children accompanied him. Nate Bliimberg, Universal's prez, and A1 paff, head of U’s foreign department, planed for the Coast Friday (18) for a two-week visit. Eddie Cantor due in advance of his first TV show over NBC Sept. 10. Manning Ostroff, his. director, preceding him to o.o. sketches, etc. Stirling Silliphant, 20th-Fox pro- motion manager, to the Coast to confer with Harry Brand, studio publicity chief, on plans for “Jack- pot.” Edgar Van Blohm, manager, of the Paris theatre, back for U. S. premiere of new French picture, “Paris Waltz,” afteij vacation in Nantucket. Invitations went out this week to a flock of filmites to attend the marriage of Eric Johnston’s daugh- ter, Harriet, to William Carlin Fix, in Spokane, Sept. 9. David Bliss, 78-year-old, retired British theatre manager, arrived from Britain last week on the Washington to visit his son, Theo- dore, in Norfolk, Va. Efrem Kurtz, conductor of the Houston Symphony, sails Friday (25) on the Liberie for London, where he’ll conduct the Royal Phil- harmonic Orchestra. Isa Miranda, Italian film actress, and director-actor Vittorio De Sica due in the U. S. Aug. 29 via plane for the Little Cinemet preem of their picture, “My Widow and I." Sol Hurok due in today (Wed.) on the Liberte after a two-month European concert scouting tour. Also finalized details of the Sad- ler’s Wells Ballet’s fall U. S. toiir. Arthur (Street Singer) Tracey, Who has 14 stores, a theatre and 60-odd apartment units in Wash- ington, D. C.-r^Meyer Davis’ bowl- ing alleys is one of his tenants— marking a Show biz comeback; Ezra Stone, catching up on back issues of Variety since nis trip to Paris, came across the item about “Milton Berle breaking a tooth on a roll. It must have been his bank- roll, of course,” observes Stone.. Hal Gary, after longtime run in Australia with “Oklahoma,” de- toured by four WB pix chores in Hollywood plus 10 video shots on the Pinky Lee show, enroute to Broadway in quest of a legit musi- cal and TV chores. . Samuel Schneider, Warner Bros, veepee, sailed last night (Tuesday) on the Queen Elizabeth for Lon- don and Paris to discuss the com- pany’s current and future produc- tion plans in Britain and France. He’ll be away a month. • Lionel S. B. Shapiro and Lyman (Billy) Bloomingdale, who motored west with Louis Sobol, accomped the columnist and his bride, Peggy Strohl, back by train. Ted Husing and Jerry. Berns hosting a wel- come-back brawl for both next week. Film attorney Irwin Margulies planed to Europe to huddle with producer Gabriel Pascal, whom he represents. He’ll also meet in Paris with William S. Roach, UNESCO copyright attorney for- merly associated with the Margu- lies law office in New York. Bucks County, Pa. Tom Ewell back at his Jericho Mountain farm from Coast film as- signment. . Ben Boyar drove in from Dan- bury, Conn, to give St. John Ter- rell’s tent a looksee. Lionel Stander and Ruth Mundy In from Fairhaven, Mass., to star this week in “Born Yesterday” at Playhouse. * Don Markley, apprentice at New Hope, off to . Deer Park Lake, to play the piano for Vic Jory in “The Spider.” Bob Caldwell, New Hope stage manager, checked out to assume like duties for “Death of a Sales- man” at Morosco, N. Y. * Lambertsville staging .its second community shindig in as many 1 summers, opening five-day Liberty *« Festival today (Wed;) under Bill Taylor’s direction. Margo Jones, Tad Adoue and Manning Gurian in from N. Y. for gander at Playhouse and Music Circus talent as possibilities for Dalles operation, and forthcoming “Southern Exposure.” Rome By Helen McGill Tubbs Nat Wachsberger off to Brussels. Mona Barrie on vacation in Aus- tria. Maria Denis, Italian actress, sum- mering in Fiuggi. German actress Jennie Jugo in city for film chore. The Alfred Drakes are at the Hassler hotel here. Renzo AvanZo returned from London film confabs. . Edward Johnson, formerly of N.Y. Met, was here visiting. W. Lee Wilder vacationing after finishing “Three Steps * North.” Renato Rascel is heading the Colie Appia revue, “Quo Vadis?” “The Outlaws,” all-Italian film, in itS second month at the Splendore. Tony Bartley, Deborah Kerr’s husband, off for London for three weeks. Tennessee Williams deserted Rome for a couple weeks in France. The George Cantys (of MPA A in Italy) went to Venice for Film Festival there. Pietro Bullio 4 . head of N. Y. branch of Scalera Films, here on annual trip to homeoffice. Cleveland By Glenn C. Pullen Symphony. Sid Garris, WDCK disk jockey, turned bandmaster, debuting new 14-piece crew at Marcane. E d d i e Sindeiar augmenting Henry George’s band at his Sky- way Lounge Club with three-act floor shows. Amateur stageshows, plus two pro vaude acts, installed by Manriy Stutz every Wednesday at his Circle naber. Tom Drake from Coast studios guest-starring in Ray Boyle’s, arena^styled production of “John Loves Mary” at Hotel Allerton’s Ring theatre. Minneapolis Old Log Strawhatter playing “My Sister Eileen.” Cathcarfs Continentals into Radisson hotel Flame Room. Edyth Bush Little theatre, St. Paul, offering “Polly With A Past” for two weeks. Jeanne Traun, singer in Schiek’s cafe capsuled ► operettas, named Miss Minnesota of 1950. A1 Sheehan, “Aqua Follies” producer, due back from Seattle, where he toured the show, to handle Minnesota State Fair stage production. Harry French, president of Min- nesota Amus. Co., to head delega- tion of department heads to con- vention of United Paramount theatres next month. Atlantic City By Joe Grossman Dusty Fletcher into Globe burly, replacing Billy Hagen. Molly Picon to star in benefit at Chelsea hotel, Aug. 26. Tommy Dorsey replaces Tex Beneke orch on Steel Pier. Alan Dalzell, Theatre Guild publicist, in town to visit Atlantic City Playhouse. Benny Davis to m.c. “Night of Stars” show on Convention Hall Ballroom stage Aug. 27. Kitty Kallen into 500 Club for two days. Gracie Barrie replaces Sophie Tucker 'there on weekly date. Colleen O’Grady, six times “Miss Ireland,” singing on local hotel programs while vacationing here, Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen Joe (WB) Feldmans celebrated 22d wedding anni last week. Mikios Gafrn, former opera star, comes into Copa for week next Monday (28). Joe Heidt in town beating drums for “Oklahoma,” which opens New Nixon, Sept. 4. Michael Sivy summering as a member of the resident acting company at Elitch’s Gardens. Priscilla Dodge up to Montreal to do Helen Hayes role in “Happy Birthday” with Canadian Art The- atre. Peggy Ann Watson planed in from N.Y. to see her father do Frank Butler in “Annie Get Your Gun/' Matt SeVtic going to Coast as technical advisor on WB's screen version of his Communist expose in Pittsburgh. London Rose Murphy opened at the Hip- podronje, Bristol, for Stoll’s last week. . Bransby Williams, best known for his Dickens’ characterizations, celebrating his 80th birthday. Anton Karas, the zither player, returns from Vienna to take up a string of dates for Stoll's circuit. Alan Jones is set for return en- gagement at London Palladium, opeing in September for two weeks. jack Train hospitalized for a month following a car smash and replaced by Sonnie Hale on the “20 Questions” fradio program. jessie Boyce Landis, who scored in “Larger Than Life,” is staying on to appear in a new play by James Parrish titled, “Mrs. Inspec- tor Jones.” Arnaut Bros., who return from Africa late in August, open at the Empire Sept. 4 for three weeks, in a Nat Karson show, doubling at the Savoy hotel for two weeks. Both, are return dates. Rodney Ackland’s adaptation of Hugh Walpole’s novel, “The Old Ladies,’ 'being revived by the Com- pany of Four at the Lyric, Ham- mersmith, in October. Mary Jer- rold and Jean Cadell again will play the roles they created with Mary Clare in the part originated by Edith Evans. By Victor Skaarup “Francis”. (U), past its 10th week at the Palladium, is film surprise of year here. Capitol platters brought out here by Telefunken, with Stan Kentons music, arousing much interest. Preben Philipsen’S first Danish production, “The Needle,” directed by Johan Jacobson, deals with the dope trade. The Danish name for TV is Fjernsyn. Several newspapers are asking their readers to find a good name for viewers. Tono, Danish record company, is bringing out Mercury records in Scandinavia, starting with Frankie Laine’s “Mule Train.” Svend Asmussen’s band, which will tour Great Britain in the fall, is featured in Stig Lommer’s film “Up and Down Coast.” There are so many French nude dancers at summer theatres and bars that one summer revue is ad- vertising “No Nudes Here.” World Cinema, a circus in the summer, will open in October un- der its new manager, Kaj Holm, with “Forever Amber” (20th). This summer’s music hits are “Music, Music,” the tunes from “Annie Get Your Gun” (Imudicd) and “12th Street Rag” (Mork). After June Richmond’s hit in the Dagmar revue, there is big demand for her old swing record- ings with Jimmy Dorsey’s band. Else Skouboe and Henrik Bent- zon are leaving Frederiksberg The- atre after they finish the long run of “O, Mistress Mine” this month. All summer revues in Copen- hagen are in the black this year; several have never made ’bigger profits.. The tourists, mostly from Sweden, England and U. .S., also helped the cafe trade. “Annie Get Your Gun” going fine at the Norrebro. Cast got 10- day vacation in August and will probaby continue with the show most of winter season. “Gentle- men Prefer Blondes” will follow, Ireland By Maxwell Sweeney Thesper Michael B. Devine pacted by Donald Wolfit’s com- pany in London. Ronald Ibbs Productions inked for three-week tour of “Hamlet” in Northern Ireland. Irish Equity and British Equity discussing plan for interchange- ability of cards between both coun- tries. . Louis • Elliman, managing - direc- tor of Irish Cinemas, back from 3-month tour of U. S. and Aus- tralia. Director John Ford received Catholic Stage Guild statuette for “outstanding services to motion picture industry” at ceremony in Dublin. Ford , will direct “The Quiet Man,” from Maurice Walsh novel, here next year. By Bill Conlan RKO’s Jay Bon afield in town to discuss documentary films with State Department Officials. Operetta composer Emmerich Kalman in Munich to discuss per- formance of his latest work, a cow- boy operetta. Orson Welles to Berlin later this month. He will feature a magic show In addition to the Duke El- lington "Faust.” Paul Gordon contracted to di- rect Germany’s biggest postwar / pic, “Berlin Symphony,” for Cen* tral Europe Films. Ferenc Fricsay, conductor of the RIAS symphony, will be guest conductor in Brazil, U, S. and Italy in the next four months. New gimmick which shows pre- views of coming attractions on the side of a building drawing huge crowds every night on the Kur- furstendam. Allied High Commission dele- gated responsibility for adminis- tration of the UFA firm trust property to .the Bonn government. Forty houses will he sold. By Maxlme de Beix (33 Blvd. Montparnasse ) Jacques Maurer back, from ex- tended African survey. Hans Bartsch looking over play material before sailing. Deauville maximum stake at roulette increased to $800. Bal Tabatin to lose its star adagio act, Darvas and Julia, signed for U S. Former actress Lyne Clevers lost $45,000 worth of jewelry, rifled by .burglars here. James A. W. Jones, formerly of SHEAF, now branching out inde- pendently as a public relations op- erator. Herald Trib coliimnist Art Buch- wald got A1 Capp to write a col- umn in his stead while he iu at the Venice Festival. Epidemic of jewel robberies at fashionable gatherings on the Riviera. Elsa Maxwell and dress- maker Schiaparelli latest robbed. By Eric Gorrlck National Ballet Co., native unit, playing Perth for the Fullers. “Cinderella” (Disney-RKO) set for a Yule tide run over the Hoyts’ loop; Rep’s “Sands of I wo jima” hit- ting a hefty pace at Plaza, Sydney, for Hoyts. . Syd Albright, 20th-Fox Aussie topper, due in N. Y. next month for h o. huddles. Amusement parks getting ready to open with expectation of strong summer gross. “Third Man” (SRO) doing smash biz on five-a-day at Regent, Syd- ney, for Hoyts. Power restrictions in Sydney may give the redlight to all night sports; should help pix biz. Gilbert-Sullivan revivals bow into the Empire, Sydney, this month for Williamson-Tait. “Oklahoma” will probably do an Aussie repeat run after present New Zealand tour. Show is under Williamson-Tait banner. Nitery biz is spotty here. Only top club with. floor show is the Celebrity, operated by Joe Taylor. Dollar restrictions prevent im- portation of U.S; talent for shows. “Annie Get Your Gun” legiter winds up a four years’ run this month for Williamson-Tait. Evie Hayes returns to the U.S. after show closes to join hubby Will Mahoney. Miami Beach By Lary Solloway Kirby Stone Quintet heads new show at Clover Club. Five O'clock Club, Martinique Hotel Cafe and Clover Club may close for month of September, after Labor Day. Olympia theatre cancels out vaude policy temporarily after La- bor Day. Will play, first-run pix while nearby Paramount theatre is being refurbished. Jerry Hirsch* on leave as head of AGVA office here, to run Im- perial hotel’s Copa Caprice in At- lanta this fall. Sid Leonard, his aide, will fill in until national of- fice sets new rep. David Souhami off on tri'n Italy. • Jeanette MacDonald expe< in St. Tropez. Nice’s Edouard VII film lu first on the Coast to introc popcorn. Duke and Duchess of Win< checked out of Hotel du Cat motor to Biarritz, Anouk Aimee left St. Tro and Prince Sandri Khan, for Hotel du Cap at Antibes. Ed Seay, New York public r managed to see mos the Riviera in quick two-an half day visit. Then to Rome; Laurel and Hardy transfer] their locale from Marseilles the film, “Atoll K,” now at ( hotel in Valescure, near Raphael. Antibes Film Festival postpo from Aug. 20 to Aug. 28. Hi Langlols, director of festival, Paris making- final arrangemi and arranging entries. Hollywood Eddie Foy, Jr., in from N. Y. for a family reunion. Mack Millar back in town after six weeks abroad. Tom v Dugan celebrated his 40th anniversary as an actor. Maureen O’Hara to Catalina for her first vacation in 18 months. Myma Loy filed suit in Mexico City to divorce Gene Markey, James A- Fitzpatrick checked in at Metro after a tour of: Canada. Richard Whorf tossed an art ex- hibit featuring 24 of. his own oil paintings. George Sidney to New Orleans to scout locations for Metro’s. “Showboat.” Bud Thompson shot a 73 to win Paramount Studio Club’s annual golf tournament. Lewis Milestone planed for Syd- new, Australia, to direct “Kanga- roo” for 20th-Fox. Danny Kaye to Toronto for a two-week stand at the Canadian National Exposition. Mary Pickford and Hal Boyd were guests of honor at luncheon of Hollywood Ad Club. Andre Previn ordered to report Sept. 1 for active duty with Cali- fornia National Guard. Paulette Goddard in from N. Y. for huddles with Howard Welsch and Pam Blumenthal about a pic- ture. ' ^ Duke Wales appointed chairman of the publicity committee for the film industry's 1951 United Appeal drive.. Paul Goesse installed as prexy and chairman of Motion Picture Industry Council, succeeding Roy Brewer. Richard Brooks returned to Met- ro after a 16,000-mile tour of Europe and Africa to round up ma- terial for “Crown of Thorns.” . Gloria Swanson will receive. an__ award for “Ageless, beauty and good taste” at Mid- Century Ex- position of Fashion in Dallas, Sept. 4. Capt. Lloyd Knechtel, special effects photographer for Samuel Goldwyn, broke his back in a fall during military maneuvers at Camp Cooke. Cape Cod Hildegarde due at Falmouth Playhouse Aug. 28. Sylvia Sidney at Cape Playhouse. Dennis, for “Goodbye, My Fancy.’* Paul Reed, comedian and mem- ber of resident company at Cape Cod Music Circus, completed his season Aug. 12, and returned to N, Y. Second birthday party in a week tossed by cast of Cape Cod Music Circus, Hyannis, for baritone Ar- thur Kent. Mrs. Kent was hostess at baked bean supper under the Big Top following the opening of “Desert Song.” Gertrude Lawrence now at her home in Dennis, relaxing and fa- voring spine which physicians re- port has begun to knit. Miss Law- rence suffered the spine fracture near Falmouth Playhouse in a fall when small bridge collapsed. By Jerry Gaghan George Olsen band featured at Rainbow Terrace, of the Old Cov- ered Wagon Inn. Harry O. Bergskamp, ASCAP district manager here, recalled by the Navy; he's a lieutenant. Johnny Hyland, drummer fbr Dave Stephen’s WCAU band, first local musician to be drafted. Sy Kaliner, former manager and owner of the Little Rathskeller, is planning a new night club venture. Mort Casway, former owner of Celebrity Room here, bought an interest in Club Shaguire, 600- seat Camden Airport club. Dinah Washington, the Ravens and Eddie Vincent’s orch will top the Earle stageshow starting Aug. 25, first stage fare at the house since last February; Louis Greenberg, local taproom operator,’ took over the Club 421, Negro musical showcase. Cootie Williams orch (Aug. 21) and Ivory Jbe Hunter (Aug. 28) are the first two. bookings of the new manage- ment. Johnny Desmond in guest spot at Sister Kenny Polio Fund Circus next week. Nancy Davis, star of “Next Voice You Hear,” is ill in Passavant hos- pital here. Screen writer Carl Foreman in town for family visit and research job on upcoming pic. James Stewart and wife here on way to England, where he will ap- pear in film, “No Highway.” Ross Englander, of the Chicago Fair’s Music-In-The-Round, left for Rome to produce TV operatic films. Annual Chi Orphans Picnic lured Vic Damone, Evelyn Knight and comic Willie Shore'for entertam- 1 ing chores*