Variety (August 1950)

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Wednesday? August 30, 1950 PRriety PICTURE GROSSES ; Hope’s ‘Pants’ Chicago, Aug. 29. Top quality pics, together with some very cool weather, has boosted business at first-runs this session, with conventioneers and vacationers providing good uplift. Chicago entry of “Fancy Pants," with Victor Borge heading vaude, shapes tall $60,000 or better. New- comer 4 Peggy” at the Roosevelt, looks great for this house, with brisk $11,000. State-Lake's ‘‘Pretty Baby ” appears ripe $17,00O^Palace entrv, "Shakedown” and ‘‘Father Makes Good," looms good $11,000. After record-cracking first week, Oriental holdover of “My Blue Heaven,” with A1 Morgan topping stageshow, is heading for fast $49,000. “All Quiet on Western Front" and companion reissue, • Bayonet Charge,” hit four-month high at Grand, and still is nifty $13,500 in second frame. Another record maker, ‘‘711 Ocean Drive" at the Woods, is flashy $14,000 m filth week. “So Young, So Bad," in second week at United Artists, should pull in brisk $10,000. Estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) <3,000; 50-98)— ' Fanev Pants" (Par) with Victor Borge’ heading stageshow. Smash $90,000 or Over. Last week, "Louisa” tin with Billy Eckstine, Blackburn Twins and Martha Stewart onstage (2d wk) $59,000. Grand (RKO) (1.200; 50-98)— "Quiet on Western Front” (U) and "Bayonet Charge” (U) (reissues) 12d wk). Neat $13,500. Last Week, $16,000. Oriental (Indie) (3,400; 50-98)— My Blue Heaven” (20tli)» plus A1 Morgan topping Stage bill (2d wk). Solid $49,000. Last week, $61,000. Palace (RKO) (2,500; 50-96)— "Shakedown” <U) and “Father Makes Good” (Mono)* Good $11,- 000. Last week, "Treasure Island" (KKOV (3d wk), $13,500. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 50-98)— “Peggy" <U). Fast $11,000. Last week. “Underworld Story" (DA) and “Mystery Street" (M-G), $9,- 5 °State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 50-98) —"Prettv Baby" (WB). Stout $17,- 000. Last week. “The Furies” (Par) (2d wk), $13,000. United Artists (B&K) $1,700; 50- 98 >—“So Young. So Bad" (UA) (2d wk'. Smart $10,000. Last week, $ 12 , 000 . •- x . Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98)— "711 Ocean Drive" (Col) (5th wk). FI ashv $14,000. Last week, $17,000. World (Indie) (587; 80)—‘‘Cesar’ (Indie) (2d wk). Trim $3,300. Last week. $3,800. ‘WORDS’ FAT $17,000, SEATTLE; ‘BABY’ 71G Seattle, Aug. 29. Not much biz here this week, with plethora of holdovers butt- ing. Outstanding is “Three Little Words," sock at Music Hall. “Treasure Island” still is solid in third Fifth Avenue week. Estimates for This Week Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,877; 5.9- 84* — “Convicted” (Col) (2d wk). Fair $5,000 after nice $9,200 last week; ■ • A Fifth Avenue (Evergreen) (2,349; 59-84)— “Treasure Island" (RKO) and “Beaver- Valley" (RKO) (3d \vk>. Solid $7,000. Last week, $8,900. • Liberty (Hamrick) (1,650; 59-84) —"Lady Without Passport" XM : G) arid “Lonely Heart Bandits” (Lip). «Slow $6,000. Last week, “Rock Is- land Trail” (Rep) and “Avengers” (Hep), $4,500 in 5 days. Music Box (Hamrick) (850; 59- 84)—“If This Be Sin” (UA) (2d wk>. Good $3,000. Last week, $4,400; Music Half (Hamrick) (2,200; 59- j 84v_“Tlvree Little Words” (M-G)-j Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net, i.e., without the 20% tax. Distribu- tors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- come* The parenthetic admission price s;, however, a s indicated, include the U S. amusement tax. Indianapolis, Aug. 29. Weekend heat wave resulted in spotty biz at first-run houses here, with most prospects,only moderate; “Louisa," hypoed by Charles Co- burn's personal appearances open- ing day, is doing socko at the Circle to lead the town. “Con- victed” is fair at Loew’s but “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye/’ at Indiana, is very dull. Estimates for This Week Circle (Gamble-Dolle) (2,800; 44- 65 1 —“Louisa" (U) and “Spy Hunt" (U)... Socko $12,000 or over. Last week. “Pretty Baby” . (WB) and “Vicious Years" (ELC), $8*500. Indiana (G-D) (3,300; 44-65) — “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” (WB) and “Snow Dog" (Mono). Lean $8,000. Last week, “Broken Ar- row” (20th) and “Reach for Star" (Indie) hefty $14,900. Loew's (Loew’s) (2,427; 44-65) — “Convicted" (Col) and “Good Humor Man” (Col). Oke $10,000. Last week, “Crisis" (M-G) and “Skipper Surprised Wife" (M-G), ? Lyric (G-D) (1,600; 44-65) — “Cariboo Trail” (20th) and “Shark Woman" (Indie). Fair $5,500. Last week, “Quiet on Western Front” (U) and “Bayonet Charge (Indie) (reissues), $4,500. Omaha Unerei Bat ‘Rose’ Hep 1UG; ‘Owi 6G,2d Omaha j Aug. 29. Although weather is ideal, the hoxoffice got off to a nervous start over the weekend. Sag started the last part of the past week when pictures that looked terrific gross- ers suddenly dived. The Orpheum with “The Skipper Surprised Wife” plus Chuch Foster band onstage will do the top gross at upped prices but session shapes below average for band shows. at spot. “Black Rose" looks fairly nice at Paramount; Estimates for This Week Orpheum. (Tristates> (3,000; 20- 8Q)—“Skipper Surprised Wife" (M- G) with Chuch Foster orch, acts onstage^ Moderate $15,500. Last week, “Louisa” (U) and “Fifty Years Before- Eyesr~(-WB), $10,000 at 16-65c scale. State (Goldberg) (865; 25-75)— “Duchess of Idaho” (M-G). Playing at sharply upped prices for house and holdouts nightly should get sock $6,000 despite limited capa- city. Holdover certain, Last week/ “Annie Get Gun" (M-G) (5th wk- 6 days), $3,500. Paramount (Tristates) (2,800; 16- 65)—“Black Rose" (20th). Fairly strong $11,500 looms. Last week, “Three Little Words" (M-G), $12,- 000 , Brandeis (RKO) (1,500; 16-65)— “Our Very Own" (RKO) (2d wk). Still fine at $6,000; first week was sock $8,500. Omaha (Tristates) (2,100; 16-65) ;—“Quicksand” (UA) and “Great Plane Robbery" (UA). Modest $7,- 000. Last week, “Broken Arrow” (20th) (m.o.) and “Great Guns” (20th), $7,500. ‘Sunset’ Torrid Heat, Holdovers Hit B’way; ‘Sunset’ ‘Sunset' Sparkling 21G, Frisco Standout; ‘Own' Fancy 15G, ‘Baby’ 14G San Francisco, Aug. 29. Despite balmy weather, biz is perking up here,- with holdovers holding generally big. Pacing field is “Sunset Boulevard,” terrific at the comparatively small St. Fran- cis. Also fine is “Our Very Own” at Golden Gate. “Pretty Baby” looms'good at Paramount, .“Duch- ess of Idaho" at Warfield and “711 Ocean Drive" at Orpheum shape big in second sessions. “Sunset" pace is close to that of “Welcome Stranger,” another big Par grosser. Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2,650; 60- 85 i—."Our Very Own” (RKO). Fine $15,000. Last week, "Treasure Is- land” (RKO) and “Beaver Valley’ (RKO) (2d wk), held to fancy $14,000. ' ■ - - Rox (FWC) (4,651; 60-95) — “Broken Arrow” (20th) (2d wk). Down to $14,000 in 6 days, Last week, husky $22,500. . Warfield (Loew’s) (2,647; 60-85) —“Duchess Of Idaho" (M-G) (2d wk). Fine $14,000. Last week, boff $25,000. Paramount (Par) (2,646; 60^85)— “Pretty Baby” (WB) and “Open Secret” (EL). Good $14,000. Last week, “The Furies” (Par) and “Reach For A Star” (Rep) (2d wki, $4,000 in 4 days. .. • St. Francis (Par)' (1,400;, 60-85)— Sunset Boulevard” (Par). Wham and “Savage Horde” (Rep). Socko j $21,000. ^ Last weekf, “The Men Jl 7.000. Last week, “Crisis” ^ 85)—,"711 Ocean Drive” (Col) and Kansas City, Aug. 29. Major situations are all par or above this week with trade brisk for summer. “Sunset Boulevard” is sock entry at the Paramount, and looks to go a second week. Fox Midwest first-run trio is topping average with “Stella” at $15,000. “Our Very Own” is holding its own for good returns on second week at the Missouri. . Estimates for This Week Esquire (Fox Midwest) (820; 45- 65»—“Beasts of East” (Indie) and “Tortured Alive” (Indie). Exploita- tion specials above usual run here at $4,000. Last week, coupled with Apollo,- “Singing Guns” (Rep) and “Flame Barbary Coast” (Rep) (re- issue), moderate $6,000. Klmo (Dickinson) (550; 50-75) — “Man About Town” (Indie) and “Golden Twenties” (Indie). Nice $2,200. Last week, “Passport Pim- lico” (EL) and “Prelude to Korea” (EL) (3d wk), good $1,400 in 5 days. . ... Midland (Loew’s (3,500; 45-65)— ‘‘Convicted” (Col) and “Good Hu- mor Man” (Col). Modest $12,000. Last week, “Duchess of Idaho” (M-G) and “State Penitentiary” (Col) (2d wk), big $12,000. Missouri (RKO) (2,650; 45-65)—• “Our Very . Own” (RKO) and “Des- tination Murder” (RKO) (2d wk). Nifty $9,000.' Last week, strong $12,000. Paramount (United Par) (1.900; 45-65)—“Sunset Boulevard” (Par). Off to good start with sock $14,000 or over. Holds. Last week, “Pretty Baby” (WB), $10,000. Tower - Uptown - Fairway (Fox Midwest) (2.100; 2.043; 700; 45-65) —“Stella" (20th). Topping average at $15,000. Last week, “Louisa" (U), same. ‘WORDS’ SOCK $13,000 PORT; ILL slow $5,000.. Orpheum (Hamrick) (2,600; 59- 84*—“Pretty Baby" (WB) and “It’s a Small World” (EL). So-so $7,500. Lasi week, “Flame and Arrow” (UA* and “Armored Car Robbery” (RKO) (2d wk), $8,300. Palomar (Sterling) (1,350; 59-84) ^-“Lawless” (Par) (2d run) plus “Gay 90’s revue, Okay $10,000. Last week, “Iroquois” (UA) and Lionel Hampton orch onstage, great $14,000. % Paramount (Evergreen) (3,039; 59-84)—"Broken Arrow” (20th) and “Triple Trouble” (Par) (3d wk). Nice $5,000 In 4 days. Last week, dandy $9,300. When You’re Smiling” (Col): (2d wk). Held to okay $14,500. Last week, hefty $22,000. oi(i United Artists (No. Coast) <1,218; 55-85)—“If This Be Si£‘ (DA) Light $7,500. Last week, ^The Underworld Story” (UA), $9,000. Stasedoor (Ackerman - Rosener) (370; 85-$l) — “Rum For Money (EL) Fair $2,500. Last week, -Mary Of Scotland” (RKO) (2d wk> (reissue), $3,300. ■ Clay (Rosener) (400; 65-85) — “Kind Hearts, Coronets’ (EL) (m.o.) (9th wk). Mild $2,700. Last week, $2,800* Portland, Ore., Aug. 29. ; Biz is perking in first-runs this week considering the season. A few days of cool weather and top pix picked up. “Three Little Words” at United Artists looks best with smash session. “Rock Island Trail” looms okay at Broadway. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (1,850; 50-85) W'Rock Island Trail” (Rep) and “Jungle Stampede” (Rep). Okay $7,500. Last week, “Duchess of Idaho” (M-G) and “Shadow On Wall” (M-G) (3d wk), $5,700. Mayfair (Parker) (1,500; 50-85)— “Quicksand” (UA) and “Operation Haylift” (UA), Slim $3,500. Last week, “Tarzan Slave Girl” (RKO) and “Mysterious Desperado” (RKO), $3,800. Oriental (Evergreen) (2,000; 50- 85)^—“Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” (WB) and “Guilty of Treason" (EL), day-date with Paramount. (Continued on page 18) Torrid weather starting last weekend and continuing through yesterday iTues.) is taking its toll at Broadway firstriins this session. Absence of any strong newcomers also' is denting the overall total. Outdoor events and activities at- tracted thousands over the wfeek- end, with theatres suffering accord- ingly. Majority of larger houses are priming new strong bills to take advantage of the Labor Day (4) weekend. _ The Music Hall continues " way out in front with “Sunset Boule- vard” and. stageshow although now in the third week, It appears headed for better than $162,000 after actually topping the initial stanza with the second week’s total. Appears in for six weeks or maybe longer. Milton Berle and his TV revue is keeping “Stella” high in the chips on the second week at the Roxy, with smash $90,000 in pros- pect. Combo hit a terrific $114,- 000, considerably over hopes, in first round, Leading straight film is “Treas- ure Island” at Mayfair, with a smash $34,000 for second session. Disney opus soared to $43,000 opening week. “Three Little Words” also is proving consist- ently strong With about $25,000 on tap for third State week. “No Way Out" is disappointing, being down to about $26,000 in second frame at the Rivoli after giving hint of sustained strength. It went to stout $33,000 in first week, good at this house in view of current admission scale there. “Petty Girl" with Geite Krupa band, Connie Haines, Jack E. Leonard topping : stageshow is down to $38,000 this week at the Capitol after nice opening round. Capitol, Strand, Criterion, Globe, Park Avenue, Roxy and Paramount are bringing in new shows this session. Par is opening “Fancy Pants," Bob Hope's latest comedy starrer, today (Wed.) with stage bill headed by Carmen Cavallaro band. Estimate for This Week Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 60- $1.50—“Edge of Doom" (RKO) (4th wk). Off to $9,000 or less after just okay $11,000 for third round. Stays on for while, with replacement soon to be set. Bijou (City Inv.) (589; $1.20- $2.40)—“Red Shoes” (EL) (97th wk). Still very profitable at $5,000 or better after $5,200 last week, over hopes. Holds indef. Capitol (Loew's) (4,820; 55-$1.50) — “Petty Girl" (Col) with Gene Krupa orch, Jack E. Leonard, Con- nie Haines heading stage bill (2d- final wk). Down to okay $38,000 after nice $51,000 first week. “Summer Stock” (M-G) with Rosita Serrano, Noro Morales orch, Hal Le Roy topping stageshow opens tomorrow (Thurs.), after three preview showings of pic to- day (Wed) Criterion (Moss) (1,700; 50-$1.75) —“Desert Hawk” (U). First week ending tomorrow (Thurs.) mild $12,500. Last week, “A & C. in Foreign Legion" (U) (2d wk), light $9,000. “Shakedown" (U) opens Saturday (2). Globe (Brandt) (1,500; 5Q-$1.20) —“The Torch" (EL) (2d-final wk). Off to dim $7,000. after slim $9,500 opener. “San Quentin’’ (WB) and “Alcatraz Island" (WB) (reissues) open Saturday (2). Mayfair (BrandO (1.736: 50- $1.20—“Treasure Island" (RKO) (3d wk). Second round ended Monday (28) held to an amazingly strong $34,000 after smash $43,000 opening week. Continues indef. Pfilace (RKO) (1,700; 55-$l.20)— “Guii Crazy” (UA) with vaude. Picking up a bit over recent weeks with fair $18,000 likely. Last week, “Beauty on Parade" (Col) and vaude, $17,000. Paramount (Par) (3,664;'55-$l,50) — “Fancy Pants" (Par) with Carmen : Cavallaro orch, Jean Carroll, Four Evans, Alan Dale with The Sapphires onstage. Opens today (Wed,). Last week, “The Furies" (Par) with Mills Bros*, Bobby Byrne orch, others, onstage (2d wk). down to $52,000 with help from previews yesterday (Tues); first week, fair $62,000. Park Avenue (U) (583; 90-$1.50) —“Quiet on Westera Front" (Indie) (reissue) (6th-final wk). Reaching only $4,000 in final 6 days after nice $6,000 last week. “Madeleine" (U ) opens tomortow (Thurs.). Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5.945; 80-$2.40)—“Sunset Boulevard” and stageshow (3d wk). Continues phenomenal pace at better than $162,000 after $166,300 for second week, new non-holiday week high. Biggest non-holiday day’s trade was registered on 13th day of run, Aug. 22. Third round was running about even with sec- ond until heat started to cut in a bit over weekend. Holds a fourth, and likely until well after Labor Day (Sept. 4), Rialto (Mage) (594; 44^-98) “Bedeviled Woman" (Indie) and “Miracle From Stratosphere’' (In- dipl (fpicmip) fthahiiifi hit $8,000, solid, and is holding sec- ond round. Rivoli (UAT-Par) (2,092: 60- $1.25)—“No Way Out" (20tli) (3d wk), . Initial holdover session ended last night (Tues.) continued strong albeit down consider ably from opener, with $26,000. First week was stout $33,000 but disap- pointing and below hopes. Roxy (20th) (5.886: 80-$1.75)— “Stella” (20th) wiflr Milton Bette and his TV revue onstage (2'd- final wk). Holding with smash $90,000 probable after teiTific $1X4.000 opening stanza, consid- erably over expectancy. Steady appeal of Berle and his stage lay- out held the combo at persistently high level after first four days. Booking was for two weeks only; film generally panned by crix. “Black Rose” (20thV with N. Y. Philharmonic Symphony orch on- stage opens Friday (1). State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-$1.50)— “Three Little Words” (M-G) (4tli wk>. Third frame ended last ni»*ht (Tues.) held nicely around $25,000 after big $29,000 in second week. Probably stays,three or four weeks longer. Strand (WB) (2.756; 55-$2) — “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye" (WB) with Toni Harper, Billy Vine, Lind Bros, heading stage bill (4th-final wk). Continues steady with $23,000 or slightly less after okay $26,000 for third week. “Tea for, Two” (WB) with Gordon Mac Rae, Paul Winchell, Florian Zabach heading stageshow opens Friday (1). Sutton (R & B) (561; 90-$1.50)— “Winslow Boy” (EL) (13th wk). Holding okay at $5,000 after $5,- 500 for preceding.round. Continues, until October. Trans-Lux 60th St. (T-L) (453; 74-$1.50)—“Kind Hearts, Coronets” (EL) (12th wk). Still fancy with $7,200 after $8,000 last week, Stays on. Victoria (City Inv.) (1,060; 95- $1.50) — “Our Very Own” (RKO) (6th wk). Fifth session ended last night (Tues;) was solid $12,500 after $14,000 last week. H.0.s Hobble D.C. Albeit ‘Kiss' Robust at 14G Washington, Aug. 29. Holdovers are pulling down the overall averager in mid-town this week, but . biz is generally steady. “Our Very Own” at RKO Keith’s is out front among the newcomers, with “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” at the Warner in second place. “Desti- nation Moon” continues big in second session at Trans-Lux. “Stella,” at Loew's Capitol, with vjude, is slow. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew’s) (2,434; 44-85)—> “Stella” (20th), plus vaude. Slug- gish $15,000. Last week, “Night and City” (20th) plus vaude. little better than expected, but still slow at $16,000. Dupont (Lopert) (386; 50-85) — “Quiet on Western Front" (Indie) (reissue) (3d wk). Steady $2,500 in final 5 days after good $3,500 last week Keith's (RKO) (1,139; 44-80) — “Our Very Own" (RKQ). Torrid $17,000, and tops town. Last week, “Treasure Island" (RKO) (3d wkb fine $9,000. Columbia (Loew’s) (1,100; 44-74) —• “Return Jesse James" (Lip). Weak $4,500. Last week, “Three Little Words" (M-G) (m.o.), big $7,000 in third consecutive down- town week. ■ _ Palace (Loew's) (2,3^70; 44-74) —„ “Broken Arrow” (20ih) Okay $12,000 after shek $21,000 last week. Playhouse (Lopert) (485: 50-85) —“Panic in Streets” (20th> (3d wk). Firm $6,000 after $6,500 last week. Holds again. Warner (WB) (2,164: 44-74) — “Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye” (WB). Lively $14,000. Last week, “Pretty Baby” (WB), $12,000. Trans-Lux (T-L) (654; 44-80* — “Destination Moon’/ (EL> (2d wk). Still going great at $11,000 after terrific $13,000. last week.