Variety (September 1950)

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Wednesday* September 20, 1950 Sept, 13 , 19 50 1 ’ll?)’ |i|IM| iHI By GEORGE ROSEN' Comedy Theatre 0 on NBC C ° ga e Hope before him. he effected transition into the ‘'glamor" *!£*■', chum with a finesse an>i 5 me " that sutomaticaSy“parked the" 688 and paved the wav fn? 16 ' uiiole new career for a “Colgate Comedy Theatr^ 1 ? 1 ^ WC-inspired S^fchwiU ro* ta te Cantor, Martin jL r , p “ Prod Allen and Bobby al terna te-week bash?inthe^? ?n a 2 I P.m Sunday segment * 8 t0 9 i pieiniere/'for slio^ OU a‘thm? g t h th he rounded himself with an ^ aur- Slick talent mostTv 1 ^ arra y of Broadwayl^XacUmS -T"* a sinaiily-taiJored l mrodl?Aiftn^ ** a ? moved swiftly onp FhiV CUon tbat to retain aT essentia! SF**# 1 ' despite the maximum 1 “^macy, values that w?re ^r2aSei? r0d ^ ctio11 that achieved a one nostalgic motif (for f ^ en .^ n g of a Cento? song ?epWs4?Vitf^ able l - cl^s.v 1950 stagecraft h some to give tile^tamra sto ^ line” /‘Comedy Hour” on C0 Ptinuity, tor addressing a Colgate"^ ^ an “ tipping the guests' n§*l£ ba nquet, of his upcoming TV Pattern seguing into a ? ‘ThTs R r an i then production numhpr ft S Broadway" which projected iho °? e of several eialists in S fl^M 110 ^ 8 as SPe- “'•jsrffi'Sa,' |»' , II"""IIIIU,I||, |H|| „ BIcmdes 0 * M^lemen Prefer Wills? Jri R u h / V rl ^ te FayneriSu Jet Learn of j 0 y Wilfia 811 ^ tbe ba l- Bottignal. y Williams and Vai troed CC vi e a dl clntor? b offQt Were il} ’ dictating the tl B °t ffstage voice Sal; firstly remlnicy»i a 'Colgate ®yes” (circa ij?42) ?i" g on “Banjo “We’re Havlne t n£t r 2 uprise of arious skit dn iiS, ” a ?^ ® n< * a hil- , trainin| k eampi n ? h 1 c “ 0 ^ a ‘ a U'S. revival 0 f the* "halt ® ce ?,?» pIus a clothing .gtor* skirfrn’ “IS back” 1920 "Midnight RoimJn? nl » Cantor's two laugh Were the With Joseph BidoffLinrr t t,?e sbdw » (from the originala' ew H earn 9 ‘ n ‘" witlr mr V unn SU aj Io ^ u ^a Ila soprano did an Inc, V0lce range Who T'ltmiiiimiiimiiiimimiiimmiJ number. Her to , «>e Sun” 1 be denied. Vocal dualities can't BnalO*and 11 !^ 3 ? ‘°?, ‘be minstrel l'”"""' ""“'“'““““""i blackface as f tte'^We Cantor «-„Z%feld New *° th e of 25 vearc «« ■ « Amsterdam era l to closing” i Can tor did a “net? I doormln Alittne’ih b «**taS rT e t Witb a yesteryear* tap talgia was "n°his n efe^ ac ^ r pourse, 1 8»°"“ Ch eaper, ” «a in ’f ^Jptatoes Are Charlie My Bov ” «iS he 'ir Sw eet,° Jjg Eyes at Me"’ Mak- the Robert E. Lee ° with aitin> for afterpiece by Lou win* th T a nove l bmg in" some r«d* 5 Jr -» “ dub - technics. - C9nt0r dance pyr 0 - slick bating oLWie n° d u f ° r his grounding. orch back- liiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHMiiiiiiiiinHU Daily News, New York Sept. 11, 1950 With BEN GROSS Whale of ai Show . ...That de- scribes the first . “Colgate Comedy Hour” on NBC-TV (8 to 9) last night. It marked the TV debut of Eddie Cantor—and the report this morning. must: be that ^e is made for television. Sprightly and fast- paced, with breath-taking dancing, this production had everything for popular appeal. Cantor came into his own, for the first time in the many years |-he-has been on the air ,,. He4s-the Same dynamic comedian that he . was in the days of the “Ziegfeld Follies,” He sings, he dances, he acts with cyclonic energy. One must see him to appreciate what he puts into his work. Charles Friedman, producer of the show, deserves huzzahs for the smoothness and precision of this offering and a special bow should go to Dick BarStow, the choreog- rapher. For this is the dancingest program on video. Especially good was the military sketch with Cantor as a rookie. Lou Hearn’s famous “suit with a belt” skit, however, was too long drawn out. Also outstanding: Yma Sumac, a Peruvian singer with a remarkable voice. But the best por- tion of the hour came when Cantor donned blackface in a minstrel show sequence and revived such numbers as “How You Gonna Keep ’Em Down on the Farm?,” “The Robert E. Lee,” etc. This was nostalgic entertainment with a ' sock. ••• News, Detroit “P 1 - 12, 1950 By herscheee’hart . One of the°'Sr rf E ® to r : ««y a g d » tbatfe day night Wh«n 5 Can tor did q»7n on the ”eolgate e r n,ade bis debut Sf. eft us all ‘wan^efy Hour/? thJ't C «ntor Wa 2B“S more of-? sri/fi? fe. Eddie dW, bowman ^eif into evi»rv aja not force hint HimiiiiiiMnnMiiiHmmimj ^ . iiiimiMhiiMiHiimiuj Miners w, uninterrupted tn * 4 °nt and Cantor showed fhi °“ r opinion .nre kuccessfui Tv ? a ^ ern for fui ‘be othS‘ V R^?; ^act a^ a ‘ wanner^but songslro^Eld-U’ sketehU and tor f SS « of wM c e h hel, Bwadway hmiiMiuiinHiil Imiiiiinn'mtiMii i iihiiiiiiimmiini Newfl. Philadelphia Sept. 11» I iiiiiiiMiiiMuiiiininuHiMmiiiiinimMMMimuuiiim LiiitiMHiMiiiiiniiiMiMiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiMiitiiiiiiiiiin By MITCHEU- SWATRTZ Willi the ease ^cantor showman he 1S *. . . rr«y debut ■ i scorcj'cl u success in ^ ^^our :j i,MimM,, ' M,n,nMnUM0Mniniii,Mim program. and songs Drawing on routines auui » ® . . . that kept his name m * & sho w 1 vears. Cantor paced the sn through 60 minutes Pf solid must Wa faab^ pleuty 'peppy for tS?youngster he ^ *The show moved fast, jP'JQr l ne suuvv ii My Broad- opener he sang fv,nt Aaw some \vav” in a routine that saw .sou fancy dancing and fancier legs ny a smooth girl chorus. from He next did two scenes "Banio Eyes,” the best .being an Armv skit with him standing in spection minus his "What’s A remark by his go t this owl. doing in my outfit? got 'Another scene I 01 H ra °t h !?\n the^ack" olothtog with-a-belt-inrUie oao^ . ,. j ^o store routine. Cantor this on have done the T ^ lg gemm assisted Broadway. Lon neam him in this routine. n , (With In a minstrel show fin ale.t . someone neatly posl j g aS i ne i Banjo do some Strenuous dancing) Eyes, sang in blackface n g oy »» ies, including Charlie My and “Ain’t She Sweet? . me . Cantor’s success in the new dium will continue, we. believe, as long as he Will continue to go on once a month (as is P- that way he can spread out his stun which he does well, and the foi will not tire of it. i CANTOR imiiimiMmiminiiiim.iiiniiinuir iMiHmiHitHiitjiiiihtimiiiiiioiiiM iiimimiHiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiMifiNiiM liiiinipiiiiiiiimmiMimiimiiufiiii iiiiitiitiiiiiiiitiitiiiniMiiMJMiinmi Produced and Direefed CHARLES FRIEDMAN Story Editor MANNING OSTROFF Choreography DICK BARSTOW - <» «<■ • * »•* • »« e *.« •: *--i» *•<*-)• * * * » * . # # * * > * • ' p-m * V •W* 4 K *'« ■ * V bV * V <