Variety (April 1910)

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1 > VARIETY M* ' -'*{** AT HAMKERSTEIN'8 LAST WEEK fl| OYAND TM And hear the Riot they raised with the "SHAPIRO" Song Hit NOE "Johnny Stanley wins by bis capers and Ellda Morris by being charming:. And what a hit was scored by the pair. The cut-tip comedian now has a team mate who agrees exactly with his mood by being able to play straight to his capers without figuratively being thrown into the air. Besides, Miss Morris is splendid on her own account. "Miss Morris was once a minstrel miss. Though she doesn't black up, she Is one still, as her singing showed. ACT FULLY PROTECTED "Their act opened with Johnny passing-water in the audience while Miss Morris was attempting to sing. Waterboys are not on the Hammerstein schedule, but the audience took kindly to the Innovation. "It wouldn't seem any one would dare slag 'Angel Eyes' after the Lit made by Harry Fern two weeks ago with his song at the same house. But it's a different song with the different method of each, and both are great."—Sam M'Kee.'in "The Morning Telegraph," April 12th, 1910. DIRECTION MAX HART Osbun Dola 836 No Willow At Chicago Oswald Win Miss New York Jr B B Ott Phil ITS A Tremont Boston Owen Dorothy Ma* 8047 00 Chicago Osavs The 48 Klnsey At Kenmore N Y Palm* Bather Mile 121 ■ 48 Chkago Pantaer Willy 2 Majestic Little Bock Paradla Billy O N 1 Htl L'Asaoeoptloa P Q Ou Parahley 24 ■ 41 N T Parker * Morrell Proctor's 23 N Y Pasco Dick Bills Nowlln Circus Pastor * Maria Hartford Htl Chicago Pateraoa Al Tiger LHlea B B Patterson Sam Lyric Danville 111 Psall * Byholda 80S County New Bedford PAULINE THE SCIENTIFIC SENSATION Psullnettl * Plqno 4824 Walaat Phila Pearl Katharine Wine Womea A Brag B B Pearce Slatera Three 728 Lea* Seattle Pearl Ylolet Wine Woman A Bong B B Peslson Gilbert Cracker Jacks B B Pearson A Garfield Empire Peterson N J Pealaon Ooldla A H1B Cracker Jacks B B Pearse A Mason 187 Dearborn Chlcsgo Pederaoa Bros 888 Oreeobaah Mllwaakee Pelota The 181 Westminster Av Atlsatlo City Pepper Twine Lindsay Can Pero A Wilson Queen San Diego Pares Six Hippo N Y Indef Perry Prank L 747 Buchanan Mlnneapolla Personl A Halliday American San Francisco Patching Bros 16 Packard At Lymansville B I Peter the Great 422 Bloomleld At Hoboken N J Phillips Jos Queen of Jsrdln da Parla B B PhlUlpa Mondane Oalvert HUNT PhlUlpa Harry Fashion Plates B B PhlUlpa Samuel 816 Claeaon At Bklyn Pierce A Malsee Irwin's Big Show B B Pierce Frank Irwin's Big Show B B Plecola Midgets 418 Strand W 0 London Bag Pike Lester Mardl Ores Beauties B B Pike A Calame 878 Amsterdam At N Y Plroecoffls Fsmlly Cracker Jacks B B Plsano Yen 16 Charlee Lynn Msss Plssno Fred A 88 West Gloversville N Y Plnnkett A Bitter 10 Blllerlcs Boston Pollard Gene Oolnmbla Girl B B Potter A Harris 1718 Leland At Chicago Powell Eddie 2814 Chelsea Kansas City Powers' Blephanta 746 Forest At N Y Powers Bros 16 Trask Providence Powers John A Jessie Star A Gsrter B B Powers Mse BotTee' Beauty Show B B Powers Great 184 Warren Glena Falls N Y Price A Dlston O H Cambridge Md Prices Jolly 1828 Areh Philadelphia Primrose A PetttoB? Arenoe Girls B R Primrose Qaartet Ysa Baron Htl Chlcage Prince Harry Knickerbocker B B Prion The Tukulla Wash Proctor Slaters 1112 Hslsey Bklya Pryer Kste .T«rai»v Mile* B It Pucks Two Grand Syracuse Purvis Jimmy New Century Girls B R Queen Msh 208 8 52 Phlla Quigg A Nlckerson Frolicsome Lambs B B Qulnn Mattle 036 Rush Chicago Ralmund A Good 3444 Elaine PI Chicago Rainbow Sisters 840 14 Ran Francisco Ralande A Ralande Box 200 Cumberland Md Ranney Adele Sam Devere Show B R Ranf Claude Palace Shreveport La Raotley Mabel Majestic New Orleans Ramsey A Wels O II Warsaw N C Rankin Bobby Olympic Los Angeles Indef Rastus A Banks Tlcby's Prague Austria Ratelles The 637 Petonmeux Montreal RawlH A Von Kaufman Orpheum Atlanta Ray Eugene 6602 Prairie At Chicago Raymond Mona Avenue Girls B R Raymond Lillian Knickerbocker B R Raymond Clara Imperial B R Raymond Alice Hippodrome London Eng Raymond Ruby Hudson Union Hill N J Raymore A Co 147 W 06 N Y Raw son Guy Bon Tons B B Ready G Ellis Nowlln Circus Reded A Hadley Tiger Lilies B B Redner Thomas A Co 072 Hudson At Detroit Redway Tom 141 Inspector Montreal Redwood A Gordon 167 Dearborn Chicago Reed Bros 66 Sax ton Boston Seed Chas E Tiger Lilies B R Reid Sisters 46 Broad Elisabeth N J Reed A Karl Grand Santa Cms Csl Reid Pesrl Columbia B R Reld Jack Clark's Runaway Girls B B Reiff Clayton A Reiff Crystal Anderson Ind Rellly A Lewis 64 W 118 N Y Rellly Lillian Irwin's Big 8how B B Relnfleld's Minstrels Alamo Charlotte N 0 Indef Reeves Billy Follies of 1000 Reevee Al Reeves' Beauty Show B B Beffkln Joe 163 Dudley Providence Begal Trio 116 W Wash PI N Y JOHH a BALLY RICE *nd COHEN Permanent address, 806 West ltlst St. Vow York. Remington Msyme Htl Gerard N Y Renalles The 2064 Sutter San Francisco Reynolds Abe Miss New York Jr B R Rhoada A Engel 223a Cheuncey Bklyn Rlanoe Fonr Freeport L I Rice A Cady Star A Garter B B Rice Frank A True 8840 Vernon At Chlcsgo Rich A Howard 214 B 10 N Y Rich A Rich 211 W 48 N Y Richard Bros 017 Bway N Y Richards Sadie Moulin Rouge B B RIesner A Gores Portola San Francisco Rlggs Charlie Bon Tons B R Riley A Ahearn Pantages' Portland Ore Ring A Williams 1634 Bway N Y Ring A Bell Metropolitan Minstrels Indef Rio Al C 2 Majestic Chicago Rlpon Alf 546 H 87 N Y Rltter A Foster Hippodrome Gloucester Bug Robins A Le Favor Yankee Doodle Girls B B Bobbins Billy 0 Reeves' Beauty Show B B Roberts Edns Irwin's Big Show B R Roberts C E 1851 Sherman Av Denver Robinson Thomas Irwin's Big Show B B Robinsons The 001 Hawthorne Av Minneapolis Roblscb A Childress 950 No Clark Chicago Rocamora Suzanne Bayard Htl N Y Rock A Rol 1610 Indiana Av Chicago Roelker Edward Dainty Duchess B R Roof Jack A Clara 705 Green Phlla Romanoffs Tli» Three American Cincinnati Roth Laura G Orpheum Leavenworth Kan Rosey C W 1321 So Wichita Kan Rose Clarlna 6025 47 Bklyn Rose A Ellis Empire B R Rose Fred Bon Tons B R Rose Leo Empire B R Rose Ren Columbia B R Rosenthal Bros 151 Chaplain Rochester N Y Ross T B Irwin's Gibson Girls B R Ross A Stusrt 401 E 70 N Y Ross Eddie G Majestic Jacksonville Ross A Lewis Grand Bolton Eng Ross Frsnk Trocaderos B R Rolande Qeo S Box 200 Cumberland Md Rowland Jlmmle Knickerbocker B R Royden Virginia Mardl Gras Beauties B B Russell A Dnvls Royal San Antonio Tex Russell A Church Alexandria Htl Chicago Russell James Irwin's Big Show B R Russell-Noss Bertha 172 W 77 N Y THOB J RYAN-RICHFIELD GO. WEEK APRIL 85, OBPHETTM, PORTLAND. Rutherford Jim II Hagenbeck Show O R Ryan Richfield Co Orpheum Portland Ore Ryno A Emerson 161 W 74 N Y Ryno Jsck Empire B R Salmo Juno Alhambra Brussells Belgium Sampson A Douglas Majestic Galveston Sanders A La Mar 1827 6 At N Y Sanderson Co 080 Salem Maiden Mass 8a n ford Jars Bingham too N Y Saaford A Darlington 8060 Peogxvre Phlla Sanford W J 182 17 Detroit Scanlon George College Girls B B Scarlet A Bcarlet 013 Longwood At N Y Schultse One String 8826 Flournoy Chlcsgo Schilling Wm 1000 B Lanvale Baltimore Sclntella 688 Lyell At Rochester Scott Maude Family Davenport la Scott Geo W Town Talk B B Scott A Yost 40 Mornlngslde At N Y Scott Edward 112 6 At Chlcsgo Sears Glsdy's Tlvoll London Eng Indef Selbert A Flndley Majestic Ft Worth Semon Duo Orpheum Canton O Sen sell Bros 210 Arlington Pittsburg Seymour Pete Mr A Mre Arlington Htl Atlanta Seymour Sisters 2426 N Napa Phlla Seyona The Yankee Doodle Girls B B Shews Aerial Apollo Vienna Austria Shea Thos B 8664 Pine Grove At Chlcsgo Shenn Lou L Temple Ft Wayne Sbedman's Dogs Dumont N J Sheldon Viola Hastings B R Sbepard A Co James O 1604 Madison At N Y Sherlock A Vsn Dalle 614 W 186 N Y Sherlock A Holmes 1685 Ellis San Francisco Sbubert Musical Four Bowery B R Sidello Tom A Co 4318 Wentworth At Chicago Slddons A Barle 2515 So Adler Phlla Scanlon W J 182 17 Detroit Slmms Wlllard 6435 Ellis At Chicago Shop S Stanley Globe N Y Indef Slater A Finch 10 N 8 Vlncennes Ind Small A Sisters Johnnie Hatbawsy's Lowell Smiths Aerial Rlngllng Bros O R Smith A Brown Unique Des Moines Smith Allen 1248 Jefferson At Bklyn Smith Bill Hsatlngs B R Smith A Adams 408 So Halsted Chicago Smith Larry Wash Soc Girls B R Snow Ray W National San Francisco Snyder A Buckley 164 Foxall Bklyn Socrsnt Bros Three 558 6 Detroit 8pauldlng A Dupree Box 286 Osslnlng N Y Spencer A Austin Keener's Mobile Spencer Billy Tiger Lilies B R Splllers Muslcsl Lyric Danville 111 Sprague A McNeece 632 No 10 Phils 8pringer A Church 06 4 Plttsfleld Mass St Alva Addle Grand Hamilton O St Clair Minnie 140 So 11 Phlla St Elmo Leo 112 5 At Chicago 8tadlum Trio Great 211 B 14 N Y Stafford A Co Frank 2 Orpheum Spokane Stafford Frank A Co Orpheum Denver 8tanley Harry S Grand Evansvllle Ind Stanley Vincent F Ob You Woman B R Stanwood David 364 Bremen B Boston Stedman Al A Fannie 685 6 So Boston Msss Steger Bessie 1534 Bwsy N Y Stelnert Thomas Trio 631 Lenox At N Y Stephens Psnl 823 W 28 N Y Sterns Al 670 3 Ave N Y Stevens E 135 So First Bklyn Stevens A Moore Rice A Barton B R Stevens Llfllan Sam Devere's B R Stevens George Dainty Duchess B R Stevens Psul 323 W 28 N Y Stevens Chas A Primrose Sisters Toronto Can Stewart Harry Marks Wash Soc Girls B B Stewart noward Knickerbocker B R Stewsrt A Earl 30 Curtis Av Woodburg N J Stlckney's Dogs Bell Oakland Strubblefleld Trio 5808 Maple At St Louis Stutzman A May 610 Wash St Wlllismsport Ps Sully A Hussey 107 Dearborn Chicago Summers Allen 1050 W Division Chicago Sunbeams Three Avenne Girls B R Stisana Trlncess Crystal Chicago Svlngall A Co Seattle Warh Indef Swan A Bambard Golden Crooks B R Swat Mllllgsn 225 W 88tb N Y Sweeney A Rooney 1434 Snmner Av Scran ton Pa Syts A Sytx 140 Morris Phlla Tangley Pearl 67 So Clark Chicago Taylor Eva Grand Indianapolis Taylor Carey B Casino Louisville Indef Taylor Mae Bijou Scranton Taylor Fred Brigadiers B R Temple A O'Brien 16 W 2 Durotb Mtns Ten-Ill Frank A Fred 867 N Orkney Phlla Theleroa Hippo N Y Indef Thetcher Fanny Dainty Duchess B B Thatcher A Burnes 226 St Catherine Mont rest Thomas A Hamilton 667 Dearborn At Chlcsgo Thompson Amy Wash Soc Girls B R Thompson Ray Mrs Hippo N Y Indef Thomson Harry 112 Covert Bklyn Thorn dyke Lillian 246 W 88 N Y TAMBO ™>TAMBO Double Thornton Geo A 808 Broome N Y Thorne Mr A Mre Harry 288 8t Nicholas At If Y Thorns Juggling 68 Boss Boffslo Those Three 228 Scott Sen Francisco Thrillers Ths 846 B 20 N Y Trlllers The Bijou Superior Wis Thurston Leslie 1822 12 Washington Thurston George Imperial B R Thurston Nellie Irwin's Big Show B B Tlffney Dugsn Cracker Jacka B B Tinker G L 776 8 At N Y Torleys The Empire Bklyn Tops Topay and Tops Grand Syracuss Torcat A D'Allsa Slttner's Chicago Toubey Trabnel A Ellis Nowlln Circus Touhey Pst A Msy B Hsddsm Conn TrsTere Belle 210 N Franklin Phlla Travere Phil 2 Majestic Chlcsgo Tremaines Musical 280 Caldwell JscksouTllle 111 TROVATO SENSATIONAL VTOLDnBT. Tucker Tlllle Matinee Girl Co Indef Tunis Fay 8oul Kiss Co Turner Bert Le Roy Minn Turners Musical Lyric Catlettsburg Ky Tattle A May 8837 W Huron Chicago Tweedley John 242 W 43 N Y Tydemriu A Dooley 108 Elm Camden N J Tyrrell Al H 25 Pantages' Sacramento *Jllne A Rose 86 W Park At Chicago Umbsults Bros 26 N Jefferson Dayton Unique Comedy Trio 1027 Nicholas Pblla Usher Claude A Fannie Orpheum Minneapolis Vsgges The Bijou Jackson Mich Vsldsre A Varno Amphitheatre Sydney Australia Valdare Bessie Greenpolnt Bklyn Valettn A Lamson People's Phlla Van Billy A Beaumont Sisters Georges Mills N B Van Chas A Fannie Temple Rochester Vsn Epps Jsck 15 W 64 N Y Vsn Hoven Colonial N Y Van Horn Bobby 130 Best Dayton Van Osten Eva Fashion Plates B R Von Serley Slaters 436 B 138 N Y Verde 270 W 80 N Y Variety Comedy Trio Star Cripple Creek Col Vassar A Arken 324 Christopher Bklyn Vasco 41a Acre Lane London Eng CHAS. I FANNIE VAN Assisted by CHAS. T. LEWIS, "A CASE OF EMERGENCY." WEEK APRIL 25, KEITH'S. PHILADELPHIA. Vsss Victor V 25 Haaklns Providence Vedder Llllle Cracker Jacks B R Vedder Fannie Jersey Lilies B R Veronica A nurl Falls 1330 Gtlllngbam Phils Vlctorlne Myrtle 1534 Bway N Y Vincent John B 820 Olive Indianapolis Vlollnl 520 8 Bklyn Viola Otto 123 Montauk Av Bklyn Vloletta Jolly 41 Lelpzlgerstr Berlin Ger Virginia Florence Knickerbocker B R Voelker Frederick Orpheum New Orleans W Wagner Emma Pat White's B R Waldren Msy Avenue Girls B R Wallace's Jack Cockatoos c/o Parker Ablllne Kan Wallack Nanette A Co Alhambra Htl Chlcsgo Walker Muslcsl 1624 Brookslde Indlsnspolls Wsllhelser A Fisher 1018 S J Bedford Ind Walmsley Frank Empire B R Walsh Harry Hastings B R Walsh Lynch A Co Orpheum Los Angeles When anetcering advertisements kindly mention Variety.