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40 VARIETY RCPRBeCNTATIVB «BTI«T« RCPRCeBINTATIVB ART|f3T« " NOTICE " If about 5,000 of the active migidaaa withdrew from the stage, then without any doubt I would be THE GREATEST IV THE WORLD. THE NEAR-GREAT MAGICIAN CHARLES AHEAKN "A Night In A Monkey Musk Hal ft WEEK MAT RAOINB MAM." 1, ORPKEUM, OODEY. FAT OAABT. HUGH LLOYD the bovhdiho rope act. Thtm (Am+H 25), Mmjmmtio, rim. Booked up to May, 1911, on UNITED AND ORPHEUM TIME A LITTLE SKILL AMD A GOOD AGENT DID IT. THIS Wfflt, APRIL 25 PHILADELPHIA Morris Time. BETSY BACON 9 CO. Presents "Deborah's Wedding Day," war time playlet. Support, Jane JetTery and Lloyd Baoon. MAUDE ROGHEZ At Present Orphemn Rood Shew HONEY JOHNSON ON THE MORRU TIME Being ^Mty. Tela week rooting on bis oars. JOLLY-WILD AJTD COMPART. Presenting "F. F. MAMMmM, M." Even an English sparrow knows enough to build • borne before be yets married. BOTBWELL BROWNE "THE MAR IH 8RTRTB," Featured with Honey Boy Evans in Oobaa A Harris' Minstrels. Botbwell Browne a* "The Brinkley Ooon." "THE NARROW FBLLXX." JOCK McHAY SCOTCH COMIC. (id to none.) April 86. Hiding. May 8, Columbia, Cincinnati. COM BERTRAM. Assisted by HTLDRED EMMETT , "AH EVER- DfO AT HOME." A novel and elaaay offering-- capital oomedy dialog*—flne musio—our own beauti- ful set. Four of a kind that takes the pot. J. W. CLARK'S MONKEY COMEDIANS In Vaudeville. Direction MARTTH BEOH. Permanent addreas, 8185 Weat 81st Are., Denver, OoL (to. L With JACK HAWHDTS. Permanent Address: 8509 A8HLA2TD AVE., CHICAGO. The STANTONS T/RTTED TIME. WALTER. JR., and ERBTE8T GEORGE. JVn,l% A fid JVmff^s)* Gene Hughes W. 185th 8*., New Tort. Ritter ■* Foster AOROM BOMB, Add VAITRBVTLLH OLVB, MILLER MACK "Those Boys with the Leete Feet" Kicking along nicely , "th ank you," in our lltb reek en the B.-C OTR0UTT. Ask NORMAN JEFFERIES. THOUR f ATIC C1fC V « UNITED TIME AMERIOAH FLORENCE TROUPE With RARMUM ft BAILRT OTROVB, 1S1A Next Week (May 2). Poll's, Wilkes-Barre Fixed up by fVWe^s s^sjs^^ewveisj sjBjv^^rvovs^Mesnsg awvisew fSj^sasvofs VAREB^T*