Variety (April 1910)

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42 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS VENTRILOQUIBT WITH A PRODUCTION cd. r. REYNARD B«ih Dewberry and Jawn Jawnaou la "A MORimrO IN HICKSVTLLE." Dlreotioa JACK LETT. MONA Tr« CkMipUa Slmc-crt •! ▼.*<•*..«• The Beit Singing Quintette In Vaudeville. Sam J. Curtis ^ Co. MELODY AND MTRTH, In the Original "School Act." Revised and elaborated into a •creaming success. All onr muiio arranged by Geo. Botaford. WEEK MAT 7, MAJESTIC, BUTTE. BREAKWAY BARLOWS A RCHIE ** ONRI TROUPE Some wonder how I do the Devilsticks—others l<M>k on .it tlirin hiuI an- nonplused entirely. They look so easy, but thi-y are not easy. They take judgment and ability in their accomplishment. How funny! how funny! Yi'H, yes! we understand h11 ntxnit it. We know tlnil your gr.-mddnddy did It (my tri'Hiidfiitlioi' I'm rrfcnlnu to. «ent hinen <>f the Jew-ry)- l»tit ami then some more huts— I am the originator of the Comedy Devilsticks. <lo Home. hoys. r,o a few somes to do them hs I Mo them. You entinot—you cannot tliy diiys are not ho prnetlceful as they were In thy childhood. It Isn't the name that makes the act— It's the act that make* the name. THB KINO OF IRELAND. JAMES B. DONOVAN AMD RENA ARNOLD QUEEN OF VAUDEVILLE. DOING WELL, THANK TOU. Director and Advisor, King Pat Casey. Hurry Atkinson UNITED TIME. FAT CASEY. Agent. GRIFF Desires all managers, per- formers, press and public to come and see his faro- well week at HAMMER- STEIN'S. MAY S. Will try and be extra funny. PAUL DURAND, Agent Van Cleve, Denton and! "Pete" We are en- gaged to play the Base Ball Park Hippo* dromes for the summer. Booked Through United Book* ing Office. THE ONLY ! LOOK!! Something New Under the Sun. JAPANESE COMEDIAN IN VAUDEVILLE MOTOMTAKAHASH (Late with Miss Alice Mortlock) IN A JAPANESE-AMERICAN COMEDY SKETCH Now in Rehearsal. Address 405 A8TOR THEATRE BUILDING, N. Y. CITY. STUART BARNES Direction GEO. HOMANS. THREE COLES Novelty Tight and Bounding Wire Acrobats. Season 'to-'lO, "POLLY OF THE CTRCU8." GartelleBros. Introducing Singing, Smnoing and SKATORIALI Sm Direction JAMES E. PL UN RETT. HOMER B. MARGUERITE Mason ; Heeler Direction, MOST H SINGER, Princess Theatre, Chioag*. GAVIN - PLAIT - PEACHES Presenting "THE STOLEN KID." Permanent address, Clifton, N. J., L. Box 140. Did you ever stop and ponder, When you read this little ad, How long it took to write it, And the different ideas we had! Sometimes it takes an hour, Sometimes it takes a minute, But the one that takes an hour to write .Leaves the minute one not in it. When you've got it written, And for new ideas you seek, The same old phrase confronts you, What will we say next week? VARDON, PERRY AND WILBER. Care VARIETY, London. THE THREE KEATONS There was an old aotor named Keaton. Whose shirts didn't have any pleatin'; His wife did deolare, with those shirts that you wear, It's a cinch you ain't doing muoh cheatin. Neat Weex (May 2), Young's Pier, Atlantic City. TERRY TWINS You may be able to guess "WHO'S WHO," But you oan't tell "WHICH IS WHICH" Address VARIETY, Chicago. CARITA DAY BILLIE REEVES "THE ORIGINAL DRUNK" "F0LLIE8 OF 1910." THIRD 8EA80N. Management, MR. F. ZIEGFELD, JR t '08-09-10. BARRY 8 WOLFC-RD HOME ON THE HILL. CLIFTON HEIGHTS, CLIFTON. N. J. BRONX, MAY 16. JAMES E. PLUNKETT, Smart Agent The Brownies and Co. THE WAR OS OVER. Some agent now can make a hit And grab the sketoh that's really it. THE WAR D3 OVER and it's name; Just watoh this sketch get in the game. IN VAUDEVILLE. Walter Stanton •I THE GIANT ROOSTER " WIGGINS FARM Apply to THE CHADWICK TRIO. MARSHALL P. WILDER ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. ■afl TPhoae It*. LOTTIE BELLMAN TIVOLI. LONDON. I^JI rvi CHARLIE OLCOTT A COMIC OPERA IN TEN MINUTES When •ftgwerift* Uvprlkmmto kindly mention Variety. IO MIT at the Fifth Ave. (Week April 11) This Week (April 25), POU'S, SCRANTON