Variety (December 1950)

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RADIO REVIEWS f ♦ ♦ f t ♦ » > 4 f f t f » ^ Wednesday, December 6, 1950 TV TATTLCT li'itli Charlie Starke; Eloise Mc- Elhone, r«est producer: Dick Winters Writer: W'lnters 15 Mins.; Mon., 6:15 p.m, Sustaininif W INS, N. Y. ONLY HUMAN WITH SIDNEY FIELDS ^ „ , With Dr. Norman Vincent Pealc, Rex Harrison, Lilli Palmer, James P. (Foulproof) Taylor, £[ii0sC$ ' Producer-Director: Jack Farren 30 Mins., Sun., 2 p.m. Sustaining: ♦ ♦ » » ♦ • » * * ♦ » Sunday’s ^3) edition of “The Big . Show” won’t go down m history, Here’s a show that could pose i despite the presence i wok Ni-w York years m be expected to fear television s in- daughter (Tallulah Bankhead) as j been writing a daily feature col- roads, would decide to program a I emcee. It wa$ a geuej-ally hum-i the New York Daily Mirror being shown in TV, the station ' comics: in Joan P^vis^ and Fields’ knack for finding P^^'sons l _ t Ifpi^ The Hi can almost certainly count on , an : silvers, Were left with little sme- . .^^j^ unusual personalities or occu- !, fo«rtpd thpir <; audience, both from among video fire material: there were^ : pations or interests makes for a, IIS mw YORK CITY . • • Ed Gruskin, head of European Cooperation Administration radio activities, flew in from Paris following .death of hi$ father at Duke Univ. Another son is George Gruskin, of William Morris agency. Agencyman Milton BioW into Harkness Pavilian for a checkup* had gallstones operation and due out today (Wed.). ., .WJZ’s Mary; Margaret McBride named “Outstanding Woman of the Year in Radio” by Asso- ciated press poll of femmeditors. Gloria Swanson, how on WOR and a transcribed show, also took kudos.... Madeleine Lee into “Portia Hillard Edells (he’s WNYG’s produetion, chief) son Lawrence. . N. Y. Stock Exchange account has switched from Gardner to BBD&O, but no radio and teevee is j presence of i' * hi in i t lal ^eement ’ Fields ' Planned .. Jocko Maxwell, W WRL sportscaster, to guest on Jimmy surpi:i 5 inBly|h 3 d”as"his guests Rex Harris,)n P*were’ WPIX stanza Sunday iIO)... Hollywood Gold CUp to be aired gave the Lilli Palmer, currently j exclusively over .CBS^Saturday i9). _ . <4Ti^n \ T? 2 idin \Vritpt*R Oiiild nrPT: Ira Manoii adds duties as adviser on docu-* fans and those who have not yet gaps in Miss Bankhead s lines ana : ^yholly interesting half-hour. embraced the new medium. That, sangfroid, and only.thenl i ^ _ a. cohseouently, should result in a Fred Allen — and sponsor. Which means that WINS enough; Miss Truman _ a. i « ^ ^ 4 - a would be making capital ot its aircr any distinction. ring in “Bell, Book and Candle” | Radio Writers Guild prez Ira Marion adds duties as adviser on docu compctUion. i Allen had gotten himself some P ,pbulproof) nientary and dramatic programs for the Voice of America Palestine Judging from the preem show, j^jev Goodman Ace material and xaylor, designer and manufacturer desk to his ABC chores . . Bing Crosby’s four sons appear with their (4.. "TV Tattler” will follow the delivered it with aplomb, like the ^ safety equipment, and ' dad on his CBS airer Dec. 20 , .. WMCA reprising its “Halls of Con- foi mal of the raciio “movie” com- niaster he is When he and his scrip- Vincent Peale, N. Y. gress.” dramatizations Friday 18 ) under Joe Gottlieb’s aegis . ; . . Warren ; mcntalors. including dispensing of just right. _Truman, . Latter was one of a Jennings, former managerOf Crosley Broadcasting Gotham office, has.: so-c alled behind-the-scenes notes, , playing ccmecly foil to Miss Bjhk" ; series of churchmen who will dc- , a new niche at ABC raciio spot sales . Walter Greaza replaces Edward now.'^ of the medium and mter-. head* Silvers, Allen and Miss ^ sermon each Sunday. pa^»ley as lead ih “Big Town” ( AM) as show enters its eighth year on views will! guest celebs. Davis, . \vas a. refreshing sur- or peale spoke on forgiveness. ^ir. Frah Garlson stet as Lorelei. . . It’s a boy for the Bob (CBS Press) news oi the medium am mtei- pi’ise ih the . way she v^n- Hamson and his.wife, Miss Pal- Fillers. ’ or,r,ifo nf thpiv' ffptini? rnieprs. jock Johiiny Clarke named radio publicity chairman for the Commis.sion for the Blind Xmas sale. . . Paul Harvey will pinch- ABC commentator Baukhage until the latter returns from va- irNBC'sSnsideriog Jerry U ;^«on Dec.^25. ^1^ ^ lor a spot on Us Simday niglU jn an aUractive coloratura. Miss who was an athlete and an fay 12), when the Cole Porter musical Out ot This_World, tn • Comedy Hour ’ iWhieh the web Truman was handicapped by the opera singer in his younger days. he stars.^is duetto preem . Marilyn 'T. Costello and Henry Giltespie. has denied, incideiitally' and Ken overdose of miislv Miss Bankhead recalled his entrance into the field both of RCA s l.hesaurus, wed. la.s^ week..WJ^ 5 Phil Alampi elected " ' * inent and some of prez of National A^^sn. of Radio Ne\ys Directors.. . .Air Force has dec- 'sonally underwent oratecl Scott W. Donaldson, Tele-King Gorp, veepee, with Exeeptional . , u reliability of his Service Medal. . . WOV’s Arnold Hartley becoming a papa for the third will be Old-hat to the trade but itS go^^ors in spite of the :pompous product. time. . . .Grace Valentine new to “David Harum’’. * . Nat Polen and . ... .. session was Richard Yorkc join “The Romance of Helen Trent’’.,. .Roger Sullivan informative, is “Backstage Wife” addition. to do but Julie Bennett into “Life Can Be Beautiful”. . . .Bill Stern’s “Sports on NBC, which for the past 12 years has been the exclusive medium for Colgate shave cream, will introduce a new Palmolive ‘ -shave lotion Jail. 1. Shbw will be the only media plugging the " product ,... ABC sportscaster Harry Wismer kudosed by Vets of For- Wars . , Hal Tunis renewed as WMGM disk jock. . .Alvin Bahn- Long island U. prof, now moderating WWRL’s “Let’s Look at the has denied, incidentally' ana iven overdose of mush Miss Bankhead .i-ecalled his entrance l\Iureay'.s jump from 37th to 12th , and the others handed but as pre-. qj j, 3 fe^y equipment place in the latest Hoopers, Most ^o bringing hei* on, and "the tests he personal of this *.*inside” .stuff, bf purse, credit that she won her prove the relia' will be Old-hat to the trade but it S in spite of the :pompous. product. conceivably what the public would .buildup. Only flaw in her guest-. Altogether, the sessi( like lo hear. _ . ., i-r , ing was her repeated use of the highly interesting and infc Starke isn’t afraid to .identify /^^.Qrd“progrum.” ' Fields himself had little tc . the networks in question by name, Allen’s playlet about a discus- jgt his guests talk while he di-r Newsreel” which is a good thing. He does ginn group was superior funning, reeled the course of discussion. • a cap.sule review of a new sliw . silvers’ monolog about his fare m But it’s Fields’ ability to pick such after-shave vjc\N. ulc iini-icxiw. Miss Human, wniie ms uil iioui ; Eloiso McElhone, who m discus_sr picture, “State Secret,” wa-S i in? her wardrobe problems on iV, I Mindy Carson was i ■ ^ got in a number of plugs tor lier ; some bad lines, hut THIS IS THE VOICE OF AMER- varioiis shows. Starke also an-her song, “Touch of i IGA ^\^ cred q u e s t i o n s supposedly , your Lips.’* The Sons of the Pio- Writer: Eugene Kern IN HOLLYWOOD mailed in by listeners. He eX^ neers had a fine rendition in their plained what a kinescope record- q£ “Water.” ing is and that gave him an oppor^ 1 tunity to quote Ed Wynn’s defmi-1 Marty Glickman has installed a WNYC, N. Y. Director: How ard Hotchner 15 Mins.; Fri. (24), 9:30 p.m. Sustaining source The jinx 13 holds no terrors for Jean Hersholt. To celebrate his I 13th year of “Dr. Ghristian” he’ll host a party of 13 on Dec. 13 . .. , Chet Huntley is now' sponsored cross the board on CBS. Washington Co-op Assn, bought his commentary for Sunday and that makes it seven a week.. . Eve Arden W'cnt to the hosp for a few days of rest and. show was a report to Con- checkup... Lud Gluskin, CBS music director, flew east for funeral bf made by the public informa- his mother. . . .ABC must have plans for Jay Stewart.. He heads up two . tion division of the U. S. State De- shows and is also 4jeing groomed for TV It’s all in a week’s work i he shares w'ith Ward AVilson every x,.,- rmrtio‘?Gs and ac- Wolfe. -He sold pne show, wrote another, set his wife, Edna I night in the week. . Show broad- , ‘> »«**• » N. Y. show, directed “HaUs ot Iv.y- and shipped Cary Grant cast from the Cavalier Restaur.ant, i tivities of the Voice oi Ameiica, , peddle another Wolfe package. “The Blandings”.: . .The WACS called up Jean Castles of CBS publicity .staff, who W'as a the. last war. . .Frank Stanton made a surprise call on Harry Ackerman I FLY ANYTHING least from the Cavalier Restaurant, i tivities of the “Voice of America, With Dick Haymes, Clmrles Flynu., n. Y,, retains es.sentially the .same ;such, this airer wa.s r straight Jack Lister, Patti Dunlap, otn- format, but the award is a device ' of the “Voice” opera- ers; Rex Maupin orch; Jay Arlen, I brightens up a dull Monday voice op ^ ........ 1 - -u; f5n.« Qc a tfinnAi nron;i?innna medi- Fischer, Frank announcer Producers: Sy Cooper Director; Clark Andrews Writers: Arnold Perl, Abe Ginnes 30 Mins,; Wed., 8:30 p.m. Sustaining ABC, from Chicago On Monday’s (4) show, the i —, . , - .. award went to N. Y. Giant quarter- i wealth and international commit .. . u ^ , 1 Dem^r to work on Bob Hope to emcee Y’s 75th anni in the back Charlie Gonerly for his work ..nients, has allowed budget coin loi I Colorado capital.. . H. R. Baukhage doing his ABC broadcast from . ... . . in the Giants’ crushing defeat of 9^1y a fourth-rate y^ice ot .Viner-! here for a week... Dana Clark took leave of the Three Johns (Master- Dick Haymes shows m this ; the N, Y. Yanks the day before. In : u- j ^ Reddy & Nelson) to head up guest relations at ABC... Cedric cle that he can also, like pi^, addition. Glickman had as his guest 1 ‘Voice ^anks Adams taping his phone conversations from Minneapolis with the Powell; make the switch from 1 for the evening Bill Hertzler, head Hu.ssia and even Bra/^^^ ladies of the elite ...Pat Butiram is back on the Gene Autry .show ^•coning to adventure dramaUcs I of {he N. Y. Public School .yhletic ; of W three months’ hospitalization with injuries received in an ex- H«ymcs IS cast in the role or t^ap^ League Coaches Assn. The pair hmitauons, nowevei, voice ispio , plosion on TV location tain Crane, devil-may-care head of discussed the ramifications upon gramming m all the major laU" i a non-scheduled airline with a ■ sports and students of the coaches’ Suages,^with special accent on the A->wwwg^ j penchant for cargo that mvolves I j. 0 fpgjjj fo coach—in fact, the re- Soviet-dominated nations, and^ is v/\ tjti ^ danger and suspense. . fusal of teachers to participate in presenting a variety of news, lea- gfua^t Riordon, formerly with American Airline*? has been named On the preem Wednesday (29), | any extra-curricular activities in tpre, opinion and mupcal shows. ftioraon, loimei ly wiin Ameiican Aiiiines, has been named Haymes’ plane, Fdilunately the, gion that the coaches’ stnke was bomb exploded after the plane ; harmful both to sports and* Ip the landed, and Haymes was alive to ; children, but Hertzler maintained help convict the man of “murder, the position that it was neces.sary As an added fillip, it turned out and W'ould in the long run prove that the wdfe w'asn’t murdered after ; of benefit to both all but' had allowed her hU.sband “The Kirkwood and Goodman With Eugene Conley, Cracic Fields, ! Show,” formerly a half - hour to go to ilie chair to get her re- venge and his insurance coim . ^ ^ Scriptmg V’as adept, ^letting the ^yeekly presentation over WOR. fluclicncG in on the i^ct the poiiiD ^ Y is now a IS-niiniit© cross- wa.s aboard the plane as a^ neat sus- the-board. entry on that sl.ition : producer: Walter King pciiFe-provokcr and pulling Inc Kirkwood and Lee Croociman 15 Miiis. son .. final switch, lor-a. spiprise twist ^ lot of. .effort .into: !be ,pror . AMERICAN CANCER 30CIETY ;, retarv■ It was a little heavy, however, in hpf. faB to come off '.V’th This is an excellent class musi- Nation; producer of ABC’s “This Is Your FBI,” in towm last week while en- route from Coast to N. Y. for conferences with, web execs. . . Don Rollison is new member of WBBM trafi'ic department Judith Waller, Chi NBC director of public aflairs and education, attending White House Conference on Children and Y'outh in Washington ...Sentinel Radio Corp. sales during October hit $2,707,757 compared to $761,735 for same month last year , Fran Allison guested on WBBM’s “Five —— to-/ vveck . J. Walter Tliompson radio department stafrer Ellabelle Davis, Ada Alsop, Vera^ Guilbert and bride, former Eleanor Goodrich, honoyjnoo^'it^S in Lynne, Bob Fariion orch, others; New' Orleans, . Paul Fry, general man;vger of KBON. Omaha, Neb;, William Rogers, announcer Mutual Central Division visitor last week. . . Robert Brethauer leaves ^•j^sales depcirtmcnl for time buyer berth at J. Walter thOmp- .- ^Stella Zyeh has joined the Chi NBC press departinent as sec’* to nianagor Jack Ryan NBC's “Quiz Kids” has been cited by MUSIC AMERICA LOVES A m- ■ . Clljld ren and Adults . . . Paul Gibson, airer for Hudsoh-Ross : ABC sales service de^ plant ; , . Peggy Murdock a Gal and a Song.” either the WNEW airei slanted Wednesday evening l^^mp ; w ai i Duo also seems to be short on Pi?nPTr'*ci uncixrirQG material since the best ®^”^NE^S pulled on show caught Mon With Alma Dcttm-cr, Frederic ^vas also the top bit — Fred Davy has a am, “Favorite W J AS e very Tues- day and Friday night at 10 for KXOK, KSD Off St Louis Air Wheii Cable Burns short on Each of the 13 disks features quarter of an hour . , . Karl Krug - ost stunt standard t u n e s and may be Sun- Telegfanh- Si Sleinh*inc;er KXOK lonrlay '4) .skcckled in any order. On a sample .^ " . • KSD NRf registered, program numbers were a ff,ntasy; Cohen, fn,r St. Louis, Dec. 5. local ABC outlet, and NBC outlet, were put off :n month.s ago mg Home,” “Don’t Fence Me In.” for Duquesne Brewing Co.’s “Wei- i V yeciiic came was constant ■ inter- “Anvthing Goes” and Vera Lviine <, a u j** i ' ^ melted, due tp the heat generatod iiiatra’s record- in an appealing rendition of “La-^^^■^^® Aboard song contest every by a fire that, destroyed a switch- ; wlien. they were reviewed in on“Whcn Johnny Comes March-) Gazette, again serving as judges nouncer, Bill. Strauss i Variety about seven month.s ago in^ iirkmo “ “nAn'i irnn/.e ati> its 4 .*.^.. i-*.. 4 -,when an electric cable was Ht dealt with the P^'lKTIOPvriNr'^’’'’^"” *■** *’■'” J V“l^ting of Fi-ank Sinatt'a s rccoi-a- in ,in appcaliiiR —• o , , • u. k ; , u?XviJ ling of “How Much Do I Love You” , vender Blue.” All the items are ; .Saturday night on KDKA . . . Bet- man’s shanty hear National City, - txrr^Vto < to answer each of the m ' ’ - - ■ • - • > Fo lovnne nine vcai's on WQXR. tions asked. In addition N Y,. as a morning cross-the- about some bo.M’d “Other Peopl e’s Busi- evfny trvini? to nr.'=«" .Shifted to the 2r30 to 3 p.m. boVs liso nf-v® ® ftaf is^Te^sf doserihed“bv’’Tt;/or ‘ . cancer research Jind the need for WRICK S^wtnr "as Kirkwood attempt- early detection teal '"e most of the humor, with Good- effect cure _ „ ui. til.?,ioii.s eiiner oy ceieoii- playing straight mail. Spon- fine service by ACS for all broad Ls Happiness” .show, daily quarter-, nograph records was broadcast SOrsllio on show .is nartiein.ntini?: eiiK?tei*.<! ■ Rril . hnin* film ft^fiturn nn WIVPV.. . i u/IiiIa the hrealr rAnnirefL oarch and the need for WMCK in McKeesport to join ’ ,'".u a ^ ction of tlie disease to Packaged Programs, Inc., and his. i. , ®. Hlihois transmitters were . In, an,, this series is a wife is writing that outfit’s “Home and music from pho- 4Q).j , /I sorship Oh sboV ,is .p^ir^ipipajihjgi ^ca|sters^ ^ ^ 4 AT It -r t t “Tt ^ .kour;fllm £v'i}tprs oPi WWV»f < , . ,'iWhile the break .W’;ajp,if 0 P^ir|[:fl* ,