Variety (December 1950)

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LfiOlTIMATB 'WediiMdayt Decembel* 13, 1930 A Season in Hell Frances Starr Guest With Ohio Wesleyan U. ^Cord' Actors FuiidMuIfe Drive for Coin, ] oB-BW aow* | f A/f Fi -—v; —^—■ Delaware O Dec 12, Federal government was once Members to Ousel Resources Dipi .»poSe'^ A1AMBWVS V » three acts (^i«ht scenes) by Rao Dalven. pouea r ranees awrr io wi^c jnc ^ « . • ' ■ ■ ■■ Directed by John Dyley. Settings Rich- guest lead in a campUS production . resolution todonted la»*t wppIt TKe Actors Fun^ ^ ^ ^ {.Vlh^fflcan ffllpll As^ S“us governing boa^i Ts cur- Hcaley-George Treasure I.d.nd, J«k pf ^hlch was presented Monflay L»tte''- /? *"rni 'nT^^hv *,k' rently mulling ways Of bringing ad- ]\Jay Go IntO ANTA Series ; “jjs? H^Sid <;S. d^n!*Richard’Spiihn. John ! (11). ^Sta^S ^^OVernmertt<f /iiiional reveiiue into its cofTers. ^^ ^ nianc- a • sSg. Lisa Baker, lu Frari^, Maurine Hpi- The Wesleyan Players produc- oi oiaies ^uove^^ems, . ... for the nast 68 Eunice Healey, who plans a ■ Beachnpr, stuarLLo* .. ^ directed bv Prof K C, has been urging that thii National cnarity^ lor me pa t Broadway production this season gan, John Regan, Janine Manatis. Robert tmn yas qirecien oy i-roi. field be taken from Uncle Sam and vears has cared for the ill and in- «‘Treflq* Hiiiiard. Don pieshettc, John Darley. Hunter, of OWN’s Speech depart- taKemrom uncie oam ana years nas taic Several ^ cSloa Tomas, Verne Beebe. Vinlc Bur^ ment given to the states. ?:8®"L“l*,-t? “;fv® hv,hc Fmrd we ^ ™ However. It was admitted in- blueprmts for _ _ . star, is being sought by_the Ameil- —r ^ , formally by the municipal group to increase its endow . NeatiOnal Theatre & Academy i npaiinff with the relationship be- I ^ ##' . ■■^9 II! fhaf .notViinty \<rnii1d pnrnsb nf itc rAc- The Actors Fund of America,'♦’* bo^ Healey-George ‘Treasure dci' consideration. can National Theatre & Academy jjeaiing ^vith the relationship be- ' to present the show as . part of the tween two 19th-century French Offer ‘Meoii’ Continued from page 73 plenty George given to the states. However, it was admitted in- formally by the municipal group that nothing would come of its res- olution at this time. Views de- clared, In part: **The admissions and amusement , V| - , V -—r—r- to the Qiier, Also in with those on"t>roadway proape- ggj,|jUgj.g enabled t.o buy tickets tax now levied by the.Federal gov- are topping receipts for the first involved in the decision are the tjons that haye^a Jjuiited appe^, I ^ Miller production at be-1 ernment has every characteristic time, and since he dOesuH to thors. M. J. Farrell and John h"at Save th*^™ an Unfair edge Ta ^KcaH^^^ dim into the Drincipal, ne leeis it pprrv. 1®CI is one mai is inore lo ine any mAmKAra vvrbh bad .nr- i a.... ...n dip into the principal, he feels it *-aKA Bnanrial nef‘ds ' * i v j 1 r, Element than the average playgocr I better fiiV thy - fin^ The play jiad a 41-week run in ^^^n ^-Equ?h^^xast‘ dered seats at the regular boxof- j which wish to use it. To accom- now than to wait until the_condi- West End last season with ^nroduced bv Greeor fice price, she claims. However, * pUsh this the Federal government tion becomes^ Sybil Thorndike and Taksa, who plans running it at the [ Miss Siegler^said she has made no i should withdraw fronvthe Federal posed^ campglg ^^^ members Cherry Lane theatre for at least a protest to Miller or to the mana^ , admissions tax, or ihstitute a credit all-out drive ^o . . other staged the H. M. Tenne t n^onth with regular evening per-' ment of the Martin Beck, N, Y., device similar to that employed but. as Vincent agrees o^^^ lormances and two matinees a where the Christopher Fry comedy with the inheritance tax.’^ sources of reyenue will be ne^^^^^ ;■ . .... ' .. . week. Yam concentrates predoml- ig playing. I - — N .1 City W GarMrs ;;.S, '£"5 SVJS Ciirreat Rnd Shows la,t j^artrtheilland nMdy.; This Crix KlldoS, $81,900 TokC IwcameTslave’deaier and “ (Dac. ll-dd. figure includes sums distributed for «« A gun-runner. pioduction of Bell, Book, and “Angel In. the Pawnshop*' (tryr direct relief, medical care, hos- I- CaII \p;|CA|| It was during the seven-year pe- Candle reached a Be\y extreme, — Harris, Ghi. (11-23) (Re- pitalization and upkeep of the , !■* ff vCn 1 au ywovu of composition that Rimbaud' Claiming that several hundred ^ in Variety, Nov. 8; *50). Fund’s home in Englewood, N. ,j. The three-year-old N, Y. City became friends with the elder Ver-1 sealed and stamped envelopes ^ “As You Like It’* — Biltmore lormances and two matinees a where the Christopher Fry comedy with the inheritance tax.” week. Yaini concentrates predoml- ig playing. ^ / . | ^^—— nately^ Oil RjmbaMil, who^.began j Meanwhile, Miss. Siegier's strug- 1 riirMnf RasiiI <llAUr« stouDed seven Marlfater at^vMch ' 8le against Irene M, Selznick over | tUrreill 11020 OuOWS time he became a slave dealer and i ® ®bpply of tickets for the la tevs (Dec, 11-23 ) gun-runner. I ® “Aneel In the _Pawnshop” (tryr employed iasVyear m ”^s CliX RudoS, $ 81 y 90 aTake fS ; ^lec. 11 - 23 ) figure includes sums distributed foi «« A gun-runner. pioduction of Bell, Book, and “Angel In. the Pawnshop” (tryr direct relief, medical care, hos- I- CaII \p;|CA|| It was during the seven-year pe- Candle reached a new ^xtreme. ^— Harris, Ghi. (11-23) (Re- pitalization and upkeep of the , !■* U ff vCn 1 au ywovu of composition that Rimbaud' Claiming that several hundred ^ in Variety, Nov. 8; *50). Fund’s home in Englewood, N. ,ja The three-year-old N. Y. City became friends with the elder Ver-1 sealed and stamped envelopes ^ “As You Like It” — Biltmore This summer, about $32,000 above Ballet Co., which finished its fall laine, noted symbolist poet. While . addressed to SOMC subscribers l. a\.. (11-16); Russ Aud., San income was expended; in October, season of three weeks at the City together with Verlaine, Rimbaud and containing filled applicatmns Civic Aud., Pasadena $9,000, and $6,000 last month. Center, N. Y., Sunday (10), gar- wrote his final poetic work, A for ‘‘Bell, Book and ^ Candle Qg,: Aud., Riverside, Cal. (20'. National Aid Stressed fhe 1wo^esulted ta‘‘ve?lator‘'“ ^ paiSn ‘vlnceTsfyt ?hf#and wm it,d&g lo'^serfe a^l lIJitence Academy of i Sin,) ,nH nnt a boxoffice as well. Biz started sloWly, ^j York,district _attoi-ney. At _a hear- , Music, Northamptiori, Mass. (16i. stress that it’s a national and not a avoi^aa j. v t 4. 00 4/>n\ ! ucuausc ui me iiiuve. i lief wAsilr in hi'? nttiOC Wltll local charity, which he claims most wth only a Cast turns in capable perform- the Ihuberts" of the uniformed are inclined to be- th® Brst ^ but It ances, with Robert Leland though : because of the move. ! ing last week in his office with licie^ S UP timt » fir the major relief caseload comes ^ hoff $35,500 the final week, foi “Brigadooii” — Shubert, Detroit anees, wiLU xvouert j-<t:iaiiu Kaa 1 .-ai^ onA Alice CiiAtrlpr 1 a little too old in appearance to j ^uu^^Mrs Selznick as a witness' • “Captain Carvallo” (tryout)— convey the youthfulness of Ehii-’ Detroit (n-16; Hanna, Cleve. baud, managing to project, an es- (Reviewed in Variety this VIS,, an $81 900 total hfliid inam^ntr to nrniprf an ac- ' tlie prosecucor reporieaiy auviseu from. New York and environ , Budget for the season will run thetic qualitv.*^ Richard Clark’s: th® criminal anniioants are^a^o^cared'f^^^ ^n- somewhere between $90,000 and scenery provides play with an au-• action was involved, but that it was nHiPr nninfc to aceentuated will be $100,000, with a deficit less than thentic flavor, while Ruth Morley’s a civil matter. fh-If morp^han of fiVerv dol- expected. Troupe felt effccts pf toO costumes are impressive. John To Fill Orders XilAt more tndn oUC OI. evorj QOI. uli. *kt nr cofc flio T^r/nr^oT* Afve QAlTniolr a QC Art 111#' VAStPr-^ much ballet in N. Y. this fall (Sad-: Darley’s direction sets the nroper .Jar of revenue received, is ear- Z SrU mood TTi^irkAfl for charitv • work* Vin- Icr s Well.s^ Los • Bsllots do Psris cent’s chief aides in such distribu- Grand n wi ! Ann tions are Robert Campbell, secre- tion, and general biz decline. It 1 • P tary, and Alice Ryan, asst, secretary $3,000 m estimate take op two per- .Bro«W,., and investigator. formances due to the recent hurii- Gros.' ApartitM^iii for Rout Funds main source of revenue baivyj-jAA o«/i exoloitation and- Cast: Jon Griffin, Barbara Howe. Len oiit a method of filling orders sent D’Oyly Cj has been bequests and .monies ^Mn’t build up a ?ig advance. Us .ra‘d1?ra.ucK“T%r^^^^^^ in b,v subscribers .She. will posi- (11.23'. raised via senes of annual benents, hypoing steadily during its run —jtively not give Miss Siegiei an> , Know, wherein aU legit attractions play a ^.oj.^.of.,,,outh. Cri^ Written by ice skater-actor-avi-i "’'>*•« ®nd prefers not to chi. lil-23i. me pici mdi mu k-miimai. action was involved, but that it was ! . ,,441^ a Pivil mittpr ‘ Comc Back, Little Sheba”— * ^ ^Tn Fill Ordpre Geary, San Francisco (11-16); Met- : Mrs. SeT;;,ick. asserUng yester- .'r®'"w . day that she has already given . Consul ^^Gayety, Wash. (11- Miss Siegler more “Bell, Book and '• ^ a „ . 1 Candle” seats than specified in the “Death of Salesman”—Color i contracts, indicated that rather Bial, Bost. ( 11-23>. than penalize any bona fide SOMC . “Diamond Lil” Blackstone, : members, she is trying to w'ork' Chi. Ql-23t. out a method of filling orders sent D’Oyly Carte — Shubert, Phila. in by. subscribers. She will PQsi- (11-23*. jtively not give Miss Siegler any' *i Know My Love” — Selwvn, BrobHlyn Masque Players (Lee Wenick) 1 contracts, indicated that rathei Sunday night benefit jjerfo n a c ics were unusually liberal with thor Ken Parker and originally Srtltn “innoccnts”—Hanna. Cleve. (ll- i their praise, some singling the titled “There’s Always a Murder,” wants to accommodate SOMC ; 15,. Majesty’s. Montreal ilS- netted $34,208 t() the Fund- Other troupe oiit as America’s No. 1 “Apartment For Renl” has “the subscribers, she^ said. , 123'. sources come frem membership makings of a neat meller. Certain ' On another front. Miss Siegler “Kiss Me, Kate” t—C onvention dues of about 3,000 members at $2 yearly. company now. inaK.nigs 01 a neac meuer. L-eriain vyu xii/nv, wy-jo rwiss me, ivave t—^ onveniion Troupe recently returned from a details of the play need ironing rescinded last week, on instructions, Hall. Tulsa (11-13); Home, Okla- British tour this Summer of 10 out before it can rate as a smooth from Edward A. McCalfery, Ne\y homa City (14-16i; Robinson Me- weeks five of these In London It whodfinit. However, even with the York City commissioner of license.s, meorial Aud., Little Rock (18-19); nr*»«5pnff‘d no elaborate new nro^ necessary doctoring, it’s doubtful a “tie-iu” deal she had offered her Aud., Memphis (21-23). subscribers for tickets to “Ring Lighthouse Opener presented no elaborate new pro^ necessary doctoring it's doubtful a “tie-iu” deal she had oflered her Aii^ Mcn^bis ( eri A fiAHMaAAOA At? lha diiption*; here althouffh artistic di- as a Broadway venture. ! .subscribers for tickets to “Ring “Mister Robert w V w rectorchoreograS Yarn eoncerns pair of newly- Round the Moon” and “Guys and , Springfield, Mass N. Y Assn, for the Blind, will rectOT-cnoreograpner ue^^^ Weds who rent an apartment, only noils” In the original letter to Syracuse (18-23). open its winter season at Carnegie anchme offered a new pas de deux jo get involved in a murder. A -„hQ<.,-iher<! it was staled that the “Oklahoma"—1 Reoital Hall, N. Y., with two: per- and mazurka, and received his strong element of suspense is built at™. Das Moir formances of * Ladv of Letters. Baiset de la Fee for this com- nn hnf ovprnlnvArl in fhp inct ani i dual selection deal lol Moon rimoisi (io_iqi. “Mister Roberts”—Court Square, Springfield, Mass. (11-16); Empire, formances of “Lady of Letters, tomorrow and Friday (14-15). tomorrow and Friday (14-15). pany. Daiancnme aiso aancea a There’s also a supposedly surprise t^t^ke ' Springs (15); City And., Pueblo Cast will include seven blind ac- lead in the mazurka, for his first ending that could use a little more ■ had been lequiied to lake uptown, Salt Lake City (18- tresses. supported by five normal terp appearance in 20 years, which shading to keep from being obvi- ; ^"6 former snow in order id Set 211; Lincoln, Cheyenne Wyoming professional actors. event garnered, wide press cover- ous. j the latter. Miss Siegler subsequent- ,23;. ' •’ ^ * —-———^ —— age. TYoupe will stage its spring Of the cast, Ken Rosenson isjly asserted that Louis A. Lotito, • “Out of This World” dryout )— Alan Shulman, NBC Symphony season at the Center in February, standout as the male half of the : president of City Playhouses, Inc.,' shubert. Host. (11-16 • (Reviewed Orchestra cellist whose longhair doing four weeks then. married couple. Frances Dins-which operates the 46th street, in Variety. Nov. 8, ’50. compositions have been played by - ^ ' nioor gives a good portrayal of an where “Guys” is housed, and man- “Red, White and Blue” (tryouD the major symphonies, has com- alcoholic with money in the bank,' ager of the Beck, where “Moop” ; —Taft Aud., Cincinnati (11-16) posed three pop field originals for I ■ a 1. while Jon Griffin does okay a.s a i<; playing, had okayed the letter ; (Reviewed in Variety, Oct. II, Joe‘Bushkin which the latter is r09|f ■IIFQII Psychopathic. Latter also shows an , before she sent it out. |’50). recording this week for Columbia ® able directorial hand. Work, which | That was denied by Lotito, who “Second Threshold” (tryout)— Records. .=== Continued from page 72 ;== Won first prize in a playwrighting fhnr fhik SOMC HpaR for Shubert. New Haven (13-lfi)vPlv- liurkA” and ■ rec’eiv7d”'h^^^^ ‘'i' mvoivea in a muraer a subscribers, it was staled that the /‘Oklahoma’*—KRNT Radio the- strong element of suspense IS built., cpipotion” deal for “Mooii” I^®s Moines (11); Omaha, de la Fee” for this com- up. but overplayed in the last act.' .'Zuvs” v4s necessary hSse ' (12-13); Chief, Coloradc; Balancbine also danced a There's also a supposedly surprise ' Springs (15); City Aud., Pueblo Legit-Orch Continued from page 72 married couple. Frances Dins- which operates the 46th street, fn V.xriety. Nov. 8, ’50. moor gives a good portrayal of an where ‘‘Guys” is housed, and man- “Red, White and Bliie” (tryout) alcoholic with money in the bank,' ager of the Beck, where “Moop” ; —Taft Aud.. Cincinnati (11-16) while Jon Griffin does okay a.s a i<; playing, had okayed the letter ; (Reviewed in Variety, Oct. 11, psychopathic. Latter also shows an , before she sent it out. |’50). able directorial hand. Work, which , That was denied bv Lotito, who “Second Threshold” (tryout)— won first prize in a playwrighting that the SOMC deals for Shubert, New Haven (13-16); Ply- mouth, Dost. (18-23). This would call for alternate weeks ^y . ^^® ®‘'®^^^y^ j “Moon”and“Guys,”involvingdif-v“‘'^,M,''‘*v^^='‘^ 'J^°'^*5’* ims woum call ror alternate weeks Masque Players this past summer, I A u ^ been “South Pacific”— Shubert, Ghi. of concerts and shows, the concerts was put on at the Hudson Guild ■ Z fn hfk cphpHiiipH. nnn wppIt wifhniif . at v in\ made at different times and in* FOR SALE TOWER THEATRE PROPERTY FRESNO. CALIFORNIA . (Land, Building, Equipment and Business} 'Alio' . ' RITZ THEAtRE PROPERTY HANFORD, CALIFORNIA . (Land, Building, Equipment and Bu^nesS) For pertinent, details 'vyrltt (Do Not Plionc) to LAURENCE A. PETERS# AssL See. FOX WEST COAST AOENCY CORPORATION U09 WEST WASHINGTON BLVD. Lot Angelei 7 , California A Rftof Buy for Xmos For spiclai Girl. Sacrificing Beautiful Whita Russian Brmlna, full- length coat, plus ormlna-llned hood. Sell for iess than $1,000. Excallent value. to be scheduled one week without theatre, N, Y., Thursday (7) for interference, the shows to have the | one performance. Grps. following week without sharing —— ' ■ .. . with concerts. D * J T* iL > Hoff’s plan would set the Phil- KeVlS6u Ur66n FathCrS harmonic back to Friday and Sat- n . / jr“i rt n • urday evenings Yrom Us present Jet tOf 51 D.C. KeOnSe Tuesday-Wednesday dates, and give - the early part of the week to other Washington, Dec. 12. concert series — Town Hall, Frit- The Paul Green historic pageant. dependently of each other. When ' Miss Siegler gave indications of , ’a - a ul *’ trying to get out of her commit-! A, m4»nt for thp “Mortn” tirkpft; hf» (13), Sheas, Eiie, Pa. ment 101 me Moon iicKeis, ne, (141. cKpaVo .Tam4»ct,k\»»n (irti* hads lbfome^ her that miUl she . Shea's/Bradfo^^ Pa. (16.; Boyal lived ur to the agreement, in fulP Alexandra, Toronto (18-23). (14); Shea’s, Jamestown (15); he wpuld not release the “Guys” i the early part of the w^ to other Washington, Dec, 12.. allotment to her, he explai I concert series — Town Hall, Frit- The Paul Green historic pageant. Miss Siegler conferred at length schy, Seufert and possible one- “Faith of Our Fathers,” which lost 'Yesterday (’Tues.) with/ coiimiisr ; e nighterS. This brought a howl over $5,000. this year, will go a i sioner McCaffery and_ made ar- a from various quarters, principally sec<)nd summer at the D. C. sesqul j tc) put him on her J| supporters of the Philharmonic, airiphitheatre, 4,000-seat structure j ihailing list, so he will get copies , ti which has become standard fare newly renamed the Carter T, Bar- o/ regular SOMC communica-; e for Tuesday - Wednesday nights rOn Amphitheatre in honor of the , to . subscribers. On the un-; every other week during the winter recently deceased Loew-Metro rep related m,atter of the ticket ,code | ' season. The orchestra plays the here. j of the League of N. Y. . Theatres, : •» hall without rental, the city con- Decision to play a second sum-; been renewed, ' ”*- tributing the hall in support of the mer was reached recently by theHerman Shumlin, Ker- music program. National Capital Sesquicentennial j Sl®o®^Sarden and Mrs. Selz- Being a guest tenant, the Phil- Commission, of which Barron was ; ^Iso met with McCaffery yes-1 f harmonic is put in k ticklish spot, formerly executive vice chairman, terday. j and Dale Thompson, president of His place has been taken by Melvin —•" — ~^ o the board of directors, has called a D- Hildreth, Democratic National „ j# f jf i • ■ meeting for this week to determine Committeeman, for D. C., who was 1 KadlO llid 8 Li6|flter s the orchestra’s position in the jam. recently appointed to the vacancy Houston, Dec. 12. Fox Midwest Is watching the by President Truman. I The Alley Theatre will present — 1 present controversy ,and any out- Green is being ordered to do kn “The Magic Fallacy,” stage adap- r“ come which would throw bookings extensive rewriting job on the pag- Jation by David Westheimer and' to Its available pix house, the eant to give much more attention to . Waiter Jensen of Weslheimer’s B Phone Olympic 8-2352 or Newtown MODELS, SIZE 10-12 Height 5‘ 9“ Better Dreises-^Hlgh Salary Attractive, Experienced . Steady Position Nat KAPLAN 498 7th Avenue (21 st Floor) WAnteo EXECUTIVE VyitH DANCE BACKGROUND A male or female ballet or tap In? structor with managerial ability ii wanted lor an execufiye position in the fastest-growing dancing school chain in. the World. Write or phone . FRED ASTAIRE DANCE STUDIOS Ul5 WAlnuY St., Phila., Pa., LO. 7-3413 Fj O R S A L E Prosperous# better ready-to-wear store. Excellent location, low rental, lease to run about'flvo yitars more. On ..Jine^ of Jamaica's thoroughfares. Owner re- tiring. $18,500. cohiplete. Cash. Writs Box V-S7tE, Variety, 154 West 4ith Street, New York If, N, Y. Qrpheum. Likewise, Ahtdnello, the founding of the national capi-: novel, as its second production of who has been booking in road com- tal. In the original production, the the season, opening here Dec. 28. 1 panics for several seasons, would D.C, angle has been kissed off very ; Westheimer was former radial like to see any arrangemeni which lightb^r Green is understood to be ; editor for the Houston Post, and is would give him a clear shot at at work already making the | how stationed at Ellington Field week-long dates in the Mpsic Hall, changes. , , I with the Air Fpree. 1 BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY ESTATE BUCKS COUNTY, PA., Near NEW HOPE New stone home and fine buildings, with all modern impravements. Recre- ation facilities for enjoyable living in country, 95 acres. Estate can be bought at fraction of Us cost. Write Box V-354S, Variety, 154 West 4$1h St., New York 19, N. Y.