Variety (December 1950)

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44 VAIJIIEVILLB Wednesday^ December 20, 1950 Night Club Reviews Continued from page 42 Latin llnartor^ Ilos^ion solid fare with production fast and zany. i?'rank Libuse, ah Olsen and Jonnson alumnus garbed as a wait- er, goe.S through a pre-show: warm- up wandering about tables burnp^ ing into customers, leadiht^ them to tables and then grabbing the first seat, taking pratfalls and in gen- eral creating a furor among the startled guests. However, the ring- siders catch on fast and hi antics ,grab hovls. Spotted in floor, show, Libuse. aided by Margo Brander, ta hbecl as a foreign singer making her Ainerican debut, appears as her piano accompanist and pro- ceeds to break up any atlempl by ]Miss L'rpnf’.c'i' to vocalize. Essaying- the rol'' pf flutist accompanying a color: liira- .soprano, .my blows a toy parserhi-tc out of the: instru- mcMTt but. manages to purvey the imprc'slv llw't he. could reallyyplay it if necessary. Durih.g the stint, a stooge wanders? around shooting pistols: hanging trays and ackling to the general din in typical O & J fashion. Bill opens with the Winter Sis- ' ters, three cute gals fast ; turn of flips, twists and butterflies serve as neat getpff. Guy Marks, a sardonic impressionist, clicks with carbons of Arthur Godfrey, Vaughn Monroe, Gary Cooper and Mai'garet Truman. Three nifty new produc- tion numbers are intrped by the Ardcn-Fletcher girls aided by spot’s new' male vocalist. Jack Gas* , sidy. Lineup in for tvvo-weeker. : Dave Lester orch handles . back- I grounding in usual solid hianner, ' splitting' dance a.ssignments : with : Zarde. firothers continental group. • Biz fair. Elic. Hasdmum, Phfla., to Open Spot Pdicy j Mlaitil liVli I Miami Beach, Dec. 18. Ahm Gale, Ffcddie Stewart,.The ' Haydocks - ( dinii er only ); Sarah Vaughan, Tiiitmie. Rogers, Berry. Bros., George Kirby (supper shows r. Teddy King Orch. Mini- pinms; $3.50-$4. . . IIIILES INOAllS!" Alan Gale, vet comic who settled i here some seasons ago and has had several locations for his Celebrity Club, is now operating in a brand new room, handsome in decor and designed to feature intime enter- tainment.; And w’ith it, he's experi- menting with what amounts to a dual-nitery idea. At dinner, he [presents the unit that’s been wuth him for the past two seasons. At midnight, wdth an added minimum for those dinner guests who want to stay oh, he steps out of the pic to hosting duties and an all-colored show takes over. From biz opening and the following nights, the idea looks to click. Dinner show’ components in- clude Gale and his frenetic com- edy. Guy still is a hard working laughmaker, wutli his yarns, ini- preshes and heckling routines W'ith waiters, bartenders and the band. (Continued on page 47) ACVA PROTECTION PLAN STIRS SQUAWKS IN BOST Boston, Dec. 19. The new American Guild of Variety Artist ruling slanted towards stricter supervision of franchised agents and club date I producers, at the same time im- ! proving working conditions, went; attractions. First deal to be set ^ ihe%e«*teturagents^^^^^ Red Skelton, who will play^ a , There’s possihility that Skelton . biok club dlt4s must post a $500 : ‘’l''tL’'‘cWc/io'tSe ! will play the N. Y Paramount sub- i-bond, pay a minimum scale Of Chicago theatre, Chi-, sequently, on a deal which was ! net for a single, furnish trahspbr- ■ tation and insure acts while under • their juri$dictiOn, . Policy, costing the agents per i person, covers therh with payments ' . - from $2,500 to $5,000 for * dismem- !, . HollyWOod berment. medical expenses up to ■ Ahne Triola hack at the Bar of SLOOO. disability benefits of $50 for hir ulird stand . . whf have weekly up to 13 w^eeks and a Buddy Baer opens a lOrday sing- blanket $5,000 death benefit. ing stint Saturday (23) at the • ,Skelton can fill his old A.ny franchised agent, posting Stockmen’s hotel, Elkp, Nev. ... the required $500 bond with AGVA Billy Vine set for a bne-weeker at and fulfilling these provisions, can Desert Inn, Las Vegas* Jan. 2 and book either club dates of steady will be followed by Billy Eckstine .spots but franchised bookers who • • • Sophie Tucker set for a Feb-1 Danny Kaye into the London Pal- balk at the bond may hot engage . ^'^^^’ykiate at Ciro’s . . * Tito Gui-?, ladium July 2 for four weeks* in club date ' biz. HoweVer, they are not barred from booking • opening Christmas ^ iiileries, providing they stick to gaysee 'Frakson''the’'Magiciin”™d ' regarding ; BarBara Perry auS o“t4 bill . . . tnese spots. i Dave Kenner inked for an indefi- ; Setup has resulted m some, tern- nite 88 stint at the Zimba Room . . . porary confusion and squawks Danny Hdetor and Betty Byrd, hereabouts, but AGVA head-; after winding Biltmore Bowl stint quarters reports majority of fran- here Saturday (23) wuU plane to chised agents have fallen in line' London for a date at the Savoy The Mastbauih theatre, Phila-.cago, Jan. 5. Starting date at the delphia, wdll be reopened for spot [ ^^stbaum hasn’t been determined as yet. Skelton leaves the Coast Christmas day. signed nearly 10; years ago. After pacting of that date, Paramount’s managing director Bob Weitman re- 1 leased the comic so that he could go but to the Coast to make his first piicture for Metro. The Capi- tol, N. Y., a Loew house which Red Skelton goes to England next surnnier for his first personal appearance abroad. He’ll follow with the new decree. Saranac Lake hotel . . . Dick Wesson booked to open an indefinite stand at the Bar of Music Dec. 24. Tony Martin opens Dec. 28 at the Flamingo, Las Vegas, for a two-Weeker . . . Billy Gray’s Band Box due to reopen Dec. 22 after re- furbishing . . . Jackie Green .epens a two-weeker Dec. 26 at Desert H 1 m The Theatres of the Stars MARCUS L 0 EW„ BOOKHKAKNCI' EX .2000 general WECUTIVf^^'®^^ ^ ^ lOEW boiidin^anh I M liUBlN general SlDNEf H ■ By Happy Benway Saranac Lake, Dec. 19. Birthday greetings are in order ! to Laura (Loew’s) Sloan'and Del- pliin (RKO) Streder, both Variety i Inri, Las Vegas. Clubites W'ho are progressing QK. . Robert (lATSE) Tarr, projec-i tionist of Oil City, Pa., in for.' PliirAcro observation ! As iisuai “We the Patients’’• Gussie’s Kentucky Club is drop-] topped their quota in the Christ-' semi-name policy 'for mod-; ; mas Seal drive, ditto for the local budgeted talent ... Paul Gray hospital fund drive. -1 Piaymg some concert dates in the Don’s Melody. Lounge, formerly , midwest . . . LaSalle hotel, which ; ' the Pine Room, held it’s opening has been on band policy for the : ' to a capacity crowd. ^ past three years, is adding talent'j i Joe DeNicolo. ex-Rogerite, folded with Dick Oordon on teeoff bill ! ! his TuoDer Lake cafe. ; • • • Larry Allen, released from the , ; Lee Klimmick, formerly with | Army, signed with Sid Harris of i Loew’s and lately on our office h^iu over | i staff here, left for N.Y.C. I at the^ T^ninn, Sioux City . i Sydney Gross, of Gross-Evans j Herb Shriner repacted W'lth Wil-, ^ Associates, in to line up biogra- ; ham Morns agency for three years. ^ phies of many of the patients here Entertainment Managers Ass’n ; to be used during the Variety dinner-dance set for Jan. 29 with Or/ Or/ FOR THAT XMAS GIFT Give Him Something Useful;! A complete set of 35 issues of FUN-MASTER GAG FILES 4 Vols. BOOK OF BLACKOUTS THE GIANT CLASSIFIED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GAGS! Or/ All of the above itemsill THIS IS A XMAS GIFT THAT’S NOVEL, USEFUL t VALUABLEI For PRICES and ADDRESS See our .other AD olsowhtro in this issuo Clubs drive. Write to those who are ill. Continued from page 43 Jack Page, J^ck Lau, and Howard Schulze heading ticket committee . . . Dell’s, Evansville, victim of i 1 flood waters last week. Clarence | Woods, owner, paid off all acts un- j 'able to give show ;. . James Hart in ; New York to pick up talent for the Buttery, Ambassador West. , , V p 1 - • i Jimmy Nelson makes Coast de- , to parade a new line of fabrics Ciro’s, Feb. 1 . . . Sammy which cannot be sold during the | shore into LaBolime, Louisville, coming year. I Kv,, Dec. 22 . , . Frances Faye The club-date bookers think that I lieadlines at Eddie’s, Kansas j the recession in the field will be; City, Jan. 12 . . . Low, Hile I temporary, since the .same firnivS' & Stanley pacteci for the Capitol, . will be resuming'showings once, Washington, Jan. 18 * . . Charles ' war work gets under way. During: Hogan off to Florida for several i the past war this was the case. Be-1 weeks . . . Chicago theatre snared cause of the excess-profits tax and/Red Skelton for week of Jan. 5 for high income levies, many manu-; ■ facturers spent an unusual amount I ^ ! in entertainment. Sales meets; were frequently pepped up with talent and promotions continued with postwar sales in view. En-; tertainment Will be continued for institutional purposes. Bookers i think this Will happen as soon as . ivvar-conversion plans are com- i pleted. DICK COURT and GENIE SAUNDERS Courtship in Song'* MAGIC INN Seattle, Wash. Placed by EDDIE SMITH OFFICES ROY DOUGLAS ami VICKIE "DOUBLE-TALK" Footurlnq EDDIE-ECHO CASINO Theatre Toronto/ Canada Manogor: Matty Reson AL TRACE Orchestra Currently on TV for SENTINEL and TELE-TRONICS ABC NETWORK ★ e4jie^Ui(me ★ M a KEN GRIFFIN Greater of "You Can’t Be True, Dear" AMERICA’S FOREMOST ORGANIST Just Closed Michigan State Food Show, Grand Rapids ing Dec. 21—Hotel Nicollet, Minneapolis ★ Harbor Lights, :^38889 a Personal M^t.: MILO STELT. Mutual Entertainment. Agency On Top with COLUMBIA RECORDS Rudelpli, the Red Nosed Reindeer, :/^38610 • Humoresque, #39002 * 203 N. Wabash, Chicago 1, RAndoiph 6-6990 • JT » P 1 b