Variety (January 1951)

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280 forty-fifth p^f^IETY Anniversary Wednesday, January 3, 1951 JULES MUNSHIN MARY McCARTY PEARL BAILEY bless HOVI ALL A New Musical VALERIE BETTIS plus A SWARM OF SULTRY SYLPHS MARK HELLINGER THEA. B’way & 51 St. • Mats. Wed. & Sat. ■ A'"'’, DWIGHT DEERE & COMPANY A PWIGHT DEERE WlMAN FORREST C. HARING J. H. DEL BONDIO LINA ABARBAN ELL '![ “A vastly enjoyable songand -dance antic put on with humorous perfection.” BROOKS ATKINSON, Times ^ s CAROL CHANNING In The Smash Musical Hit! GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES ZIEGFELD THEA., 54 $1 & 6 Ave. Mats. Wednesday and Saturday GEORGE ABBOTT Season's