Variety (February 1951)

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42 ORCHESTRAS-MUSIC Wednesday, February 7, 195i Star-making potential of disk sales has again been highlighted by emergence of a crop of talents that were virtually unknown a year ago. Such performers as Patti page, femme vocalist; Guy Mitch- ell, male vocalist, and Ralph Flana- gan, in the band field, have crashed into the bigtime over the past 12 months strictly on the „momentum furnished by disl^ clicks. Miss Page is the outstanding ex- ample. Her success was attained without benefit of hypo, radio or pix. Solid record smashes on the Mercury label, “I Don’t Care If the Sun Don’t Shine,” “All My Love” and climaxed by “Tennessee Waltz,” all within a year, have to- taled up to a $l,500-a-month mini- mum record guarantee, sellout the- atre appearances and the likeli- hood of heavy income from other entertainment media. Her mini- mum guarantee does not represent her full take from records. That will be in the neighborhood of $140,000 for the year, All. this plus trimmings—a four-page spread in a national weekly due soon and other assorted kudos—was built on wax. Another case in point is Flana- gan, a relatively recent entrant" in the band field. Starting with a crew organized in the East and confining his personal appearances to the Eastern seaboard, the introduction of his rhythms to a national audir ence took place via a series of hit records. These, plus promotion by Victor, which records him, were so potent in building a national fol- lowing, that when he recently opened at the Palladium in his first trip to the Coast, he was a standout boxoffice draw. Most.recent to arrive at the fore, singer Guy Mitchell scored with two Columbia etchings, “The Rov- ing Kind” and “My Heart Cries for You.” His leap into the big coin took place during. the last couple of months when his booking sked began picking up as a result of his disklicks. Others to attain stellar rank via platters are chirps r Kay Starr and Toni Arden; Eddie'Fisher and Tony Bennett, male singers, and Ray An- thony and Jerry Gray among the bands. So radically has the relative ranking of stars been affected by hit disks that in the Martin Block popularity poll MiSs Page had dis- placed Doris Day, last year’s No. 1 gal, to lead the field. Runners-up were Doris Day; Kay Starr, Dinah ShorCv Jo Stafford. 'Mmdy Carson, Fran Warren, Sarah Vaughn, Toni Arden and Peggy^Lee. Trailing Flanagan in the orch tabulation were Gordon Jenkins, Guy Lom- bardo, Vaughn Monroe (first last year), Ray Anthony, Harry James, Sammy Kaye, Louis Prima, Tommy Dorsey and Stan Kenton. Only among male vocalists were no upsets scored. They finished in this order; Perry Como (repeating last year’s cop), Frank Sinatra, Vic Damone, Gordon MacRae* Bing Crosby, Frankie Laine, Alan Dale, Tony Martin, Billy Eckstine and, Eddie Fisher. Block’s poll, conducted, among his WNEW listeners, runs from 1st to Slst of January each year. Total number of dialer ballots this year was 250,000. "SLEEPER OF THE WEEK M EARNS APPLAUSE STRONG CONTENDER SURE BET IF YOU WANT SOME LOVIN' (Acuff - Rose) — Teresa Brewer (London 967) has a made-to- measure item here for her talents* Chosen "Sleeper of the Week" by Cash Box, tune is receiving a big play via Dude Mart in-Sue Thompson disc (Mercury 6290). Showing strong potential. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ IN THE LAND OF MAKE BELIEVE ( BMI) —Buddy Morrow's (Victor 20 - 4025) orch. with Tommy Mercer doing an excellent vocal job earns applause from Cash Box for smooth- ness. Bill Farrell (MGM 10900) with Russ Case backing turns in a noteworthy job. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ BETWEEN TWO TREES (Gale & Gayles) — Un- usual lyric gives this tune extra appeal. Cash Box predicts another winner for the Andrews Sisters (Decca 27421). Harry Babbitt (Coral 60367) will hit, too. ★ ★★★★'★ SHENANDOAH WALTZ (Acuff-Rose) — Tommy Tucker (MGM 10897) tees off on a terrific follow-up of TENNESSEE WALTZ. Tune, is slated for heavy promotion. Other labels are covering this sure-bet. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ LIKELY DITTY IMPRESSIVE STILL CLIMBING BE GOOD TO YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (Bea- con)—Dick Todd (Rainbow 20088) has a likely hit in this ditty by the writer of "DADDY'S LITTLE BOY." Eddie Crosby (Decca 46287) also furnishes a strong version. WAIT FOR ME (Algonquin) — A flock of re- leases foretells a rosy career for this, tune. Dinah;Shore (Victor 20-4015), Guy Lombardo (Decca 2.744,9), Clyde McCoy (Mer- cury 5550), Denny Vaughn. (Coral 60355) and others will be kept spinning I . ★ ★ ★ A ★ THE ROVING KIND (Hollis) Neck and neek race for popularity between Guy Mitchell (Columbia ?9076) and The Weavers (pecca 27^32)' hias zoomed this itejp. Now NoV 9 on Cash Box "Top^Ten? 1 and No.; 10 on Bill"* board's "Honor Roll. " Tune wiil continue upward. ' t - «J '3^ ■ 4 . iJVr. BROADCAST MUSIC, INC. 500 FIFTH AVENUE • NEW YORK 19 N Y New York ■ Chiccqc Hollywood • Toronto Montreal Inside Orchesbra»—Music In an effort to boost sales, already heavy on both sheet music and disks, of “You’re Just In Love,” standout song from the “Cal) Me Madam” score, Irving Berlin Music Corp. is adding the parenthetical phrase, “I Wonder Why,” to all future printed copies. According to pubbery. officials, the phrase is recurrent in the lyrics of the song and as a result, was being used by a large part of the public as the title! To plug the possible sales loss resulting at music counters from con- fusioft of names, Berlin Music decided to have both titles appear on copies. “(I Wonder Why)” will be printed in smaller type directly above “You’re Just In LoVer," even though the phrases have no direct con- nection with each other. Arrangements have been made with diskeries pressing the tune to have platter labels carry the amended title, Guesting on Ted Mack’s “Family Hour” video program on ABC. ASCAP prexy Otto Harbach said he broke into showbusiness as a lyricist only after his eyes and his money gave out while he was study- ing at Columbia University. After working as an ad copyist, he teamed up with composer Karl Hoeschna and worked eight years before get* ing their first musical produced in 1907. The musical was “Three Twins.” Program, Which was designed as a salute to Harbach and ASCAP, also had as guests former ASCAP prexies Fred E, Ahlert arid Gene Buck. With the fast "Click (tf “If ” ’ Shapiro-Bernstein’s current plug tune, other pubs are currently searching for numbers by the number’s com- posing team of lyricists, Robert. Hargreaves and Stanley J. Damerell, and composer Tolchafd Evans. The trio of British writers, however, have not been active for several years. ’“If” was written 17 years ago and was dug out of S-B’s catalog by Dick Voltter, general professional manager, and George Pincus, S-B general manager, who rocketed the number into one Of the ^fastest-breaking ballads in years. AFM Local 47’s quota law, designed to spread available work as equitably as possible among the membership, has been voted down. Resolution to place all record and transcription dates on the quota list was defeated 579 to 299 by members who then decided to take casual engagements off the quota list. Vote means that no matter how much a windjammer makes from studio or band employment he can still earn outside coin from Wax or casual dates. ASCAP Committee to Ask Payoff Plan Amendment Classification c.ammi 11 e e of American Society of Composers, (Authors and Publishers . resumed- confabs this week on proposals for ‘ modifying the present 60-20-20 writer payoff plan. Committee, ! which reportedly is leaning toward ’! amending the distribution system with additional stress on seniority ! factors, plans to submit its final ! proposals to ASCAP’s writer-mem- ; bers for a referendum vote. After i membership grants its approval, • ASCAP plans to submit the a mend- ; ed plan to the Department Of Jus- tice for approval as provided for ! under the Federal anti-trust con- sent decree. L. Wolfe Gilbert, ASCAP’s Coast rep, arrived in New York Monday (5) to join the committee’s discus- sions, Gilbert, who reps 460 writer- members and 99 estates (widows of writers), had previously reported [ to the committee on the Wide- i spread suffering caused among the | Coast contingent by the last couple i of dividend checks under the new | payoff system. Gilbert returns to [ Hollywood next week. Tops of the Tops Retail Disk Best Seller “Tennessee Waltz” Retail Sheet Best Seller “Tennessee Waltz” “Most Requested” Disk “Tennessee Waltz” Seller on Coin Machines “Tennessee Waltz” Best British Seller “Beloved Be Faithful” 1951’t Top Noisemakerl HULLABALOO . . 100% Recorded Tho Noxt Hit Ballad! TO LOVE YOU IS MADNESS Recorded by TONY FONTAINE—Mercury ‘ MILLS MUSIC, INC. 1619 Broadway • • New York 19 Flanagan; Hendler, Woods Admitted as ASCAP Pubs New publishing firm of Flana gan, Hendler and Woods has been admitted into the American So- ciety of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Firm comprises the Ralph Flanagan band organization, managed by Herb Hendler and Ber- nie Woods. Flanagan and Hendler, on the basis of several compositions, have • also been admitted as ASCAP writers. MOVING UP FAST ON ALL SURVEYS THE ROVING KIND HOLLIS MUSIC, INC. 129 W. 52d St.. N«w York PROGRAM /# // .Enchanting Waltz Standard hy Francis Webster THE AMAZING LIONEL HAMPTON KING OF THE VIBRAHARP MASTER OF THE DRUMS His Orchestra and Revu. CAPITOL THEATRE, NEW YORK NOW THIRD WEEK Exclusive ItSnVsleS 7 "'"'''' ASSOCIATED BOOKING CORPORATION <*H>*!* *» ■ *Vv* New York ;45 Sili Ave. Pi. 9-46CC JOE GLASER, Pres. I Chicago 203 No. /'JuLciio I Hollywood | 7 i J i jwinoi