Variety (May 2, 1951)

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VOL. 182. No. 8 NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. MAY 2, 1951 PRICE 25 CENTS LURIE GROUT BUYING WARNERS I \ * ill. Ill * II ttlJ 11 111 wight (»* at His Majesty • IM Biflpurk fsr Pb WWa Hene Teaa’s Away Indunipeiii May I. Om Indianapolis exhibitor Is I sirlualvtly to Vuiitt • will be la Now York next '•I to close s syndicate Na4e Statae Okayed Os Earl Carrel's Grave - Earl C»rrilr» A uISlr*'uJ**roc»^ 11 nr Kart Carroll's Laws Memorial resented with citation for **d that the day- 0 or -I TV Spread on GOP, Dew Conventions • • Washington. May 1. Plans for the Arst coast tocoast YARTVRiw }77 now NBCTVa with a weekly ?ny. that m annual btllings are Its click Is viewed In the trade Fred Freed st the piano, it I H meeting of the Republican National Leading off with ~Swr L Avenue Committee in Tulaa to chooae a site Fach. ChevalWr builds quickly j U ipay party confab projecting easily to ail corners of Bill Henry, chairman of a com h ““-* * h “ h 1 hr«*t attention Iu i, r . ,f H.r ml. dents ever heard from an opening night ga ii er y which will handle creden crowd Poking fun at kis Parisian Ua |, Q f radio and TV reporters, will friends he follows with “Lea Pari- attend the sseeting to make ar- gots and then intros the only coo- rangrmrnts for pooled coverage (Continued an page 2S» which will be duplicated for the duct ion distribution Old Soldiers 1*400 000 tide red the key to snccesa Show's hefty rating, big for time of the day. enables the si Tod Colli If a mike of that sloppy nighttime ft I I] Id II 1 onciuded will necessitate daily Title of the 24 Ami tf Palace Vaude Tha Palace Ifcealre. H Y. will Sock Sales Hit bally surrounding General Douglas Mac Arthur. “Old Soldiers Never Die* Is expected to bo one ef the radii 4* 4 «T« I I • « < • i $1,000,000 Bid* For Moc Arthur Memoir* As a result of the tenriBc inter- est la General Douglas Mac Arthur, the general's memoirs are the ob- ject ef a hot battle among the va- rious newspaper syndicates AU of tken are competing strongly with bids averaging around 11.000 000 return to vaudeville with a weekly Is to bo directed by | vrr »e» of 10-art bills during the en- ure month of May. It was ortg malty Intended to get a second anna .i . a "* 4 ** 1 *1 hold Columbia's LP M selling at the |H0dail> mu I <*’>'! .1 ^ ^ ' ,M,d of 25 inn» * ,i„ Inc idmully Columbia and Victor are currently feuding with R H Mary New York department store, for alleged unfair advertising practice on the Garfuifs E John Garfield NANA told Viaimr that U mce with the will have Kins dancers, the Burton 4 we acts In ho