Variety (May 2, 1951)

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Wedneoday, May 1, 1*5| ASCAP, Authors League Join Hands To Bal Prating on Radio, TV, Disks tukx 7 i. f pirating rrtal Oa the y for the National that If the She will *w*iy ig the c ure a * Kay Tfcoay Ullie played the ( ale 4e the A ret witi will he « beea it la July. been with Vsairrr 29 ye Art la the heyday ue and M the Prohibit*** Greenwich Village was a WILL MAHONEY THC INIMITABLI a — .o .n Oriental Theatre. C*^a#e Itnirtti, I Hear Yea C•*«•**# Me AAtOCIATVoTScIotrNC CO*P. NBC Lashes Back At Pix Criticism Of Griffith Program rhaplln la aa member mi the »ed that Chart* Investigation, “If warrantt. «r wi| — lit yr- ( % *r*t H»nin* ' ^»i» * ' «hem Sift# Silverman, founder of • • * m •. r 1 ,h »» paper took over the Clipper ta SteOMl Writers rer the early Ms Barry had bee. a r k 4 . ■mteui Clipper staffer at the tlaae. previ- Blood Bash Gal* «■*» •*•*»« »•« -».» year* la the drama depart meat « United Entertainment Industry the old N Y American Mood honk drive, which waa Survived by hit widow titled the 'Pint Parade- at aa ad Wy ™ * tnoyeu WO e.r Hobart Cbrta.r* Asd BHtUI 5-Wk. Totr b rrv. manacmi director ol the .... with three bock at Aim in d u stry charges that Guild, may appear II his schedule •w mi IU recent video programs, permit*. ACLU executive director designed to pay tribute to the late Patrick Murphy Matin will chair Aim p ioneer. D W. Griffith, had maligned Hoi!) wood and the Aim box Network aaeerted that our Fanfly of ‘Happy Gang Star Drswasd ia Cassia Toronto May 1. The h u sb and, son. grandson and brother ta-law mi Kathleen Stokes page 24) Ally. 1 D.C. Okay I through May 2t leaves f Sunday » 21 » were no eye-wt pty Into and the two fellow Aahermen found the up- turned boat eddying Into the bay. Body mi Prank Stokes 99. husband will play to the heater, Liver- and wtti ih«n g» for three concerts H\t ■ ici -r Caesar -Coca Lehman Pic,PrskaUyWkkPar* Dsa Hartnaa, Off to ’52 said the r off the suae the let Hugh Wedlock. A! Schwarts and Paul Dudley te irio and the Anal one It la believed to be the Ruthrauff 4 Ryan, accepted chair 20th Gflblt manship el the ad agency commit ~v tee working on Pint Parade * To Hollywood May 1. night < Wed ) evening the general B<*ty CraMe waa suspended to committee embracing agencies, en day by 20 th-Foa for refusing to tertainaaent industry unions, the Mep into top femme role in “The AM and TV networks and other Girt Nest Door.* Robert Bassier a ectors mi the industry, will gather Technicolor pic. at a dinner la Toots Shor t eatery Actress claimed she aixed so r •*> beaded r»> M*n . .i nrn! nniu* .1 ^WBlMi Socks. RCA srtlsU relations vee 1 after completing chore In "Meet pee; Tex McCrary and Mrs Rich- Me After the Show*' for producer ard Rodgers. George Jeasel Imogene Coca have foregone the N.Y. Dr«S Houses 1S51 -32 Hal Wallis pic proposal until the ‘T.lorim Swanson Styles’ summer oI 1A92. preferring more A Gloria Swanson style Unc Is bo because of Ferrer • normal km Ing readied for the fall retail mar trionic duties In TOth Century ket by a New York dress bouse to That play, In tun. debuted early tie la with the star's extended oc- Xmas eve to s C pas. curt si a in I w sills is f tis ities this fall These include a deference In the critics and the new John C. Wilson produced play, holiday their tlaae Liebmaa A Co. feel I "Nina.* adapted by Sam Taylor they’ll have a better Aim oppor from Andre ftouaain • original U IMin#v C n ATM 15G Fof t unitv which waa a Parts click, with Ell via IWOne / 3nar ” _ tuaity. Meantime they are which wi 2-Wk. Us V«f*s !>•* TV. Liebm cation this plana a Hollywood. May I. oney starts fortnight ngo Las Vegas May of rare altrry dials, S* Ascription Order Form Enclosed find check for $ Please lend VARIETY fo«^ y**^. Popcxo no* pi a v ing in Zurich!. _ _ . . w Mias Swftiuoa will add a nightly Hollywood Mav I. TV Liebman plans a European TV show f ABC network! la add! vt* key Rooney start. fortnight cation this suasmer Instead mi rush* l k°* u> jj rr m,er it ^ Flamingo Las Vegas tag feverishly Into the Wallis p*c v ‘ IT. la one of rare altrry dials. _ Century." the play revival current ^oe. inf Gene Wallis latched ento a hot bet ly „ th€ Fulton M . Y. June 2. she Girt Crasv- Mutta A Jerry towta «ur.balhn* toUtoulT!o"lto f^”‘ nI *V*“ tb. toy. U potential, with each c „t s-atwon toM . Euro- " ^Zrt^’aTT*• ^ ... - .. P*«« “Cation before her tyle line «* 9* —* Th ** lr * her * wrhich Is At War W ith the Army, srbieves merrbandisine although to tndie made on a loanout deal to ^ previewed months la ad 1 ► -d Finklehoffe Abner J QvuaA , . ,, , r ,Id V lUkoxf | w urn dugff mm »«n»xa *vsm * t . Century.* the play revival current- Wallu Latched onto a tot tot I , y „ th , FuHon fc. Y.. June t .to Sobtcnptiaa Into, M Two Yo«r»—Si I N V H Addition*! par T IS4 Woat 4At* Stroot Mnw Ynr* 11 , N Y 2 Waldorf Dinners For . " MT:!.* BRISSON’S 26 CONCERTS Cmnlor on Ctncff NiU* i Iho^oikTme thlcTa^doae" m scahwa tbs YEAi j?Z2r. z Carl Brtssoa. who left for the Waldorf-Aatorta this weekend ed conductor Andre Kaateiarn't Coast over the weekend en a spe ^ ^ and his wife, soprano Lily Pm*« dal stage chore. Is slated for 26 n u he u be guest uaing «rere Dr. Herbert concerts In Sweden this summer •* honor, along with Georg e Jew T Kalmus pres and general maw He opens his Srandla tour la set. at the dinner tendered by tbe ager mi Tcchnicoloc Corp Adeiph Stockholm July 1 A Jewish Theatrical Guild It s a Schimel. veepee oi Universal P*“ Tto r.-Dan. non a lonftUna * , .... *V '.J lurra. romrdLao J. A Haley. *c«r U. 8 clitarn received official ne ^klmff at AM a pbto. Same TAG legit producer J«»ha ognittom both from the Danish will he realised far the Guild. C. Wilson legit director Robert government and a knighthood by #* 11 ^. 1 .* .ink* - tk* Lewis and the tinrtnf Deep Rher N.Y. to Earsp lipbeai Cart u. » cmaro. received officUl rec ^ ^ ’ ~ CUve Brook, legit ptu do ce r ognittom both from tbe Dwaiih will be realised for the Guild. C. Wilson legit director Robert government and a knighthood by Following night he’ll receive the Crwk and the singing Deep R»' rf the King of Swedeu fee his artistic . Boys Brook waa returning to ^ ar'.ievcmmta ahlla on a European W " lt * m * k,,rl « S^Utwwnl a tM t ait last year The current sum lor "Hu m anHs na nlam and Threshold** on Broadway. In whn h me»s lovt > ii>e *r%uit is^xeeL Americanism*' at another dimmr. >hs was sta ved, »j r-. * ** oadway. to * hhh ti feet* *4 *