Variety (May 2, 1951)

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s, mi WEBS - AFFILIATES’ SPLIT WIDENS 4 Webs’ First-Quarter Billings For March NBC ft mated* $4 tlC.000 s.orrjM 2ft#5JOO 1 952 000 119.459 400 For First Throe Months CM NBC ABC 919 TOO, 199 , IS 035.000 , • 004 000 4110 —11# —IfJ + 190 —t 4 419# —104 —14 9 HI CHIPS Kill DOWN NBC's S3.SOO.OOO Annual Lopoff IN RITE CRISIS As Axe b Wielded Throughout If GROBGB IOMN Oat of tbo ma joe bottle* («ot broolrastini history h AM s civil AM Setup; Many in N.Y„ Chi Fired The NBC The Guy Like# Baseball actually a vs n i rd up by th« m Ml • single AM department 1 unscathed At Moo Yorti hoadymton, af uiimatoly SO have that far pt- i their notion Includtni two la r press doportnn nt. Mb la akt. i ia proarammlac Mi la adverts ofTtli W ilium S Paley i public rtla drawing mi battle the affiliates art forth hoot up wan up far natc. WOK par t Mi patrol la a minor underwriting ropacity in a bad by Hoffman Radio f«r the Coant brondcoottng opera- IS Coast be retarded la ! Saqnilariy. the aar wae wielded mm the Caaot and la all tbe NBC o.4a. Mate fall#wed la tbe wake mi tba rent nomini mi an NBC threo- In hrepuig with (he but later tbe O'Neil I n tern ala <he tn nloa n vetpos dlreetar mi General Tire 4 Rubber Co. I raised the ante b 10' r. clinching tbe sale In tbe reahufffed setup. E. M Antrim, accretary of WGN and buaineaa mnnnger of the Chicafo Tribune, wan named denebatrmaa at thr MBS board, past formerly held Vy O NeU. Antrim wan pre- Jamr* E Wallen, wha han been treasurer controller, wan elected nreretary treasurer. All board member* were re e lect- P areraU value of radio Partiro- ey failed ta p rove anything any* In d|r urt,r * aot Me retarded way. at hen rings la Lan A age ben 1 Ul an any indiratian at all at tbe mar- and Detroit last year oa tbe case bet by market value mi radio, and |» a 410-page brief A tod with a J affiliated station* should make their ,u» Commiaaioo by Hugh Fulton AOMWiO • w * evaluation* of the value of counsel Richard* claimed the flfcvUUd their local service quite tndepen- agency Is neither authorised nor dent of network action Furthet. qualilbed to judge whether new* CBS la putting the accent an Mar Nation* should have mm hesitancy program* are "biased or nnn alitrri " . name* ia a group mi new house whatsoever tn Increasing rate* Such judgments he asserted are packages bring developed for trv wherever la their ceneidered imoo&ajbte because no Wandard* upturning -rloitaAlB such rate l arm anea are exMt uT"i?a 'v!**!? nraaon deb ia dickering with Gin warranted The brief netting forth Fulton! ! " * IrrT rc/TIm kT get Roger* for a situation romed> Thu* the affiliates are drawing proposed And mgs mm tbe teettmeay 1 ..JT _ .. _ 4r ^ . series and has closed a deal with up their awn blueprint far attack, wan A led la anticipation of an Ini A hMllil# IT,,* George Raft ta Mar In a show titled including a concerted campaign ta tlal derision by James D Cunning nJS **Bock> Jordan Other names on recondition advertiser thinking ham. FCC hearing examiner as to K_ nkrm ,, the agends include Aim actress that market by market values" whether the license* of KM PC In ’ flw <>4h _ . M J? w*i»£ Audrey Tatter and comedian Roger rather than cro ss t h s board net- , L A . WJR In Detroit and WGAR In " *' Wl ^ Price work radio la tbe thing that counts Cleveland shall be renewed FCC w . , SpectAc time Mots for the new today chief counsel Benedict Cotton# prog ram* a re Private File* package* were tm have been set That tbe chips are dawn la evt- who presented tbe case for tbe ?! PU * yesterday «Tuea» in a huddle la -Continued an page 42* | Commisaira. n eapected ta MW bis Washington with board chairman brief nest week *• 1 * ^ William S Pa ley by program vee Aiiiyni |U>ADC DATfOC FuPons brief asserted that the M rI2^T pee Hubbell Robinson Jr. and l/UA&tK UKUrb KUuLKj, bearings tailed ta support a And "^ *"**? I!^5 hT!?T- esrc production chief Harry Acker D(rvp U | mm rvlIVAkJ’ ^ that Richards Issued In str uc I T^! m FVZ? man. • PaWy la holding down s BUYS MUTUAL YUKON I tlons ta broadcast false aews or ‘J* * key Government post In the na . that any false news was braadrast , "1: " 11 .L 7 t»on*s current defense effort I Ack Chicago. May 1 ' Neither was M ihswa R Mated that *’ ‘ n rr% '** * different guest disk erman then heads back ta kis Coast Quaker Oats drops Mutuals Roy -Continued an page 47 > ££?*.. ^ •f headquarters aver the weekend ta Rogers show an May 12. but Is _____ them kic k ini around chatter about wrap up the Hollywood origins retaining the tune segment Cereal recor< m:* -" ul v u ' !, “ liana, with program manager Les- |«an»pan> bought •'C hallenge mi the MDT ^tlvaoM CIkd^flf k ter Gottlieb accompanying him Yukon.' Treadle-CampbelI park- "Ul, JdlvdgCd LUCBI On the other Ave shows. RCA CBS suditioned Miss Totter s Mr originating la Detroit, ta put . A «C -r^» CJ». C-A- II. i •**» rame in an anrh for a spat ■s RCA in Summer NBC Bundle Buy Raft ta 4. with the schedule calling for • new programs which R will broil alone and co-s p o n sors h ip these include: Wllle^ H Brown of Dan Lee: H K Carpenter of WHK. Cleveland; Benedict Gimbel Jr . of WIP Philadelphia; J. R. Poppete. of WOR; Ltnus Travers, of Yan- kee and Frank White MBS pres. Web's present Mate of officer* *»s reelected In addition George Ruppel was named controller and Elisha Luldfarb was named aaaisl Spec*Ac tune slats far the new today | chief package* were ta have been set That tbe chips are dawn la evi- who yesterday <Tue* » la a huddle la • Continued an page 42* Icami Washington with board chairman prJ 1 *lubbeU* RobtnsoTTllT S QUAKER DROPS ROGERS. ~ rtzrszzrf?. buys mutual thmt key Government post la the na New Philip Morris Sled Tahir Shape Miss Totter* veral works ago Also *»•• th * Sunday, M30 p Dons, with program manager Les- «a*»‘Pen> bought Challenge mi the MMT (ilvifac ffad l1l ' h ' ter Gottlieb accompanying him Yukon.'' Trendle-Campbell park- JdlYdgCb LUCm On the other Ave shows. MCA CBS auditlooed Miss Totter s Mr ocigmatiag la Detroit, ta put A C J*, || B i •!« rwme in an each far a spat program several weeks ago Also ,D| * *hr Sunday. 9-4 29 pa Mu- l/u •MfllillJ LG , JClS Up I along with two other hank rollers, s comedy series, its titled Meet Hwl Mat c • i * m Q.r vu l S**' 11 "* Mm 12. RCA will partici- Mlllle" and la scripted by Frank Quaker dropped Rogers after bpeCUU 1 Z/‘JOuOI WfO •M* *• Bsker s "994 Qoev Galen Price la ta be featured ia *k*ee rears, reportedly because be r ^ - Sundays at 19; tbe "Boston a comedy panel qua show, along inMrted Quaker buy kirn on bath wtliinraS to ubr' 1 ^ Orrhjwtra." Mondays at 10 with SUnlcy Adam* and ath r I radm *nd TV. but bank roller de r! 4^ vc* I “Bcraen Da red or* Playhouse " comic* Show. Utied "How Tn." la , rided cowboy adar-singrr woulda t *** * , 'll!!?! Thursday* at 19. * Man Called X." disks Oa tbe other Ave shows. BCA will come In on enrh for a spot along with two other bank rollers. Starting blar 12. Rt'A will partici- Meet *uai sun c •ism Of L M1V «a. nt a win panio- Quaker dropped Roge r* after jDtCUu 1Z /* jl?t)0fl Wfu ulr In Phil Raker * "994 Quee- red in three years, reportedly because be ~ w " ' - Don" Sunday* at IB; the Boston along insisted Quaker buy him on both. . Orchestra." Mondays at 10: oth r I radm and TV, but bank roller de- , wtllmgnesa to lilm “Screen Diredors Playhouse ** . ’ i holit skein* to At client* wube* ^ ..u ~ •. The Philip Morris program re- shuffle for the 1 #51- 52 season al- though Mill in a slate mi iu*. ap- Pu* tn be resolving Uadf thus: The new Lucille Ball Dest A mas sides show, projected far next sea- son. Is being set for the Monday ••fht CBS-TV spot currently sc- rupled by the Horace Heidi prn- fram. with the latter being can- relied out a Tt*r half hour situation corned). slated for auditioning on the Coaat ! Ell into Rs video picture V* leek 'dic v *l££5!ne I Hs rMn ll .Fridays at this week Also on tbe summer Its considered definite Quaker J* 43# and "Magnificent Montague* agenda Is a new Cy Howard situs **»■ onto the Saturday f. »t»rnng Monty Woolley Saturdays I lion cornedv orocram Titled "The *egmcat of "Challenge'* ta plug “ , at ■ 30 Latter show, with "Merry- Thm ol will iMtor* Ed 1 >!• rlt * Qv^er " J* MtC nin"J>» » “ Co Rvund «tll haw fc * <*» tor M«< Sand, a Gould and Marvla I ha. alao rwr.ed IU hour W "Mw ^TfTJr Lrl^n. rdtStoa t *S! T“ r , s '"* r4j,> * •“*“« *r—i— on the Kars*.** to resume In the fall |jf half-hour program, effective Tuesday the only aieht of the work Rail • “Rocky Jordan- »a. or.f Agency la Sherman Maruurtlr lartnr to rau^nc the rrgreaenlrd to thr deal malty nrheduled aa a leleviuon dim — _ . 1 ^,., r^mmmmy u May aboard m-' iSr&f sSw R^fcs SftX LDS Take* WFPG As Dorothy Lewis Leaves um momh (or airing in th« ton A.C Wd; Oder Shifts ‘ u, ' d " For UN B’casi Junket I FVFNS0N PRFPPFD FOR WRkWlAlgMIBa air after FCC nagatw^ tan TY Dorothy IfbkU i ***? g LXfLUJUn rnLTTLU rui\ *ale of the Press ( r»il^d another c T^' n U>r 1A , " r ^ IIIC nDCT DiniA CCD IK Union PubMMMng Co which also r ud an the rival NBC video not- . a ' . ’ n ~2* HD TVKjI rAIW a riM owned the station. CBS has shifted «*nrk this work bv snaggiag the tcw ir to t cH war «wis In a reversal of the customary i <^ KPG. Sm,, ' n ^ «»nn etl BB anr. ^ ^ | C llin* "the m ini tm- AM to TV trend. CBS Is preppmf Partial shift was made Saturday with Brawn Shoos as sponsor Lao j* "J** !!®^ ,a half-hour radio comedy series for moraine <2A» with WFPG to carry Burnett la tbe agency ^ M Sam Levenaon. which b scheduled some CBS programs Statkm wUI Where the program la now brine ** ^ mk lcbTin run foe a fall teeoff. five preference to ABC offering* aired Saturday nights an NBC from rt 1 Levenaon currently has his own until May 27 At that time WFPG A 29 la 7. CBS plans ta Mat It Sat ,hro ** h Sa^TTvening video sarie* aa will m completely Columbia urday mornings from 11 39 ta noon la her conference, local CBS RDonvorrd by Tints ir and prr * WMID then will drop Rs Mutual where N will precede the moppet Mat loo personnel. LM rep will vioualy by Oldamobile. This h#w afftliatlom and pirk up ABC an Tip Tap show MtCoanrll takes present the vartau* services and ever will be his initial entry lnlu.lh.vl «Mr. Mutual thea being wRh ,ovcr an CBS Martmc Anst II. uw program* available for local airinf | the AM program sweepstake*. ‘ out aa outlet hero. ## # Idcr a Afp il-w^gk cof^act. # . |through the UN. the Don Ameche vignette that was aa^ Insert in tbe Edgar Bergen placement lor Ralph Edward* 'Truth nr Consequence* * radio show. _with the fate of “T nr C~ fur next season Mill In the laps of the Milton Blow-Philip Morris hierarchy. Similarly, the TV ver- *hs sf T sr r for next season is Mill to be resolved, with a Aiaaed r *asrdy aeries, "Don't Be a Suck- er.** going in aa PM’s summer re- pUrnesl CBS ^, wcas'srtarSB: •»«* i- . 0- U11 A.C Odd; OlWf Mts ^F#r UN B cisl Juket I FVFNS0N PRFPPFD FOR WRbWlAlgfftBa air after FCC < ti- * d* on TV . P”*** 9 L f w k ^. *• g iXVLnjUn rniTTLU rum w Io4lowioir uie * tW p^. j C HS tdevislon oallod another }*T* r T CBS. m currently has hu own until May 27. At that time riming video surl r* an will m completely Cohmabu sored by Tlntalr and prr- * WMID then wfU drop Rs Nation*, todav <Wed.» starts a cn*t-r*unln tour to tell various conference* of broadcaster* how thr UN I* telling "the moM ian- nortan* Mory in tbe world" via ra- dio Mrs. lesta will c o ver 29 rule* io her junket which will run through June 29 )through the UN. • a 9 # o