Variety (May 2, 1951)

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n-y t. mi UVUfQ IH1 DirtrUr: UwaNi Kla| Writer W jIII* C w p tf M Mina.. ftai. (Mi. I N NIC. from N. T. Saturdays <N» Itimit W NIC* sew It J M4 1M1"| dad to a study d the sa i sio ai peop l e behind the Iron Curtain » of at. was a food procram furtheren. by Ka Yesterday, May 1, a In Munich started I treatment ef beaming truthful netrt and comments Into speaking to the behind the Curtain la their i from the throats el their had fled to a nary Saturday's slrer try of this new Munich setup, Its background sad the whole Ides af Radio Free Europe, which beams Its prof rams steadily Into Red-controlled I mope, to a* set the lies the Reds tel ‘A King's Story' NBC pel itself i bit if i scoop Met Friday night <171, la the ll-nisdt exclusive In- terview Its Henry Cassidy hod with the Duke.ef Windso r Program was based an the re- cent publication ef the Dukes memoirs. “A Ring's Story." and was a transcribed nam Tt - ><>*<• mods a tm Impression on the sir. Inc simply, clearly and tenuously, with little If any of the so-celled British* of actuality recordings and dramatised bits, in a revealing picture of some ef the distorted Ideas In terrorised countries From the fl ies of R adio Free Europe pie who had fled to safety; Ibnf had had all aorta sf warped ideas about the U 1 'until RFfc s beam- ings Anally got through to them Gen Lucius D Clay and Sen Herbert H Lehman both paid tribute to our efforts to get the truth behind the Iren CsfUh, f of Radio Free I explained la full detail Clover ggripting and direction fused the various elements late an Interesting procram, an important entertainment NBC la do-* Incidents In royal history, frankly, openly and h one st ly. He spoke briefly of his youth, and Queen Victoria, his great- grandmother; ef grandfather. Edward VIU and changes la spirit after prim Vle- rstring and of social Changes la Britain, after World War I under George Vs reign “I must s eem something ef s Victorian relic to the youth today," said the 84-year- old ei king at one time I did try. ee king, to let In a little fresh air into a venerable In- stitution.’* he said on another The Duke also dis- Wtth Danny Raye doing a straight dramatic part, this United Jswish Appeal slrer scored effec- tively. The ram ie registered mov- ingly. underplaying his role an«l coming ever warmly From the Production Cestres The story wee that ef a Jewish DP who had fed the Nasis In hie and turned up la After the war he was In- IN NEW YORK CITY . . . Clay Morgan, formerly > sa t sl an t to the | N iie» I r.mmrtt "» 1 " • chief for the North American office of Air For Morgan M’s something In the nature of a publicising Frances transportation facilities gained considerable attention ae pub relations chief for French ■ The Ted Ashley* (he’s the agent-packagerl have named their new daughter, born la Brooklyn’s Caledonia bosp. Fran .. Tad and Maihtld at NBC under (he re Milan#- publicity with office* In N Y in **\\ frrtu -F:. • figfr*?^,* -mo Jufif* ind *rUlrc if lab picked up a ship carrying tl- h , v€ withdrawn to >oln the script sUff on the -to! tmm i * f8 | g^wri M jn j K <»merv tele Asm hendtod he to do a t Later, when Israel dependent state, he took hie place building the unfolded la believable terms, with Ra Romanian girl libed Interview by John Glhha N, for WEVD from the YetTV* » • '• V* V " «t.. kcr ng *ilh rtasaual pianist lugrn# I *.l lievable human hot pMn# disk jockey stint . BUI Chalmers. ex Ren yon A Eckhardt ,, , . r i * r r , g r t, 4 ' [ - nr* hr 4 ,| f (V T\ s. (titles for (irey agrnrv Tam bring put off Arst for the pad five years but mans manager of BBDAOs TV Wrtght. man” and ‘ Britain's beet «' • * aii.l [Mid man status. and paid tribute to Winston Churchill for aid- ing him In writing his fare- well speech, although main- taining that the first drains written by himself, a sidelight mm manarch this was an unusual Cassidy ‘sirred** the • little toe briefly, to the sad war. and later by the woman s being wrapped up M working for Millard Lam pell’s script had I sock and some poetic nt” .. Nod Waver. Alex added to “Our Gel Bun- Wife" additions ... PMuar, •Ithou.h !■« rwipl.o# p r ,ddiUo« spots the dialog was literary rather ”7 __ tk . *»#**•- , than natural It did maka an am- * n<1 *°T- ■ ** “ <M * * * cel lent presentation of the Pass- *^"* over Exodus epic la modern terms Ralph Watt. WOV. I StiDoorVtne nlaven Everett Sloane BUI Leonard, of Wt'BS land, gave and conducted by Sylvan Levin heightened the total effect. Sen Herbert R Lehman closed with a brief pitch for the UJA. Bril BASEBALL BROADCAST iy !>t*4tr > )•<* Al IN STANDARD Daily I BREW ING CO. < Geest I Back for their Aflh year at the syndicated IcsrwtoH [ . B er tram Lebhar. 8d. WMGM director, will ha asarried an June 23 to Dorot h y cel lent presentation of the . m m modern term* Well a . r*- m. .t •*.* s* by Supporting player* Everett Sloane Rill Leonard, of WCBS “This Is N. Y ,** hock Tu es day 111 after IB - day Janncy and Charlotte Hoi-j air trip to Germany... ABC’s Johnny Ols en celebrates hie 23th aan! Mir * a pah I r .„ by Elliot Jacoby | , U nia WOR expanding Frank Bishop s new stanxa to building going up st 44 East 53d St . Which will bear the agency's name and serve ee an annex Virginia Rounds Cigarets has started s thrice- weekly news analysis stanxa on CBS «.. A daughter <341 to the Martin Knrfte (he s a member of . Viet or Eensbmshl and his Connecticut Polka Oreh Sunday BIO a m. over WATR. Waterbury, and from 10-11 a mj WAVZ. New Haven. M addition to other radio work... Henrietta R. Hsrriaan has been appointed AM-TV director for the U. S. end Ca- nadian YMCA’s centennial celebration. Bertram Lebhar. Jr., director of WMGM. and Kajmaf Kata, pra gram director of the Indie. Aew out to the Coast early this week far huddles with Metre execs on fall plans for the M-G-M Radio AltrectMai . AH Wanes, bandleader at the Latin Quarter, t 11 mike are Cleveland’s Jimmy Dudley and Jack Graney 11 The two have now worked out e neat cooperative package. Dudley the club for bis at that lectured at NYU’s Triad League Moaday (34) Al Ithough its of i Bill aslnf the sturdy Doris Drew and this ABC sustsiner y ta make much of an imprint It’s mildly pleasant but despite the work of Mlm Drew and Snary. It ha* nothing to lift tt out of the run-of-the-mill dam Layout Is aboard a mythical ship Pseudo-salty dialog aa a weak bridge for the ditties _ bers Tom Casey and Jack Lester handled their Lines la okay fashion, but their coatribu- just ae much ballast 4 better '«»c\rr VI i - ^ |>re* and Snary took over the helm Snary. particularly, was In fine voice on show heard (23). and dis- played potentialities for really big things with his bsllsdtng Espe- ctolly good was his )ob on There'll Never Be Another Yon.** Likewise Mlm Drew spiced the cluttered cargo with her chirping Seat mi which was her version of “Somebody Else Is Taking My Place* But both she and Snary would have stood out better, given a less strained format Support by Rex Mauphin and ABC band was uniformly^ ‘ as s straight dramatic ■ 1s»p.*\e«1 * < on,pet ml t ability in a night <241. <‘o-starring with James Stewart in aa adaptation mi "Jack- pot" on “Screen Directors' Play- house via NBC. the President’s daughter demonstrated that she can handle her lines for satisfactory Im- pact, even though she might not rank with the tost of the radio thesps She seemed perfectly at ease before the mikes and timed her dialog neatly to take full ad- vantage mi the studio SCSMWSavs ,ft HOLLYWOOD . . perience from his many years in BydMey Gaywee. one time sales the bigleague outfield Having got- was put ten over (to a large extent) his use anh and tee. CONCERT OF EL'ROFE With Claude Dauphin 3 pm N. T. ■ ' < longhair musical , transcribed pv the Radio Diffusion Frsncaise orch under the baton of different European composers each week. It marred by welMnten- tlocked but heavy-handed political 'Sermonizing Produced In cooper- ation with the Economic Coopera- tion Administration, show Is aimed at selling the U. S public on the efforts being made by the western European countries in the direc tion of Mlm Truman heretofore has ap- peared several times as guest on NBC’s Sunday night "Big Show but those bookings except for tor singing, required little dramatic ability She served mostly as s foil for femree Tallulah Now that NBC has her usive contract, the web use her for a variety of roles, counting on the fact that her abil- ity will pay off for the original curiosity inherent in her name Show Itself registered only mild- ly. chieffv because the scripters chose to burlesque the sic more than was done In the Stewart, recreating the role played in the 20th-Fox Aim. which was based on s New Yorker story by John McNulty, scored with his standard Stew art isms but was also guilty of overplaying some of his lines Supporting cast sounded --otype characters IM of the of such cliches aa “the string Is for a time with Raymond R Out eti Dudley h-» rnade ht* ndependent radio consultant verbal totter just that much that • RHJ and for 13 years with -i of k KW B *4 After Moving Don Leo to was can hardly to called Girt’ Commercials handled by the duo for their suds sponsor are all live, thus permitting the WERE-fed chain of Ohio outlets to drop off and pick up tbrtr local coin Grans? -r off ftve times a week -ft» • O. mi ta pings ... that two stations are carrying her RMPCV Same tponaor an took his air troupe to Frisco for a weekly wonders who compUIn of 9 of Al Jarvis rub off on them Ho yaks on Kl.AC radio and TV 44 hours a week . AH I MklHIar la taking his tape re- Mid Dudley .pell other off I ••«*» • to -« <* hU trip te Port, for the bt( celebration He ll Ij K They’re ***** for broadcast on his “House Party series .. Don Davis Is now sbo heading up the radio and TV operation for Sam Jaffa agency. He II package shows with agency clients among his othor duties .. Sybil for the smooth Chism, organist for "One Man s Family." went for an appendix match- with two-inning accounts. Th assisted nobly by Al Hoegler does the statistics Is by John Well HEADLINES IN CHEMISTRY 13 Mian: Sat. II 45 am. dialog showed an •ary affinity to corn Probably of top tigniAcance M the show, aside from Miss Truman s appearance, was the fact that NBC was kid- ding the pants off radio giveaways. This mix of music and Marshall not adeptly handled On the preem stanza <2»> Switzerland was spotlighted •**!* with the orchestral selections only loosely related to this country French actor Claude DMphin M the role of com- mentator was saddled with the cliches usually found In a tourist guide book plus — tab about Switzerland symboTtzinf Sr growing unity of western Eu , Hems. I night’s “The Big had a generally good en- tertainment level and some Ane moments. It also palled frequently because of the comedy rut It has now gotten Into—relying chiefly on the personal-insult technique for Its humor Ethel Merman was femcee Tallulah Bankhead’s Arst guest, and the gag exchange ran to mutual insults on their respective ages, figures faces, families, acting abilities and theatrical back- grounds Milton Berio came on later and the routme was the same —only more expert, because Uncle Mittie is aa old hand at the art. At this late stage, the personal- insult business Is cheap and imma- ture It should grow up Talent did redeem Itself for the writers’ deficiencies. Mias Merman by a rousing rendition of ‘There’s As Ihhin Like Shorn Bad , television and (Continued an pant 44) . Promoter for a for a toby to to iodine Ing without Don Lao. has a tome on sound effects In the servo as a handbook for both radio giveaway show put In a pitch to an adoption ■he show % <: spits! pn/r It *4% the fsstrM tl ... Goorgo AJMaoo was placed In charge of all media at Young k Ruble am w * Bf * 1 T by Ed SnNk, vp., M charge of the agency’s general advertising sec t t en Educational alrer. presented by , the Eastern New York branch of f\ ( HICAflf) / stressed developments that have a WlUUm Odgan. formerly with LeValley agency, has joined ABCs certain Interest and benefit. On Chi network radio sales daff as an account exec .. Marian Andaman is broadcast caught these included the Arst woman to cop the producers’ title at Chi NBC. taking over aa bleaches and a new stingless aasoeUte producer on webs delayed transcription network servicing tent ary on the midwest affiliates remaining on standard time BIB Seymour and Into washing and Bsh o rt Porter were hired to handle the detoyed net’s announcing chores their effects on various fabrics. . William Fisher exits his associate radio-TV director post at Chi which would to pertinent to office of Young 4 Rubiram to head up radio-TV department of Gardner women ad agency la St Louis .. WGN public retotioas chief Jim H anlon ini- Pmfeaaors and other members mi t la ted into the Headline Club. Chi professional chapter of Sigma Delta th* rational wiuiulm »ra rorat cu ^ WUt*r. Chi NBC dirartor of public terete and educa- !£*-!2 ,r "? »*4 era N a»urall> lhe> llM her aaalatanl bill Bee* atlrndlnl Ohio IT, annual radm-TV do not always possess tne resoing ability br oo m prraeBUtion "would | [ederalrd AdvrrtUing CluDa ludgint rawunlttee »hlch Uila give the program a greater oopular week Is picking annual radio swards wumers .. Emcee Jim Conway appeal launches a new WBBM “Lucky Ladles" show Tuesday tt) with a revised Noticeable. Incidentally, fea the audience participation format . Frad Rey n o l ds Is spreading out with growing number of regional groups a cross-the-board nightly half-hour disk aesaion on WGN. using s format similar to his Saturday afternoon jazz show .. Hallicrafteri prexy William J. Halligan has been named prez of the Armed Forces Com- munications Assoc Ed Ra sper has departed tho O. L. Taylor rep Arm to join the WMAQ sales staff * * PT"* 7 institute in Columbus. O. this week ABC central division veepee SraXTr; ^ "T- “ d mtt9 zrzr* »*-—* rt of professional organizations which offer radio features Jsro rrs YOI’R WORLD With Dr. William E. Victory others IS Mins.; Wow thro Frl It I 27) Survey by area col lent profeo- of the world crisis, in s week- long forum had elements of but the overall result was moder stely rewarding for serious-minded listeners Of the four quarter- hours heard, that on “The Defense of Europe" represented the best radio Integrated. Incisive and live- ly. with s free flow of opinions and a minimum of educator dry- Participants were: Prof. Rermit Gordon. Williams College. Prof Robert Rienow. N. Y. State Teach- ers College, Dr John Henderson, visiting professor at Union Collepe i St Andrews. Scotland. United Nations’’ (Continued an page 44i IN WASHINGTON . . . Them as R. F kale tier. Secretary of the Air Force, will highlight _ of * Prntagon-Washington," new official TV program of Department of Defense, on DuMont. Sunday <4) ... Patrick Hayes, local concert man- ager and radio commentator, joins staff of WGMS. town's “good music station." as director of sales and promotion, effective May 1. Hayes will continue his concert bureau, but resigns such out of town activities of road tours for Frad Waring and other orrhs .. R*y WGMS chief announcer, moves np an senior account exec in station's sales staff, replacing Ceeff Richards, who has resigned to enter public relations and advertising Arm of Onslow and Brown .. One of highlights of the May 14-13 convention of General Federation of Women’s Clubs In Houston, Tex., will to announcement of a Radios for Iran" project, an effort of the outAt to penetrate the Iron Curtain Jeanne Mliette taking over TV Traffic for WNBW-NBC. replacing Pat Keepde. who has eptered military s ervice .. .Jmmmmm Werner. WNBW rhantooeey, planing to Northern Command to entertain troop* early next week .. Bryson Rash, special events director for WMAU ABC. moderating a special program featuring town's "Oldest Inhabi- tants’' . L L Frederick M. CuaAek. USN. formerly program director for WVOM, Boston and ane time radio director of First Naval District. assigned to the news and special events taction of of Department of Def<