Variety (May 2, 1951)

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1 fdsfUty, May 2, If SI Salvador, Tony Martin Decisions Cue Movement for Arbitration Revamp VAINVILU M Suutra Rfks Jsdfneot •tod Bitlrc mi ajm- la at aid* • tof.- •4# default Judgment jtoUlaed by National Kw* . •**** ■ks k» ta N I Varl mi the arbitration art up •# Ifca A Vahft; ArtkU. caac after two far baa Guild of fool wore eat la keeping with the evidence pee bp tbo N Y, t O Omaha Chills Cinues i Map 1, far NAS Um faro mi tbo dtp parka and to didn t ki f litod lbet bo la tf7). of tbo r II la Um US. Padlocks Dario's La Martinique, NYC Muds Nix of Cabaret license UL0a»S»U _ 1. of Um I ■ a%er bp Jer- ry Horao. oretwbllo tunesmith. end Lao Sheer, ex-fiddler T op bought tbo piaoo far >#0 000 from Bill niter? ■ tolvef fi Monte responsibility of pUf- Honrl Salvador at La Me Ka Baoo. N. Y. and tbo other (terltMa found for tbo Goparabaaa \ Y„ against Toay Martin Board ruled that Martin wee la pUp one meek and oao too-week option at the Cm pa. Ueaa la bo Mataellp hr. no carnival* on dtp properly Cwraoeo art included. Tbo art boa I wm takoa despite pot It bans from influential local groups oha favor travelling i This. of Oao of tbo to la era fl >lan> elements feel that It !i unfair for o performer to bo put la a •pat above bo baa to rule for or acalaat a proopertlvo employer Tbo reforms now being sought rail fur paid esroo on the arbitration ruling, la a result vylor ruling, la plicated aot of Tbo S- N of a a * * n *>>»« h PrvwM t hud to U 400 to rovs of Salvador’s originally booked to open at \te around March 0. but I >■'*<*' ’ i* povtpont that ho aould have played rarreotly aith Marjaim at that i plicated bp are far better placed and • I ky AGVA Agrees To Self-Enforcement I* _ ... _ ^ Phillips. coast rep far J< On H wood Strips -« aar~Jr “ It Mm than a from Eddie Do Sure All hookings made by iaam ariU gj Phillips. Coast rep far Joe Glaser Csrrsl’i, H’wsW, FoU Prsres Cafe Patron Wm’ 1 Go for Alniinna Tapi tUTl Theatre Restaurant. the fad that Salvador’s - - den. • !«•* atlonil Salvador would aot work tbo bill uitk her. However. Salvador, who was pM>ing Canadian dates at the tisM. reverted bis manager and Mated bo sou id play that spot with Mar fane or would solo at Um cafe. Tbo AGVA board ruled that Sal- s manager bad tbo right of and ordered the M 400 security returned Appeal will be aiado on this Martin's rsao veart when the Cope, at Martin's let him out mi aa engage- | earfier than was stipulated by the centred on condition that be r ikr » n* * deal at a mutually agreeable date. Blare then Madia has refused to go back la Um Capa, claiming that throe shews nightly um tea muds ef a strata aa bis pipes, and ho prefe r red la play ike Riviera. Ft Lao, N. J„ her suae of the two Shaw peltry there board found for tbo Copa. but oaly ta the extent that It declared that the Jules PedelKJark Eatrat ter cafe was entitled to snip seek ea that portion of the I trad which bo did not play out Pad originally stipulated six plus several options at two closing of Earl Car- _ Mr* lad week la providing aa to bom faces that the day of charging admissions to cafes has paaaed Economic con- ditions. they aver, are such that niterses cannot get sorb fees plus regular menu tariffs very strong attrae- Ulrles aren't ! -<«** It V wt ill n * ‘ • .r- i! I and at the Tawa Caatoa. Buffalo whea a potent topliaer la on the MM Otbaratea. most M0I t. Count > Sheriff laps as Btotaftlv. at weekend meeting with Ameri- can Guild of Variety A diets’ Coast chief. Eddie Rio. agreed aot to strippers until AGVA hat a He ea fftty Him umitiflif •hem ?Pl wilt Ft ture “offend public la the last two to let three I^aPrali and Sphinx SaBy Rad Dasces Saas Mssic, as AFM YaduPMy Rad Philadelphia. May 1. do SO. I Roily Wand performed her fan ] dance without the accompaniment of Debuoey’s “Claire de Lone” and which the Beethoven Moonlight Sonata Id not In the fu- when Loral 77. American fedem- ata. “ With- ttoe of Muakiana. yanked the the sheriff band out from behind ‘her on rioting night of engagement at the Click Chib Loral 77 was acting with the fold of his La N. Y Cafe, have been am HI ply bag ever store Um M .0» salary check be gave Mlsttogoett bounce f aver a week ago Store then, the Federal Government has padlocked the attery har aua o of non pa yment of exrim taxes: the M TC Dept is slated to bald a to revoke Um spot’s coboret and a scries of other! rnntsmplalid by the Am mi Guild ef Variety Artists and Lewia C. Lettish. Mtotiaguett’t at- today tWed.l Is In continue to have shews after their an direct I ef entertainment was headquarters la New York. | eb)ertieoable Three Other Acting president of Local 77. dubs were ordered to show cause Ro m eo Celia, dispatched invest!- why the county Board of Super- j gator Irving Urhtea to the Click Oft as well. For Rio the have been trying to stave off cam- , elm la the show. to pull Dave .Stephens orrh Ac- tually. the way H worked out. the tfcsmt ; * V r fl f..r rvr And H impossible to get both aa P4i|M Instituted by both city and admission fee and a minimum la New York the idea hasn’t | liawting too well. The for AGVA the fan wav- weeded Miu y with a plea that the drive Hand ea stage. But Mias Rand opportunities performed her we 11 known act la piete quiet, both from the ibers la getting major cafes that tried the policy Biaratlut to agree to confer with bandstand and the audience Including the Carnival during Har- AGVA before further crackdowns The dispute stems from a bill ef Minsky s tenure, found H Rw promised that the union would U00 allegedly owed to three Houa- Ida't work Bop City was sue- establish for the Amt time, actual too musicians by Miss Rand’s hua- AGVA Federation of to a meeting last week, that Dario should be wlah to re- establish himself In the cafe Ma. will get no performers or mustrtaao until he Hearn himself of all ar- rearages to salaries to me m be r s of these unions Dario clo s ed the last Wednesday '2SI owing week’s salary to two weeks to musicians Dario himself has Mo for comment ever store the dif- ficulties Parted. He posted a bond with AGVA to one seeks salary All peril were paid out of the bond hut an- other week’s wages nramM duo AGVA Is planning action on a N T. State law M a m t a to meanor to be In arrears to salary bey o n d a week. , AGVA gave Lehiah pet to file court action gnstoat I According to AGVA bylows. action on behalf of or against a performer ran anly be taken with the union’s consent and after all hhve been ex- further | Rle promised that the union would ePabliah. for the Amt time, actual cesnful for a while and then folded regulation* regarding perform- band. Harry Flnkelstein. who re- Sole survivor la the Gotham area of stripper* and at her attery | rentlv operated the Southern Din- la the Birdland. which Pill gets a ^ would enforce sprinkling of admission tops The Earl Carroll closed after a few weeks of the “Latia Quarter Heal s On, Dp Imp RKO-AFM Csstrart is 2 Hesses him Way Far Je Baker Beekaf s b * od Ing Club la tha Texaa capital Ml*. Rand disavowed any Ananeta! in- terest In the club and claimed that It wp flptoM If a corporal] comprising her husband and > "-r « » V ' r „n _ decided otherwise and called the lrTn * ***• and Ten KYAN. EDOEINOTBY ■ BOWS AT THIINDERSUU) Laa Vegas. May !. A pair of their debut In a industry May 10 open at the Thunder bird hero far C^tf Opi Clt BlHjfrtS ^ ipoi bookings at tbo Palace, BrOS ClfCUS DfODS wiand. "i in i rr Dos Moines. May 1. Cleveland, and the Albee, Ctaria- Lncal beat baa tha mtenet nail, following signature of aa tag the Une Hard agreement between the RKO ctr- wInked at. Is out mi the bam and IS asidnight Hosing time being Prirtty enforced. Several of the Isrger spots, which have been using name acta, have I weeks ef Pagcshow* at both . u» budget* * Siting until UM local | during the V, ^2 u political ptuatioa Hearn mi Musician* Terms mi the AFM t revealed, but it’s Tmt After Tkis Biz Chicago. May I. Cole Bros Circus, which opened at Chicago Stadium for 17-day run. lieved that RKO guaranteed It' ending May 0. is returning to win- ter quartern for more her of tbo In both cases, proponent* of the arbitration "reform*' claim tbat the on the « compromise In tbo caoo of Mar- ita and a disregard for tbo ovt- ^ ta the cam of Salvador Uot« Ibb’s $2,000 hi 3SJ H Li Tie Celepe Holm, currently Pairing '• Affairs of StsU“ aft the Music “•a. N. Y, will get a 15% split of *n RKO and the . Mias Baker will June 7. and Lynn, plus Zorts will su Hellers, Pitt Nitery Ops, I Miami Dinner Kev huToTh!. n Pittsburgh, May 1 ee Mr iff brother - J*Hl Sol and BUI. who own and operate I at both Goldew Triangle's leading nitery. Ing with t the toggtoL just ioM-d 0 1 hoc iu rt rs u. R. tout deal to take aver Dinner Key Marina In Miami, la addition to dining room and terrace Mating and possible revision of the Bill Hor*tmana. cite .« t i>per although three route worn avail able. It was thought beat to go bock Bandleader I to Peru, lod Leo De Mias Ryan, liner, was a regular Bob Hope air Hope’s overseas troupe two ago for the Berlin Airlift Junket. Recently inked by >0th Fob. she starts nitery work after w "Meet Me After the Show," secon d Aim. Ernie, leug-time Hick, has done p e m onala at tbea trea, gBHPt dan«-e»»»* etc., kul Colo Circus, which had Bill Boyd team mi Lea as headliner lap year so far has the headliner pUyed to light She’s durtac N.Y. Drag Joint Drews Run OK Revocation Club 101, Greenwich Village. IN. Y„ femme RKO chain has also booked Mlaa Baker mi Ketthb. _ days Parting June 21 •00 they’ll run the coffee shop, i Friendly decided on the nine days had Its liquor license revoked by I Benefit, run in with a capacity mi 122; cocktail lounge, which seals 240. package liquor atom and a private AGVA Welfare M Nett 6G From Dress Benefit American Guild of Variety Art- tots received Mill for Ha welfare ? wr ; * ; r suit of l he fr< At p Madison Square S . '..f !»)C I mile H.I* : Mr: rial Fund af the N. Y. Heart berth ip club upstairs for yacht*- opening day w bo dock at adjoining basin, day. -w a a - a * A ~- - - i - in order to get an extra weekend Inasmuch a oese day bet engagement* the as a ■to State Liquor Authority last the opening night of the Ring I ing k on the ground that H served Bros and Bimum A Bailey Clr- for '*• POP-11 pm. bis Joeblea at Menu Proaer’s La Vie Fa Hoae. opening May 17. •• a >2 000 guarantee , • m Besides the Hellers, two _ -iated with the Monty Jacobson, a cousin, and Joe LHber are in an tbo deal Dinner Kay Manna, vacant this paP year to municipal fathers leased M ta tbo local crowd foe Avo yearn on a per f suala and mx perverts, with patronage by thrill-seekers Peered to It from up- Tritote Is Jt Baker and a polices the testified that City plana to spend than >100 000 remodeling tt crowd will hang on to the Ferrer. Judy Holliday ta M« for tlM rrnt.f. foal •ta_*vW j W_fo n, iery through June 7, although *he bows out of "State" June 1 ••d is due back an tbo CooP In . .. . ^ nud June for Aim work. June Car ous e l, dividing the Havar »1tT rrpUr* har ta tha la- “f »■ “•* . _ „ flier. ■ itvrm Iff likely that Sot ead BiU PriMar u ...kina a headllaer far H * 11 " »*" foW aftar tka Honda •fc. >• f m. .hST bM “~” »"»*■« ■«? “ ni An all-star show to be held at Harlem's Golden Gate Ballroom by city of Miami, and | May 20 will highlight a show bus! testified that drinks to Joxe ,Hdk* ' • C 4 >n« mi those slated to appear are | Goodman. Noble Staale. Ella Fitigerald. Richard Hayes Muriel Rahn. Jimmie Daniels. Jose April 4. grossed »4.72g Under terms of the deal, union got IS% of the gross on the Amt >25 000 and 10% of the take be- yond that anjvat According to Henry Dunn, union's national ad- in femme" garb who gave I ministrative secretary, the contri- The> also but ion to the welfare fund was al- - 1 moat equal to AGVA's entire year’s participation In Theatre Authority. Th* SLA rullmg ta beinf •*“ ^ n »'“ r *" ,ro1 *“«»« “P 1 the Asaorlated Actors and Artistes the Lucky Milltnder orrh The salute will begin with I Mnnn s 9 i» Mnmbo The San Juan Theatre, vaud- Alaser in the Spanish-Puerto Rscaa •< < f.f • 4 4 fi i< h tA 4 because of AGVA's refusal to par- ticipate ™ mb. of M. Y. groM^d « e- ends through Harlem, which ^ qoo last week with a b, folio-rd by • fotajj 6y Marta AntonWu I «" Me.lrab Almu.r Tb. m.mbo r '‘foliating with agent Kan Later 1 >ftf •Of the French Import Jacauelioe K ' ,kr ' d «’» N Y - £*»* D«‘« Jbaulbuw »„ o^^ruTSlrch fH- trfr fwty Sllbrifo ba .) _ .. — will monlal I wind up P the Ballroom The Na- tional Assn, for the Advanceme nt I of Colored People to w as la on which she obtained gross after a deal la of tbe - >« ■ ■■»■ Aaaa- j ."Z TZZZI — I to May tba Vwaatltaa. W T. ££?• Wfc (hartarad ta act aa U-. 'Ma afo Pa KHlla B,.h m u lor , M wtrkt ogenta and atanagem of enter- t be Farm." to which ho roPar* .r** 1 - *itk offices la Now York .. » v v Film actor Ferry hooked for tho Capitol Thea- troo. N. Y. ta conjunction with the D« Hhven’g NY Chfe Bovj^nfsto Juan. Gloria De Haven has been Walters and E. M. >0 000 for by Loo Y. | of tbo Latin Quarter. N. Y . plays •ataer*. with offices In Now York J Mock to 200 shares, no tho Farm, ta rhk Marjorie Mato. Ho opens May 10 for two weeks. It‘s Aim actress' ArM N Y. cafe avallahie Miss recently played the Latin S00 Club, A.C^ Reverts To Steinnuui, IVAmato The 500 Club Atlantic City, will rrvert to Harry Steiamaa who op- erated the spot for the pop few years. lie’ll be partnered with Phil D Amato ta tl*e venture Steiamaa withdrew a few weeks ago wJieo H appeared that tho club t ■- • nci t. ■ nr However, deals didn't Jell, Steinman and D* Billy for