Variety (May 2, 1951)

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*j-J ^ Cl ?| Forbidden PMC** RKO>. rvotemed MorriI St. 11. m at IIm ircaliMI | of Ava Gardner m rrMl Sinatra aa the headliner, la an are ha of the heal at I the pit are Mel • opens the tefowt anortly ~1 Gat Rhythm* and la alae la a finale alea play* at a clleko pare, f Joe Huahkm ervh a crackling ajrsl rwriain rai*er la the windup hy Play lit mar (New Arti». Sinatra la la tan aland, hla tret at the Paramount la all Palare, Y* Marie R P«4 I, # Omsk < 11 , Harris • 4 D 3 LST &■ 5 »m Troupe I 4 ». Own Albert Homme Orrh Double Crossbour*" fUl, reoiesrcd U Vammr War 21. .V V. Orrh im aa to a Me mi hla Mil- ■•I'M RK VIIHI ••▼* Y. < 101 ettl Rah 11event and 'Mat hoofing, hawed oat la a I homeoo. The Tattlers. Pm reeepUoa Silly MK'omb la a Jop Fred A tehter and Che ciemed hi curve* the lararet group af play the CopHol sb aa eirelleal musical tricks take Mr pt re* I P 1 *** 1* hi* patter, uhlrh la lie- v UaMlsr af the casual te mtwy (type Hit partner l| | Page and Sray. hni stylist* round off tW first with aa efforthre dlapUy (all •<< »■«*■* to aU years. Although atill da- familiar Itvering a voeal turn basically,| Marie la mi King hla crooning with tCat make* an impaesoivt stage set- ting The S7 pi are a , with a large string section a battery af Preneh plus ?• e or t| that go with i* Mosycitrs Pawl AM ata neat tricks with gall and golf holla before the la taken over by an Aarrw. 4 111 A Kmrmrts til. Ash House Orrh. Tat lew the •Stohi. reviewed In Vi March II. II. Saar *tage«how an mierim hooking It's null I (he New In May parlay Imal ra- the Roay budget In any 4e- a hep brand of co med y for a solid iir Headliner [nhlJ »aude turn hef Ala pale a final Import Ing mth a flip i gur fitly playing to Amity af the enter! raude turn before going Into re-I to he along mush a I Unc* Jet. kina hearaal* lor hit S.g Julie role In |$ extremely capable In that dlrer- >fe l« tafc Theatre* naira with the| artII revert In ream neat X z " the touring . oapa ay mi “Guy a and tlon Hla Doll* * He* the aame Mg lumber- embroidered giving with the and the baton UnuMAt * i * fil | gementa are heavily - ** . ■ * : in agueallng with more restraint than acting as foil for a wi s e cr a cking listening ”f '" f * genrrall\ frr„ ni , n .» u^^rr Im.x Inin* !<■ Orehoi an his fisticuffs post Is the gh a mild 10 minute* far a nuitn hat tan -'*--ning values S»««H- smi piavtng on ?.;* ft* has a Mug turn, handling more and legit future, and than aU number*. In ad d i t ion to foaling th paring Dagmar through her aa- Opener - gnmeut ter a Mpff baud. M attractive fouraoane af Plleen Barton hit mm the "Sake The young hay and deter do their Decca d aomc yeara aga. This a Cake" tune early last year, also up* and turns routine; their fanciful musical painting af the » % ttrimgly in the It attlers, vocal up well II effect. Jenkins' la. af course. -Mas* Tower, aa album he IpaVla, Y« Much, il Sand with Jour# Daria. Scawu A Spider Sn.ce A Co. *4». HP ,4 ‘- ui) Rnhf. . augmented by I# « 1 » Tattlers, vocal **d ol.l %»vle ‘>1 «»nwne ffy. ulpa f«>l rnrn'HM,n superior to the rule Item CTCTnrh. that uaxed mother • * rise* * • tations and adds %o *eli« several novelty %tep* *n<1 4) year-old with a delivery that's far Iowa with a spry tap turn to top off and the act neatly. It's a wholesome the •Oldster. Tom | after an af three yeara. Nat |his trio are headlining a lay- out of comedy song and danre that hly despite Ha aver* Opening night at the Strand Theatre, fea presently aa hla Mil at This gives the Mil a Mg HI* tntroea are fiddling dint Cate, aha la spatted In the TerpUag af Fred A gives the Mil early strength Their routines are Interesting, write an applause-winnlag set of lifts and •pins The Harry* eloae a gener- ally emcellent set of dance* with a cute Mt of hallroomology with a lullaby motif C om edy la by Jay Marshall, a repealer at this house Marshall's Ing slat, has been able la hold an p seudo magteo routine la pie af uni-! Manhattan skyline la a sharp Mend (a hi* position as a top marquee ly yark producing On this trip > old-stvle mi eouunmtarv voice and |n*trw- draw at the Hsrlem ft**-'up rta he « added a hog pipe Mt which The piece has h material Rhe effectively on • fsirtv at One corny ante* pitch for her and the Tattler* Barrett the best known piece fi warnings, which are Mg seller* In this area Barked Ift hla well integrated trio. Cole killed r.v «nsuii> Act continued aa trio.I Je York * My Home," la __ that gives this number Char I e hols. tall, well-set • Hrong focal |omt hob Ht that eight ai brat with a reprise af "Cake. Tim Hefhert an the up- blonde, follows with her aerie* of rural* are along class line* and are mantle audi unable t a ing Coles renditions a further peg One of Marshall's point, i- in* ability to give ad III facet* mi the He make* a erally creditable s hewing the ro- ' Gene Marvey. vet Teen-agers In the | dUroti caught. imitation*. Treating effect af W — ■ — ,h*n>0 p:»'rr and • >ap 1* u< e ft? **rU into the mi; *>ih her tongue and 'eeth g, *> ng 14BPB< ra with their tan punch hard. . . . terial holding together Beet part ending with her Impression af af their turn la a routine In which male singer, a tenor doing "Tour* <-n» <omedic* K.»\* *n imperv.nitmr of a • hild of » »»th nw*«t of the ** m« *tng»ng Alice Blue ti Sa*«>n nifnif»t Herbert latter !* He*it Alone i . . plaving In a variety af foreign Imitation* are all effoctlve. with a planter guise* Plenty laughs although latter two the •not of the seq u ence s end flot^ Martin and They aim hit with their Aght pic^ their vsnou* puppets first a pair good audience fodder of the siae of Sidney | la getting acts with. t. Opening turn af Vlr-1 from That • M ginla Lee gives the Illusion af notion with her comedy acrobatic* This A mason proportioned femme the audience and and constantly tains pleasing pipe* and o tore takeoff closing executed com Boshkla. In his Initial a Mg lift to this session This la o goes through a balancing routine K an with the guy playing aa though he mi t r.*v»: luj ». P'tutu . ?*♦•!,xe -n , r mlth . ...f ^wojih Arurruan «*»nga dan. rr* H«juw f *’ • ‘a. * ? •? ring number then their Sod Sock ffi and hi* they re hampered for .pace the tial »ssav a. ^nil-mater ^rgeant. and finally duo. «annot P***™*"' « leldT^tel the Jimmy Durante-Mae West duo backflip closing Some Of the acctMODanyukg dialog eaceedingly well nonetheless af faat| l separately, h f iiriifTi - « Inti W 4 ? r '•Mtlino t lor good results. The Shoarefued consisting af two gals . n. rf,% f v r fiddle* Thia lump* like few other hands cur- rently in the rrarkerlark aggregation with five Jhe^pJ^t of ro tertTinment in virtually an ■' ’>'*** .- n< ? Un ‘L,,, •* „„r. II.. ;m. • ..I — >a» ha«n -ro? I >uvk N- * * al trio, have neat arrangements r* aa they de- Ing If not espert version of the Boll-type dance Dnria Ruby ‘New Act*!, only ofay an the Mil. makes , Pi ! ri,r nr 9 } ' in the fourth I dklno, Toronto Toronto. April 27 • Done A p ollon <41, Helen Poe* < 3 ». HUly Kelly, «n*te ■ - • ftetr in Mooting fhe orrh batoning wMb authority and Babe" The Jiving color, and rutting the *ow with “W, "gL- U sharp arrangement*. Band warms B"g? quartet^ia. ^aiao pjww^ up the bourn with • rucking In- "*** _+**«* ** wiw teft, ap! struroeoial with Bushkin • clever - CTrn , for some Hone, but he's fo( | y delivery and with the audience that make a r,. ... . Iu . . 1U ' m —- Ann Antonio. April M Prof florfcwords, C’wcle Willie, Insonf Bros »2», Coh'ert Sis i 2 t. team with their ballroom danre Act abounds in good aa well os some unusual acrobatic effect* femme who’s th, chlrf romto. to • fiWul ell oa skilled acrobat April 24. Hope mil Marilyn Maxwell A Jerry Ponson d e Pour A Bray, Peg Leg Buie*. Billy KfcComk A June. Arthur Klein family. Aten Che, 7 Votenf*. Rob ■ Howell Orrh. freddle Mitchell, o to a prising | three rhythm and four brass.-ter lively session of pop favorites Joyce Do via. the baud's oostel of numbers in s of the M I moot Bros. »2l, Coirert Su Hi, ^ !he g*ggy the Proctors ill Pern Del Rio rniHicb to h» i- •• i bond tils "Ducwo y effect of the ifHniSil, r*Uaia* Third v Alameda The Boh Hope season woo soi»- out before the opening, and the of the gagging Is feeble, but first-night reception left no doubt hurt the general that It could he extended consider ably beyond the slated turn weeks Is the Admission price* have been hiked fete If*, hut Of nicely. A Co Pleasant hut far | la current 70-mins offering, with Dave Apollon sharing the marquee billing with Helen Forrest Here aa aa annual feature, the balalaika virtuoso atill has that old showman- ship skill and Instrumental tech- nique that make him a continuous on * favorite with vaudr audiences Hi* brassy , urn Mara three Filipino. — In Texas Itanger* sketch a sprinkled r for this a anut and a with funny turn. of enter! Closing after ■ _ , Ming Ring Troupe. In which two py approxi ow at the local %torky Oriental femme* perform affect rapacity bit up Into a neat .killed trick* with spinning plates Hop# ^klng his Briliah bow annum? „tu- f *i,ilr ruing 'hrough unusual con- | w%UtU ,,, lr h u , u *-ppr-ran xif ufi.i* I L SO *|-»ni kept on stage for . ^ . s. i a. _ a. - s Jk i teammate aa Occidental femme, is { the best an far. It’s fast moving, uwtions and twists Male Juggler oveaty pared and has o wide va- tiaa a good bit. spinning o plate on nety of talent to satisfy m o at any * n unusually long pole Fourth —— ■ minutes and seems half that attractive than. | One of the main drawbacks is the fart that all of the by Peres Del Rio is In Kvea the entertainers’ roll are A I Spanish is the feature film Only thing that saves the day Is that ail of the ro »rt„;nen perform in Fngli'h with Apollon poring Ik. proceedings All the hoys pluck strings and aork a cr om tempo changes, coupled with clowning. Netted a ter rtf Sud>ri when caurht They get over neatly on mertlme" and "Man I Love." a rarhod of The Ink ApoU la "If I Didn’t Care " and a smash bl m d Ani*h of "Dork Kves" plus April ii , Rhapowlv la Blue " with former -r^ifii-r .xtih Ctninrr Girl* • ■ rw t»rmrd veraten Blond MI*o iSai flSLw RaLt HBl O*oroi Forrest had no diRIcuHy In getting in ,p.*n»..rihip «u Sw jto* * w^kTJfrtHT’oXi 11 1 ^U' 1 " ' U»**" U TkTm to mmutr, ®»« Mrt ^* riuo ° Tr *' , w ru.Iomrr. Par Irmoo .wtorto, x. and if tbe cno- Tereaa ^ |* ln via* he " then her Identl- Smiik A a Seattle, April Stan Kenton Orrh <231 first entr i me entertainer* ran rartu c^lte Mowwe. Maynard Frrpuaoo. .«m! topical *» Swlto AJh> r»Ur*l T a Soto.. ~ri , pollnrtu, Mth M )n|iioi lub-wtf. Chmk - ft .fit 'I! mi- , 1 th itonn ■ r.fc 4' .iiiMn.nt *'• ’ - , non-stop laughter response The cality aa well aa providing aa Id* «l wOJ« r racks, with the Hope touch mi wit opportunity for novelty la treat- sad topicality, were directed against and fellow comedians to attract America* t -Latin of the to the , <2* In present aa intricate and flashy * * * of juggling routi Juggte sparked by »hare Sl y loo and fir*! vi* w ! I »P*. minutes heduled hour and If the had had their way. be d I ~ . ^ . ! fving Wish I Could Rhimmy Uko much more. From hu | A festival Ravor lo introdu* od in My ^ Ka te." complete with lu *'' torao-toMlne that brine* her hark for s terrif ^Hallelujah Boh (Hutfmaa. a* singing _... _ „ _ . geta proceeding* off to a with Tarhnl- with hi* sturdy warbling af . **" ■’ TMttine an Top of the Worid" Danny Kaye and Bing Cronbj projected un to a transparent Carroll Bitter* a Mood and brunet. n# \ ;tubl> < "filing in lot * 4f.r - , ■ « n « hue ?• - ■<* i x. • , h*.i MtOW f olk<v f,„ , , 4 . s A festival Ravor la the gaga start roll- Nat Karaun a current product s giving the <1 ijm ning I Stan Kenton s comedy af Herkte talents mi drummer SheHy Manne snek o ri a full hour of l*>ff tertainment Opening with inti I* .,f vide me ... a a „ i M !> coming in lor a wrp aerrew. mwmm follow foe a Cite dance arrooaurs. There la no letup for the are providing the background ef-1 Billy Kelly contrite political patter like “Ci Rain. Ci iphoiu* brightly <ol . v , It ^ and pa*tel disks which "“"^ r J ■take* for «mart eye appeal. Bii K with the disks on ropes passing them hack and forth and high the air scored heavily ^ , late solid rendition of "ColUbor* also “If 1 Were a Bell ^7 tkoo." followed by an Afro-Cuban and Dolls feature* mmutr* mt. VUnlvg f. | • gi* r. the show 4 u l *t*M rs on la do a few ^ a deporture from the regular with pops routine, the Empire terpmg girls ow" and (-ome onstage from a huge model Shine," and itj-fn/t u represent Festival *»**- from liuy* usd immediately go into an- [ da i other of their noted danre l ter Jmtv Th# festival background la and a conoie af danre bit* that ure from the regular | could’ he drooped hecau«e of had taste and lark of cleverness H*»wr- c retire m - bv lm- ting an oldtime *nos-and- lun (..rm.lrle and rane. for a neat Wt-shne l ftm«h Three Ivanov* dick nrltk ’laities and are in the story of tbe “Persian h and aa onginai ti Antonio Hi Ufa, * Uncle Willie, site rlub rotertmiher from Dallas, fol- • * n a novel ?ap dame routine then pantomimes to several ree- Hla novel oresentatioci of Mule NtattoMl tat Ion Mood changes with hand doing I Allhourh the f with muted to lff Hope, a for nice effect Stvte* l- on u ms nUined in the rid of the next lor a maka of chatter. MU bHj The Revrn VolaaU. a fast nf dance and mugging that * ma- acrobatic team make a good Marraia. a First la with a 1 mg routine. Second is the return of Caaheld Smith with hU veatri- Wmm Monies Me A Col *5); “Soldier* Three" <VG». is strictly on the lightweight . . , . ^ ^ 'aide, though parts of current lineup kxpiial dummy, matftnn. b°m ^ ru |k * hole payee* laughter material is spoilt for tte Sidle Headliner Wally regulars by repeating some mi the gags that were recently used in the mme theatre. * A more than usual spectacular closer has been designed by Karson with a large scale attractive setting Entire company engages In a aock Headliner Wally e laughs for his react mi Id I v Brown gsu s line of ear hi Jointed gaga He starts slowly builds to fair degree of b end of act. Pstroas seem im have to get used lo hla typo of 71)