Variety (May 2, 1951)

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Plays on Broadway ctetliaatSMl la Darkaeu Mm t# R.jale Cm! $6,018 Bat Kneed CoOeg i *«ir« of the literary %i ©rm This Im t a j lay, Babe la Ike Wa^a (COLtMBIA V. PUTKMl b: t. Sr 1 trad Cast af aoriaf “Darinm at V^Jh Which IT a pity as ihN iho« kaa Noon” from the Alda. N. Y„ t j om. mm. h«!« oar af the heal all-round caaU la the Roy ale recent I > was MOIt af 5* ft t»*a. perform in* It to the hilt which the A hr la manage meat paid mumi a.r< ahlle saying a lat of t hing* that tl.MI Included la the expense MrDM LOW Aim CMa a*< MHal c aoiH w Cat** W o r ry Atoa Grtol oO Him To la *Gramerey Cadi Holm p'ay. «i A| ^ mi<f I A■ *i>*u i k* m* Howard Callmaa. who la that aa the ath*o obm niS -.r tha a<A«fc*,.* t , h.? ■ ... U tka U.W - tent lalit tea areal fully realised la the dlredlon or playing The reault Is a remedy that frequently seems aa the vtrit af knocking aa sudi- .** " * « *■■■— th*t lime dull tfoiled 030 000 to tbe £££7 LtZJTJ U ° a * Gw » Aur Play tells this story aa a much ^kera That left $S.!5t available per* Its laucha from the manner la th * » eer . •» tarkm. « .»d*- bJTZ . Zi r-jr diMrUMtio.. I.-duly t. M, .hick Ik* .11 male c.« ^ ,f »‘* h •** sari. ErsTM-TES: ~ ^ w^txrisrrw. ^^3 ^ _ _* ), , r d rt vIfr ‘ tffi crty Ms sacra- at around I14.RRB. m** * satuwtng th«- m . tary. who has been cheating oa i)u*ratino hud«H inriutlM ormirO era scheme of thines and that goe* """ Jia. only are She handles limited mate- Credits for Trench A If sir elude Donald ft Count orod U T V ' *“ d “T"* 1 Heal lyrics. John Trattaer. th: bank and lyrtr^ ST ThaT l !TreJ h tl^ lt <S Ar^^RaWd^aLashTw* di r d . P 1 */ T tan by Rurland, scenery John ® Ihee p r *« or <"*h*»trationa John C * anew was presented he- w v . m*K«**i i Mar- MrMillen Theatre re la- r.TET.dr-cE: Richard Laahy. are esorrlard and the ftrl jilts her _*•“*> ^ the plav'i Is made Stuffy fiance In favor d s dash mg Merediths y oung reporter The fad that some of the lari dents including a plot listed Meredith, la the play's first sd hilarious by pf, Y.. that salts the parent I y a Kate” the « the part Including Dirk Rodgers Lorry Hart, John Erskiae. Morrir Ap- R> sklnd and the like “Babe" V B m ■ *~A i A _ a. A t Off B usy Shew that “Klas Me. | » Mcl> ul *** suite her oc at the Anal curtain | ^ *ay « Ou swish tan- would take dual bear logical analysis Is less >a < the characterisation down a bit , ‘straight important than that they doal add lbul • kill la 'the second ad ipearean ft up to as much merriment ss they *• «**• » om « * WlUa ?> • wisely dect« * Mould chance to come over Playing the duct ton by I sd. version at the Shu bed. N Y., factors Is the Charles Kalman ton- would take some af the edge off ( *»«h an assist by H R Deni • hit s ‘straight revival af the Shake- #on *ha did some additional me 1 art spearean farce. Mias Webster has fk*. Young Kalman Incidentally. *as a wiselv decided to freshen the nm> s the son of Emmerich Kalman m s ideas a vUsely decided to freshen the pro- M the ion Playing the duct ion by hokmg It'up Result Is ,S * operetta the changes * noroann* nrrvnl at Inn Knud performers ttegmald Denham has given the •*P* , rtate appalled at the changes a np roaring presentation show competent, straightaway di- 111 1 l<mg-deserted America, he not » n d burlesqued that Is ractmn. but what appears In be °® ly ^ ***** with a rich hilarity, and has other beaded la a more orf centre tmag tharactertiatlon. but pn Wilson besides Miss Webster sin the more prominent Tke Baar*.‘Mftm 4wlle‘ la the Charles Kalman (WEfOMAN RTI’DIO. N. Y J an assist by II R Deni- To attract backers and per- d some additional mu- manent subarribers for next sea* Kalman Incidentally, mb. Destination Theatre la Inviting of Emmerich Kalman audiences ta aa latererting presrn* roaMgper Among the tat ion of Chekhov's “The Rocr' Rtanler Kaplan, ns a and a strictly non-pro exhibition ,k i * s I -A * a - a- •native treatment Making her oPP*>rtunlty through Brood way bow ns co-star. Sarah barbs at escapism < full of mtlquet oarttrt i political candidate Q f Strindborg's “Mias Julie,” at menu u Prwtectthe birds of America, the Went man Studio. N Y. Tbe barbs at escapism old school tie, college administrations the new woman the new look and almost ii road way bow ns co-star Sarah « cvcspiwn Chun-hlll, d.uchtrt of former ">••»«» Bniuh Pruir Minxtrr Wiiufon wo * m *"- I *—• »*w I Churrhill u attrrrtlv. amt likahl. »o«frni but h*r pUvu>( lack. varMfy. aha , Mr I via Do«*Im flvr» BO tfluuon of atxmlaiM-ity *M P-Mlfarr with •n* arrma oeuhrr lo lialro fo th. "•“*> •the. »cton Imn nor think about *bUl Art« • hilarity, and has other merits f>ut to P ro,rrt the birds of Amevi Wilson besides Miss Webster also evens *• «^P»rtAlly effective Kahn. to ”*■* matters with Porter a bit for bis — ■ jy *k. borrowings from the Hard by giv- Ykp fldn Ybbfk r..js sa: irjr'^x i. r»Jrr. ,u>tol * r " K - Ac ° i „ all la good larte and fun Chknpa. April 25 film actor Robert Sterling ce- Marred and also making his Broad- ^ om way bow. Is personable as the bus “• crpSiblc reporter, and his playing , Is direct and vi*orous If a trifle *°>** rwjutsk Richard Waring, aa the Ml wraith with a yen for a modem moat -’•crraitng the troubled t ot l * ? v ° 1 WMII woman m the giddy metropoiu ^rect. uasuUle approach here Is o.i« k.a^ that Is Manhattan Peter Cook von Rifled A certain lack of style un. w* l is also convincing aa the publisher s m instance loyal associate turned sour panted the Lunta' notable Martin Uabei hav pafSgRi the • '-»-penv r A a^.^. ----- _m as.i. single • stanxaed Chekhov farce, broadly played. Is aa entertaining curtain raiser Last essayed aa Broadway in Iflll. and aa Ehaaheih Bergner vehicle on tour and an the Continent. 'Miss Julie'* M a d is s er t ion of three malignant characters, the neurotic Julia, her father's ambitious valet whs WMk l .f k. mcnarti w aring, as the -*•«**■ v*««**» *»« ww .—.. - ith a yen for a modem mo%l difficult role tn the play, a h> ,h * blood femme has effec- Mrdener oa the publisher v estate ^ . a . milk a 1-- aJ « A AUirhl Lunts' notable produc k£Ii ktim than compensated for i T humor of this rollick u ». ti the practical-minded cook, the Vtor *A ^ w; rrt valet's flancee, la the present pro- Tm VatSm^ duct Ion. the direction, leaden la > »<»■■■ imm« the srenes of soul-searching and s r*r** mT* jl'' —rto d ramrtlc in the scenes of ac- Uon. points up this play's contrived theatrical stylo, but hasnY shed * ltJi * successioa a I the vocal mannerisms from »ho tun *Cor» Is Green * Wandering Jew. I Tobert Smith has helpful drive * nd end h and conviction as the pompous hoping the poor Ranee. Mabel Paige Is diverting In mef }* katw, and tbe somewhat incidental role of the ron<jemn * d »• ^ housekeeper Kirk Brown gives com- *rts an k dimension to the part of a har- lh# *® d t ed cop. and there are neat sup- ,n * “ ^"rt and Porting portrayals by Harry Soth- pennits. r ' n Absent-minded lawyer — . • id John Mar'ey as an understand- Tke TgMRd i puzzled imbalance dhE^ I* t cn, Raymond Sov:y's interior seems 1 1 po etical, but looks a bit seedy for •r* M «rpf«wi 12 a Gramercy p^rk mansion and (Oh- L *** cum. tarns s Djl*i 3 b'« (»i* P* u *- mapk I of tongues and ^€h» and gou To ose hyf h Iin t WIU1 a »yci rkAUiU US lUflgUn ana ^ -S • ••• Uiiuciiaarn, in u»r — —~ ^ — — — ■ ' mannerisms from • cc<llU mho tunu <HJt to ^ the Ralph Clanton makes a hand- ***} t° Produce srv- *T | t production of • Wandering Jew, trflng ta ease his some as well as winning Peiruchm. fT* 1 not% * Ras made and has helpful drive rtirae and end his wanderings by full of swagger and gusto There *£• Broadway grade as yet. isn't directing need a subtletv non- as the oomoous tie I ping the poor set M mortals he la an slufRng off of the Bard s *!** mA1 * factor, the important •«irt*bt In the present olfenns iff || divert inf in bfft, And in (iiliAC beinc Ufft in Ills tvishbuclilinc inter* kfft If I ifcoeciit for DtitliiiUif Thtolrt, 4irtctfd identfl role of the ro< ^ fmllf ^ t* trudfe on Lester preUtlon. and the chnrfctertution 10 "rtten Although paul Lnmmers of NICi TV dll, 1 Rro«n gives rt>rrv ^skov s sets are striking aids to has meat Claire Luce who has °* y . * ocal talent is used, the mu- Aims at a repertory organization the acuon .nd Alkrr, M.rr.. AM- pl.y«i tha ™ir7l l^h “ jg 0»»« • P ™#r«io n a| Ukr .hr Br.ltlr Thr..rr. M » ere sre neat «ub- IR f *s direct and sure as Wilsons London is an able counterbalanre Pf^wrt 10 " W Eugene O'Sullivan below par at present Brattle Theatre, but is An ^ (».I Burtson and Allan Sherman. TV ||U|| l Bn ■| of ikeSirew scenes but an admirable foil "“J, " , , A U ® Sherman. TV Ce. kvmuum mi thereafter She falls with flne d lp *T UI wrtlerm. and Tk« MMrtt ‘ Mo Xh * f'HJghhousr ur. O'****.** ^Artous pro 9 uences with Clanton, while in the ^afar- Imiw Immimrm* i«tM closing scenes esoeciallv In the ■ a "MS tkls time similar , l -.«T~ OS ~<r~l hr, .ppr.rr* .. o«hr, mu- « .V* Equity Shaw (LENOX HILL PLAYHOUSE. N.Y.l Kquit) Library Theatre's revival of The Road lo Rome ” brought KatWr. erMtr ^snd ^ ^ Mate them But he U in.l ^^k 1 *®P d P^Aywrtght • - Wsr A confused outpouring of Ideas that 55551 C uTk”^ ,w rs J«a« e»r~* i i n » r«iM 7“' ,n siaiure., im *2X1 SOI ^7, ‘Z “ . o—; L —» locd ,n IV« Prt»loc. Hobrrt Quarry h * r if ^7, . ■ r^ ,., u Cavada Humphrey la good as s tin** 4 . h ..k K . zanv-type -t^JS: %r; r^r w.rrS/ * I !,^w^ Bp pne as s badgered, dls In the brief Cm lark°o# i!" ^ Crouch . Mr "r» Allho**h w« ••r tsn t bored during a full eve- wing of what is s succession of in ^ teresnng timely and provocative row tAfk an religion, poifem, wars and the fraught I funnirst hkoad is sure, Ben Edwards' sets and lighting as well as Emetine I of “1 at the T^mist of product! bars * i which could bo much And the direction Brace Coaming ■ ter if it wore not for the deliberate direction, with much • bf the collaborators to gag rushing tn at doors, parturtag tab- m e of the bits Nevertheless kaux and awkward crossings de- are some flne zanv-type rou- karts from whatever a p p eal the which, brushed up. could be script still has la th* leading r*»‘« * *»* Jean Muir. Walter W. Appier and he song department, moot of Gordon Mills are adequate but mes aren't likely to hit the Wright King (who was the Young I. but “Hello*' is a flne bal- Collector in H Streetcar Named s to “Love Me More * The Desire *> comes off best as Mago. It tunes “Partners* and conqueror Hannibal's younger tv tunes “Partners* and conqueror Hannibal's younger * ■••tie Things" are good fare brother bringing a suggestion af ding to plans, the author* wtstfulncss and insecurity to un- Y*w ♦or a Broadway ooeo- derlie g brash self-confident **- •** »M* fall There's pis poe««Mlity i Virnra State Opera - * do in the opus. Znbe. I tcrlor, A. Serty Peary did the seta.