Variety (May 2, 1951)

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» K , May f, mi Flahooley Hot 536,800 in Parched B’way Spotty, Generally Up a Bit; PhiDy; Guardsman Fair $16,900 Tree’ $45^00, “Wish’ $41200 Full Wk, s3& B£S?v£ j AnaTkatnuu '$£&&&-* Shrew’ $16,700, ‘Ghost’ $4,800 Fast 4 lUT ■urtTt STS wlt /tiiS For Atlantic City HflhlL.™* Un!»2«r^!«* iraM * . *««*■•*• m wn w t**tr.<7U»k> CMM. It*. U0M5> Km. PMaMpMa. Mar I. • P*ully « l**lt «■»«» .1 I MO-51 „ _ . SS» Arena Tbealre Mailed «trt taro foot light opetlnp hm A d. _i! _ /»•. mndUSTMligifmiaiMd taro miuam at the Mayfair TW aa Theatre Mailed ; For Atlantic Gty Hotel ^ TjA 5 »? , 5 . * wsled at lusinem was nai f what spatty,. t7Ui wk> ( 94 90. 798. 920 983* Ap- E rttf . I k.i ^aa M iw*-"- *Hit with w*oral nntiMi ratty- g rsa c hs i MMI t pw r tu i o»el fav- H vteki pair of Mtniafi Atlaatk Cltjr. May 1 Unaa van at—r a lly ap a h* t ' ■*!». ri ant< Saturday might 2$> ftorsrhtrapades " al the Laras! At trcnatyp* playbovae lorattd A ■grown Cm. 12G la MM Broadway Taat wool Tara mew after S3 I performances it a Mat a# id "CoairtwTima** at Ilia Tarrant. |V W b ** c * fr,< * H** CWIana ftp Raleigh N C. May 1. "!2“ d f 3o# *| Sparse ssur sja. sets -ja^sptusrr&s * £££ sr£fe?.“EL*i! ,thine to ihout about "Tima and three co-oroduron were under of m m mfht»r« iKr< u >«k ik. awamgapaa am gnrpty off at tae* tipoaat Wagmaagay (S) .me« here from a tuneum we« the - ” u . _*_*, * J . *0 9*f*~ aral other tun# shows to four affirmative mot Ice n (Chap- trSTZ rV,, ,Jn,’ r r ^'T, "*!' ! ’ ‘ ‘ The let*. ,rm f... ... **-nr- , Anne Jeffreys of "Kisa Me. Kate,** said that after two yearn •he'* taking a seven or eight-week leave from the Cole Porter show thin summer, during which she'll f^beame two weeks and play four weeks ta Gene Mama's production af "Bittersweet.'* at the Greek three houses la hi lime with regu- lar City Playhouse* policy. Simi- larly. the Aran baa just repainted the door and marquees af kU four theatre*, at It does every three months or no la the name way. Carrot Rand Slaws (April 30 May 12) pant t . Herald (Atkli returns to Kate." her new con- tract will give her the right ta withdraw oa a month's notice, but she intends to continue with It indefinitely. olarty repainted according ta the Ceuctin Time (Lloyd *oiaa> preferences of the actor* who are ( t»TOut> — Forrest Philadelphia r •30-12» .review*! in Vaaimr show opens there la cane* where A| 22LAl^yLii . ao. _ a _ mn * _ a a a ^ Watt*. Past* and one hedge pman. News, first four per- ace* g r oss e d nearly $4 800 N. Y. my Ballot Co. < House 83 71 2.8001. Bright 000 for the Arat week of two stay the pUyer. are allergic ta l3 *7» (reviewed In VaaigTY. the dressing naom walla are re- Apr1 , ,, 51) papered, or occasionally the re- - u.-. Jane Wyatt, of "Autumn Gar- den.*' pointed out the difficulty of appearing oa Broadway for an ac- tress whose home and family are oa the Coast, adding that British players are lucky, since they can have both film and legit career*. I>e<*us* the tlagc and film* *:t both centered at London. How- painting la done over a weekend I)onaid ( ^oe Raymond) <tryoutU- A full-time stag of four painter* Court Square Springfield Maas is employed by the company for I 3<L2»; Shubert New Haven (3-3); the work. Metropolitan. Providence 7). Bush — net! Aud Hartford 8 0 \<adem> of Music. Northampton. Mass «10» Shsvs n RkamJ ffrrSiJSErfo'S: •****• “• CU* Lyric Bndrgpoft Ilil HU- Kry. C (Cornell, D /Dc«d». ’'**»!'■'“2"- - - CD > Corned* Dewm*i R (Re rue) Kim “R —Lafayette, ue- MC f Muru a l Comedy >. JdD (Musi- * ajral Aleaamdra. col Drama ), O ( Operetta). I <*Masnhar af in Wsddteg** Ethel •s long aa It runs, she Indicated Nancy Kelly, of "Season in the Sun. ' told of the gratitude she's always felt for the critical eo- atre Ca . dir „ _ _ _ ^ Water*)—Royal Alexandra. Toron- _32* e ' ta '20-31; Erlanger. Buffalo (7-10); rod Morton »ts Atua Bekmeill 12 first Broadway appearance, when •he waa 1A. with Gertrude Law- rence in Susan and God " She a Whipple, at that time critic af the ^ Francisco (20-121. and Sherman Ewing-ANTA. prods —f^rr RskifTs" (Henry Fonda) Fr> / Mli4 . —Geary. San Francisco (1-12) "tlTTintssn ( MCV ^-Ml lton Bcrle. ~MhAr A sk s e ts T (Tod Andrews) Sammy Lambert. Bemie Foyer. _ Suu Winatoo Salem NC20»; S; 0rt 1 diT National. Greensboro N C. Ilk ~SIMag 17* (D)—Jose Ferrer. Roanoke Va <2>; Center. P rod - dlr Norfolk. Va tS-A); Gayety, Wash i (7-12) <23d wk) (MC-8B 80 1 Jit. 843 8041. Standee limit, aa usual. $44,400 "Happy Time." Plymouth •60th wk) 'C44 80 1 083 . 829 019). Just tipped 818000 (previous week $17 000). "King and L" St James «3th wk I (MD-87 20 I 371. 831.717). Went clean, but press list limited the gross to almost 831.700 again "Kins Me. Kate." Shubert (120th wk) ' MC-8A. 1.381; 840.847 . Nearly 828 800 (previous week. 830 0001. "Make a Wish." Winter Garden '2d wk) MC-A880. 1319. 830 0001. Almost 841,200. wttk two and a half parties 'previous week. 821.- 000 for Aral tlx regular perform- ances. plus $11,000 for two pre- views). "Moan la Blue," Miller (8th wk) (C 84B0 920 821^— ^ Sot d out »Ud"the ^gross^ lo^tndlr^Wl.100 •previous week. $21,100). "Out af Thla World." Century (18th wk) MC-88 1 843 848 181). Hit 828 400 «previous week $31<- 000»; closing asoved up two weeks to next Saturday might (3). "Boom Tattoo." Beck (13th wk» D-84 80 1 124; 828 000'. Nearly 818 800 (previous week $18 400) "Beaman In the Bun." Cort (list wk) (C-84 80 $1008 824 101) Al- most $12 400 (previous week fll.- 700»; was to have closed next Sat- urday (3), but cootlnues tndefin- _ . ‘CHARLEY’ SOCK * 50,200 AS CIVIC OPENER IN U Los Angeles May 1. "Where's ( barley t" got the LA. Civic Light Opera Assn s 14th sea- son off to s smashing start week, grabbing a walloping $30.- 200 for the frame. la for Ave weeks, the Bay Bolger starrer, started o# at a aear-caparity pace. Season subscription sale covers the initial four-week period, with the Anal frame on a "come-and get It" Both other offerings In town faltered during the frame. "The Square Needle" slid to 83 800 at Las Palmas, right around the breakeven point for its ninth weak, and Madwoman of Chaillot" dipped Into the red with 83 300 tor its Aflh from# at the Ivor Both wind up this week wk) (MC $i; 1.A6A. $50 186) The absolute limit, aa a'ways. 830 800 Moss’ $16300 Detroit; Trasnt Strike Horts Detroit. May 1. -The Moon Is Blue did o tfuaoh 823 400 in 10 days (12 perform- ances) at the Cam and would have soared higher, had not the bus sod streetcar strike intervened It did 88 300 in four the week previous, and 818 800 last week The Shubert r e op e n e d Monday (20* with "Kim Me. Kate " la Mr six day*.