Variety (May 2, 1951)

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n 7 * 1 1%S| Abroad 2 Ernuof Skows Matted Far Sooner Stack ■ N.Y. Legit Bits hUli | TW it I Mr Mia charming study as Mrs. daughter a ad by Mbas Mi g at era portrayal af Mra Dot] east that ha« Itaed up by Teaaeat Prodoc tion« for this play will make It a art I-out not only for the Festival |w but a ell into IMS It Is i'i>« example af trl ip* rial H»rf the artists put so Into their lines that the tf >r t appears to glNf^r The author. N C M du-e* a Chehov-like Into hit play which leftist sttuatlas bul’di— up Into a straight forward plot It is la (art. a dis c uss l o o oo the th ose as la whether or oot It Is dewrable la disrupt the drum everyday existence of urha kite little or no mi com lag out of a rut. flettiag la a hotel In Dart In a remote part mi And art shows the V* art as mss trarvMKsi Carlo April 24 ulU I mi the Barter Theatre Vs, and a director of plays In the Army pany ope rat loo Is slated to June A a with a weekly change mi hill starting with “Journey s followed "Hasty Mean play I -.. CH, cUrSVi* - — - mXJ^STJL\ i i mi (Asrta ft ting along the for New Republic, sails circuit. I tWedi far Europe, where he ll *»«+ agent Roth on a new > ^>k about the .. be Ids p erf o rmances, A f*N 9 20. two nights a week Idea la la t pap prlrr policy. with the •rale still la be set. R will an Btpdty , Lev Wo. who has V A A a— A_ « •thing the subway I III far see* ... Philip Caatldge withdraw T mi ( ,* u till •< “C»>. *• the C*M I.. jlewis 4 Young Ready 1st Coast Mask Test; Other Strawhat News Monte Carla Opera tronage of Prince ftanier III mi Mo- naco. la a great mistake The book by Gearies Hi rack and Jmmm Boucher, oho likewise rel- ished an the lyrics, can only May I. tent here this spring Rusaell Lewis sad Howard Young Legit producers have aimed a deal with Music Or- al the | cut mi Americ a , of which Laurence Schwab. St John Terrell. Oarar Hammers! eta. 2d. and Richard louring edition of at the U. mi *noor. Merritt T ho rng wn a Louden, an a Strong Foundation < *** c#r ** show, will also go ta fellowship ... Eva Gabor leaves •*Mt choreoarapher Mlehaet k.aa the east mi “Happy Time“ week J** 1 * * “ rf Avant succeeding him after neat, with rraoeWka Gaal »how . . Producer s ucceeding her as the asaid . . a*” Harris and actors Mike Rellta has withdrawn !rom T * trM,B * ••* Robert Keith are the rant af Stalag 17." which ««"Merv of The Lamba. Cand». nest week . . . ‘ Sraeon In | *•* momberxhip aHors Garry Davia. Jaekle Gl# |IFV9 leaf the Hun/* elmini next Saturday * rt ? ri .? rnr Uttlt. Jarfcke < night (S' at the Cart. N Y . may play Sbatley. radio George Brandts subway circuit MM wd pi Is * Mrs. Whyte (Svbil Thorndike•, who once knew called a triumph of brtler times: Colo n el Selby (Her- the authors aided by sharp •Id Scott • a retired cdf l ecc who la pac te -pot and Beatck tip slightly deaf and always dosing, slapped together a paste-up snipp* <1 Mrs Ashmore 'Kathleen Harrison*, from the worst features mi "Get- ary whose Rlrh-Oulrk Wallingford." ’ Cheat - ere shattered by wartime lag Cheaters ’ and Topaae " The and Julius Winterhalter scare, by Germaine Taillefer only iLea Riebrri. a refugee fram femme member af the “Lex 8u“ Daly dlactpies af the late Ertk Satie would indicate that Ma^^vr would fare better bf compoXnr- pop stuff I her and director mi Terrell's tent at Lambert\ the N. J . will plane here to stafe the Art! three weeks’ Vienna There also la the family who run the Into this stolid an If the musical tent Lewis and Young plan to ex- tend the the Pact he C< Lan~a«*rr fam’lv after a the cci Plot deals with the Is Helen Laaraster • Edith Evans' with a but inept perfu of rulturr and nuile in h»inr nniiMt fi sensitive to her awn garrulity, who ■ ikr« aa unashamed piav far the Vienne «e. Her husband ‘Cyril tract an important but squally Raimondi make* a vain attempt to moveriRhed inw-vtor while the daughter fPatricia McCarroa • brings a gfim- af a aew life to the la prtaaarily »l moment % of aad moving wrttta*. Acting shared by Mim Thorn- dike and Mias Evans, playing tan trsMinr r ales % la Miss Only super-let perl except losaally cam on ceurs Rene Lestelly, Jaci Another mayor f piaved with di«tim Hiller r nbi ttered hard I i«t i action by up with a mav- I performance af the girt taking Package Shows af Y, straw- hat produdlan agency operated by Irving Sudrow Jr . in booking a the number af stars Including VIvers Lind foes with her husband, Aim af direnor Dan Siegel, as stager; charming • Martha Scott, in one af her legit aa vehicle*. probably “Our Town*’; being canned finds himself used as Lawrence Tiemev. Ruth Warwick straw boasrnM of a rapidly expir* and. if she doesn't go to Europe lag financial house, in order to at- | Msrlene Dietrich figures an packaging poverished investor. comparatively by ponies so the stars far- solid season bookings He baa a HI-1 Coast representative. Carl Pacebt. to can ta c t Aim players Nku Myra I keep customers ■- ■ - la the hall till the Anal curtain Sehaefer Rack at Hilltop Aa halt, the producer prevailed Balti m ore. May I. upon HU Highness to drop Aston George Schaefer, executive pro- Dolm Alicia Markova and eight ducer af the NYC Theatre Co. dancers from the London festival »1H return this summer aa real- ballet troupe Into the third act. deal director af the Hilltop The- with a grab-bag ballet whipped up Mre. which Don Swann. Jr, will by David Lichine while in a sans- present for the 14th consecutive noient state | season at E m erso n s Farm. Luther indicate a by Worth this summer It wrtll tour in the fall . . . James Awe will be stage manner this amnaner af Rtofcard asooal ThM| 9W|Mi mmmrmt Aldrich s Falmouth Ptayhonae. * •re organising a mass meeting Fn- Coonamesaett, Maas., far which Any *4», after theatre Ul:20 pm* Patricia Bailer to prrmagi at . . . *• And ways to help the Wing and Carl White will direct, art and he keep the Gl program going general stage manager this sum- * Hh Babs rt Ntrawn withdraw- mer at Theron Bamberger's Burks 1*1 from "Twentieth Century** to County Playhouse New Hope- Pa. 19° Stalag 17." Jobs Glen- . . . George Bass, prrsaagent for dinning moots aver to replace him. Kiss Me Kate." r Out of This . Mi to succeeded la turn by Cbff World** and * Bilh Budd " will alaa < •thrwn And with Edward Plait handle the TbtMf Guild « revival •*■• rxlting the afcnw. (la of "Saint Joan" starring Its Mepa into his rale and to Hagen, next mason . . . New must- reeded by Lea Lacker cal tent will reportedly operate ,v * 41 M P* fnr the fourth this summer at Red Bank nTJ. ! *»«• •* the ANTA Album " • Tenu. tor Kim Hr KMr " .1 ! y*** '*' ** ,•* the Shuberl. N Y , call far a . _Tv _ _. l , straight 23'r af the grow*. with a _!T •7 500 guarantee and a 925 000 tha Piy wr igBu C o. and anil be Mop limit . . . Richard Watt. J»„ e.eculIjre nest fsll PTV. Post drama critic will take a ^grtrnp » presentation, at W.%. months vacation In Europe this _ Anderxo as ^ Ba rrtpot m summer, visiting Eire far the find 1 ^ V 11 T T r . n ! l,r ! time since 1943 . . . ( niette Mar- ( »irU with »> ofs . . . ^Mwt Join Igksod *.nad to dfliwr* .«» u»c wbidull J as to stage the Arthur L oa the Aisle." to the | lire. Guild • a a of next season s Thea- suhscription list, is la „ piay a three-day break-la at the m Westport (Csss » Country Mai* rtr4 It.n Uu. nrrl 'in ■» tour In all Me Madam ‘ nhile WUUam • • .**“*• _*•" ‘ • ithdraua (rum Ih* rau JuU * >*, *^. Co ^ rd,,, ~ •* I A to.— >Bi%rt walker r ^ iwed > a. Uar ol a revival of the f*“ P-‘* *»X "Affalti W 17th century comedi with music ***** *** k bringing the total Roaring (iirl “ at the Brattto l# A*0°<M0 thus far an the -- '.?■ heav\ nui with gowns b> Worth »«d exceptionally Ane sets by Erie -Jf. T. Ptty. tan. heeauae lhal'a about all .. "** ** * **** .**.****"'. that ran be aalvaced >• rttasil 'i '« Harriaasi ville, Md.. near Here Noel Tay lor and George S»*llivaa. who worked mm the current Broadway revival af 'Twentieth Century" and the forthcoming "Stalag 17“ __ will be technical heads, d by Richard BLareau i Opening May 29 me 19-week a lot better than the srorw season will probabli include pro- of talent Vend. dvrtloM af “Lneud far flMBfc Ivaced The Monte Carlo Opera Theatre Cambridge, Mass . . I IMJ99 mveMment Husband of Bara Greenspan of h ** io solid capacity the Theatre Guild business affkca. ^st fall ia recuperating la Lenox Hill Hon- ***• pltnl, N. Y. from mayor surgery theatre pnrty ngent . . Prexaageaft Michael O Shea W publicity rep for the A back in the BUI DaU office after a , month s vacation in Jamaica lMmd u hack on the >ob as BWI , and Panama City critic for the N Y Journal-A who cloned a few caa aa extended ill daye earlier ia "Long Day a." sailed which John McClain subixd laM Thursday ^29' for a months.* • ^ Glover, who supplied the - A * - a m a a m ^ A - k a ^ n.a A •• "Meet the Wile “ "Damask Check " Trine Pa«sionH" I* Red Gloves 1. Run." “Waterloo "he Miser." ’Tonight Kind Lady " *Tocch- The Circle." Other » Bom Yester ot rave Madam." contributed all arri ; si Ss we 9av " “Parlor Story." "Royal Fnm- “r: 1 Uy" *^l Tbere t Always Juliet " FREES 199 1x19 G LOBBY PRINTS WITH EVERY BITTING AT A PRICE THAT YOL* CAN AFFORD! Ye slltles • ill >wrk for you! FETER FI. AND 8TVDIOS. INC*. 129 W 42nd St W1 1 4391 rays Migsts In New Cbl Spot Chicago May 1. Marshall MigaU. for the past two »»*•"' operj«toi of the Chc\% Summer Theatre at Wheel- i .. | * n t HI., to shifting his operations af viol rare rniwom I • M NdM( »ul.uh three M-Ter « ™n and has taken over the S34-seater Bruc, W.lkrr ,h, .u.Sor, h« *d'm, wlfij,''«3ST«b • '* : ‘‘ ,:r*’ ^ n phuing but the portrayal of a character sha goes from bad to i from lack of parental con- it is aa interesting suLyeet Continued on page 731 stead of the previous $1 20 On his schedule of M , Veronica Lake. John Barrym Jr^ Eve Ardea and others For are the Fibre B’wiy SckeMe Suing 17." 49th Street. May • S1MUEL FRENCH SRMCS IVSS Ac ok ary and • opr even *oti Dream Girt." CRy Center. May 9 rehearsing* “Getting Married.** ANTA Play- Mss 13 'rehearsing’. I." Broadhur«t May 14 ‘trying out* *^Cdnv9ln* IA 'trying out*. -IdiaCt Delight" May 23 Ac* June 4 May CRy tre. week of J Aral time in addition to the resi- dent company, he’ll be taking on 12 apprentices Director Eugene O'Sullivan makes the shift from Chevy Chase, as do Jack Cornwall, designer and Ilka Diehl, character lead MigaU will be In New York this week for reviews this week in "Little Blue "»cnts except “Mine Til Monday Light." was mu mi the cast Man- That My Prince*" “I’U Buy Yua day <30 for minor surgery, but * »**r." *** the opening far Tree mav be k tuniHhi i u i Grows in Brooklyn" . . . las*' ^ “Tree may be back tonight (Wed i' Paul Crown In Brooklyn Rallaalyae. assistant stage mans- Yeda Qulnea has returned la th* ger subbed for him ... Joe Milan ^ Country Girl " succeeding leaves the cast af "Guys and f R* A n thony la his anginal vole Dolls." with Bob Evaaa taking aver °* th * producer la the same pU* for him at the waiter and A1 Laatl Mlrhael Howard has replaced as dancer Neil Chftrlea has joined J *wto HnlHvan. with Jasept Mel- the singing chorus of the show geaew Uking over the former’sjmit succeeding Dan Roaaell. aad Brail pitch from deep left field. Merrill joins the dancing chorus **»meone last week sugg* '’cd next week . . . I^rry Gates returns Mlebaal Tadd and Joan Blowdell to the cast of Bell. Book and M possible replacements for Jn» Candle" next week after a fort- Forver and Gloria Bwaosoa m night's leave to appear in "Taming Twentieth Century" Thieve* of the Shrew " Stage manager broke into Diana C as Is He 's hotel Jooept Lean subbed for him ... 1 room in Chi last week and took Jack Sekliaoel. house manager of shout 93.000 ia furs sod jewelry- the ANTA Playhouse N, Y . goes Robbery took place whea star wa* to Europe about June 1 for a four- •< the Shuberl Theatre in her role week look at theatre management ®f Bloody Mary In "South Pacific In London. Pari* and Rome ... Jerome R obbias, who staged the Costume designer * Riaaea (Mrs dances for "The King And 1." 9 Jimmy) Btrsa rk . sail* to Europe r ecu ping at home after an emer- this week . . . Actress Margaret gency operation for appendicitis • leaves May It for a t Brad, Team la _ B ln rk hridp r Mam. May 1 Appearance together af Kather- ine Alexander • Brady > and her daughter Barbara Brody, ia a re- vival of “Lody Windermere’s Fan.’* wrlll be ope of the cyents of the 12-week season at the Berkshire P*ayhouae here, which opens June It with William Miles continuing choreographer on the incoming musicaL "Courtin' Time." leaving tme in June to be r at Teatro alia k fur Italy guest chi Seals Milan II ito i>vqct- 4,. i. month visit with relatives ia Great Britain . . . Actresses Bethel Udlt and Felicia ^ M owtslragre are cur- rently la Lo.sdon. and may extend their stay to appear ia a British film . . . Joseph Kelley succeeds Rill Thwahursl next week as un- derstudy to WIN! am Tabbed in South Parifte’ . . . Producer-di- rector Harold Rromley aad hi.' ac- tress-wife Hails Stoddard, are mov- ; tag from Katonah. N Y . to Bed- ford Village _ Breads Lewis, the Birdie mi Mare canvas playhouse will measure B1 tost eta's “Regina." to set for about 40 by 109 feet aad seat sp Mosie in the Air." at the Paper peoximatelv 300 Mill Plavhousr. Millbum N J . Spot will N Y- May 1. New tent theatre for arena-sly te production of straight plav* 9 br tag readied by former legit-hi'* 1 actress Beth Gardner at Blythe- wood Island Loos Lake Under- I f ■* UI W * P ** Hj '* ,or ““.Mill Millbum. N J.l SpM Mil open l ■’"‘*yyo*. «• ini WIfUfUo^ Mm 1 1 • »••*»•. late ia June t " 1 l * y • - c a *