Variety (May 9, 1951)

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, Mat % mi 45 hade Orchestras—Music Of ballads Is the rt rKkfd up la flve »rtlu by TW Vyrm aa their Tup tTOMlteky" to I S«rt oa s s few th ousan d apiece Thto. Incidentally. Ip IW la a raw that tW Wnmi law raay ap with a Ml hit Ipht Iraaa.** Bto I IWk Ikhaaa^i With Walter WlarheU'a okay, DM Link#. Capitol publicity chief, has eahawrH a llak jerkev praaPha la New York far the D am a n Ituayaa Ccarer Fval via Y a land# Music's taar. Oaw I poa a Nick#l * Dialers are being asked la cantrthate their nickels la the fkal following the drejay spins af the "Nickel" a maker Stunt ups r ecently tried la Detroit with auc c ssa liake's tleup with tW pro- mpt laa ftp strictly noa-com menial stoce Capital has as retard ea tW Top Songs o«l TV JAIphabrt l callg Lutrdi a# A pelt n May t a e rrpp i fade* and - Itoad late pah llahed by Office ef Research, toe.. Dr /aha Gk Peat mas. How High TW Moan Chappell If . Shapin' H Oa Tap Old Smoky Folkways Taa Yeuag Jeffi Weald I Lave You I Top (Hu* IM D'htrr Raale O’Crady Witi Fine and Dandy Hi Rask of Old Fol Hits Provokes Pd Frictioo Over Aotbrnbc Versions prtiuee alt ne t lea RCA’i Fieder Prmotwa •-«. RCA Vlrtta te pro** . — drier for marketed hy tfurinp tW aest ^ i enajaartma with I alj la line eNh tW all-show hsahrw dries la reiahllah a hank »lth thr Red Cross Charley Tohist hat rlefTed a ipeipn. titled “Pint Parade." As ek e gr spy ef the Aaaa . Tobias la repping tW soogwrlttog fra- ternity ea IW bland bank corn mil tee which will stage an all-alar gala at tW Cenirr Theatre. N Y, May 20 Vera Crtoa. 22-year-aid moralist with tW KJIIot Lawrence arch, la a pin skuas wW was recently taken #41 crutches Crlaa alUl aeeds a brace and cane, but lawrtaw. es-polio Toledo after s aumber of nreh leaden laa much far band ene-oitera. Crlaa replaced Danny Bleearda Kirsten Set far Buy Sked la Oyera-Ordi Al Frescs Dorathy Kirsten. Met Opera aa- praho wW ftnlahes a spring tear ntth tW opera troupe this week- end. baa been bonked far a heavy schedule ad aparia. musicals and al fr e a ca syvnpb appearances this sum m er Singer will he at Robin Hood Up 11 Ptull), July y and Lewisoha Sta di u m N Y, July T. with both orrhs guest -con d ucted by Aadra Koatelanetx. Then she’ll be at tW Cincinnati Zee far tee weeks, starting July 0, la and “La Tractate Mlaa Kirsten has In Milwaukee Aug. 7 and Memphis Aag 0. and will sing witk tW Dallas Starlight Operetta far two beginning Aug 20. In b come to IV. Y. tor flSBtogr's €> Paul Whltemaa TV ft: >' i - '• = -Jrn Joins tW Met la Chicago Friday till. Her dates are being set by Humphrey Douiens. ef the Cop picua. Schang 4 Brown divi s ion ef Columbia Artists Mgt linger la now getting 02.000 an la tW >. *••• >• *»»••* ** '■ co * >tjr> ^ 1 n ,h dink hits pubtftmhem wW own tW hr ,i ro^s wtl r> p y f y >w which the ■W< Victor Is lanuing 22 amgl r a u nde r ^ ilh - —-— u M< Fiedlers WtosTwIth 0ee air * vrrm ‘ a ~ M ~ CIuhkII Sets Up ( « To - LW0I0000# MMUdt. IS preppsng romro'la a fold record award Jar Fiedlers “ rut af “Jalousie." which la aeor- ♦ t pd Publishers Hsaie Mercer Scsre Fr« ‘haw' Letter! S 118 ^tete boa been spot the -x.L b> the] Beautiful kf.'cd reelval ot such p.d. Night Irene* “On fall ay lt*a _ _ at bath words and music tor a Phil Silvers will be New Arm baa beep set up to give Merror a rut of IW publica- tion profits similar to such Chap- allowed to a pell so “ * " handles tW Dorothy Fields-Arthur • «•"""• *•» Vh* mrtM m ot - A Trr. Grew. f*™"' tel *•**•.- >M WHIImm. 4mma turn ot MMt , wl-ch lW * Hw- Kansas Jnu 28 Start Cblcafa. May 0. Raetnfta concerts at Hlghiaad Park. IU. will start their 10th sea have aa Symphony berg. Iiler teu* Dmitri MU jkatteal will af tW Chicago William Stem kos and V le- ap her Met 1 tor De ‘RH’ Logging System Week of April 27-May I Richard ffimber’a log. of beoedmst | Of terymp point raftnps for pi apt on In each of the 2 major trrritorles. New York. of a onp a art alphabeticalIp hated. Spot Amssaceaeah As Brit Unu Nixes SSSHus receiving sMemate ropy at a U S. Name Bands ilassSgDSL~ | “wBdmt" aantoa at the a (jtdPI. ||gp I erf hat * t' B iw here has returning to d e a l ers with IfcM tteey ta» Mt I *“" U *■* •*«* • • Festival Hall concerts staged by In a more to clear the situation, the National Federation of Jam pub*l akers of t he authentic ropy Organisations oa July 14 and 10 ***?*?•* Vacua Vrttert tar vtetrh lb* MbiMry 1 r , , h .„ — graated • extraordinary pa rmi m inn when ordering from the to In port two U. B. lawmen Five Ontario Prof ran Head Tapes htorviows Willi OUtoe Disk Artists Klirhener. Oat.. May 1. at the twa ev ents cancelled out as a result ef the D. 1 Artist Promotion "’ffi-TmrTiiim „ la a move to personalise dee jay had been planned to present some af England*! top amateur jam mu arrancine for their MrUf># °* IH# ,w# Programs Up ™ ^Marranging lor tnew u the union has permitted the artists to tape 30 s ec and spot an . PP e*ranee of these ‘ amateur to tottadBMBg aarr* »tien Kl K chibs saggeated using the gw s«m m >tat «tak sriv; .... M-C-M Records far Georae Shear 11 ,l,r * AnunUS maaictana the mg Tlie platter) will send lantni y nion s general manager llardle * 4 '.*■ Rat.l.flr ihrritfUf.l • ed tho** si panlment foe the | '• HolJ Racfc the Years, whljp. Via tape views wRh stars of the ""JTT. 1 members from *.« Ct) *i«M»e» .. »rt fspec! if-< U ^TWhIr H 1 ^ 4lOC ^r ** m “ weU - Uly- depriving the Ml surviving oldtime recoo ly lining up their artiau for A ** elpctfktoRa. |0B toMMt Mgi IB te upyp* 1 of the I t 0ytrie Dee. with Sid tNere has Utile Included an hu last trip were MU grip an Blase Baker, former t ratio Fred Hager to a bandleader and tost man to make Aha Dabs Honeymoon— Across the Wide Missouri Always You Weeks—With Love’ Feist Nicholas Shapiro ef New Orleans" M Bm the Thrill Maypole Ctotta Find Somebody To Love Duchess I My an the runout ballad suggest Ion *7hat top outita should dick. Too Young." has bar third, volunteer to Ignore their union a Lawn, arch leader. W. C. Handy. Marmillaa novel due for rekaw edict and support American guest the blues composer Alicea Man ley May IS ft’s s semi-autotuog titled artists The general reaction to this farmer taade headliner Retnaid Was A Little Ctrl.” i suggestion is to back up the union Werrenrsth. former concert bart- Aa a way sut af the Impaaae. the Xmmm Chaftoa Harrison and wife. NFJO has boon considering the tnowa kitty af brtagftat to sola muai • Gaylor Basf Review Crawford XAVIEB CVOAT OK 117) Vidal 1 ciana who could put an a show soprano, and Ei without the support af a full ar ; old flute rtrtnai rhestrs These possibilities are still u A Edison ^ ^ ^ cylinders in the being explored but there have | taos. with Billy Murray., erstwhile NFJO appeal will Itow High the Moon I Apologise If Shapiro Mrs Xavier Cufat (Lorraine I Love the Way You Say Goodnight—t " L u ll aby of B*w ay ’• Remick A Ileal has a staunch entry I'm Lato—t"Alice In Wonderland .. . Disney the Ijitin orrhs Her outfit will up at the MU exeeutrve neat Tuea 111 a Lovely Day Today — •“Call Mo Madata* .. ftrltei by I tea von oataro W IU btlliac. , 111 . but aotblna baa bap I WhkatW a Happy Tuuo—- Tb» Kidd add I” Williamaaa »vMa rompamod »ttb ^ paood Id r*«ta MMh. Id auidrai ld.v4ioal teidMTaf I he Ttar The Great Caruad~ Rotebm. band a band but with Miatdiw. . r.verMl ot provtau. paltry abtrte .ae the M.n ..... Me ■ M Otatak IW T « IU. 2 J.™ * j^Xr 4 5“ »-ftrtMtata »ta |' ■si the tpood U»id H>rs* «n-t hftf Ik nwjB« ^ jndrf fijt;r;r ,, f 3 ... Bird Hill fleethrm Cugai. and wUl eventually on was. Helen Tria, < omedlenne. Fred Van Kps ban jo- ist. Giuseppe Creature, bandlead- er. Ellas Stevenson, soprano; and John Young and Harvey Hint ^ Hindermeyer In Canada, surviving » the last Id r r ^ "— o 77.—al- MB W— mm wm efgppw H V / be — |rv s MW BMB Never Been Kissed Sol Bomier from original Cugai eration of MuaicUns to permit two On Top of Old Smoky Folkways rwfbo .nd Carlos Vidal former English musicians to work Iwo days Sparrow In the Treetop. Santly t Stan Kenton mainstay, has also to the U. S. A. to reciprocate for Syncopated Clock - M m » been added Couple of other for- the two Americans working two Tuo l^ta t-Ro\al Bidding" Fetot mrr Cugat Mdcmen asay also days in England. The union hore Too Young JHfbrsoa switch over to bring hand up to has indicated that M would permit What wm I Toll u tf ii r «.t Ivy KS advertised strength of 20 and u. S. bands to work to England tehvn You and I W.r. Youn* MmC« M.IU ,*f** J* !? « ,h » A ™ *JP *'r‘ P ?rM Vte*T» the Red Crovt Fbtaou* bon *° *™«“- T* r *tarwuieta R#i RfeofW. AFM former Metropolitan Op- Would I Love You Vou ra Just to Lovo—• Call Me Csplsl is May Wamg Of Tbkslty’ Scsre Capitol aaaa A Bushel and • Pock—• “Guys Beautiful Brown Eyes Heautifui Madness.... - ■ In Nashv ill r i Hello Young Lovers—• The King and I llot C^MRIT If I Were a Bell—^Guys and DoUs" .. Ill Newer JCnow Why I Leva Yog Much Too Much..... Lat Me In % ... Imvo lid T. My Heart Cries For You My Resistance la leaves no doubt aa to IU authority la the Latune department. There’s laa much rill start was- drums three bram. three violin* nf( im Sew York, has been in ' lag aemioas an the origmal-cnat and four vases ' correspondence with union oftoials , album of the Samaay Fain E Y. It » a well intrg d r i .lilt end , here flClBI arranging aorh a port' llarburg m e t of “FMBfltoto> M Mte to recent months, but little pro- > ia May. following the legit aaosi great has been aaade to date. cal » oprning on Broadway May 14 I ..mhrM -tad 1 intuffu irnt oli> on I Dlskery had the inside track an l-M rw ‘ -I I the tea rigkU hrrauaa ef Ra U S3Tl. ^rra^ewu^for the‘RCA FV€B ‘AMCC’ U N.Y. \ ^ItotejHtk 7■»!, starring ia the part are off the sad listensble. but there’s a pie- — « . ... . n . Peruvian Indian To Cut Album from Pic the BVC as “Taa tor Two." “Night and IdCeda Day " etc in a workmanlike No One But You Once Upon a Nickel Sound 0« % ampin' * We Ktoa In a Shadow—•“The King and P Yau and Your Beautiful Eyes—1“At War With the A ! Film Oxford Band turns in a workmanlike WAM i<»b on such favea as Bod) and klasae) Soul.“ Twelfth Street Rag“*T Viomv Surrender Dear and “What Is #s." fnrA This Thing Called Love." hut forte Harm- *• Hearty in the Latin fear* . 1 . Mrs Cueat esaa) ft one vocal. j Mm Cugat essay* with fair retui as Simon tmg f# podium and figures to Williamson k up added ~aton assurance to time. As a looker, shea m*t to fi clearly to the RCA Victor flew to 12-year-old Cathy Beaumont who plays Alice to the Walt Disney pir. "Alice la Wonderland.’’ from the bend ( 3» to cut a kiddie Britain'! Ann* Shelton In U. S. for TV. Radio arrived to the U. S- fmm the pk i part TW BM j ,si far a tor manfh stay. She's being boohed tor radio and ,»an\ » aiatog. ISS tour tium TV i»i<»(. I'ft first Lisr ae sp «et will also Mature Ed Wynn and | pearanre on Milloa Bcrie • NBC Arnold Stang Parts for Sterling vtoeo show aest Tuesday «1S». Holloway and Pat (YMalley arc be- ing dubbed in on the ail Album la being set for July re- in conjuaettoa with the pk i with Deccs • U. % King her is plug- Bark To