Variety (May 9, 1951)

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MtiT iKVIKH S fourth ret manner W delivery mfrrrlag I *Um* H.u* PU kstln* Hcf Skelton (WhlUH Jerry Ctl otm ♦ h.t sin «• Khapaody to Bl t, M. y », mi Alice P earce wtth Mare I arrnc< •wt Howard. Letter Otato | Staart Raw. End*# 4 Anrfc to w. Mai Wtoa m. Per will , Herbert J Ibi Cardan beet a fi at thu claaa Keel S3 There ■ Invariably coed faeea aa A Ike Pearce the ■e know ho* r»irr..l lU tor the 3HO warbling Bandleader expoctly welded uiio Lamer* by Jack Catb- e it will did a lab C a a a I i with a r follow me with ‘Fiddle i„ fh# while Creep h a ck le* to attempt to rear rrt hi hi to a hepater. Included aa the * i Bpuitetv with aa la aat a with a how ft (Si. Mi chime* in with the ballet duff . four year* VenUo la aa n f 11 hr * t%h ** ' !h * *■ . . Winched ha* aa excellent Uae to l nr I Tale, Ida Trio (he «tnap haaa and guitar In le Pharp ea the shea the unit! New Aria* with a y» its Dave ITfl ** t% in as (NAVAJO Laa V M »mi Bewxell. Fi laons • V April M At Accent Oa Youth AJ Del lay (New Act*' Far aa earner the learnt with “ Hole," Mim Otis Regret* - Daniel * on “Please Don't Tea*e lmo *( otoera Winding up with Me" and Joint the entire ea«f to a laaiood" theme, the ha* to n lag mrht when che made her Lon- don debut at this popular Mayfair rale. A packed room, including ataay show bu name* gave a la Ale Thu tide. u not tJ Alrerda of the tie nr- iul hag- heft > ret UillfX *ith line *» click* in a Art Wa- Nnrmal Bagatelle policy la lor the art in to work two SO-SO min- ute spot* Ml** Donovan waa called hack to do at moat double thu and reception was *uch the could have xzsjtzJtg jsrsru •howt and with a profram that Included a wide range of new ma- terial. the Broadway chirper tot- preme* with her rivatmu person alltv and her desire to please Mia* Donovan ratify doe * heat with the bright and h r i e g y type of Ijrrir. and her opener Ir in thu key Lucky Lucky Me" set* toe pare for the ftrst half of the are* npp> wfcftch ran , to- hourly r g done* aock rendition of "You re Just in Mg off Lrve." with Mim Jainct carrying Ftlly Co* a lave here, reputer* thr mrlodi »gam a* one of the ftr%he*l v«u»-* Mim Jamet sum the show with working the mtery circuit, a croup mi standard*, displaying a 1441 diaaertotiooa a® the complex!- fine *tyIllation to take full advan lifl life have toe true comic tare of her rather thin and wistful H*rtt Topics range from aa er- voice Her turn is well-rout toed nt * t une p iscc to young pm bail starting with "Somebody Love* "^hiae player* and are delivered Me** and following up with "Time **** c* a gi na t i o n and humor after Time," a blue** ballad for Clarence William* Trie hacks rhangc-of pare. "After You'vr Miss Sullivan s turn nicely and **• Gme* and "Knock Me a Kirn" get F*rtly handles the danaaimtien her hark to the five standards for - a begoff Daniels, with a soft bari- Kl Blllka, Lag Vegtjse tooe projects soeko with a mix- (ROUNDUP KOOK) ture of standard and French iurm f v.«.. i M i it Mandard and French tune* Lot Vegas April tS including such specialties as "If Joe f. Lewi*. /toiler Burnell. You Leave Paris ' and "J ai Deux June Taylor Dourer* (•>. Austin (“Two Love* Have I~>. Mack, Ted Fio Rito Orrk < lfi; no Wilson and Mim Tate score carer no minimum •olidly with their ptaaisties solo sad in tandem Duett, which are Joe R. Lewie combine* triple ae pan of the show in^ doubles of arotrbaml .oda with but they aim play and after the etoei