Variety (May 9, 1951)

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llJUL New Ads VARIETY BILLS VKU or MAY I I Ht WEIDlttN CS» With a coolervnrier to aring the art together. To®* Ca u aou er l and Mark Plant ••ana Jury Adamt and with La® Nelson In the tie-up iiat. da** mm up wtth an art that krrpt the inn a® the Anar mod of the way with all dividing their talent* la d®|Maa a nadl* new presentation of material With more wart, they ran hnag it up aa a remedy art with potentialities for all medium*, from vawde through cafe*, to radio and video Aa n*TT»-r 1 1> constituted^ they smoofhenlng an the idea* they've cone acted Withal, they prove their poaathilttle* with the more hep type of audience* that attend this tap hotel-cafe Miami Beach •pot react i on being all an the click aide There'* no featuring of any one constituent U>a Nelson la a smooth . \ y __ rhanteuse™!* making her Brat ma- The Weidlera tH. throe-man [ far American appearance here But vocal and inatrumental loam, have boohed Into thi* large nltery al- haven't been included in VaaiSTV'a l an art booked Into this large nltery al- haven't been included in Vanorr'a ,$* the Boor though the gal haa all the attrt- Neo Art Ales Their vurala are , unww a in dividing butea that should find her In the adequate and they show some good ! *«« * a mostly reeular ranks of the Gallic sing- novelty embelli sh m e nt* with trick listeners with Mi approach His C ler and twists on gag* lop* the ie and iraiw Idea on how they met, how they think and how they frdl getting the optimum in the cram Are with few of the old gaga with Adorns remaining Does his impreshea with Nelson build- reeular ranks of tha Gallic sing- novelty embellishments with trick r*r^aT*w»s# era ukelele* and sase* «*•* m * n Attractive redhead Is wtaa In her Weidler* vocals are afcay. but f f*— rboice of foreign melodies cboos- they deliberate!* go In for overly TtTu*u* Inf anlv the more popular mug* cute stuff. Trrfrr big boys now. ai » w»«c as “La Vie Fn Rose and "Comme Joae. ™inr * Cl. Comma Ca" which she sells ■ i«*v* a* asu*i In warm throaty contralto Her TMKBON TROIPY tgi e* p et s alve fare and gestures do gieydes menace tn somewhat subdue the p Mina Full Oesme <a> is dinner din. but It's uphill work pgaw N. T. v«. all the way. Chirper haa )ust The Therou Troupe la a wrell- * enough of aa accent aa her drilled bicycle art compel stag five cwwt. Ilah renditions to make them in- girt* aft d three hays. They seem _ . terertm*. but they're always nn- t a be aa ideal turn for theatres or ! dec** amiable. outdoor emhlbita Unit Is clean- <•»••»••• Mlm Ca me o Marts Her session ru t with good cortt uuag. and has T *** LT?* *.. v with "That Old Feeling" and a fme trick assortment It com- m v PuLmu® i smm. n - ^ mu - ^ n n ■ - - — . . > . A • i «*» it Her fere Paris She should make work o ft*nd?*fw fee ImoarU and d^erw Ac1 K#tB wm4 a crack _ on some of the . better AL DKLLAT m **a« aoi in* n» n 0 * 4 * CMlCASO r I aval foe a trips hotel the a that of his )u%* ewitaaotesNA w It Arthur VtrStf How a a»fM NACRMIT l o st r t t«> 9 itl Hit 4 Oil 14 a ami aa -it A 'l*se| SOS*III ^ 1 h»wli iUffN mat i*er« tan f f a u a a l w*< AA Stt Cm S»Mi H A S Own sin [WKm P—*m *• 9 while •a. » taking his first t la a t wo- rt the lag Jue* la working with m it ting NANCY CBOMPTON ft Mina Riviera, ft Lae. N. J in fh 4 « of this ty defunct Billy taste. She im Cabaret AAem Durr» • l» « *