Variety (May 30, 1951)

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, May M. mi COTTA BE SMASH HITS. OR ELSE RKOs Announced I) Releases for 'S'* HjQ jty BflllilltNS frl " 1 Rental Adjustments Indicated Seen Answer to Beefing Stockholders puj p|[j p(|(][)[j(|| By Lkhtman for Houses ‘In Trouble RKO’a nnwonnc tmei H this week of an ex p end e d release *ch+4u\+ far 1932 «m «• »• •■•w to Mil «qua«lnn| tihlli ind Rua«k Inf stockholders Com pony stated H would rrkaat S3 ptx That will Inrludf *11 !■ Mi backlog, a* atll a« |M mi fhe sIMm M IW studio and of RKO*« India producers keels of I ha jolting saw that RKO British * Soldiers' Hollywood. May St London heal Hollywood to the screen with ‘Old Bold bars Merer Die * With ire American studios laiiatg claim to the title the Foot ('ontlnentn product km. •tarrinf Godfrey Tearte. goes Into U. I release next month mf that the Aim Its piace at unpaid tinwatlv m ount- idustry la taking the lefH Add as a business mi hits " Ptr produ the callhre which had been d inf moderate ho return in the !e now result ins in deficit of tiona. particularly da Arst-run rone up a lorn of 93 *33 000 during ItVI Huge lineup for IIM la ap- parently designed aa a halm to h*fhlr disturbed stockholders since it appears to offer the progpect of much better earn Inga It mill also ho soothing medl cine to ex hi ha. aa well as to shore- had the some complaint that RKO has refused to release a suIBciewt number of pix despite the heavy backlog on Its shelves This has heeo annoy mg to theat remen de pendent on MHO for product to keep- houses alight and to stock hidden because not enough pis j£~ Stockholders In Slew ai Govt On *■§5 No Hughes Action ItKO minority ala aded by Du rid i. G« eased impatience this I Top eshlha slate that the conclu- Be| K slon is obvious The nubile isn't ges buying mediocrity. There’s the ter high-cost-of-living angle, whuh TV means the customers are more ae- sea led ire in spending their limited no spare dollars, plus the attractive- I ! ness of television in comparison tha ! with so-so pis which mean an Im- am mediate cash outlay * M* When the Alma are big. they’re gl tmry Mg Unqu c stian c d exam p l e III oi ,hl * M Metro’s "The Great C« M mao’* at Radio City Music llall First returns were stout and indi- rn rated a four-week run Non the Aim on the has., of a consistently hefty perfi at the bo 20th V*. TV ReAertioo of the unexpected dive taken by Aim boxotflres last September la seen In Bnth- Fox’s decision announced by distribution topper AI Urbt- man yesterday Tues K to re- lease a trio of Ms top pix for the yeor during that month September slump last year was generally charged to public in- terest in the Aood of big-name TV shours which made their l^chtmao frankly admitted that the AOth plana were aimed at ram batting competi- tion from ’’other forma of amusement ’* Ptx to he re- leased are "David and Rath sheha * Technicolor spec **People Will Talk ~ personal production of Dorryl F 7a nurk. directed by Joe M ankle- win. and ’“The Desert Fox," based mm the beet-selling bo»g of General Rommel • While asaerting that exhlhs la i .mall ait nations were suffering lews from declining g r aas s s Rian those a Mb larger operations AI I4rht- man BOth -Fox s distribution chief, said yesterd a y 'Tues « the com- pany would give "sympathetic*’ at- tention to all theatres **ln trou- ble** AI a tr a d e pr e *. ednference Mi the h emeaf Ac e I Ichtman said the sales department would meet each situation aa M found M. indi- cating that If a plea far a rental rut would help a distressed eshib and waa found justified eompanv mould not turn a deaf ear Lichtmaa said he had found that ropnIHan areas were feeling the pinch more thao hou s e s in small towns, due to televis i on and other outside causes However he said company’s policy waa to "keep the theatres open” and that the Arid aiding toward that end There are trt hut ion I through Ih* RKO .to ** f 1 . 1 « . r —\ >M> oil) hold for • Rfth Dun ■■III to rorry th» out- JJJg, iJJJ' f m nn ilim■ if *** 1 ' r~i ■ , l™. . m .„. rv .. i. fmuolhHt h» roatrotllM Uork- . «*»»>— rh~*r •<<«•<**• to th« 7 || | ho. iww .rko rs Zenith May Lose ps refused to release suf n . , . y. i are shuttering temporarily and the * . ^wrv as to fFHuntloo by w ^« Lemin may Lose ard Hughes refused to release suf n o# J lu are shuttering temporarily and the * rnAn *#♦*»« P4X doopttd th* fort th» ron» " “ Colul to ditrhlag tUft thoui |1 ■ fSy fy JO R»"» had thrio •v.ll.bto That • infnrmrd Whnhor h h« Ah*. Ih# (Mato la hrlaglag ia a rr NdSIUMPnAIUI I A Wo. *#*«•» -»<*> runhod aw. U iT^uaW^^tJU^ •—» -*• *'•«.- tod., ! iTCnKtl (0006 L0. «*■ »wuthwthaw wkto^ ssi, Hl ,,irr.wwTn * ftz irr*:i £ ssrdSS^S : Co-oo for Its PV Drawing closer at tent Mm iwnbeat port of the sees ct that m. Y *s At rand as v .buttering temporarily dissatisfaction with the quality of W ** ,h * Greene group * k tkT ullr furkloi a •hich lodged the complaint mt T -jr* c r‘ re ' tZ .Ll;7rom^ w .. - «< ontmoed on poge 17i his interest in the RKO theatre I I that strung new prwdud la p e n |\iy >'*** WUI i"**"*" '»* ailahie to the house ( a AW f nv Up lly ' esterday . par levs were re. been so shaence of a UHM) lOl IIS If | Frimarily to introduce the t run of strong pix at all four • eastern and western sales .CwHwucd o« paw *0- | 7—th Rad*, curroatty rooad- *^7^ K ?Z± • ing up results of Ms recent Phone- nmmrcd at the session that AllOn I 1 »h»as teal for suhmlaaioo to the Myers, formerly BOth's T< men! In helping exhihs to survive lkhtman annou n ced that BBth- Fox would hold Ms Arst national , sales convention since IA4A Ml IdOa An galea, June IS-IS. with home of Ace execs, division and branch managers and advertising-puMIrlty- exploitation reps in attendance Study of current economic condi- tions. screening of top productions and laytM nf national promotion plans will highlight the seoaions Yesterday’s par leva were held | primarily to Introduce the new eastern and western sales chiefs. Edwin W. Aaron and Arthur ftilver- J Ariknr Warmor Hughes has indicated to Federal • AiIBA FtAlml| Court, nhich issued the decree that rt • i ry ti * it he will retain hu picture interest l nemiCAl nilllOJ up and has tru st e e d hu theatre stork U . # /• 1 r 1 since the beginning of the yeor is lor 6 by rioeiity wy •» "' u * th * i r +* r * < u fi aaT 7 - «*ke if any. Is unknoon. since The J. Arthur Warner C o New ^ l pp fari unable to And an accept- >ork Anancial bourn is providing able ^ tK# moment They the rrnnd money Anancing for the expressed hope this week, ho w ever. Arst six pix to be made by the w loosing Hughes’ grip without Fidelity indie unit. Warner is cum- ,Continued on Date 1A» milled for s total of ttOO.OOO tl oolinued on page i s • bile Chemical M. N Y a. ^... r - NEW 30 DIMENSION IN U-l Adds 2 Rank Pix, Davis Says ~~ : *»aa*. mwIM) II » aa- Mitt of tu roroat atari! ot iw iwtltt that Pwrr A for tskhbshs to the Myers, form er ly BMh’s Toronto Communicatloo. Coos- hrsnch manager, had been named may And Maell uithout Canadian dUtrid manager re- nnry telephone farilme. facing R Hvo m isni Philip 9her- of the "pey-oe-yoo-~ nnnrrtp wMh Untied Art tats rty with United Artiais inued on page !•> w J It’s reported this neek that. lalorfMl . UMWMUaMl ho. tSTrot.«l' » ' •Me , ed*. M may not have sufficient lar fanlHies available to loose them to U B release (his year. John Davis, phooevision for reeular Rank s lop *»Ae. said ln N Y yes- eul use If ATAT decides to hock out M’s expected that Zenith mill Harvey Urges Iscr eased Astsssny for Exdusge Mgrs., Distrik Overhaul May B9 exchange solving credit arttixi COAST TEST SHOWING pit Arst ioo of distribution i are suggested by Roiu. to the milled for S total of PMJM — srv m ano me ^ the PCC to demand that .van rrannsco May is ohile Chemical Rank. N. Y, will I)a,k ' L,n the phone company aa a public More autonomy fur exchange pul up first money In a unique re- l|CW It) Dll IFNnMvN IN Duels said American release ef j utility, must tel Ms s srvice llou msngff erx and s general ov s rhuulmg lolung credit arrangement setting ^ the eight remaining Alms an sorb s request will be accepted by und aim pit Ac at too of distribution no mintOMnns or masMnums fAACT TCCT QIIAWINr “ 1 BA-feature program for the FCC remains MR^tumable proctlcos ore suggested by lstu< Partners in PideUty see Howard vUAj I ICOI Jllv W IIivJ ism mm not set during the RrM - 1 Romth sjsitm is set np to work ^ rvf > Fad Ac Coost Confers or r Welarh. A. Pam Blumenthol Jo- Hollywood. May 29 kk industry tapper’s nine-day M p » lonr f M iuiies since the PV I n dep e ndent Theatre Owners srph Seidclusan and Greg Rautser | ‘ Natural Vision ’ new third di ^*tt *• New York Toronto and ar « carried over leased I •-FT. •* * report to the member- rt* ohich aro to bo .^1 b> lyp* Rl. h». born CTW .,0 Tboxr orduxortly .wild . lrm •‘••P Warner Bros will not carry the ih««n to i»ru ini> figures Me the pictures that Eagle Lion -crumbled when they appear on Harvey cootends distribution Fidelity label but another tdeoti ^ President M L. Guns burg i Classics would have handled If the , the screen but the PV seioun^r co * u »rv Ml out ef proportion to Acalloo to separate them from the who that the system un comply had not been absorbed ran dial phone operator and re- ^* nd ^FUins that the dis- unite Alms being bandied by ether ^ development for more than a My United Art lets quesi the program he wants to *ee ***** have been adding mare and . a . . , . ... year. Is now practical for produc- 1 ' ,h# Zenith, as well as the maior Aim v^Ik Vm Th * of Haai. ohtcb otU t|on H , , dd ^, th ,, o«, * lm Raak p«d»rt .Web KLC Md o. whlch Mppl ^ pooior. ' * . *TL ^ *■ ™ h ':"« .'"tW 4 .!! rompony .ad or.or.l ladto. h » D<1 « ' KLC do.I « |h , ^ lr a • Twt f “*_ h r' The sextet of he in rotor, are I about MiiO.OOO < be "San ^anct Joel McCroo. LEVIN LEAVES CRI INI lopment for more than a «. nneo .niM» quest the program be wants to «ee _ ■ rrn ■ ,,u SLT!S^ , L l CrJS; l^dSTtbU* Kuc^bad« ~ rf **y. ^ haad o^Tho IW do.. — r'Trv.m I"'** ^ - •* Interest In making Aim There has been sense spec- wa4Unf for the NationaJ Opiaioo m * . pcocru “• l»c porn. o f V.K Krxc.rth C.t.r I. Rni.h ... ,p- 1 ' IV ? 1 .“*** Jig said he had a complete l ***? 1 *? 1 T*?". p *?* lwct F* r praisal of the expenmrnl NOAT . ^ * .. . -- * ««o»*rtT la rfeo af fb» Maaria- hlr ^ ^ Zaallb la b.r.k *• do Ih, br« dowu the results InlHtltr stll evinced Interest In making Aim Thnte has been some spec- glory, starring m wh lhf p|0ffu ulation an the possibility of UA Guns burg said he had a complete bsndling nmr Faok product, par- srrioc snd sdeouate Anancing to tM^Urty Mi view of the amocta- S CRI ; ZE hi initul* Aim far p.lo« bar- JJ» •» »«)•-. ’• ™ paw* Vkwtn mm > waar p»u, uni W.. 1 lUtxi to —f thr Alai V.ror.btr , R *" k *" d >“* *«* lor •re-clam ... .h».a tu rolar and l »“ d Thar., aa Ih# t and more of the re- s from the toral rrp who are in the po»i the best >ob lor then Confidential Report. Inc, box I black snd white footage of bee-checking organixation sup- In shooting, two reguUtMm cam-1 ported by major dutribs la under eras are set side by side Mi a pat- 1 °“ n n ** 4 '‘' • Queen Mary Davis also leaves i tomorrow hopping direct to Lon- going an economy program to con- anted blimp which can be installed I M r* ■ i m of u. tra .. \ fW v # l«rm «ttb reduerd rbrclUBAjrtlvI. aa pcx-rnl dollto. M*G Hires Doi FkUs To wd UrZ br.»chr. to. be ties. Jack H Levin, v.p. and geo runs simultaneous!: through each ... m Willisia F finder eral manager bowed out of CRI camera Twn machines are also ReYttf Robfrtl LtHCS distribut ioo topper Changes wi last Friday <25* and was succeeded needed for projection It was ad- ,W i “ L * ,IV# tK _ ^ illne.. of Jack Ibm by hi. assistant. Harold Groves milled Aim could not be shown Hollywood. May BA w ho hj(1 , upfr vi»ed the two Twentieth-Fox two weeks ago universally for some tiase since M Metro has brought Dorothy |t chief lie uiffervd prexy. Nrith UA Harvey questions why sales are nk and hi. wife sail for Rnc riAUfriPC If I IIFCC /'I ICC ***** F * 1 hock into >•-—>- -twa. • ih, BOWEN S ILLNESS CUES “r J? s Mao. Davis also leaves __ __ .. _ . *•* ® e,i i approve contracts and jrm# jmppim I,.. g^’S N.Y.4U. SHUFFLE -ft Z — Reshuffling of personnel ind dUUibuiioo company needs is i i r\ . r 11 consoluialion of Metro’s New York general sales manager, a lev I Hires INK rieids lO and New Jersey branches has been traveling assistant sales manager m • (A I .»■ • completed by William F Rod ter v *»d good branch managers. Wa*l< Kevise Koberta Lyrics distribution topper Change* were •« diHributioo nuts! go „ „ J u the result of Illness af Jack Bowen 11 —— o. uT-tst"^ ^JSLrs zrrzzri pine-thomas pacted b’ job. gel All sn\ d* is a a few Waste cancelled CRI and pacted with requires four c a me ras in booths [ Field, from N. Y to revise and mi|d |lta(k about six Wiilmark Service System. How Instead of current two. However. < modemiae lyrics of “Roberta" am1 , . inarqurB tly is no ever distrib will continue Ms mem- present pinns call for roadshowtng 1 tunes to be used In "Lovely to Qu .. h , nM t)ir ma]or burden brfAup in CRI until Dee. 31, 1951. of initial Aim la sureseater bou s es. | Look At." studio remake of the Only other major distrib using with extra projectors Installed for Kem Harboch musical originally _ ^ ... ..... W ill mark is Metro, a client for last the engageaaent (Aimed In 1933 at RKO aa Ginger . out six month* t) fea now relin burdens of the PAR FOR 8 IN 2 YEARS to* years. Understood that Will- It was also admitted that tho en- J Roger.Tred AHalre lrene Dunne ‘ u aofk ' ... mark b planning to expand IU ac tire program would have to be I starrer 1 J™uglab ^LTimTlIn tivHie. in the theatre Aeld "Natural-VbMm" subjects since M’s Pair of numbers from original ‘ . v rf| , h B-.xoflke checking has dropped currently impractical to mix latter legM «orc. Clementine" and «*******^ Insgrr of approximately 23 , in the U.t year with regulation one len^ Aim. "You re will be avoiding to John J. O’Connor. CRI After road lowing M could be , Aimed for the Arst time along ••» '* 1# J^. 7 board chairman. Distrtbs have been shown regularly aa one-strip sub- ; with such standbys as "Smoke Get. !-»*•»« Alierhond takes over m-»n ine ma>oc ouroen* or inr Hollywood May 29 Pine-Thomas inked a new two- now will handle special >e ar deal wHb Paramount for pne nts in the metropolitan dud ion of a minimum of eight ptx Becomes effective next year when present part expires. There', no i*ct>.ui let a- Im whether the Arm nuM make p*x on the Paramount lot Indie al«o xigned new irai with John Pavnr to star in six pix in next three vearx He’s already made six Its P-T. Under their old roo’r.d unit must still deliver fw pic- tures of slut'i two. 'X*rm»wiud-'* snd Hong Kong." are aireadv