Variety (May 30, 1951)

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n Idas M.f M, |«| •Screen Guild Players' Into Lin CBS Radio Needs More Info on Coverage, Spot May Be Stymied by AFRA sdirn* Roni lie’ Wider Sponsor Range, Holly ad M»» 2 f Lever Iran Km Lm' IlMdiy night lime m I’M f« •fit «fuMl. tu I Olh tent »hat |nr« »!• lit* hour I* Mfll drlirmwrd That l« mill b* drs- •wiltn KOSA’s 103G Sale Mere • pee I Ac plan* for Mi **- — Mav 29 1 ■***" ^ r :. ussrv**™ ** * ro to teftab. bwl tb* mb •* i * tK# Southmeslern Mltllf M«#i> ,Krr Broodcs-ting Cnrp «• th» <>de**a ing niril Ul* ** <mS • ,wm4rr * — rr “ **. 11 K ‘* ,h# l f twr> 'mmm to lb tb* new lomparn Tex Mr 29 hai granted tbr ar repealed by W UFO. rwrsl-pitcbed radM italiM »b*« Hi manner Fred A Pslmer last meek »9*U*4 Pic Cewtoy Sues CBS In Aiieki May 29 j » Barry ciwlrr Mar. 0 t r4 ) a |)oo OHO 4ama|r rail Ul F*d- Ul* studio i blueprint for "•***- Cmmt% •gain* 1 BS. charging Ulr - MiaMlKflifd ••• W bli bam* 4 It constructing a da mac* •• W* pcHeubial M "•."•ninllu lb. ». lonp^rn '"fc • W~4r..t M .be Mr JESTS* l m« .JEL | g* ZTlfEZr fgaSMSXSS IT; .* tt. < — — «• •< ^ 8 r.?aBrtMS r jsfiSToS sr Lai »ut ►layer* “ If H*« tb* Uttar. \»R* •ta« a%ta io*« a monkt) * reneh Im tb* ««rk« iw m ^ At lad •**•**• mi»«et mhem UIMtrr Soutbartfrn • ba mill b* ,k1 ** RGP man d r opped by Camel rigs- nu*; vnRrf and W ilbur B Slowe f r» l« lb* TUmpM* afrm^r for Lux Br*„>k* L Harmon. «ba rack ar* a —- -- - M mg{ eneinectrd a complete takeover of ha%r m', mtereM ^rn-llar * ,ydl "*‘ " tb* Mot lam Pk tur* Relief Fund* tb* THIto chunk m tb* mU4w Contracts m*r* 4n»« amd Mv g. B —* *m4 a rrd brtrb uMw h for bi'iniof mb*« AFRA Til \himA TkAotra pUjr fabin* franc* ball IV VUfllfl I iM* 3 irP CBS Finalizes TV • full bmr and laytaf out 112 ^ for a dim lb*) fi Mlda l <*H blot ami Picture Relief Fund fitted b* ft 16 ram meeklv for plying atari and material SUM t planned bended I mHt( afeiKv ■ / tb* ft kea tL* plant grta Im op*rati«m. * lrtu *n y completed Ha aw Of W RFD bop* a to origin*** too Lib prnffrsmmmr plant Term rrty N*tmork programs daily and irv Carnation Milb it k. Ur.tMi im »Ke bro ad cast from tb* arboolbotaa* HIA | «|(K tb* Burma and Allen ThT.tT ihCh T K»€r»«M lb*« Oral «Mb »UIU« ^4 j,.hn*.«. »« «hicb (or tbo. OO^r. «bo «o^ «1M »bl»» Ob HUO Tbo- 4 l_ lM mi\S SO and 96-mlnut* ’ aw,llor air* No program* altrrmatr porluSt »orto«y ibooi «tll Moo, fotaorr M Ji gOni Ttaniif ••**« tb Ibo • lo «M 1 Lark mi radio a rkteragt and IU 4*p*t ear* upon a r*lnth*ly umall of major pdmllaen. nr* t«o bur* dlr« tb* medium mud mercame if M*t ft* roMtlou* Im n bealthyr atat*. That a tb* varnini toaa * d out by Rilllnm Bynm. pro ay of Broadmat Ad* editing Bureau mbo apub* U*t meek before tb* Cbtcafo Radio Management Club. To «It bat and demand* that npot and local AM ratea be rut now that tb* netmorba bat* tla«b*d tbrir ratea. rraoorrb atudiea abo. ing radio a r omp l e t* circulation Hi at be UurxlKd Aba a at tong pitrb muu ba to attract nro bnnkrollera prtducti !• tb* medium, b* Mated. rind True Aodl e ore T* any that AM to at ill tb* bed Mound buy to not igb H* reminded !»»■ Iistenem that mbll* radio * baa alradil) declined despite poatmar infUtionan apiral tiaera mere atlll able to rat* cut. Tb* i n du c try complete rlrrulatlon anal* ala that offered by tb* cur.rot i ayafema If If'a I# he able to »iand further rat* reduction tb* ‘ if tb* picture! Industry tm€ i>.,*d O Seiiniek manta ua to tab* am Screen ^ HKO. and Samuel John* for- feme fimld Ptaaera' taell probably do ^ general manager of tb* Cl***-i TO"* 1 It - la tb* flrruma tanrea of bam- Uaad MO Operetta Cm . mbo pro- log tb* induatn cam* Im him. gMced and directed cmmmerrtal Jacbaon mould be manured top M president of Dramaturgy player* and arnpta Whether Lui | M mould atlll e and arnpta Whether Lua |nc atill pay ft 12 509 for the tniau* feature tf the plan to to or de m and a lomer figure In »tage U** remues meekly with full of tb* depresaed radio mar- orchestra, specialties, lla* of cory- Lui. which baa ahaaa and mt P r eaewt lineup night sold nut for the aui ‘ Pantomime Quit ~ a far livestock shorn* and basketball .Horn (non the Coa«t It will bav* a capacity H Vidro Theatre" for Lrmer Bros. 8 to 9 26; Iupton a tea ro- - mains wttb ‘Talent ftowuts from _ • 29 lo 9. but mMh Herb Shnner LUBCKL TV PIONEEK. I «obbmg for Arthur Godfrey llor- \ iemr of the bet to undtar r ..... ^ octets, for a paying , mm as high as ft22 000 In recent audience A Hollywood feature film years, was dipped to arou n d 814.- also mill b* presented an tb* daily lel * r 000 this season milb further cuts program. 9 Indicated If "Lui R ad i o Thutrt” Opening an Friday, tb* Is mulmued mill pro*id* a pr* filming sudie Claud* McCu* secretary of tb* test, mlth A1 AFRA local, aald that na re que st Saturday. BECOMES CONSULTANT Holly mood May 29 lleidt alayt for Philip 9 la 9 20. at least for .» Who." a new Phil B. *♦ r quiz Um»* replnn lied Goldbergs" for Gen • 20 to 10. and tin fall- . wwvom Hev — — — . We« I in a house Sumner Tlvestrr 1 mbll* beading up lb* Don L*e TV M,ba for TUudio On* " 10 to II Harry Luhrh*. mbo put tb* Orst station an tb* air in 19BI ,-p>«tin«bou»c than I »»»€ mHlH “If radios true audience la M found, ratings mill be imf In mrita AM a obituarytb* BAB presf marued. Rvan outlined BAlt plans to sparkplug tb* dm* to get radm on a sound selling footing but be warned that the bureau need* a kitty of ftl 000 000 to really do lh* job. rather than the *2«0 000 budg- et it hat »u far Painting out that la«t year a AM take mas about 8440 000 000. be sold a ftl 01 industry promotion budget la ly out of line. operation Bar tmo dec baa left CRR plana to Oil tb* • to t p m slot Tuesdays mHh feature Rim oldies on a sustaining basis Tin- a Lus-RGP deal kaaard a tumal « a pftiMH audience ( 0 | U mb*a a KTBL to apes his wwa UmlRBMlMMBd ta dart \ ormeiUm In Holly mood d that na request Saturday. L’ncectala shots will be ** ^ # , tair maces into the • to 9 20 pe- for Its blessing of retaken mitb ftnal footage to offer tl«.ider "-*n\ I\ patent* m | r%og | ^ m itb a summer replace- I and declined ta bent presentation. called ta Washington numerous ^^t. as yet unaelected for tb* on bow the ns 1 Filmed packages mill be offered timet ta testify before the POC an ! "Sam Lrcemaun Shorn ” taking ocer He did u TV may boar ever. “If’a a little differ*** panics using TV In their ’* * " r *' * !'■"! .'M.g - f.edwiei the board may reconsider Fine said techniques will AFRA t interest In Luma spon production coat Box of Are for live of s<.r it nwee Inclined i adbm urfll be nmainnL Theatre i audience mill be nominal Theatre supporting players than u being rtoMM ta oraetdi lor picture stars, who do the easts gratia sa their v , , ^ratrl da far , Km ^ lkt Dot Lae sale. Lub» k* '* “SJW mmmm ~* r |... Wiurt l> Ml Ml»«nr C.IMM tnbutmn to atage, Whea alterations are u charity. [ completed hpuse mill seat 1000 |* 7 the time being vacated by Camel it »as almost 29 years ago that cigareu and the “Vaughn Monroe Lubtke inaugurated WtXAO. us “Bus ynae far Aulmlile. ss ? x r*. ^ In the Bun credits include the picture industry's I ••• baa used aa many aa 10 AFRA a p rs an a broadcast m-hk*b via Duel d-r Relief Fund aegis would cut Caee" their take far rehearsals and air- “aound on ilm shows mill Inr to a top p* ft: I mttb OMaMfAe aRBi ptoe a ben Hink* exec on the lax ae- eras not elect r oni c ones, and ' count for Thompson. I* due this shooting mill begin aa soon aa the week from N. Y for discussions modeling to completed " mitk Jackson and official* of the fine, one-time manager mi Texas Relief Fund, mb# mould act In the Gufhen. Joe Frisco, and Helen Mar absence of Jeao Hersbolt. proxy, gsa. maintained “this to the Ar» teat remains from • to • but milb a replacement for (Godfrey. Charlie Wild" stays for Wtldroot at 0: ‘The Web" Maya for Embassy ctgarots at 9 20. and Pibl bolds the 10 o’clock slot for a au Seattle Rads dipt la Fsr Cerebral Paby Drire -TJrti*br , hJw.'!I« *^n'!L n ill t , J „ ft 20 Thursday night slot. Amos V *•>11 • Un n I . . _ . . . . the bypued budget mould be a t tonal survey a# radio etrrulaluia and listening habits, mhicb mben properly documented mould allow the industry tn bargain from strength. RAB board still has ta art oa this plan mhirh is depend- ent upon additional com coming | Into the tollers. Other project* Include Acid rep rosentetu«n; creation of a research library mhicb mould terse as a 1 clearing bouse of all AM data; i documemlrd studies of the me- dium a merchandising results, and a sene* of controlled testa in se- lected markets designed to And pauper copy and merchandising . techniq u es. In the eaM MCA arts only a« selling agent for the Fund and mould participate la the aegotla- tent plated Aiming directly from the theatre to In lentil*. May 20 | Andy takes over at • 20 Thursdays Three special events for the foe Blstz Brer. Eos mill put in * benefit of the Cerebral PaUy fund ebom for Alan Young from drive have bee* set here by Norm § to 0 20; “Rig Tom*" Mays for Bobrow and Hal Dm vis. local radio Lcvor Bros at • 20: ‘Truth or Con- m. — ^- I a. ipaign mbo are activities on directing a gratis Guild Players" baa ai- , siva been said aa a package which la recent years Included Bill Law pence as producer Harry Kron man aa writer, and Huntly as production assistant sponsible for talent and material Jackson made H positive that two of tbr laut standbys mould Rads Writers GaiU To I Stafe Picket Lise Al RCA Tbesaares BUf. — First picket MBO mi th* K«.iu timue by Mining Sanford Barnett Writers Guild in front of the BCA ampler, and Rudy Vhrsger mu- Building at Radio City. N Y.. to **c director Fred McKay* direc- expected sometime after Saturday t.w in recent years to a JWT Hi «2l. end of the coding-off period f. - and not under contract Just the union’s dispute mttb RCA m term William Keighley producer- Thesaurus Guild wants to raise emcee of “Lux Theatre " mould At the minimum# for four Thesaurus Into the ST.P setup, to not known staff mnters from 803 SO a meek to 8120. to give them parity mitb NBC sen pier* Federal medlatioa- c onclliatioo staff to try mg to bring both parties to a settlement Special membership meeting mi RWG to tkedded for Monday *4> On June • local metoeru radio personalities mill star in a **WeM era Jamboree - * at the Civic Audi- torium. Stars mill Include Spike Hogan. KX A: Montana Tom. KING Texas Jim Lemia. KIKO Jack Riv- era. KOL. and Buck Ritchie. KYI Cecil Young and his orchestra, mitb vocalist Erne Mine Anderson and mitb Bobrow emceeing, will present a concert at the Metropoli tan Theatre June 10. and on June 1ft Let Paul and Mao Ford. Yogi Yorgessoo • Harry Stewart l. and other stars not yet set. will sp pear in a giant rally at Sick a Sta Mays for Philip Moms at 10. and ‘Casey C'nane PHotog- " ftinues at 10 20 On Fridays. "Mama"* mill hair a Ave-mcek vacation in the i o'clock period for General Foods, with the replacement net art; “Man Against Crime" Mays for Camels at 8 20. R*M of the rnming is open, mitb Ford checking out of Its “Ford The- atre" al 0. but INilltxer possibly mm lag in Replacement for “Star mi the Family“ at 10. mhtrh mmes «Continued on page 2ti» PrsAactisa Uypef Ckicift; Vidptx f aiming teasing A Chicago. May 20 here to slomly! »• noon in the Fraternal Club- witb upping their eral N Y.. tn diaruss the dead- Ule« mbb next fall's market m Meanmhtle. National I a bar Re- mind LateM ta ran the pilot Aim tolioas Board election to under of a projected aeries of half-hour for a guild shop for freelance tele pix It kling Studioa-Cnited scripters at the nets. Ballots mere BroadcaMing Co. Senes, tagged »*nt out Monday f2t> and will be “The Old American Bam Donee." counted on June 20 Participating features cast of 24 folk entertain- 4r * 120 mnters If tkeae vote for era. ! a guild shag, nit freelance «liters Offering price basal Hnsiaf t TV Sgsrtscut CBS SALES SERVICE IN TWO-WAY AM TV SPLIT ('BS. which has retained opera- tion of Ra radio and television ac- tivities under single admuiiMratKe beads, decided this meek to break tb* sales service department - -. voiced in the serv icing mi our radio mill team with Job* Derr. CM H jy networks." »ortat* director of «prti U nor . Radio sales service department rau the Paim Beach golf forma > is be beaded by Thomas P ^U In Fred Mies, Kliag * I U r - W > k4 ® 1 C ,l#k N#m “ fuir* and the TV setup by Robert mg Hncnsne. m. T. F. Jamieson, formerly tUtios* re- for ( HR plans to carer the Anal day latbms chief for IRiMont H Milam ■ ^ """Wf ""'T* of o-e t.Hjrney 1<tmi ♦ to « ; - < **. «dmia!Mr«tive i»i-n-*rr of the pix atlll | at the nets will have la be RWG Palm Reach (n. which sponsor* of the 1 llabed according ■members ar will bare ta jaia the the round robin *%ent w.Ill bank rontimse ting TV’ chief. 1 ««»<>• after 20 days. troll the CBS pickup lium 2 to ft. Igjoups. BR sole* depart to luoidlmafb ger III the tmo j Raymond G. Swing Added To‘Voice’Setsy as Hype Is News OrganizatwD Wssbington. May 20 “Voice of America." mbirb baa hero galling rough treatment re- 1 rently from Congress becau»e of dissatisfaction wttb its operations, bolstered Ha news organisation last meek by hiring Raymond Gram Sming aa special political coosmco- , tator Resides broadcasting ta oversea* , audiences Swing mill serve as ad- viser on all “\ooce" mens and com- mrntarte* Hit appointment be- came effective yesterday *29*. Entering the radio Acid in 1922 as commentator on American af- fairs for the British BroadcaMing ICorp. Sming Arxt appeared mm "radio Hi the U. S. mitb the CBS “American School of the Air ' From 1934 through World War It be broadcast on Mutual. Later be mas heard on ABC. and during the Iasi six mooths he has been bread- rsMing dally from Washington over the liberty network Sming. now 04. mill devote full time to bis “Voice" assignment mitb the New York headquarters of the Slate Dept His evening *pot on Liberty meb baa been take* over by Joseph C. Harsrh Meanmbiie “VoAce" added to ill daily broadcasts to the Soviet l man a news program m Georgian, the native language mi Premier Stalin The new program was in- augurated Saturday ’24» by Sec. mi Stale Dean Arbeson mlio^e talk «aa translated into Georgian.