Variety (May 30, 1951)

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H IIMO-TKI> > V nlnnJat. May SO. 10 S 1 Television Chatter • mi NMf r DaMfti — Iimii . • Ate «X, 1* «*|M* U«m. Mar of CBS’ ItMy i Add lii't Q * CaOr* CBS Summer tm~ taking auto drtxiag Imfi Id SwIUxaoa ToaM el iHr T»vn~ '( HS vtll •riimatr fmw *' rr 19 DU " ,B> 1 it* ■ New York Chuckles Candy to I. .. FtohO .. *Ur ,n .he ~ «. **«**«£ Oea. »• « J±1 ^ . ^. r4 _ % n( . ul ,L. m% a* part ot that city s Welcome ^ far Svlvania at 7J0 »«d- t hey **■ m at a aerie* of % Minima Hn . k - p atf Mr**t. ungrr ah* , .. .. Uurri . M •enrlce *at i wroduced far the Emil M« . | rll NBC’* Broedway Ojprn * rttrr •' ,l K tide crew. Jo ary Martin Braa4t part. ftouir" with Jerry looker laM rrt- • *Hh a senes of British Alai Abe manager of I • the lead la DuMont • |( >|V *24- huddling on a Mr and ar« Fate Emerson than pars in al wtri Loral Arvt three ... - . ' r 1 r * k ^ ' gul aceary Martin Brandt part- I House" with Jerry 1-eater last Frl- • nith a tones al BniiUt llp * IMIver Saddle Ranch over BOR- ^ ior . Ih «. lead in DuMont • 1 d . l% ,jj, huddling on a Mr and aen Fa>e Emerson show goes in at TV lhl« afternoon «Wed • . . Abe "Hands of Destin)’ Frida) • m,. video iho« with hi» tillf. 9 far Pr pal-Cola Robert Q Lewi ' N’ORLEANS WWEZ TECHS STRIKE FILE CHARGES New Orleans May It. Engineers IAFL» al WWEZ here an strike with slat Ian off eeeral hours until aimed with a tubsti* John Dirk I of Radio Loral UB Em- Vlgoda to appear on Ed Wjnn show tonight -Bed ». He plated cab driver on last Jimmy Dnranle show, an which Willen Frame a a* partnered with Durante travel bu re au man haa formed TilHm Nrlum tor., tndle p*r outfit »hose ftf*t CBR-TV’a Mi 1 Fashion Magic * Mart Beth Hughes in the Manta Till International I .ate* I u«lda)* and Fridays from 1 JO in 4pm, ha* b een shifted Moodax ill be ■witched to the um< __e*day% Marline June $ while the Friday airing la to he moved to Saturdayt from 1 1 ' • indl# _. r «ho«e fii*t moved to Saturaayt from ii io loiumn on aeries mil “Ships Captain.- | 11 JO am Mmlmii L® ’ I akeddrd for leasing in AucuM . . . A* 11 J ■««>d Mr< «no Eric T* Scripter Newtow F Better haa Dave Uppineott working mj T\ narrated two -UN Semen Mata- ** ^^ .** -,r * * tine*.- just released for theatre man » A Shropshire ]-*« ■ A»tb and tele dlMributum . . . Kara Rahn Bmw agency haa snared the Cun Mary Beil W illiam Jr., named TV art direct™ inf Hewitt Ogilw, Benson A Malher . . Georte WeMwrray. who Itandles Colgate C omedy Hunt for NBC subject of a spread in Jobs Came row Swayaea syi column on N Y of Fleet rirai Watha i a. Show Gaea On 1 * goes at t JO. far announced the walkout Aiurrtrau Rafety Rarer and * Smg» Union of Acuta said the ioral tod For Bale 4 will prwhabl) replace Bled unfair practices rhargrv .*•«" ^ - •• ■ w ** l tS 2 T ZZZL m> 1 LV 7 S 2 SJ .%iieo go MBV. that the Medan refused to bargain . CRB Starlight' *Bt ar «*f the Family .“with Baa •: ^ picket line was formed outside night «Tburs . m replacing Nash at sponsor and |hr New ( >rleans Hotel, where ala just released for theatre tele dtaflributiea packaged Budget Mtf.' rro*» the-hoard video senes for barking by a department store Gimbals department More laM . I i^n i pi. hurl .. > - -1 the (A on * vrdpie pilot Aim “Bluebeard. * European vacation Cities - In Rath . . CBS Tlwatre tomorrow «A0M M u . — Eric Hatch IVter Lmd Hayes-Mary Mealy re- (|oa u located am about the picture bit with Haring Morion Downey, tees off Farrell. Meivtlte Cooper, the Sunday night lineup at • JO Nils Astber and Hope Miller . . . replacing -Mr I Magtnalion \ _______ red the Gun Marv Beth Hughes Lea Penman Gene Autry Mays at 7 for Brig- warning, and plans to and Brwre Gordon on Ellen ley’s, -Go lasrky." with Jan Mur- Quit of Two Queen’* tomorrow m ht «DuV|ont orwbahlr rmeeerwg. Alls in at Ken Elliott WWEZ fur the Mrike came as a Sard Hollywood Childien Should Be Heard IT 34 for American Tobacco for This Is Show Business'. Ed Sulli- isn't *TnaM of the Town' Mays at • for Lincoln* Mercury. General D.of J.-BaN Games I ‘ Kraft Theatre” nest ft*, and a Moo to A titled ‘The Knave of Diamonds for CBS Danger Miriam C alternate nith fl ■ ■acaater on Kaiser j Mars Over Hollywood mkrd and a radm-T\ con* the House by Rep Albert B. Her. _ jOwr Bornera and Albert Dehher *ultant. According to Kobak. the bang. Jr. iD, Fla ♦. former presv Fraser s Tr ar r hoar l show aired Utr |f|# ^ |f| ^yes Romero NCAA plan permits only one. or ol the Florida State I-eague; Rep. show later in , crosa-the-board via DuMont . . . . at most two games to be telex ised rni (or . Di.MmT, -C» f to* J l—* ■»■ W WaaM rat* am *■€”• "PhUc* Pi* <■!>.«..■ m waw crl-- wMh KlMta* Lattrr fall* r _^ f .... Suoda) night <J> . . Actor Donald brates iu socond anni Friday <i». | June A at C'alifomia Studies Drk M|( , a || probability se I her. Dorothy Adams and Gordon ^ WWRL NEW YORK is deeply honored to have been seleefed Olivor head cast of i The Housekeeper/* which mils that Georgia Tsch June II. Asel Greenberg direct* cd fur even one ga films . . . Ylr Orsatti anencx Melvin Price il). III t, a ft “Any advertiser buying sportawriter. and Rep. B ilbur D. Mills <D Ark. 1 , Meanwhile, the House Judlrurv Committee ?he^ d ay. It la est reme ty unlikely ^ monopoly la organln-d to*ehall The primary target of the uijulry Is the so-called ”resene of the couotry.“ itrart until show is He guoted the N Y. club’s rese- ts $12 Ono lution as claiming the NCAA plan I Jacgnes lasttf, business rep for would ‘ place the Incai college at a Hrubens in New York now hud* diaadvaotage by preventing the tel* tftmg wtth pro*pecttve spon^rs r ,»aion of Rs own gaaae. loraily I Allan Jenkins inked by P K. while II will r the inquiry. Palmer In play lead in new pti aeries “Moon Mullins.- S v id- other parts of the ry to tel* nosen on nmnk- grip, slated to roll rnsraotm a - v: at Geldwyn Studios by rod of June A .. ik.. e !riT k Cmmit ainp. o»n*d Sr '«• Tribun* ■> to on* •• !•> . J* 1 ******* *f*. **»n ex is# when the local college Is pta> •'ri'.t.XriT Palmer secured TV *• Ml P^* n with eapultlon. the rights. Another Mrip. Brenda resolution noted that Tech was the Starr. Reporter." also being made tost college to televise Ms games iota telesenaa by Palmer aod Is »• Atlanta and added that this also <hedded to roll In June . ‘ valuable community aaset should Carole Richards, thrush on Joe not to handed over to Others by CravdotCs KLAC-TY’er bowed la*t threats, pressure ar . national sales week with her own show same out- plan without further testing." let Singer shares billing with Andy Parker and the Plainsmen aw the once-weekly lS-minute layout Clear Way for . Don Dewar, pret of Teleeomics Ptuladelohia Mav £0 in New Tort with ftrM print of A TT. * new animated cartoon senes made committee af the Na- foc TV New aeries cemhinev am- CaileglaU Athletic Asaa. nuitofi with Mraight Mnp cartoon eieaird the way here Friday <2SI methods used in compan> « old A«r theatre TV pickups of college -NBC Comics" series . . Cart football games in the fall Rear Dedlev* pret of Dudley Picture*. A dm Tom Hamilton, committee hack la town after swing through chairman, declared that the pcevi* ea*t lining up TV pit for hu com* eus motion to okay the use of the- ps ny. Dudley starts shooting in alre TV had been affirmed at the June on series af 2A IVnnnutr TV meet and explained that bfg- | 1950-51 Station Showmanship Award pickups would operate ralety from the NCAA • trial pis for the American Association of Rail roods Firm also sold 2A **. 1!. N £T2Li" *<»''• riHSi Seattle titled This Land of Ours , lor $1 200 for ftrM rua . . Jame% ~T # T Awbeev Jr. moves over to KTTN Thw members of the NCAA ul« vtaff after two years with committee — Hamilton. Bob Hall. CHS R C. lorkjnan moved to the Yale’s athletic director, and Ralph independent three weeks prexiou- Furex. of Columbia U . met with — x ideo industry CkicBffo ABC TV digs deep for summer fare, launching Saturday night telecasts of Women’s Professional' xponsocs and agency execs Follow- ing the meet. Hamilton announced a deadline for reception of all on sponsorsbi All three League from Chi this vUioo committee ip Is June 2$ mbrrs of the tele- H clear . Chi NBC-TV operations they had no rules al all regarding chief George HHnemaaw off oo a theatre TV. ar any af the pay as- tw^week en^jrtth the Nar> V , xou see telexision offers Such or free to make _ ^^Jlg ov er j g* n iiations director. 5,000 Watts 1600 Kilocycles smith ankles WON I Mali to join B BAP aster and up they ehoae with the Individual col- leges Their program was directed at the general public reception of grid tel e c a m e There la every in- suff to replace dication Hamilton said this year a plan will set the framework foe Fahrenheit is Serving the Foreign-Language and Negro Markets during Personality Features’ **Crr- the future of college athletics ••!** I fWibtUty of F*0*ral inter.r» 4 .** yMC * Jt »-, ||m . M hnM by the TV luting chef franeoia Pope . . Burr ru it t rc **Oxir leeal advWw w voii Itobm and his NBC ** ir -- k ' , “ 1 " uef uur * e * Aj “ ^• M,d Fran and Otlie” troupe trek Ku l„ | ww ie*ai aux ice. saio Hamilton, pointing out that they l El- Led a^ o an*e Saturday 12* . . . Ben Drake I ^ foun,r - 1 tost law sc I too Is. as- «hifts from xa'es coordinator slot M,re * Mt 99 absolutely within to regular sales Maff at WBKB Barbara Barkley wound her Chi our rights “ The chairman said the m it tee haa given both FCC and tele career Fndav (25* to move 'to Department of Justice full in JERRY BRESLER to Conductor to Pionist • Arrongor nyMif CELESTE HOLM In Hoe Spatial ii LA VIC EN ROSE Now York JERRY BRESiiR iJLIif