Variety (May 30, 1951)

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. Mar M. mi Inside Stuff—Television tnuMul i-let. televised live mt-#( l- r » , «M premled Ml NIC- , TV s *K»I# Smith Show" Mm 4i| »!•>. SU«H by John Nttor and 4lrrdH by Greg UmiM bUld m r i r H mi am cf a biork m 4 a hall Ml ala stories high ArOan ranged from W 45 Bt and Irulvay iota an allay, the Ma|« Mlraart af the Hi l i n a Theatre, arraaa build wfi aal rooftops aal ay a light a# Bre-esrape*. Theme a| the itnrr grama r so c o rn e d a pickpocket dodging police Camaraa Nf.MI Beep' Gained Last Stand m Indie FM Broadcasting; FCC Gets Plea tha atraat Jarb Miller s that laat I W aohingtoa. lia) St j la Mt. Declaring that specialized tan • aa. any iwtantlan an ices re prevent “ihe la*t slang" a# Ia>* Angeles TV coverage a# Patty Hull ta approslmated that given Kathy flan Washington lia) St may ha fully considered Remind- it aat. D**larta| that r ^r“ J trt- *• ,h * ."•*» i^^Ruas nnoimi ymnra v.amaraa an w, aa N I nr . rr ._ v inianii<>n m tffi MarMfui “iita ia(i giatg* f ft pinfiffre<l tha *pcriali/ag serv- ~* k <HW ^ th# -tr ^ ANA . part ta tall network^bal imlaprngaa, FM broadcasting FM JXSfJS i«hiow mi iim .>— t k., r anMt stations olhM fund ion a I mu ghost. tha station* said they * era Mualr far tha terpinf »ai ralayag by speakers from Jarb Miller s "JJ ^j? *?** t ? lo ,u- _ n aDlirB | .. !hr rrr antltlrg In "aaara than a summary •rrfc >a Ik. Hata. I. tha MrM tad D~c*r, .«• fcj.l*r. ***!... ”.^**_ £, TyST* H. «w«J «“—*•“» «-!*«• «■"> «- «■«•« «*4 Martrt Bratwr. •> “CkB Mt M.d.m * aratlaW to thaw, laf wrh k wki »**» «• *T"“" "*_ggT W Ik* psaalMIUy o< L.lur* la trant I — «r •«**. n»i.»«r. «■ —t raga af Patty Hull murder rasa at naarby Sant* yrtltiva business di ritsnr mm revise Its ragulatians ta remove ,M,k *** ^ ravaratlaa pr nr rr dings given Rath, Flams trsgagy over turn yrars ago UNelllgrnt Iv tha rollastha slaws *f*» Wrlars t# tha service • Jo4 "‘"f I?^ yHltlan sarr sta- aaag by many anara ilasw. b a r s ass a# uybaat a « ou ri( M« i. . ,-. 1 .^ hr i) KLT1-FM. Longview. Tam; of \N\ r <1»o In a >adnt yrtltlun ft lag by IS WLDM oak Park III : KC HT FM. »«ter its 1 Ona mm la. WLRD Miami tha relationship* b>t service* illcgalor ™ ImU- * 1 ^ 01**1 IINanmc habits In »nta rulemaking prmeedinrs In ^ F *. Mkftrd that tha agvar- legalise tha spar at ions ar »S» la* K ^IZ H VJ! *' 1! ,? hZ. ItuZT Ketimt, I. " 1 *n»lMl 77 k* rMk WC,,rnt - »•* *ewr. ^ 1 V*«i uri that ANA >mM •*»- rMf S* ... «>•* ™ r “; hTT\ and KTLA hath handled case but from different angles. KTTV rtWTW> -tatamants hv r >.lio rt uaa- (nmrrussM to Ml rrronstdar its IVl1 Noinas la; WLNO Miami ^ ll,,n * ^ •* )oya * 1 y y tll> < * ory ^ • samatlvas **wlth regard lo how any poaittnn holding "funnumal mu- !K*££: J^HOQ-Fli. Otist ut^^Ma^; ohHa KTLA oa^ at h more ronsan.Uval^ oith mtarvlaw. af friend* fu(H „ r ^ 9ri% r , n (h a trend dc** -arvica. Illegal or 'S ******0 neighbors af victim, stressing ~wfcat ran ha dona to Noy surk sas da- ^ ii-ianioe h ^hi»« lo tufa rulemaking nr-rad in-, to r * P**Nalo; WVAV FM innayo- r «*r.U rr.-*. kjhH-r." KT1.A ... M.™, «X .Ilk .d Ilk Ji^iZ Ik. *“!?. uT ^ Sr WTTK- rM. m i H.nj. mtarriawr t . onra whan an interviewee lashed at theatres near Par owned tt .. r . ^ w* lK u •« sue a declarator* order after KTNT, Tacoma hash.: ou tlet Mrhl ld waa l ur^i from a theatre to deathl. and again «ben a man the relations hi ys bt tween Individ- hearings to "terminate the ms 1 <l.m.ndrd »u.p**1 to (M* k* \ytM4 u.l Mw. .ml Ik* .Cork. u»d '"«"»• *~l r*m«r. .iw*n.l.. ' S .'^* *•»«. IOU ■ " ' ut g that an* ronfereme should be regarding the ~beey '* oeiyma Ina Angelos telestalions. after ronsidrrable koul-searrblNb. have da* oym to r e yr e s e nt alters of “other ^ *tatioo« told tha Commie la MAllsa. WWDmi, Wmb* ruled that there s actually no need af a separate roast educational chan- factors affected In radio oho could *"• 'hat If i n co m e from “funr- mgton Hied a separate statement aei St at mss believe esisting facilities are far batter suKod to tha contribute to the solution of com-"**** music“ Is denied them they strongly protesting the needs and indicated that more time oould be forthcoming Most auacs , most problems '* wxli W required In most rasas. |# «hs Ms sn Ih service Recalling UUtrrved hedged on tha sub>act hut not ana came out Rally for a say- _____ go aut of business Pointing to the ‘he agency * “evangelist* fervor* arate educational channel as endo r se d by LA Mayor Fletcher Bowrron y y D A fklA iflMICTf) V hy f Monty broodcoat- »•» TU in the f*t ^‘•dr ‘hesto "^LStfSrSSStasr T* *• -»•«■ *—*» N H. RADIO MINISTRY ~ Jo ^ r* * *35^*“ lutm e ducat i o n si pflgpRRMnioc soma v tdeoo t lets listing certain roan-1 * fsilurw as a rsmmsrrial brood 1 ommimlon would approach its mcrcial -how. m ijg—i I K EC A TV. for es ample lists “Mam N XED N FCC TURNDOWM 2?. 1 ** rr ^ U, *7 M Time." “On Trial." The Marshall Plan In Action" “Gov Warrens lUHIWVffn kin4 Bm4 thsl pry has been rapidly ™*»«l »»d ^ >r Ms tosr^ In Report to the People" and even * PulHser Prtae P1a> House’ aa being' Partsmouth N H. May If dying aa an indenrndent program- Felled m the «Ti"^d. tortured educational offerings. Refusal of a license hy the FCC »lng vehicle FM has had a *nd mioyie \iea*a af the law and - has canard the New Hampshire rough time.** ‘be ( nmmlisioo s hinrtUms ihere- . Society af E\angelical*, and the Canght “aa in a nutcracker ' he- under that the monopolistic cuan LSU s Sledc ss Lcstc Six-SUtion Web Airing ' sIZ^rd A MmT^rM'is 'due *7^**121 yoSS" T C i-i_ f l n V* l ^ ^or SarstOf a Harnettn fur a radio ministry over Nation early demise" and (hit AM oyer -enily to kluiak Cory, whkh pre- 10 Mudy L0BC I Video Saratoga May 29 WFMI here »«*r* are giving up their FM ad- cipitaled the Commissions Investl- New Orleans May 2f Hhudt. who rails the races Negotiations for purchase af Ihe • P* If 'hr rrmamiaf source af «»‘»on of functional servers Rslnh W ti##u «Ko dtr^ti tha •* hafstoga harness track will dotlou from former Gov Charles , '* •n«‘r , M mlenl Four other FM operators urged Ralph W. Hrflf, who directs the h|MdcM| a half hour descriptive M Dale af this city were begun FM ers. It rontinued. the result I the Commission to hold hearing* FM station at Imsisiana Mate U.l roundup Mood at through Satur- Inst fall by the Providence Bible *UI Mr doubly unfortunate, not an the guest Ion Bitou Rouge, will he aaoociate di- day over a sis station web wMh Instltote The Institute also Bled °*'F because H oill kill a *orv- 1 —— — 1 ~ -r. - • ‘^*« -r^srs.jss jmisus. y. -ar^fg-jr. wor-tv. r*h c.rd . . . , . . . . Ik,. service" InternalUmal Boslng Club to tele- been granted a years leave af ab- Other outlets In the hookup are ,hl * «**•*•« •• owenrshiy resyon- wnMT of n \iondav oiaht rr* . ,r rr rrr? Y »rv^.^«-I'ri tw»« p» ■*-0 «»r? * N . trH ? u * Ar *~- Report to the People" and Pull! Pln> LSU’s Steele ss Leave Six-SU(ion Web Airing n B | b ^ | ablndiTnV—' '^2 -* f ^ r 1 pSy T- C^i_ f l l y J f’W’ Saratogl Harnetm for a radio ministry over Nation Nttf demise" and thlt AM oyer kCnlly to Mua lo Mudy LdttC I IMleO Saratoga May SB. Wmi here Mars are giving op their FM ad- Myltated 'he New Oi Ralph W. Steele FM station at Lo May 29 I "** ' 4tr*r«. Ik* fL'?r *?"'•«* ihe resell the Com Innate, not on the o rector of a national n studying Ihe uae af telev Steele ha* v di- day over a da-station web with Instltote The Institute also Rled «•»'? Ittee WPTR as originator. starting «*• ***** application with the he «f . June 4. Program will consist of FCC. with the N H F.% angelical. «Mrb 1 fnr taped narratives for eirht events u provide the suNaimng pro- ; Mhen June I. tn worf with the commR '/alls; WF.NT. Gloversville; tee ohlrh Is in be Rnsneed by a ! t’llra. and WIRY. PUttsb H W. Bump veepee In It has (on an obligation to N. Y. This will he the Rrst l.urllle Ruhr, now program di- rector for WLSU. will take over Steele's post while he la no leave. <Tony» Koelker ha* assiNsnt station ism a — A at bony J. for the Liberty m j t* public interest and to the II- '*•* skkfc prSnstM nrm -r* r**».«.- la kill Ik* *nln Ik* rsuklry i m|w kau*. la art oTlI*^ ailkaat Ik. IW™ | <"•«« *'*"'»« —«<**. • nfiol of K nted He was formerly with the Nall of an opportunity lor a hearing.", Series will start on Oct. 1 and K.MA. 1 WIBR, Baton e. La at which the aseril* af Ihe May. 1952 Coming I NEW SENSATION IN TNE EN TERTAINMENT WOULD An Entirely Unique Format in Television AN ENTERTAINING—EDUCATIONAL-FASCINATING— PAK^TICIPATION SHOW AU. RIGHTS PROTECTED BY TRAOI MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS A Ag a A II i ua ^ A^ gg Vwp HOW ABOUT THAT? iNC 204 urn Araaa*. Na« Tart I. M. Y. MUrray HM Mill