Variety (May 30, 1951)

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?t M*r to, Mi R'way fix Situation Still Snafued: 1 Brokers Trying to Untangle Knot 5? H50-51 Broadway Season r. <A> With RtotUliMi f«r • . theatre ticket code et a stand^ill a*. . . D • * ■ iii^t apparently until lete wmner oc (,|$h IQ KfYISed MM early ft»l the ticket situation on - . . n . SStS VZJSJnX Set far Str.whil Kites III the elr, including the 4 »~«tinn I A revised version el “Mlaa Mi- of a pon'Me revival of buys ~ be I " with Lillian Gish at Aar. will modt A- at ion of the theatre party play a scries of barn dates acaln •Hup proposed regulation of sub- this summer Of eight proposed script ton ocean last Ions and m- bookings the following four are £ feh ,n He>tsed Mabel ^/SBXLZSm n . / a. i . n * . « a lies sea imna *• as* Cl Plays. 8 M (PS It saso Ta • Not <r» rr< »“ «p» trarsi <w is* - ifi *r« an iwon. M* «U> ft ttUJ (Bstiaan fi m < c»«r in ami «co •a.santRn^ m •* mot.tactaa* Aunm BTAT18 NOT YET CLEANLY INDICATED (8 Plays. 4 Musicals* amT<era? !****** aaaaaa* tnaaaaan ^T^KasjTrw^ia^^^ ^ Playhouse. July I. and Seacllffc fL. I • Playhouse July I Me Sander 8. lore and Jnel W. ■a* in* ■ ftt* <r< f»> r <aisc <A an tt-h ilf'Binl T .ir--'‘ K*» **•!>• »• **"« BWJ Z**Z to Jimf* way neat fall, recently received the r i <M rr'SlSf p ‘ ES i - m# m V TK#atm with a t" onerrm Tney nao arranges th . t o^ti.uons he con- * iik Arthur Sircom to fo to Lon -.-a — u with hh. M a* 4 lima • W V. •K (Pat.aaaaaa* *c «i tar H • . i • FAILIBES 184 Plays. 1 Mnd Into efTect However. Itetlly a re- ply na*«o'd ehtectlen te the four M> **_ , , ootoia In that form" and after •* ******1 seasons ago. to Sr-:—l=^STtS 2Sr£lT21&7Z the | * with ^ would not return until the Utter port of June Torsato Preys first Test ryrr—. —y i mo.. »«.o o o»-u..i.iS Show Setiy;‘Norway’ To screed upon by the brokers and n • »*a o j -• m m« oim e* ft aaaaaa the Longue and Actor. Equity. BOW ■ 50G PrOOTCtHNI, ^JSTiIZJtZF* which is a warty to the code setup. Ta**« i .» sassaa. were as follows: <!» All broker a» Toronto May w lotments voutd be set and could With the lug top now being not be changed without approval erected, plus installation of 1.840 Twa *■ * <■ ■ « w* w«i i t by the cod? authority, with Rnlly reserved arm-rest seats, rehearsal! ■... k ... , . - ufiof « * ••> •••• • • •* * r ly <8* rlar.lkation as to whether Song of Norway," the teeoff on N. VCm? c* m »m. |. ■ ' - - >*n r < *., . :i t rrii .~^ ^ ; the brokers prior to a show s open* | musical shows under canvas, and ^ rw*«r* '*r«L f «s a ing and after the opening first experiment here of outdoor uaa w twa su m *• •*• >i,m ’ ‘ ’ ■ n, j i * ">«■• ar » r a »' - ' '* ' (81 subocriptUn organisations About 150 000 Is reported put up twm V iu a w Um am (C ontinued on page 58» for the opener by a To r onto syn- n> rw » dlcete of six men under tag of 2TL . pJI SWANK HAW LINE GETS jgS jFZ£££, Z& ** 1ST PHILLYA8EA TENT " *" i n r * ^ 1 aawva Euli4oMT1 sre currently ex- “iTVW <«• Lee Philadelphia May 88 Cav .ting the ocrheaU. pit and ATJTZltt ££ Unusual deal whereby the Philly levelling the audience area at Duf- -u» nmwt <r* <i. luu area will get its Rrst tent theatre ferta Park In the heart af town i Team an mm la about te be consummated be- Site has been tagged "Melody Fair tween the Dan Kelly*Fred Magber and will also have pavilions selling • r.Millfxlv .• I’h :.v afui ' * 4 «fl >.r« ' *« '*•' ‘ ‘ 1 the Wilbur r MM rm MHu cons- mlseieu t>o. operator, of the Si Petersburg Evening LartH will be $8 plus > 4 ! “*. ii 1 1 r u 4( , Wi . tl v . * , 1 ng. . "OnOuMS mar Maw : *"-* n...». .x , t ,':,t: - ■WMk W 000 000 rowntry club- 7V Producer l* Lochlou K apartment layout south of the Main who WM saaociated with Line, with developers Kelly and Rodgers A Hammerstem for arv- M..her Mipplyiuc tbe ulur«l ute. rr ^ HUMI Dtrenor u »«• ~ m * m ■*««* •» M.linc end *11 Mceoury cuailrac- K»m»Ur wuh Arthur L»*f <w«- _ ... . _ Uo. They II c*«r*e It oil to pro- dur(ln( laDuptind N.tuh. C.rr \ mo,,wn aa choreographer and ballet nua- *iuuoai ai«r* <e* ire As wub the St Pete setnp. Evans tress David Thunar u leading J MM.aas «c-< and HurUy will be partners singer- j male dancer Kathleen Mac Vicar Impresario Evan, handling the pro- is p a. ' *u vmU« H“ <r> rre * •• S4 milled from the Royal Conserve- *c«m no uu« iam a Kw w« if. hum. aa Own*" «r> 'i run w~ w* «l aaaaaa* Tm au -u* a aaaaaa r>e.«* «r> *l ss.aaai <i a* n«M* 'h <1 ISA M Uudoll•* <r» HUL ifUf Tiairrid" »h «l( a Mac. (ft n nun 9 ml tn hcpU * *h g( Twelve. Are SS" (ft fL ■i* Swt. 1 #- tft <t tuna m saw* «r» a aaaaaa* wo osmt ip* fcaase Qrawai * fp> ft IW a— C rewe " (Fl fUumc *• .f* ft. aaei Wfi* (U iL May 88 schedule of I • canvas, and ■ mare Cm p • re« t *ela ml “C *df‘l Pd Asm*- Co. ml a sea* Dare" fh «l SAUa* fee C *d*4ewa~ <f» «l. SSSri a raw werte** *w* an m Owe Frew, a-* <U* ft« Shew iU» <t CTUW <rt iLtrsasa* te eel ASH'* fP* lit] *4 TUredfceia * fp* «Lg»J kera t* ‘ <P* IL SV (tuee Pans" fP* »t MU ilttM See Weary" fP* fl ADDITIONAL 188 Shews* We AWT A hd? r a are»tew " *8aaal F mt SCIASa ea a rev tv el ml ml a A Sal (T OM D OCT OF TOWN r <r» ilm • w taai« r <u* <uii ip* it t <i atsaaa ^ W * s ssam < r* »ut *L aaae Were" tPt (Lf Ail r“ ns* ffaiM at aas « uw CCKKENT MOLDO\KKS FEOM PKF.VIOCS %f \%OS% 1848-48 •laaaw fP* fF SI r m**" M ' 1,1 ^ t» »»H MM * » « *#d ■OLDOVEM THAT CLOSED Dt RING 1888-81 ♦ 4 4* 1848-48 t“ fP* <F •t..aas* c »m uVi fPSI Partr^P* u sw .aaa ^fT4l>. “aa“ tut «» sisa saa *C «i Ul ParWa" fU i»«i«i tar in s Mgjnrtty nf pro- M gM lands ter the summer I poaed musicals mries sre Americans and include Newest addition tn the east's can- Stanley Car 1st on Carolyne Adair vs .back coloaaeums will be known Louis Brooks. Aadrey Guard. Har- as the Drexel Brook Operetta, with old Brown. Virginia Oswald and 1 000 seats and a 88 18 top planned Iggic Wolfington. plus recurrent. It's expected that a 10-week senaon guest stars. w*H begin June 88 For the Song af Norway" Drexel Brook is 40 Miles from opener, for 11 days commencing Lambertvilie. N J.. where St Joha June 31. Lawrence Brooks wtll sing . Terrell's Music Cirrus Is situated bis original lead role. Other guest ■ — Hart will Include Brian Sullivan 1 ,TTi If 11 uy i #v«- <p* irinn »*• Star* • fU* iraiSD i u if ssisaaa* «c tan. e* itaaa * aiasa i o*f*i s i a . iw icausi AIM n a uni RFTt RN 1848-48 Prod. Outlay ] l a hair-thin deOctt. The Bops af that Canal Teel Berkshire «•«.«* m. M*. u 1 •*•*«" »w* • ««*»* of M dTO OOO Of l L e. M r • While the hit. have thus far paid WorkSuOD Stall (iJins 1.323 000 on 10 trvout do. a total of u avtm kT— nfI1,Br P ' MMAl U gWI Terrells Music Cirrus Is situated »u original lead role Other guest f c~u*nm *4 i,„ m aaa* u - i ! «raaon knot a total of 84 870 000. sat i . a ## ' , Mars will Include Brian Sullivan while the hit. have thus far paid WorkSlIOD Staff UEin^ ILivrirsI Fsatlfv Urc °* lh * Met wn *‘ n « IL823 000 an 18 tryout dm- a total of $3 0*0.400. and have _ UHJ>riC?I r^QldSy 3uiS Show Boat" and Rosalinda." with mgs. and various assorted deficit 8802 000 In liquid assets Signli- Stock bridge. Miu. May 88 II i * Aff Cl ^ Connor opposite in both and categories The distributed proOu rsnlly, ' South Jacific" and Kiss G # FbJTJiL 1 *?* of l. lh T *** nCdl IS Ull-D way jhow NU Smith Singing Joe in "Show thus far on the season s produc- Me Kale." two of the top money- h * , B * rk *£ lr » Plsybouve. Af nminf cH .. *. x Boat - Eddie Roelker and Anne turns total II 301 100 and there are , maker, of recent years Were pro- S J ockbrld « e Ju ?T >• »■ th * Amen- fo^ the fulfil people ^thr prf*du? 80,11 Wr of the Met will sing op- 8875 000 in liquid assets such a. duced In that season ^ psfidmiomc ° diSS h *Vr tK» ^ ^ ZZ « *; gw preau - r r lh< !•£*> —•*«- sb^ff^Xi .tTiJldon the Cherry Lane Theatre. N. Y . and A^v fWa ^ all Ananoal balance at the moment ces* during 1850 with Sir Ralph (24* turned nut unlyrical and un , r " k * ,r T? C ll *** There have been nine hits thus shows a total of approximately 83 - Richardson in lead gentle, involving istlcuff. and a /JV" " oDertB far. including seven straight pUys i »3 400 lost on the flops. 8852*00 Play is being staged by William Baal walk-out by the actor., unpaid i and two musicals. The statu* of P*»8 In proflu thus far by the hlU. Miles, director of the Playhouse. for six weeks | **!?” , ***** Bloomer Girl seven other entries, including three P* Mi $30 000 in liquid assets Thus, for Joha Golden who plan, a After one i*. J ' „ * tidier. and Rose- plays and four musicals, isn't deft the ense of 1848-50 it appears. Broadway presentation with Car- an invited*»udlen^c^ oaTnine b! a m UMr * I indicated In many c*^s tbe balance U likely to remain a roll After one postponement, before Mane " an invited audience, opening night enrtain rwae on a reading of the ' script by author-director Charles Fuchs. JlCObhOfl To »tantiall> increase tbe financial re- A Dunleavy. who had earlier halt- . n . lUr , lun “ ed the mle of UcfceU The literal C ObUt Ul Yt OIT> On the basts af proBu earned repetitious script seem ed hardly Lea Fuchs and Irving Jacobson during this season, the financial worth all the trouble. Yiddish legit comedians will be »t**us af various productions from rostaired in "Don't Worry" new previous seasons has changed gen C-i- r . D» Cl ll American-Yiddish musical by Abe * r *Uy for the better for example, future D WdV 3Cn€(lUi€ . Ellsteta which will open the "South Pacific" which bad distnb- Alm sales and road tours will sub- heavy deficit which not even poo Manually increase tbe financial re- “hie picture sales ar returns from ►a the basts of profits earned mg this season, the financial us af various productions from , 1851-52 season at the Second Ave uted 8457 000 and bad about f 100 - J™ "Seventeen." Century, week of The4,rt * Y. early la October W0 additional assets a year .ago \* ktm June 11 (trying eutl. Yhe bi-lingual English Jewish baa beon earning more than 820 000 "Conrttn* Time.'' National. June ■ r tll be produced >olptly • ^rek from two companies since fJJJ U 'trying eutl. by J ac obean and Edmund Zavedda then, and has now distributed a * , *Yww aw the Aisle" Hellmger. and Is In be directed by Fuchs total of $2 230 830. and Has about * 4 lh inly 12 (rehearsing* (Comedienne Yetta Zwerliag will 8300 008 in added assets Wile Jnen." Carl, Oct. 1 , be featured. i Thus, tbe t»f*f i* | balsnrc for * with National. J heavy deficit which not even pos Charles Morganstern formerly sible picture sales ar returns from i Publicity director for other subsidiary rights seem apt to th * °* lord Pls> bouse la England overcome. F Mid onetime critic for the Oxford Mail, and his wife. Stella Andrews, formerly an actress at the Play* Drurv Lane Setun house will be on the staff af the rrj* Berkshire Playhouse Drama Work- Chicago. May -9 shop at Stockbndge, wliich Mana J Charles Gilbert, tbe Yeteraa Hershman-Horch directs Fran* Sbqbert of "Blossom Time" Mad> Christians star nf the takes over as director af the Drury Broadway production of "I 8n Lane sirs what, in suburban Chi- ! member Mama." will do that pl*F ragn June 25 Spot wiU play at- at Stockbndge week of Aug Tt. tractions for two weeks During the preceding rehearsal After opener. "Private Lives" period Miss Christians will g»vo with Diana Barrymore and Robert a course of lectures on acting d Wilcox Drools King comes in , the Workshop She has gucvtH with "Second Man. July 8. 1st the Pla>house before.