Variety (May 30, 1951)

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I%T* ». '*«y SO, 10S1 Plays Out of Town Inside Stuff—Legit • •!»#» I«f»« < n»*« **<•«« r»»^ %»•**« ff- 'r -*'•** ££,' .1.11 donal k« U I4l ST.TJalto ^ Erti m than an affable pectoral and then s> aorStere wrwt ant fc r w n «*•••* M |jr la porta, which may And the r *mm #■*•• ••< I mm i p oni ii i iy a little one of the bead* of the realty syndicate which the Empire State Bldg. N Y . for around |M. troducer and recently became a me mber of the Detroit resident he hoc been aaao c taled for m. Ana Arbor Drama Feotlval and made hfta Rnud two aeacona ago atth a revival of "Twelfth partnered tact aeacoo with Peter Lawrence In the Jean Arthur-Boric Karloff revival of "Peter ".k oi ! * pen cored mi all-star revival af Shaw* 'Getting Married" which cUmed on the Cooct during a tryout tour and wac later pmr*H nrrf of m Marjorie and Sherman Ewing ac port of the ANT A Play Series He aac alco acaortated la A NT A Play Aertec production of “Cellar . ”12”* ^ ” rmrmmi iw r». ^ IBt Well** and "Peer Gynt" Stevenc hac variouc other major nym; only la part iJT^TnmI CSS m mm gh Musical hac a number ^ thesunetvoa* X*aT?i mm Me of c<««h) thing* but not rneugh of rrvfaM that he bid recently re- h |dt |^^,then» in lanrantralf. Cahca coined the fallowing letter from a holding* eln | * member of the banned "Bobertc* P-rchaae. hut h inly ea Its position a* a m B - - -A company* A | ^ ^ K ‘ Courtin' Time " at Nl “Now that the play ‘Mlctcr Bob- « M thrown open to with a chance to dick latoc In t he It hoc IU moment* of charm. poM of which cprtag from the hi* port Id pot Inn In the E mp4 re State Bldg, to MMitinne hit theatrical activity. drecc rehearsal of hi* Theatre In Pittsburgh Sunday night i|7\ I women In uniform and also to h oa p italiied erts* la Bled and forgotten here In eeteranc who am able to get around “Courtin' Time" hod a couple af , I would like to tell you other rehearsals at Nison before the dress, having m oved to Pitts- New York Ave day* ahead of the Niton Broadway Tix Situation etrcvfiingl} naive bite and the direction on the coy Uon of the 17-yonruld i Mr (pm The hook aa surh Is «ound u.» (Un* though entirely wanting In j . ' ** re It con grt by At the 1 Id he subject to J there are only three laughs, each delivered by jute ac- | Um tress Betty Jane Seagle. and all based on the stock gag of a moppet M < M us to And out where they the nest perl If attendance meant traveling ’ i to another city to»r** 1 Arm> « ( cm waging O antra I 1 t Although the an* »*rr»|Oen Maoton S Eddy, and his wife 1 J* 1 ' *“* ««» er * l,T hmmv r*MM> were tremendously pleased with u#i AU *j*niu #ur P rrm ^ r * tR Stuttgart Tyrone * tde regula- gainng tickets la In eBoct a «♦» broker* , If "buys" am penalasable for a Id agree lo buy a third of the soborrtptioo group, that should ho on all theatre portlet. equally to for broker*, the Utter • claim Sentim e nt among theatre owners and *« /* .>»p. lh «.r la regula- 1 on tho The P HI of a moppe, m cracking wlae In adult fashion m osA*s* ...» fiWM Of Md 1 Thu. tearra muutal there am vast stretches of unamu*- ? a* Inc dialog notable rhieflr for it* fSP JT.V.Y. appared in Mister Roberts U*s Metis MwIMI DM . object CH.U.e*nn d|a „ tedious by play oo late adolescent A emotionalism and the dock paren- tal explosion la dealing with Mi It remains to be seen If the dialog rw .m «hw — *<> - In** brought under control its spnng season at the (Ity Cen- ▲ * th. irorf Is \rn tar IS# N Y Citv Theatre Co the subscript low . _ ... - . rr jrtwtly swinging they now favoracode. on the mar9 (9Wir 4 the brokers J2S2 Z Th. propa«al th.« hrokrn uki . • "lor lit**aprnioc M«lr ,I1 rTl '* cl *“ M ,h# ,,rkrt d ‘2 r '^' ,!°I*mI tant^T . m*~. •*"*"*•• W *• «•*• «•** «•* 1" te ‘ Hr th* th*.lr* partar M«U Iv, from their | Most of these khaki the Arst to he deprived of allot- * f ?r. * . fiv#r Zm -.ji neger* *• Impractical, and* p*nm .»<! wtarnpliaa j * r « ,,r r!|» "*“ c *. ‘|***'~ nriniuhndi ! • •><•1— ’ «> * “ ** * e.tini.l»^h.^ \\ client* Id t ml rred— In e- - , - w ^ % i system were In the lowest M hi titles and cUrftfy their re la- ^ ^ ^ ’^ r F.uro- tk#CM with theatreowwers. pm- irt orrasions pean Command ducer* and th# nubile gffMdmAMu can book only one- “A« long as tho pUy continued . Uk . . . . half of the theatre In a situation tht* did not matter'for each man d'h^u ’ "Zn"!."' C “idlr I ** ''" d "**" U “* carpeater A* • cod. th*y lived ' | Althaudh Um dald law «M re- and fought . r .a I but interesting With Lee Tracy I snd sweated together Iv to fa‘« U the walU. JTtommer and R u th Chatterton doing ao e* ! superb as Individuals Time U Summer-Time Others job In the Lunti’ roles. It * ful as act* !)*• .. pri V t I: still worth tho staging and seeing Muter Roberts ^ OMt'r pul by AW. c™»- a. , camedy and ln dlnm( P —t 7* * *" ' ^WdWpi d u »»• | aartoMad atth utt M uaU M laa or M tea. W^m the olae .— *»T M«rth« uotMhllir and eaat r humor tha pla; I* a much mar* ... ,^h maa died i »v«o*‘a'i*n meatiad that he tnm I he booh Thu ea.> h«alHr I ^, lou , bit <X hutioeu la «hct. , ,"!l. V ' ' * te abide by the la the attraction to all the songs n # a vigorous diatribe against setup, even M wem included la a and lyrics war. the munitions Industry and "As for our audieucoa. we played new rode It's generally conce* Neither the musical numbers noc |h# indolence or cupidity of na to. over S 000 people In seven per- ' that no ticket regulation svst the dances Jell at this point as (Ions that leads to war Prophetic formaacea. All of these wem could work without Shubert they InBk hnth_eartoty and vigor of | thongk tho pftny waa In | staaBMrosnealy crowdk. r rat ion circa 1A10 and the sets am neat-1 on in K for mobility and at- rhe Show in st»ort barring the usual first-wight slips moves right along S. '4^-i •f iho [ (oro World War II. M should be could have played for some three e timely now *** months more to audiences at every ... *w *nd caserne In Europe where te cL^*.^!I , orl5 U te ^ W* •" »• C..UM f « M,»r. -,i h * v# »*»"> a I hit our play MO P *lb,!v U.. Some ,.f .... •' ■ h - «t*a-Uu«hl*r. truth Md •v. : i. *1 ’hr. - r ., ***• *t uou I hod St ud «d St j apply W Mcbota Th* M*« h that of tho character* are less vital or sympathetic than octgl- greatly the sltuatloo prevailing at the League and the have a gentleman t r to same terms until a into eBect But at tho time the to oppose the t work of | that hawker wmmwm * r *‘ f h# • ts be set w.thour being subu . *** •« »• •» * Joct to <• *n*r i ncept with node JJ* Ul ^ * authority approval, la one of the ‘^ IBiW would bo held In obey* prime objective of the broker* M would guarantee them a the! the three principals mentioned nolty. shove and all much overdo the On the stage af the Center, small kid stuff—them la a neat potential Agure* engaged In long convene in the singing and acting of Dick lloo* mwae the play to drag D4- k.liman who draws the top tune red ion Is somewhat to blame too and with Ellen MrCown put* it ***** of the cast are Just routine, over well The adult pair*. Prank hut the majority am asore than v^fx>n *n<1 U»M* I Aft ’ 4 lfl < n hr5, *4 in,i King Calder am solid ca* are evtretwely sorry that we only the could not do this, for we wished to would get allot Mom broker* am going with plant to put the new tt fee agencies effect June 1, when tt become* with the *••**- But they am doing ao un- smaller outBu depending on “e»- | Aer only the Informal okay of tho Ao tras" to All actual order* (the eo- Now wo am Ngyv or. that you Inaugurate tabliahed brokers would also get some policy among the writer* of ‘extras’* to All order* above their America ao that surh an indignity | allotments* Although most of the M.Srt rooe autnont) M<>rrow although they have an unofficial go-ahead from the League to ep- r- At r * ? • gene' * . || ine aouu saw*, rran* f ZT 7 or to me mew la the armed and Doris Dalton and ■Aagusia In brinftoc color *»d ^ America will be under er and Penny Bancroft l ‘ f * «• Hto 7 *rn • •jj* tial milUry jurisdiction for a performer* with slim •* ,fT . ir )*7 A r °wP •* J*" manv of her future vearv and Maunre Knit* and Alon- dividual* stranded In a mountain- T V w *** ltrk^rhrr.r..r rol.T H>P •»•*' horth.ri> Italy .tailHH >•*••" *•** «• r.urop..n «ir r.r..a. out and mllitariMn may not occur again, cither to yon producer* and Independent then- ' Hie code, there may be a nr to tlto men In the * »ed aerv- tr ., M ,. M appear to favor such a m. that relating to the pro- r*t«to the lesaer mark-up on Inwer- allotment of J3% of tickets **** ticket* a of their legal rights arT * | MiBB^ At MMi reportedly mtup Srnmm ABMrioa wtB ora great adamantly against It •• rharge the old 75c. fee. at least . and Maurice Kpii* -»n,i 4 I I «f her ^ ' M ' r ' ^ n ' * tk# ^ #Wmmer M no Boun click in character roles top hotel In northern Italy when a I ^ ,h have to serve Thl* one prooerh guided can European war breaks out. make R. but It * going to take a » llrm Pts to get borne I ™ * ‘kmI prtor lo * *bow * opening tad KK# lot mar* v.I.d .nl.rlalnm.nt »alo.lj r, 2 mik " “ * r, ‘ hl * •»»" "*• actor of a carnival hoofer traipsing and novelists of the U. B. are at- -1 «**«*..», — “5 -£ ‘"XZZSL*, ^ I ± s« m, w sin. Id be ^ gt raw hal appearance* this sum- than M has at present The quires riariBeat ion The Idea SEIS TyenL Helena Blish Legit FsBsway terton bring* cool authority and a rr t«* stands ar.df-ct^d !■ »k. ,h„ " a,, 1 •** Uttl deal ot chirm la bar role d/.b Sid... ^T^Tr Su. J^ *1 i ,h# , ‘ rk * ,, ,9T * *•« of a mystetioua Russian femme a nnn I^J^.t ti *U . W J » v *»^ble for mail order now the consort of a munitions ^ Wr CMmn « few patron* before tbs maker with whom Tracy once had nim ^ and 5tKV would be avail 4 oniiln* Time (NIXON. PITTsat R(.Hi Plttsburgn May 2f a brief affair In Omaha The t give the play a good deal sparkle to offset define one* script and staging Joe E Brown opened last night (Mon » at the Nixon in “Courtin' I Mroogly aa a German sciential;! ^ Time.“ In the roie Lloyd Nolan waa Emmett Rogers la equally force , AUantlrCllp. May SB. forced to vacate when his voice ful aa a Red pacifist; SOane Brag * ™J 'J* 1 *** wl| l present a IA- wmt bad on him after several | giottl la atelalar aa the mu nil tons week^ logM season bore starting ! * rfu twice in the same shows. Tho m i .J5L2?? 1 barttone will sing the male lead la -- iC j. t , c i *be opening However the broken si!u?h Sh^l \iu%u Clr^T^Cnkaf “i Candlelight loSUrtOff ! •«?*,\lTLZ2Tr 4 **• : - s *-« 1 mfc6y A.™ sin) g._asu&muia ughaimg •-rHsrrr cir-»srss;-*= | | ^ ^ ^ £ postte Dorothy Kirsten, at Dallas. wide mouthed comic has ~ been | tive~ a* an Italian border captain Jean Parker Show* will be staged be made minimum*, as thc A ^. away from the asusiral corned) Chester Stratton Is okay aa a so- In theatre m-the round fashion in *!«*<'»« would prefer. . Mu * •»!! »iiig the soprano ~ OppuiUte TyOCS Ml **SOOg of Newtlaaeot Changing N-.iwav ‘ and ( hocolaU Soldier “ There appears to be little oppo- besides opening the see*on June the numeric- 7 in “Nina Rowa" at St I w *ek* on the rood Although the nu gnate and Loui* Borell effee 2 with “Candlelight ** starring »bether the IS', and 5fP* stage for many years, his talents rial director; Winston Boss and the ballroom Stage will be tliere haven't depreciated, and he Sybil Rows are good as a pair of rounded by seat* on all four get% load* of laughs out of the newlywed*, and John C Berber ap- an g »ill be devoid of *r»n»rv r UM or 1 1» r nl a Un.._ M ..... n. aa a Millal T r 1M a ... a l .1 _ c iwracier of a Maine fanner circa pealing as a * ho decides he s been a of dancing widower long po'cv to three Anally <W gn and waiter. Tracy'* sextet are attractive of the pi ished and Mr* Praarit Olh-rr. ol Bilil-1 1 ^ .. . . . , ^ U i— Iwrtos tw UAba tL 1 ■ 1 l " lrt M bi tr iptlon or- Muny and In “Bitter LEI I Ik? STL wito I ‘•elves to Iho Idea .weei“ at Kansa. Cl?? Aug 12 and •sally deciding tTaT hts house Irene DaRey and Gretrhen Houser ***" here for the other nine shows brokers Va"* (> n uVc n. 1U * ‘ n Pt,ubMr A h Ju “* 24 keener waa the one after all standout Brom I %lJfh "T TT" . y 7 m< J 01 "* Since the pan was owtenwiMs Hilltop t wder Way .kJ - 04 Ml. Gretna Seta 'Hol i day written fur somebody titled dif Olivia at Fayetteville Bali Image. Mat 2A ** ff^ound that the sub- y. Gretna Pa Max 2* •ban kfown quite often Fayetteville, N Y.. Mav 2f Ihm Swann's Hilltop Theatre J cr, F <, " n * ro «|w now base an un- The Gretna Playhouse will open the rha racier itself and star don 11 OH via De Havilland has been f«* wnder way Monday t2t> with f * lr ** v * nl *«* » being able to j , , ** „ n meet on even terms He get* all inked for the Fayetteville Plat- legend of Sarah “ “aable blocks of tickets „d fr U m nJlmS * CL- r« ’rr;,~ — - — Ji*sr Or, jvjpv-s tr •^rtssf ription group*' procedure of will IA