Variety (August 08, 1951)

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VARIETY BILLS Toni Bftv* Dark Venus Bob Morris Or* ■onoy PIsm Hofol Georg* Hines Ore tons food Motel Lenny Kent Nikki 4 Frandne Arne Barnett I Sacaaas Ore Saxony Hotel Stoner 4 Dennis Chaves Tano 4 Dee J Cortes Ore Sea null Hotel Kitty Davis Larry Wild* Wanda 4 Rudolf Jerri Blanchard Terry Shan da Clain* Dexter Rafael’s Rum hero* tea Isle Hotel Frances Laser Seymour Hoffman 0 Sherry Rrontonoe Dave Fisher Larry Stewart Frank 4 Lita Leonora 4 Evans San Canos Ore Vagabonds Club Vagabonds <4> Condos 4 Brandow Chris Col umbo Jody Miller _ Father Hollo 5 Frank Linale Ore WEEK OF AUGUST • Juanita Hall StanTwir Len Dawson Ore • Jen nine Hotel Michael .Strangs Tony Matas Helene Almee Leon 4 ffddle's Eddie Guerttn T^bhy Boots Gaby Do Lane Billy Austin Martlnieue Hotel Hanoi* 4 Ethel Danny Yates Ore Mother Kelly's Pat Morrissey Penny Malone Freddie lame Larry Moore 3 Paul Chapman Harry Elliott Nautilus Hotel Mae Pepper Richard Hayes J 4 S Reyes Freddie Calo Ore Paddock Club Lorna Rhodes Geoffrey Shaw Co LINCOLN Revel (l> 4 B 4 B Bex 4 Adagio Devils 3 Loonies Maree Authie Ryan Sis Marietta Girls LONDON Palladium <M> 4 Andrews Sis Jesse. James 4 Cornell Vie 4 Adlo Max Bacon E Gordon W Nancy Hob Murray George Meaton Downey 4 Dave Palladium Girls • Skyrockets Ore MANCHISTIR Hippodrome (S) 4 Gall Gall Billy Russell Michael Hn»ard Dorothy Ward Bobby Breen Tellsfsen Nixon 4 Dixon Vic Ray 3 Palace (M> 4 Gypsy Rose Lee Cingalee Freddie Sales Les Mathis Harry Bailey Botonds MacKentie Reid 4 Dorothy NIWCASTLI ■ mplre (M) 4 Sugar Chile K obi neon Arthur Worley 3 Arvingx iris Sadler Morecambe 4 Wise WaHhon 4 Dorr sine Olga Varona Joy Joy 4 Joy NOTTINGHAM impir* CM) 4 2 Nadias Anton Karas Arthur Dowler (i H Elttmv ,mmm Dorothy Gray Co SAM Harrison Carlisle 4 Weldon Betty Hobbs Girls PORTSMOUTH Royal (M) 4 A J Powell Hal Mack Co Gus Aubrey 3 Palmers Stan Staff old Zio Angola Mandalay Singers Dagenham Girl Jack Anton Revoro 4 Roche Max Russell Brian Kent Uaibara Ford Alan Bailey Marie Syrett Pauline Cecil Iris tUrkwhit* Dcrs SHIPHIROS BUSH Impir* (S) 4 Harry Rowson lan Hynes Joan Price Ronald Wheaton Phil Rivers Billy Stuart Delia Kay Deane David Bros Pat Garland Owen Roberts Joe Ortnes Co SUNDIRLAND Impir* (M) 4 Linda 4 Lana 3 Smith Bros Fred Lovelle Mooney 4 King BAM Konyot Billy uanvers Les Damellys La Celeste SWANS! A Impir* CM) 4 Deep River Boys Beryl Orde Roy Lester Airdnnas Chas Hague Poffy Cavelle Merle 4 Marie WALTHAMSTOW Palace (I) A Jimmy French K 4 S Hou niair 4 Carey Bel-Louls Bros Stripettoo WOLVIR- HAMPTON Hippodrome (I) 4 Ossie Morris Stan Stennett Rtta Page Dancettes Les Henry Dorothy Williams Mary Sullivan Don Saunders J D Girls WOOD BRIIN ■ mpiro <S» 4 M 4 A Dey Kay# Bros B 4 B Bruce Haynes 4 Gardner Lee Sinclaire Ramoni Bros Ramoni Girls YORK Impirs ll) 4 Roy Barbour Jack Hayes Alan Shires 4 Joanne Barbour Bros Bunty St Clair Frances Whyte Fraser Kayes 4 10 Deiieruaa Girls Sherman Hayes Ore HARTPORO (Canni Allyn CP) 14 Only Asylum of Horrors MIAMI Olympia CP) I Olympic Duo Pierce Knox Albina Art Lund George De Witt SO. NORWALK (Conn) Impress (P) B Only Asylum of Horrors WIST BROOK (Met Star <Pt 14 Only Asylum of Horrors WASHINGTON Capitol CL > 4 Ralph 4 Lorraine Virginia Austin Marty May- Lea Paul 4 Mary Ford Howard (It 14 Willis Jackson Ore Ruth Brown Eddie Heywood 3 Pi - 'no Red Allen Drew Spic 4 Span YOUNGSTOWN Palace (Ri 4-12 Gilbert 4 Russell Phil Bennett 4 Crow S A S Arthurs Tommy Hanlon Jr The Pitchmen • une Christy WalJy Brown Wells 4 4 Fays NIW YORK CITY Music Hall (It t Marilyn Murphy E *noe Cortez yrons pttiiui Kosiit Patricia Dryhv Brunhilda Roque Corps de Ballet Eric Hutson Rockettes Sym Ore Palace <Rt V Yvonne Clave! A Farr, r Larry .» N!*UH"—- <8 to Hilt Par.mourn (Pt S Moderna*res B->b Cheater Ore Danny Lew.s Helene 4k ii w..rd Rudy Cardenas Roxy (ll 7 Florlsn >.«bun Life Ansel Les Hii.v .es Carol Ly Mte Arnold bit da John W.lsh Bruce 'Iroes Jr Jean Worih CHICAGO Chicaqo (Pt 14 Billy Kckst'r.e Dunhill* Henny Younginm Juvelys Orient.! (It t Pee Le! B tes Bill Hu::hes Boss 4 La Pierre Dolinofl 4 Reya Sis CHICAGO Rosa Harvey Bobby Sargent Eddie O’Neal Ore IdROwator leach Xavier Cugat Ore Abbe Lane » » — a. — . I4am4A4 n ell' E* wV wwll Jerry Mapes Jack Raffloer Harper FUhorty Skating Blvdoor* Buddy iMf The Rookies Kermond Bros Sid Kroft Alice Ferrer Jimmy Carter Olio Clark Bob Kirk Griff .Williams Ore Btackhawk Norma Lou Doggstl Hop# Zee Ray Arnett Connie Baxter Ken Remo Bobo Lewis 4 Bobby Barry Jn*l Friend Henry Brandon ore Choi Peree Sophie Tucker Joe. E. Lewis Jordsn 4 Parvis Arden Fletcher Dancers (11) Pancho Ore «4> Coo Dsvtdson O <8* Palmer House Jsno Morgan Msta 4 Hart AUSTRALIA SYONIY Tivoli (It 4 Armand Perren Msrion Davies 3 Fayes Devine 4 King Gerd BJornstsd Chribi Marika Saary Phillip Tappin Wim De Jong Jacquea Cartaux Jimmy Elder Joe Whitehouse Cissy Trenholm Terry Scanlon MSLROURNI Tivoli (l> 4 Jon Per twee Alan Clive Los Triaanas 8 Pepito 3 Carsony Bros Tipsy 4 Brow Evv 4 E erto Baba MacKinnon 8 oira X Claux ori .e D: rgie 4 • Celebrity Singers 6 Les Models Les Debonnsires 4 Tivoli Ballet LOS ANGELES C Ire’s Kay Thompson Williams Bros Matty Malneck Ore Geri Gslian Ore Ambassador Hotel Tito Geixar Lina Romay Eddie Bergman Ore Blltmere Note) Tv roll 4 Winslow The Romanos Alice 4 Barry Ashton Sergo Flash Hal Derwin Ore Tippy 4 Cobina June Roselle Victor Marches# Latin Aires Emil Coleman 0 BRITAIN Barbara Sensational Ascotianas A1 Marsh.-II 4 Lana CHISWICK Impirs (S) 4 Rose Murphy Scott Sanders Amazing Broton Jose Moreno Banner Forbutt Billy Maxim Be be 4 Belle DIRBY Hippodrome (St 4 Curley Jay Parisienne Models Pauls Raymond Geoffrey de Vers Sylvia Ross Syd Jackson Carol Durbin Dick Collins Danny Keen Syd Shields Doreen Laws St Denis 4 Beryl Kay Korti 4 Eugene ■ AST HAMPTON Metropolitan (I) 4 Bartlett 4 Ross Ford 4 Sheen Pierre Zampa Douglas Harris Kenne Lucas Les Morgan Luis Flores Les Deunes Eddie Nelmo Bennie Humphries Douglas Currie Bruce Calder Lloyd Chapnelle Eddie Morse Express Lovlies FINSBURY PARK Empire <M> 4 Flying Cromwells Dorothy Squires Harold Berena Hotloy 3 Caryll 4 Mundy Jovre Golding - A 4 L Wird 3 Atlanta* GLASGOW Impirs <Mt * Buster Keaton Betty King Georgie Wood Albert Whelan George Robey TAG Durante Charlie Kemble Peter Bernard Delmondi Empire Girls GRIMSBY , Palace (It 4 Joe Puynton Ben Dudley 3 Karen Lindsey Mile Jou-Jou Yasmin Flying Reno* 8 Girls HACKNEY Empire (S) 4 . Davy Kaye Hazel Wilson Earl 4 Oscar Les Femmes Montmartre V.vne 4 V-lantyne Homer 4 Hal Derek Dixon Slick Edwards Yvonne Jon de 1* Fnente Mile Josetta LEEDS Empire (M> 4 Richards Sis Texxic O’Shea Allen 4 Lee Jimmy James Co Roger Carne Billy Thorhurn Rene Pist A Naudy LEICESTER False# (Si 4 Dsn Young Wyn Henderson Len Childs 4 Motile I.ynton Beys Fred Sanford 1 Redheads BLACKPOOL Opera House (I) 1 BAB Bernard Vera Lynn Jack R't'icdffe Co Harry See mbe Co Erica Yorke Tower Circus (I) 4 Charlie Catroll 4 1 Smiths Kmes French Horses 0«nr Konyols Lions Ct Alexander Tp V.Oi. Julian 4 Pets Ernes Animals 4 Richsys 3 Lorandos Mars Tp Arrigonis 3 Hours JLmmv Scott Flying Constellation Little J mmy Annettes Circusetles W’nte* O-rden <h 4 . Norman Senor Carlos Canfield Smith 4 Snodgrass 12 Wh .e’ev Girls 4 Zio Angels Dari vs Dogs Joy Te-ttle Anna Mac Cyne.h L.scelles BOSCOM.BE Hippodrome (i) 4 Billy Wh itaker Mlmi Law BAT Clayton Phil I.ester Eric Marsh Gall Harvey Jack Lennard Gardiner f Baxter Hi Diddle Diddle Debs Terrys Juves BRADFORD Alhambra (M> 4 Skating Orlandos Lee Lawrence ivter Raynor P«*ter Sellers Frances Duncan Michael Benttne Clayton 4 w#rd 3 Olympics Henri Vadden Co BRIGHTON Hippodroms (Mt 4 Frankie Howerd Mary Naylor Arthur Richards Joy ’tea‘tie 3 Jckers Gret- t r’er 3 BRISTOL ■mplre (St 4 D 4 .1 O’Gorman Dudley Dale Co 3 Hicks pelin » Ballet F Harrison Co Hippodrome (Si 4 Max Wall Radio Revellers Semprini Dick J-mes Jack Watson Lester Shnrpe 4 iris Tune In Lovlies Jothia 4 Joan BRIXTON Emerest tit 4 Teddy Johnsoh S pike Mulligan erzmmn 4 Boros Elrdani Mabel Melrose Sis Will Detts Jones 4 Foas Syd Amoy Kazan 4 Katz CHELSEA Palace (It 4 {toggle Dennis bfi West -Felixio MfiM Maids Co Ato« Alan Chief Eagle Eye 4 tsa Continued from page S sJ from entering into partnerships with individual theatreowners. UPT recently shifted operating control of Atlanta’s Fox, ’Para- mount and Roxy theatres to the Wilby-Kincey circuit, headed by R. B. Wilby, a member of the board of directors of UPT and a former partner himself. Negotiations are now under way to dissolve the UPT-Wllliam K. Jenkins partner- ship in 25 theatres in Georgia. Either party has the right to buy or sell from the other partner. The Lucas sale, it was reported, was made to facilitate the ultimate breaking up of the three-way part- nership. A spokesman for the Lucas estate trustees stated that the sale would not affect operation of sub- urban theatres in Atlanta owned by Lucas 8c Jenkins. This company, which operates a string of nabe houses in this area, is owned by the estate of the late Arthur Lucas and William K. Jenkins. SHIPPIILO Empire (M) 4 Mighty Joe Young George Moon Kay Johnson Ernest Maxim NEW YORK CITY Birdtans Dizzy Gillespie Ore Slim Gaillard Hctd Hew Yorke* Bernie Cummins Cavanaughs Kevin O'Sullivan Mary Over Johnny Flanagan Gloria Dawn Blade Beeuties Netei R*o**«ett Mark Monte Ore Nocturnes Hetel SI. Regis Milt Shaw Ore Horace Diaz Ore Hetel Ststler Shop Fields Ore Netei reft Vincent Lopez i»r« Hetel Warwick Gloria El wood Latin Quart*. Juanita Hall Jack KUty Honey Bros. F Maszone Dcrs Gloria U Roy Les Pabios Can Can Dcrs Art Wanei or* Park Ave. Carole Hendrick Woody Morgan Dolores Penthouse Paul Tauhman Mirko Riviera Peter Lind Hayes 4 Mary Healy Blackburn Twins 4 Pam Cavan Sherry Stevens Nanci Crompton Clark Ranger Michael Terris Line Walter Nye (>rc Rene Touzel Ore Versailles Jay Marshall Delora Bueno Emile Pe»t« Orr Panrhttr Ore ViLage Bare Burt Hiiher Louise 4 Harris 1 Dick Shawn Dolph Traymon 3 Bobby Meyers Ore Village Vsngus r* Orson Bean Shoehana Damari Clarence William* Wlvel Ming Cbu Bob Lee Waldo rt a st sms Mlguehto Valdes O Hamilton Trio Alberta Hunter Eugene Fields 3 Chateau Madrid Manuel Astudlllo C a latino Ore Cepa cabana Harvey Stone Anne Shelton Clark Bros Jean Caples Ely sc Weber Bob Millar M Ouroo Ore F Alvarez Ore ll Chtce ttoxll* Mius Ramoncita 4 Leon Victoria Barcelo Isabel Campo Fernando Sirvent Rodrigues 4 Ramon Torres Ore ■ mbers Red Norvo 3 Bobby Hsckelt Ore Havana Madrid Bobby Escoto Roberto 4 Alicia Lola 4 Lita Tanya 4 Tondelayo Leon 4 tee** * Eddie Davis Larry Daniels Libby Dean Al DeUar 7 Carmen Montoya The Rogers Little Club Arms Warren urc No I Fifth Avs Downey 4 r onvtu* Hazel Webster Old Knfcft Paul Killlam Ernest Saracino Clara Cedrone Ole Roumanian Sadie Ranks Lou Seiler Irene Carroll Carol Ltnzer Joe LaPorte Ore O’Aquils Or* Park Sheraton Cy Coleman 3 Mlmi Warren Ernestine Holmes Hotel Ambassador tale* lands Ore Hetel Aster Sammy Kaye Ore Hefei Blltmere Ml sc ha Rarinsky O Hetst fatten Joel Shaw Ore tss Continued from page 3 1 which would eventually also be- come a television property. The balance of the stock sales proceeds will be used “in acquir- ing interest in and to partly finance the immediate production of two or more American pictures, the first of which will be entitled Tt's a Great Day’ (story of a blind man who recovers his eyesight) and the second to be a great American epic entitled ’Sitting Bull.' the latter to be filmed in Technicolor and to be taken in our great Northwest area of Montana, the Dakotas and Min- nesota." where the famous Indian chief actually held forth. 1^3 Continued from page 4 I AT&T to lease its facilities for the- atre relay “where otherwise legal." Marks said he wanted to stress the fact that the allocation of cable time Involves “the large public in- terest," that the 12,000,000 sets now in use provide approximately 50.000,000 people with access to video, and that “it would be a hard blow to these viewers to deprive them of network programs because of the allocation of any considerable portion of coaxial cable time for the purpose of boxoffice tele- vision/’ MIAMI-MIAMI BEACH tar ef Mu tit Bill Jordan David Elliott Christine Nelaon Van KM Harvay RrP Casablanca Lily Ann Carroll SUnlay-Bourher O Cortes Ore Celebrity Club Alan Gale Fred'iie Stewart Winn Seatoy U'.M;. K.*g Ore New Acts ANGEL Ventre • Mins. Roxy, N. Y. Angel Mignonelle (billed as Just Angel) is an eight-year-old girl ventriloquist whom booker Sammy Rauch spotted on the current Roxy bill on the strength of TV guest dates. In her first stage ap- pearance the moppet seems com- pletely at ease, works her two dummies proficiently and displays a patently professional technique that belies her age. In an exchange with one alter ego. named ‘Tiny," Angel • paces the dummy through crack impres- sions of Jimmy Durante and Frankie Laine, highlighted with the former's “Ink-a-doo" and Laine's “That*s My Desire." Fol- lows with some repartee with her other prop. “Susie," which she dresses up with the tunes, “If You Knew Susie" and “Gimme a Little Kiss." For New York and. other key TV cities Angel will have pfr-scld audiences. Elsewhere, however, she will encounter little difficulty in scoring with theatregoers, for her talent is self-evident. Child, hard- ly moves her lips and has a fine sense of timing. With careful coaching, she seems set for a promising career in any visual media. Gilb. THE DENVERS (2) Knife-Throwing 12 Mina. Bellevue Casino. Montreal Of the English music-hall cir- cuit. the Denvers are doing their first North American stint at the Bellevue Casino. Team should be a cinch for any visual medium on this side of the Atlantic. Male half of team makes entry in flashy western outfit doing a few rope tricks, with femme then doing some toe-tapping while also skipping rope. Team goes into knife - tossing, with the girl as target. Denver throws them straight for the first round; then he covers his partner with a sheet of paper and. blind- folded. he heaves six knives and two hatchets at this trusting blonde. Payoff are flaming hatch- ets, with the lights turned down for a boffo finish. Patter and intros are kept to a minimum, and plenty of razzle- dazzle maintains speed and effec- tiveness. Newt. LOPEZ TRIO Comedy Trapexe 6 Mins. Palace, N. Y. The Lopez Trio consists of catcher, straight and comic. Equip- ment is low-flying trapeze with a mat employed in lieu of net for the^ occasional drop-finishes. The straight tricks are nifty in themselves, but turn’s principal appeal is in the comedy flights, which are in the hilarious groove. The buffoon, dressed in high tints (sharp yellow jacket>, scores In a number of shenanigans, one of them being a leap over the land- ing pedestal into the wings. Also wins attention with trouser un- dress, developing the gag via trouble in setting things to rights. Passing leap finish showcases the act’s aerial virtuosity. A natural for TV. also for stages with suitable dimensions, espe- cially in the width. LINDA LEE JONES Songs 4 Mins. Palace, N. Y. This eight-year-old has teeveed on a number of top shows (Sullivan, Durante, Haley, Kate Smith). Biondish moppet, outAtted in pink, pipes in adult style, scoring with the only two numbers given her— “Great Big Beautiful Doll" and “Carolina.” Between tunes she goes off on a bit of tapping. Got a loud salvo at show caught (2), but while the kid Is a comer, there is no doubt that her age accounted for at least some isentimental mitting. Voice is exceptional for age bracket. She j backs it with good stage presence. FRAN DOW IE & CANDY KANE Comedy 14 Mins. Empire. Glasgow Fran Dowie, Canadian comic, lm- f tresses strongly with his noncha- ant comedy. With his wife and partner, blonde Candy Kane, he does a very amusing takeoff of a film cowboy to score strongly. The act is strong on novelty. Dowie spits flame toward the foot- lights. engages in western (argon and does a skit on film cowhands. Strong, fresh material points to future click in important spots. Cord. THE TROYANS (S) Balancing 7 Mins. Palace, N. Y. This trio (one femme), show- openers at this house. Is a good entry in the hand-to-hand line. Boys are suave and deliberate in manual gymnastics, splicing the turn with comedy byplay. Tricks are accomplished with ease. Flashy costumes dress the act. and gal enhances it via guitar and chirp of “Guadalajara" as duo runs through one group of slow lifts. Top piece is male’s leap over table to hands of partner. Above- par for general situations and TV. EDDIE LAWRENCE Tap Dancing 5 Mina. Palace. N. Y. Eddie Lawrence, spotted No. 2 on current Palace bill, U tech- nically authoritative in his tap tattoos. Lad has youth and en- thusiasm, bui cau improve his turn by relaxing a bit. His best efforts are whirls and pivots, completed handily to ears a nice mitting.