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Variety (August 15, 1951)

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MISCELLANY Predicts Old Nazi Regime WiD Gain Control of UFA Within One Year Bonn, Aug. 7. The men who once ran one of Nazi Germany's most important propaganda medium, the state- owned UFA film monopoly, are ex- pected to be back in control of western Germany’s new indepen- dent picture industry within one year or in less time, a western official predicted. He also said that this development will have the approval and backing of the Bonn government which stands on the platform of free economy. The official said that such develop- ments would result from the west- ern Allies’ handing over the UFA breakup program to the Germans. This action is expected during the coming months or before the end of the year. The liquidation of the UFA monopoly, decreed as Allied High Commission Law No. 32 one year ago. is in conformity with postwar Allied aims to smash the cartels and trusts set up under the Nazi regime. When the Allies’ Occupa- tion Statute was made in 1949. much of the trusi-busting program was relinquished, but among the few industries in which the Allies maintained their rights for decar- tellization (such as coal and steel). the UFA combine also was in- cluded. Soon after the Law 32 went into effect. German government circles expressed desire that the breakup program be handed over to them. Some of their draft laws, drawn up to this end, were rejected by the Allies. However, this official said, the latest draft, handed to the Allied High Commission in July, is almost certain to meet the Allies’ approval. This approval would also mean further concessions on part of the Allies. The present German draft, for instance, has provisions only for the barring from purchase of UFA property of such persons against whom denazi- fication sanctions are still in force With the denazification program a thing of the past, this would be practically meaningless. Law 32. on the other hand, ruled out all persons against whom denazifica- tion sanctions were in effect at any (Continued on page 18) TONY MARTIN SOCKO AT LONDON PALLADIUM London, Aug. 14. Tony Martin, opening at the Palladium yesterday (Mon.) scored with the audience in a manner which indicates he’ll pack this house during his two-week run. After registering with a half- hour song session, Marfin was joined by comedian Pinky Lee and put over a riotous love scene. Current stager is the biggest all- around bill of the season. In addi- tion to Martin, Lee made a solid dent on audience risibilities during his own spot The Mick Triplets, who played this house last season, were similarly successful, and Brit- ish impressionist Florence Des- mond made a heavy impact with a new range of mimicry. Jesse, James and Cornell, holding over, hit it off excellently. Current Palladium appearance is Martin’s third since the end of the war. Danny Kaye is the only other U. S. headliner to play the house three seasons since World War II. Palladium orch was batoned by Hal Borne. Lombardo May Quit Speedboat Racing Although orch leader Guy Lom- bardo copped his third National Sweepstakes title with his Tempo VI, at the Red Bank. N. J , speed- boat race Sunday (12>, it's doubt- i ful if he'll race again. According to a spokesman for Lombardo, the orch leader hasn't scheduled any , other races for this year and is : contemplating giving up this avo- j cation entirely. Lombardo won the national title irr 1946 and 1950. MRS. ROGERS' 'RED’ RAP JGETS LAVERY 30G BALM Hollywood, Aug. 14. A Superior Court jury awarded Emmet Lavery $30,000 damages in his $200,000 suit against Mrs. Lela Rogers and other defendants on ! grounds th*h remarks during a 1947 “Town Meeting of the Air” debate on ABC caused failure of his play, "Gentleman From I Athens.” Jury vote, after 12 hours’ de- liberation, was nine to three. Mrs. Rogers had contended her remarks on the program that the play was “Un-American and Communistic” were true. Among the defendants were writer Morrie Ryskind, pro- ducer Robert Arthur, writer Ayn Rand and the estates of James K. McGuiness and Sam Wood, who as- sisted Mrs. Rogers in her speech; Town Hall. Inc., and ABC. w 4 - Wfdnfdaft A«g—| 15, 1»5 | Radio Free Europe’s Crack Job Of Bolstering Red-Trapped Citizenry -♦ 0. State Fair Cancels Weavers on ‘Complaint’ Columbus, Aug. 14. The State Fair Board moved quickly last Friday (10) to order replacement of The Weavers, folk- singing quartet tfho had been scheduled to appear with Horace Heidt’s show at the Ohio State Fair. Aug. 24-31. The action was taken after Roger E. Sherwood, of Middletown, O., complained in a letter to Gov. Frank J. Lausche’s office that “there must be a lot of real American talent that would be available for this affair rather than The Weavers.” Sherwood also wrote a letter to the Columbus Dispatch, and in- cluded a copy of what he said were excerpts from Counterat- tack, a weekly newsletter publish- ing material about alleged un- Americanism. The excerpts charged that the Weavers at one time made recordings for “Peo- ples’ Songs,” which w r as cited in the California Committee on Un- American activities 1948 report as a left-wing front organization. Although no official statement was made, sources close to the fair said the board would not want to sponsor any act that was engaged in a controversy. A spokesman said there wasn't time to conduct an Investigation, and. rather than support any act about which there was the slight- est doubt, it would be better to eliminate it. BOB MORRIS During the past year he’s sung more songs and emceed more shows I on television than i v other pop j singer in the business. That covers i a lot of i**i »•.»».»*> uui *!•« record speaks for itself. We'd Uaf* to play it for you. Management PHIL EDWARDS 1C50 Broadway PLasa 7-2042 Sinatra 40G CBS Show to Combat Berle; 5-Yr. Pact It will )je Frank Sinatra against Milton Berle on television this fall. CBS-TV finally decided to take the big plunge this week, when it repaCted Sinatra to an exclusive five-year video deal and set plans to star him in a top-budgeted hour- fong comedy-variety show Tuesdays at 8—directly opposite Berle's “Texaco Star Theatre” on the rival NBC video web. Alter experiment- ing with several other types of shows during the last couple of seasons in an attempt to unseat Berle from his top spot on the ratings ladder, the web has con- cluded that only another top-name personality show can do the trick. Sinatra, who had an hour-long video show Saturday nights on CBS last season, half of which was sponsored by Bulova, will be given a much heftier budget to play around with on the projected rew seizes. While the specifics have not been finalized, it's expected the show will carry a weekly time- and-talent cost of $40,000. CBS has Just started to pitch the idea to prospective clients but will put it on the air In early October (Continued on page 18) 20th Hopes to Work Out - Compromise on Merman Ethel Merman’s demand * for $150,000 to repeat on Aim her Broadway hit role in "Call Me Madam” is stymieing 20th-Fox’s projected deal for screen 'rights. Studio has offered the musical star $ 100 , 000 . A compromise is expected to he worked out, however, via tunester Irving Berlin, librettists Russel Crousd and Howard Lindsay and producer Iceland Hayward. They have been demanding $300,000 from 20th for screen rights and may shade the price in order to give the studio leeway in meeting Miss Merman's demands. By DAVID SURECK LANZA AGAIN CAUSING DELAY IN METRO FILM Hollywood, Aug. 14. “Because You’re Mine,” Mario Lanza starrer, has been pushed hack to an Oct 15 start at Metro, and may be shelved indefinitely. First tentatively set for mid-July, film has been moved up a week or two at a time. Over the weekend the studio announced that the actor had requested and obtained a two- week postponement so he could en- gage In a rigorous training sched- ule to reduce his weight to around 180 pounds. He’s now around 200. Trouble connected with the film came to a head the week before last, when he neglected to show for recording sessions. Last week he- failed to appear for costume fit- tings. No reason was given the first time; last week he was listed Munich, Aug. io. That something new which hai been added to American prop* ganda abroad is showmanship Stuff beamed from Radio Free Europe in Munich and Frankfort hypoed with realism and U s know-how. hued wtyh localized sa- tire and humor, la scoring repeat- edly behind the Iron Curtain and starting Red ears to burn. Since RFE, technically, is not i Government network and conse- quently doesn’t have to abide by State Department policy or proto- col, the velvet glove is off, no holds are barred nor punches pulled in | this airwave word war. Operation is bankrolled by the Crusade for Freedom which gets money from Individuals, foundations and busi- ness concerns. Top brass includes Spyros Skouras, Darryl Zanuck and Cecil B. DeMIlle who are among the di- rectors of the National Committee for a Free Europe. Inc, that dreamed up RFE. Other big names In show business here and abroad carry out the operation. Object of all broadcasts is ta (Continued on page 18) as “ill.” Meanwhile, Doretta Morrow, here on 12-week leave from “King and I,” Broadway musical, to enact femme lead, has been sent back to N. Y. It’s reported the studio will try to renegotiate the actress’ con- tract to allow her to return when the pic ,1s made. % Subscription Order Form Enclosed find check for $ Please send VARIETY for years 8 15 To (Pleas* Print Name) Street City. . Zone ... State Regular Subscription Rafts On# Ye- -$10.00 Two Years—$11.00 Canada and Foreign—$1 Additional par Year t'&nTETr i«c. 154 West 4«* Street New Yerk It, N. Y. Prolific Jessel—When Has He Got Time to Make Talks and Plug Zannck? George Jessel. east on a quickie, returned to the Coast last night (Tues.), after the "David and Bath- sheba’* premiere at the Rivoli, N. Y.. via a Kansas City stopofl to see Henry King's company, on loca- tion there with "Wait Till the Sun Shines Nellie.” Jessel has com- pleted three pictures since the first of the year. “Meet Me After the Show” (Betty Grable). which opens today (Wed.) at the Roxy, N. Y., with Milton Berle; “Ann of the In- dies,” and “Golden Girl.” Besides “Nellie,” Jessel has an- other picture, ‘The I-Don’t-Care Girl” shooting, and four in prepa- I ration. “Care” is the Eva Tanguay i story. The four preparing are i "The Sol Hurok Story,” which may i be retitled “Impresario,” from his book of five years ago. It covers a longhair and ballerina cavalcade, and may also wind up with the title of “The Music Maker,” utilizing such Hurok concert and opera stars as Feodor Chaliapin, Artur Rubin- stein, Patrice Munsel, Alicia Mar- kova (in the Pavlova role), et al. Others in the Jessel hopper In- clude "Bloodhounds on Broadway,” a Damon Runyon story; “Music in the Air.” utilizing the Jerome Kern-Oscar Hammerstcin 2d title and songs, but not the story (a re- vival of this operetta, incidentally, is due for the Ziegfeld. N. Y.l, and “The President's Lady,” by Irving Stone, which he has asked the stu- dio to acquire. • I Here’s How They Stage A Wedding in Las Vegas Las Vegas, Aug. 14. In what was aptly described by many fourth-estaters here and from the Coast as a “carnival,’* 70- odd-year-old multi-millionaire gam- bler Tutor Scherer married 27-year- old, ex-El Rancho Vegas cocktail waitress. La Veeda Varley, July 30. Ceremony took place in the sun-room of gambler Fred Soly's rambling desert estate west of town with best man, Lieut. Gov. Clifford Jones, and Mrs. Henry Van Dyke of Bevhills, matron of honor. Simple “I-do.'s” contrasted enor- mously with the al fresco reception that followed which brought out 1.500 invitees plus another 1,000 crashers in an outlay that cost the groom an easy $25,000. All this moola did not include the $50,000 walnut-sized diamond and aquamarine necklace Scherer gave his bride, nor the $50,000 cas- tle now abuilding in Acapulco, Mex. This is the third marriage for the septuagenarian, and. ac- cording to an L. A. Examiner staff- er present. “Scherer’s 32-year-old daughter by a former marriage, Lolly Scherer, wept when she kissed her five-years-younger-step- mama.” The groom at one time had im- portant political affiliations in L. A* having guided the Mayor Shaw mayoralty intrenchment from behind scenes In association with Farmer Page, now part owner of the Pioneer Club here. One of their men, Guy McAfee, began as a simple member of the L. A. vice squad, but subsequently headed for Las Vegas and now owns con- trolling interest in the Golden Nugget. McAfee and associates were pres- ent at the reception along with all other bonifaces, syndicate gam- blers and their cohorts. Also In- cluded in the mushrooming invite list was the governor of Nevada, Charles Russell, various state offi- cials. county commissioners. Mayor C. D. Baker, and his commission- ers. From the workaday world— or workaday and night world—came (Continued on page 18) HAYES t HEALY, HORNE SET FOR THE WALDORF Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, N. Y, it mulling a return to the one-show nightly policy at the New Wedg- wood Room, slated to open Oct. 1. The single display format had been in effect at that hospice until last year, when Merriel Abbott, Hilton chain talent setter, took over the bookings lor that room and went in for a two-show nightly policy. Plan to rechristen the spot as the Empire Room still pends. Peter Lind Hayes & Mary Healy will preem the new room and Lena Home is slated to play the spot la November. She opeiy the Riviera, rt. Lee, N. J., Sept. 6. Hassle between Music Corp. of America and Miss Abbott resulted some months ago when Miss Ab- bott sought to buy Miss Horne for the Waldorf at $3,500. Deal couldn’t be worked out In view of the three-cornered bidding be- tween the hotel, Copacabana and the Riviera. Latter spot won out with a $10,000 bid. Miss Hornes deal is being worked out on a one- show nightly basis. WaldorTs summer talent opera- tion. the Starlight Roof, * 111 wind up Sept. 30 with the Va» n Mon- roe Orch and dancer J Ho’ way. They follow curr w i Miguelito Valdes band ai. Peter Hamilton Trio. Mary Martin Surprise Visitor To Andrews Sis Glasgow. Aug. 14. With top prices doubled, the Andrews Sisters opened to good business at the Empire Theatre here yesterday (Mon.). One of the surprises at the opening show was the appearance of Mary Martin, vacationing here prior to start of rehearsals for the London com- pany of “South Pacific.” Miss Mar- tin, who took a bow from her box, is slated to attend a gathering of Scot clans In Edinburgh on Sat* urday (18)'. The Andrews Sisters are playiM , the Empire on a percentage basis. ; Danny Kaye and Judy Garland previously played the house on that Kind of deal. Gleason’s $1,500 on Own TV Show, 7*/iG as Guester A sample of the TV buildup, and what the interchange of stars from a lesser video network into the television big league means In the way of salary, Is the $7,500 spread, as against the $1,500 whb»h Jackie Gleason normally gets on DuMonts “Cavalcade of Stars” program. When he goes on the “Colgate Comedy Hour” Sept. 2, over NHt. MCA’s John Greenhut has booked him at $7,500. That’* the figu* he also got several weeks ago when guesting on the Motorola show, also NBC-TV. Gleason’s second year back 0 his own DuMont show merely U P* him from $1,500 to $1,750 a a* 1 *