Variety (August 15, 1951)

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Wednesday, August 15, 1951 49 BET AIL DISK BEST SELLERS National Rating This Last wk. wk. Survey of retail disk best sellers, based on reports ob- tained from leading stores in 12 cities and showing com- parative sales rating for this and last week. Week Ending Aug. 11 ArtUt. Label. Title a ® 5 5 k till? M s cl l!?S Mil — 3 } < O C < I III SMI ails 111 ! « I ] T ill! tiff C S W * 3 4 6 ROSEMARY CLOONEY (Col) 1 1 "Come-on-A My House’*—39467.. 1 2 1 1 4.1 1.. 1 6.. ' TONY BENNETT (Columbia) 2 4 “Because of You”-^39362 3 1 .. 2 3 3 9 3.. 1 3 MARIO LANZA (Victor) 3 3 '‘Loveliest Nifht of Year**—10-3300 2 3 5 10 1 10 .. 9 5 4 1 TONY MARTIN"(Victor) 4 5* “1 Get Ideas**—20-4141A 5 6 3 4 6 4 4 6 .. .. 6 ^ NAT “KING** Cot* (Capitol) 5 2 “Too Young”—1449 4 .. 2 9 2 4 7 DINAHSIIORE (Victor) r 6 7 “Sweet Violets’*—20-4174A 7 .. .. 8 .. 5 2 .. 2 ... 2 FRANKIE LAINE (Columbia) 7 6 “Jesebel**—39367 8 4 4 .. 5 9 2 5 APRIL STEVENS (Victor) 8 A 9 “I’m in Love At a in”—20-3148A... 6 .. .. 3 8 10 8 DORIS DAY (Columbia) 8B 8 “Shanthai”—39423 10 7 * 8.. 7 6 5 G. MITCHELL-M. MILLER ( 9 8 “My Truly, Truly Fair”—39413 .. 9 .. 7 3 .. 8 10 .. TONY BENNETT (dolumbU) 10 .. “Cold, Cold Heart*’—39449 6 1 .. .. .. JANE TURZY TRIO (Decca) 11A 15 “Sweot Violets**—27668 8 .. 3 .. PATTI PAGE (Mercury) 11B 12 “Mr. and Mississippi**—5645 10 6 7 10 GEORGIA GIBBS 'Mercury) 11C .. “While You Danced—5681 7 4 WEAVERS (Decca) 1 ID 11 “On Top of Old Smoky**—27515 8 .. MARIO LANZA (Victor) 12A 10 “ Because”—10-3207A .♦ .. .. .. 2 .. .. PATTI PAGE (Mercury) 12B .. “Detour”—5682 2 .. _v.jV * - — — - - — - - WEAVERS (Decca) 13A .. “Kisses Sweeter Than Wine”—27670 9 .. .. 5 B W ILLIAMS QUARTET (M-G-M) 13B .. “Shanthai”-10998 3 .. .. KAY STARK (Capitol) 14 14 “Come-on-A My House”—1710 4 4 88 2 80 1 48 5 46 8 23 10 19 3 11 Disk Best Sellers by Companies (Based on Points Earned) No. of No. of Label Records Points Label Records Points Columbia 6 265 Mercury 3 31 Victor 5 193 Decca 3 3S Capitol 2 55 M G M 1 8 FIVE TOP ALBUMS 4 | 5 OUYS AND DOLLS VOICE Of XT ABA Y Breadway Catf v - Decca DA-825 9-203 DLP-8036 Ymo Sum o< Capitol CD-244 CC244 Lauds Deejays 1 — Continued from page 45 ssssl music and record sales as any one nngle factor. A Plus For the Publisher The existence of disk jockey programs helps publishers save time, money and effort. That's elementary economics. It used to t.<ke a big publisher 12-20 weeks of concentrated plugging to dis- cover if his song is a hit or a “dog.” Today you can find out in 3-6 Neeles. A big publisher, working on a song for four or five months used to charge $40,000 to $60,000 overhead against that song during a four month period. By cutting down the time element you cut down the investment necessary. *Yhe longer you work on a hit. song the Smaller is the net profit.. Years ago “the No. 1 plug song” , AV »s* the spearhead of every pub- lisher’s campaign. There’s no such thing today in reality. That tag ^Nists only in the imagination. 1‘oblishers a long time ago have «ome lo realize that you can’t force ** song no matter how much money, time and effort you put into It. And why force upon the public J^mething they don’t want. Isn’t it netter to give listeners, buyers the product they do want? It has be* come the responsibility of the pub- lisher to find the material people want to hear, sing and play rather than dictate the songs the publisher would want the public to buy or play or sing. The disk jockey programs have made possible 'round the clock, 24-hour-a-day plugging of songs. Years ago most of the available time devoted to music'on network programs was between the hours of 7 p m. and 1 a.m.—6 hours. Morning programs, for the most part were cooking hints, shopping chatter, fashion notes, etc.; after- noon show’s were strictly soap opera presentation. Today, the potential music and record buyer has a choice of three to six stations in his area—many more in larger cities—on which he can hear the new releases, the new hits, the best sellers anytime he wants to hear music. The disk jockey is the good-will ambassador of every music and record shop in every locale of the country. He accomplishes what no sales force could possibly hope to achieve and that is Lhis: the disk jockey brings into homes a daily sampling of new songs, new rec- ords, new artists, new hits. If he misses you at 10 he’ll get you by one o’clock; if you work days and can’t get Ur the record shops, the disk jockey keeps the “listening booth” open 24 hours a day. Not only has the disk jockey stimulated greater interest in music and rec- ords. but he U helping sustain that interest to a point when^tl* ye* ord music sales—collectively—are attaining enormous proportions. In most areas there are one or two disk jockeys whose Hooper Rating in his area is greater than the Hooper in the same area of competing network shows. Certain- ly this has value for song perform- ances. Lorry Raine Pacted By Coral Records Singer Lorry Raine, who exited London Records recently, has been 1 inked to a long-term pact by Coral Records. Decca subsid. Deal also ! included the acquisition of eight masters made by Tim Gayle, Miss Raine’s husband-manager. Her initial Coral release is set for next month. * j San Antonio’s New Coin San Antonio. Aug. 14. Local mtery operators claim a large number of “outside interests” are moving in on the local cocktail lounge biz. With the Cork Room and several other spots opening up. local bis- troists reason that the “furriners” have decided that Sap Antonio’s pleasure-loving citizens are ready for the classier type of operation. Orch leader Elliot Lawrence re- newed his pact with the Associated Booking Corp. last week. Renewal ruoa for another year. FRED WARING AND HIS PENNSYLVANIANS play SONGS FROM Walt DIsn E Ys in Wonderland Children's Set CUS-22—Twe 10-inch 7B RPM DeccaIHe* Recard*—Prica $2.25 Children'* Set 2-120— Twa 45 RPM Unbreakable Recard*—Price $1.40 ’OMtellW: UnfcrtakakU Under Narnal Uu. The Poet of the Piano CAVALLARO a and His Orchestra DEEP NIGHT and IT’S ALL IN THE GAME Decca 27735 (7R RPM) end 4-27725 (45 RPM) ELLA FITZGERALD Sings A Smash! SMOOTH SAILING and LOVE YOU MADLY D>«. >7441 (74 RPM) «»d 4-17441 (4S RPM) © BtW. ^America's Fastest ^Selling-Records!