Variety (September 05, 1951)

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UADIO- Murray Bolen l* coming back to Hollywood to rein two radio shows— , ^=a o " ; 4 “Father Knows Best" and “Railroad Hour'*—for Benton & Bowles. He U ■ * ■ qc r il H I _ a* 1.. „ , | succeeds Fran van Harteafeld. who wants to write and freelance fl3rlV0TQ I 1311. hrnm thP Y rnnliriion laPImM " Jack Rabin and Jerry Brewer, who scrip* “You Cant Take It With ' . B „ | 1 IUUI Ulv 1 1 UUUvUvII VvlIUvO o You.” are credited with the best comedy scripts of the summer and one ! ■» ■ Cantinnee from past M s ■■ J o of the big reasons why the show is being held over into season by NBC wor w «o DroV e his work or state* ♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦♦ Harry Malzllsh is taking his sabbatical in the old home town of ™ ‘ p - Boston Tom O’Neill due out next week to relieve Willet Brown. ... . f\ NEW YORK CITY . . . Don Lee prez, for a long-overdue vacation : . Arnold Marquis is pack- Martin claims his plan, which . .. v . aging Cliff Arquette as emcee of a co-op audience participation show, went into effect on Sept. S, is a O-Neil. Uirson & McMahon. Chi Money, is opemn* a New York . . savior for the .mall indies, .uch branch on Madison ave. . . Bill Lawrence, former vocalist on Arthur /jy CHICAGO ... n >. as his own. Godfrey shows ^ek in N. Y Vllma Kurrr. Viennese actress work- Bj|lke| Mon%r cha i rmnn of Northwestern's school of journalism radio Campaign is also aimed at new ing for State Dept, radio amt ( US Kings Row .. . Julie Bennett into division, is the new chairman of the Council of Radio Journalism. He j types of clients, those .who haven t CBS' “Young Dr. Malone” and NBC's “Counterspy” tomorrow <Thdrs.> succeeds Floyd K. Baskette, University of Colorado journalism prof D ,e ether because they don t WMGM's Ted Brown, .Marty Gllokmen and Bert Lee, Jr., have F.mie Simon takes over next Tuesday <11» as solo hotd on WMAQ’s have the proper selling approach been added to the Broadway team that will meet a Hollywood softball late-evening “Chez Show.” He replaces Pat .Murphy aod Maggie Daly , or s^tup in certain areas. Smaller squad at the United Cerebral Palsy Fund benefit at the Polo Grounds , . WGN-TV’s “Top Tunes With Trendler” returns to its Thursday | companies, with no budget for •ell- t<>morrow <Thurs.) Other participants include Eddie Cantor. Dagmar, night berth this week with Peggy Taylor and BUI Snary in as regular M*** campaigns, should bite on this Fred Allen. Gus Lesnevich, Jack Eigen, tin* Falkenburg. Kitty Kallen, vocalists *. Don McNeill resumes toastmasfering .duties on^-ABC's..*>'PC of promotion, he feel».v fc4 i Denise Darrel. Carmel Myers. Margaret Whiting, Peggy Lee and Wendy “Breakfast Club” Monday <1U> after an eight-week hiatus .. Jimmy Barrie Guy Wallace, WFDR program manager, has resigned to join McConnell, grandson of WLS program director Harold Salford, made IDdio Free Europe as executive producer; no replacement set yet his radio debut on station's Boh Atelier show last week. Tyro is 14 I C**ft4 I oLa Wednesday, September 5, 1951 ments. Martin claims his plan, which Basket Mosse, chairman of Northwestern's school of journalism radio as his own. . . * Campaign is also aimed at new Radio Free Europe as executive producer; no replacement set yet his radio debut on station's Boh Atelier show last week.. Tyro is 14. I DoHlA W illiam B. Templeton has joined Sherman $ Marquette as AM-TV dlrec- months old . W3BM documentary producer Skee Wolff and frau va- dull LdnC liuUlU tor; he had been with Kudrter as AM-TV production manager and di- rationing in Indiana . Otto Breminers has been upped to assistant frftm n A v , „ ' l| reeled the Milton Berle tele show C. H. Cottington. for past eight promotion manager for WMAQ and WNRQ. Chi NBC stations. Grant 1 " ™ years^AM-TV veepee of Erwin. Wasey agency, has resigned Vlc'or Kriksieck and Patt Kimmick have been added to John Keyes’ promo- Highways." with Peggy Tangren, to Zrmbruski. who airs Polish shows on several New England outlets, has tion crew'... Maryjane IMchman, WON ahief Frink Schrieber’s gal s | a ,t Sept. 0. at 9:45 a, m. will added a “Polish Eagles” stanza on VV'IBX, Utica. Saturdays at 5:30 p.m. Friday, is new prexy of fhe women's division of the Tribune bowling ... * « , inciftMi Bennett Korn. WNEW account exec, married recently in London to league ...“Dirk Till Dawn” ditty has been clefted by Georgie Weiss 11,1 lMe t l uesi,on » DUl miiaem* Jtloura Lympany, top British concert/pianist, who makes a N. Y. Town and Benny Benjamin for Dirk Courtnea^'s post-midnight WMAQ disk *Hy to the general subject of rais- Hall appearance in October and leaves for a tour of 30 concerts in session of the same name. Ralph Flanagan may record .. Fran Rielly. 1 ing a moppet. European countries Carlton Fredericks, WMGM nutrition expert. Walt Sehwimmer Productions flack, in X. Y. on biz .. Rise Stevens of the nutlets sav thev JHoura Lympany, top British concert,pianist who makes a N. Y. Town and Benny Benjamin for Dirk Courtnea^'s post-midnight WMAQ disk to 8<*neral subject or rais- H ;• 11 appearance in October and leaves for a tour of 30 concerts in session of the same name. Ralph Flanagan may record... Fran Rielly. 'ing a moppet. European countries Carlton Fredericks, WMGM nutrition expert. Walt Sehwimmer Productions flack, in N, Y. on biz .. Rise Stevens Several of the outlets say they will have his tome. “Eat. Live and Be Merry,” published by Paxton- set to guest on WGN’j Northerners airer Nov. 6 with Lauritz Melchior are tajking about some construc- Slade tomorrow <Thurs.) Mother of Wauhillau La Hay, N. W. Ayer coming in Dec. 4 . Sun-Times columnist Irv Kupcinet back this week tj V e programming, but the only one publicist, died Sunday in Muskogee. Okia , at the age of 86 Pvt. on WBBM with his nightly “Kup’s Column of the Air.” actually set to be aired is being publicist, died Sunday in Muskogee. Okia., at the age of 86 Pvt. Danny Schwarts. ex-MBS press, now in Anchorage, Alaska . . On Sept. 17 ABC newscaster Taylor Grant starts a five-minute new? strip at 7 p.m., preceding his.“Headline Edition” Hobart Donovan, Coast radio writer and producer, is recuperating in Roosevelt Hospital. N. Y,. from a broken back suffered in an accident in New York last week. He’ll be hospitalized several months. Donovan was standing on a small balconv outside the apartment of a friend when the supports gave way and pitched him into a yard several stories below, /V HOLLYWOOD ... on wtstSM wiin ms nigntiy hups column oi me Air. actually set to be aired is being ' M handled by Hal Zogg, KUTA disk i jock. Zogg's 250-member Music KSTP Bares Dope Peddling ! meet twice monthly and give teen- ^ agers a chance to hear hot music. Continued from pace 37 Group has brought in several mu- pers. Included in its reports were, witness interview type for radio f* ca * combinations. a!>d is arrang- tape recordings and sound filmland has several hundred feet of Ldk* by members of ine shots of the doctors and the mother sound film. A4»out 60 interviews Symphonj. and stills of the dead youth, along and portions thereof were taped.! Zogg plans to present the juve- • \ —’ I r - ' C ' L k> /JCII I V'117/J/in shots of the doctors and the mother sound film. Aliout 60 interviews sympnoo.y. fit fyfv f n \F\fi9 * • • an( l s tiUs of the dead youth, along and portions thereof were taped. Zogg plans to present the juve- John Hurley exited KHJ. where he was program manager, to join up with photostat;; of the death cer-, It ha;* used many stills on TV and nile delinquency problem to his with a TV’ f m sheet Joe Bines pulled out for the east, with business tificate. coroner’s report, etc.,! brought to the mike many promt- club at next meeting, and arrange stops in N. Y., and social calls at Boston “Beulah” is still being backed with telephone recordings nent officials and other persons for selected members to appear on dogged by the jinx. Marlin Hurt, who originated the role, and Ken of the conversations in connection figuring in the story. Station feels his Sunday night sessions w’ith Dolan, who owmed and packaged, have passed on and now Hattie with the findings. j that it tinajiced the public informa- their opinions on what causes the McDaniel, the radio and TV “Beulah." has been laid low by an ailment The Los Angeles Examiner also tion end 3T the investigation which trouble, and where the solution which will keep her off the two shows for four months. Luckily A1 cooperated with KSTP. and KNBH now awaits FBI, grand jury and cor- lies. His approach of going to Kabaker of Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample taped shows in advance through : is now “sitting The Los Angeles Examiner also * tion end <SF the investigation which trouble, and where tin operated with KSTP. and KNBH now awaits FBI. grand jury and cor- lies. His approach of on the story to oner findings. Minneapolis news- tho>e involved, rather than to po- Nov. 9 Likely that Louise Beavers will fill in until McDaniel gets back guarantee a simultaneous release, papers gave KSTP full credit when lice, educators, and social workers Jack Paar made one guest shot with Jimmy Melton on TV and KSTP and KSTP-TV have made using its news reports. should arouse interest, by virtue of within a week got radio offers from Toni and Cannon Towel ... use of 40 tape recordings of the St. Cloud affair is not a KSTP its novelty if nothing el^e. Thanks, BILL MILLER, for the honor of playing your beautiful cafe. Thanks, Walter Nye and Orchestra; ‘ j- Seth Babits; Mr. Bonardi; The backstage crew and everybody at the Riviera RALPH CURTIS Now Completing 2 BIG WEEKS BILL MILLER S RIVIERA j “flash in the pan.” Station pie- With a whole town up in arms viouslv had dug up other crime over a situation, radio has had a news beats and led a hunt for three golden opportunity to prove what men in .salved i.i the killing of a it can do, but whether because of policeman, following the trio commercial commitments, lacks of through five states and getting appreciation of the potential, or credit for the eventual confession disinterest, the chance has been of one of the fugitives after his muffed so far. captnre. • — — Hubbard always has taken an | 0e MAN in DeMANd | j deputy sheriff “on the side’* and is well known among the area's law enforcement officers. U. of P. (untimird from pace 3? — And thanks, to the Press, for these wonderful notices: “Terrific tenor."—F.AKL WILSON, New York Post. “Brilliant youns tenor . . . Voice glows like a stream of liquid silver . . . His ’Vest! la Giubba' is a smash.’’ —LEE MORTIMER, Daily Mirror. “Curtis . . . showed a powerful tenor volee of considerable quality •and exceptional range ... No doubt Curtis is a hit . . . His fancy sing- ing Into various registers com- pletely caught the audience. It applauded Curtis long and loudly'.’’ . . . RILL SMITH. The Billboard. “IDs jt .iromlsing tenor. Can h\i high notes with ease. There's an Publicity: MARVIN KOMN unusual degree of lyricism and vigor In his pipes, and he has care- fully tailored arrangements.'-^ JOE COIIEN. Variety. “Curtis due to be heard from . • • Has fine tenor voice; knows what to do with It." —RUBE DOKIN. Morning Telegraph. “Wowing them at the Riviera.”-— PATRICIA EVERS, World Tfle- gram-Sun. “Curtis, young romantic singing sensation.'*—SHOW BUSINESS. “A natural for TV and pictures.”— PAUL DENIS. Personal Management: ETHEL BURNS Hotel !*lloclairo New YerA, N. Y. blackout on both collegiate and professional football. WCAU has secured the broadcast rights to the complete schedules of both the • Univ. of Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia Eagies this season. \ In addition to all 16 exhibition ( and league games for the pro grid- ; dors, nine Ivy League contests will be aired by WCAU. plus four reg- ular weekly football programs— “Grantland Rice Show.” “Kickoff Time.” “CBS Football Roundup” J| and “Football Final.” The comprehensive schedule of game broadcasts and football fea- tures was announced yesterday i3> by Joseph T. Connolly, v p. in charge of radio for the WCAU sia-I fions; but the station has already J carried three of the Eagles exhi- bitions contests—Pittsburgh Steel-* ers. at Hershey, Pa., Aug. IR; De- troit Lions, Aug 27. and Los An- geles Rams, at Little Rock, Ark.. Sept. 1. Bill Scars will handle the play- by-play for all Eagles games, j Byron Saam will handle the play- by-play for the Penn games, with i Bill Campbell, WCAU sports di- rector. doing the color and the com- mercials The new season marks the 20lh consecutive year the Penn games have been hejird , on WCAU. and the games will be sponsored by the Atlantic Refining Co., through N. W. Ayer. 1 Columbus—Sally Flowers. WLW- 1 C entertainer here, marked her i i 500th telec ast of “Meetin’ Time at Moore’s” last Friday <31). Pro- gram debuted Oct. 3. 1949, as a 15-minute, five-a-week affair but , a month later was boosted to half- {hour, cross-the-board. In May, 1950. “Mee.tln’ Time” svas piped to J WLWD. Dayton, on the Crosley : three-city network, and Is the oniy I TV program here regularly hitting I a two-city audience. MERRILL E. JOELS Acter-Annotiiic«r-Narrater Radio • TV • Stag# Commercials • Spots Slid# Films - Kiddio Discs Trick Voicat PLAZA 7-0700 FOR SALE COUNTRY HOME 3S Mlavte* from Midtown, N. Y. Thit Oli|fiHvl Horn* It *n ■ 4 «cr« Ur4k<n* eUt with Itwirlni ♦rni, Irult Irm thrum A *r#ek; H*wm contain*: contor hall, llv. room, «lin. room, kltcHon, laundry, 1 icroonod porchot, 4 bod room*. both*. A 'looping porch! i cor garago, workshop with small gr o o nho uso, tIMM . GEO. R. MEADOWS CLootor I Mil