Variety (September 05, 1951)

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VARIETY BILLS CHICAGO louut, N. Y. Malone, who had a fea spot on the “Broadway Opei " TV show last season, naj TAP Rodriquez M Abbott Den (S> Eddie O'Neal Ore ItfMwaNr ImcH Xavier Cufal Ore Abbe Lane Hotel Stevens Scarecrows <3> Romayne A Brent Jo Be mum Ellina r Jerry Mapes Jack Raffleer Harper Flaherty Bob Fitzgerald Buddy Rust OUe Clarks Doulevar Dears (4> Mariana Fitzgerald Scottee Marsh Orrln Tucker Ore Blackhawfc Norma Lou Docgett Hope Zee Ray Arnett Connie Banter Ken Remo Bobo Lewis A Bobby Barry Joel Friend Henry Brandon Ore Cbm Faroe RUly Daniels Jackie Miles Doris Ruby Arden Fletcher Dcrs till Puncho Ore t4> Cee Davidson O <8' Palmer House Mary McCarty Paul Sydell House Ml been around for some time in niteries, but has not been docu- mented in New Acts OUe Bolivar Du L ima .Trial Reyes Kl Gringo CLARKSBURG LIVIRFOOL Imp ire <M> S Jewell A Warring Benson Du lay Co Bentley Sis Fay Lenore Rene Strange Bertie Hare Jacqueline Dunbar So American Lovlies LONDON Palladium <M> I Jack Carson Honey Bros Marion Colby Tommy Wells Deep River Boys Christine A "Moll CPfTord S;ant»n Rosinas l'a ! la(Ji'im Girls Skvr rke s Ore Mb.itiiori MANCHESTER Hippoorome (Si 3 Sugar Chile Robinson Down* A Kane Les Danidlys t'.'antes 1'uni an Chris Santis Harry Denet lln-hard* Sis NOTTINGHAM Smptre (Mi 3 3 Coronets Sam Costa Alex James A Irene Nitwits 2 Colombus Beryl Orde Finlay Bros 7 Volants PORTSMOUTH Royal (Ml 3 Vic Gordon Peter Colville George Neaton Patricia A Colin Irving A Gird wood Singing Barnstormers Roy Lees Joyce Wclby Sherman Fisher GIs Piccadilly Nudes SHEFFIELD Empire <M> 3 Rhoden A l.ane Dorothy Neal NSW YORK CITY Music Hall (I) 4 Marilyn Muryhy Senor Cortes • BAG Lambert BetUna Rokay Patricia Dry lie Biunhiida Roque Corps de Ballet Eric Hutson Kockettea bym Orth Palace (R) 4 Fontaines Nicola Pa one 3 Ruddies 1.AM Ross D envers Aibentre Bobby Shields Benny Merc If (2 to fill) Paramount (Pi S Jan Murray Toni Arden Rav Mrlo*'c Pryde A Day ElltoH Lawrence O fony (I) S Frank Fontaine llarmon'rats Norwood Smith Carol Lynne Arnold Sheds John W.vlsli CHICAGO Chicaqo (Pi 7 Meribelh Old Pitchmen Romo Vincent <1 to fill) Oriental (II 4 Xavier Cugat Orrh Abbe Lane Paul Newington Tommy Dee J A A Grant Samson A Delilah John Guest Caroline A Richards SHIPHIRDS BUSH Inspire <S> S Nat Mills A Bobbie Cali Gall Ken Morris Cactus Kids Chevalier Bros Curzon 3 MAM Mills Flying Comets SUNDERLAND Empire (M) 3 George Robey Hetty King George Woods Shaun Glenville Albert Whelan PAM Honri Peter Bernard . ack Kdge >rrv Rich A Eva Larry Gordon Girls WALTHAMSTOW Palace <l> 3 Jack North Pal Stoyle West way Wonder Girls Meltones Pantomanocas Eugene A Sheila 3 Diachords BUI Lodge Shiela Hawthorn Patricia WOLVER- HAMPTON Hippodrome (I) 3 Johnny Lockwood Crochet Stevano Hal Gillion Teller Girls Mary O’Neil Beryl Ranscme WOOD GREEN Empire <•> 3 S Browne Singers Jane Harry Tate Jr Fred Colting Joan Rhodes Jack Anton Fe Jover A Jack Del Monico Dcrs He has one —“Remember,** “Ragtime Band," of the top terping routines in the "Always," “Easter Parade," “White business. Xmas and “Blue Skies”—for a Malone has furbished his thrn fine score, with several striking numbers Goes into “Too Young’* for an which register with an impact* that even bigger mitting. Her finish* goes way beyond the usual terp- ing “Come On-a My House” is ing act. His material shows the poor*, hut not in the niche of pre- type tf imagination which has ceding efforts. Trau. made him a sock staple on video j and s MTvJhing refreshing on the- , the CAR1BBEANS (3) M » ! Dance V ou,v opens with a “Vagabond € Mins. S*^ jes” number, neatly interspers- Palace, N. Y. ing comedy patter among his The Caribbeans (two males, one steps. He builds strongly nth his1 femmei are a flashy trio with a “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and! good stock of tropic-terp mate- Write Myself a Letter’’ item, in rial. which he does an impression of a Teeing-off Afro-Cuban item is a typist at work via his tap-terping. sizzler. Follow with a fast treat- He caps his turn with the “Dr. roent of spook-tuned hoofing that Jekyil and Mr. Hyde’’ routine in shows disciplined abandon, and which he dons a mask and reels finale with w'hat seems like ad- madly over the stage and then mixture of Jungle and modern down the center aisle. He clicks terpery. Well received, all the way. Herm. A natural for general niteries and TV as well as vauders. MARY HATCHER Trail. ■Hi <W> • Only Asylum of Horrors CLEVELAND Palace <R> 4 Spike Jcnes Show MIAMI Olympia <P> S Tenner A Betty Minds I .an* Jimmy Jtinr e Co Sandv the Seal Al Mor'i>n PARKF*»«BURO W Va Sm-j-t (W> 7 Only Asvlum oT Horrors PHILADELPHIA E'f:e <w> 4 Joe Thomas Ore U1 Green Koxx A White Errol C rncr 3 Wynon e Hrnrts WASHINGTON Capitol 1 L 4 Lewis A Van Eddie Mms.'n Arlene Dahl Herbert ^ Saxon Howard (l> 7 Johnnv Hodges Ore Tiny Grimes Swallows Earl Williams Edwards Sit Little Joe Herman Hyde A Myrtle LOS ANGELES June Edwards Hal Derwin Ore Clre’e- • Pearl Bailey Dick Stabile Ore Dante Varela Ore Mocambo Chu.v Reyes Latin-Aires Ambassador Hotol Frankie Carle Ore Larry White oan House I’egRy Barrett Evelyn Farney Biltmore Hotel Harrison A Fisher Marjorie Garretison I - Continued from pec* 1 ” - * been no interference with U. S. players in British pictures, at least after they had started actual work. Songs In the Stack instance the official It Mins, explanation was that “a case had < yy b '®“ not been made out" for the actor, big tim< That has left trade circles as puz- Fe zled as before, since other Ameri- doesn't** cans now making British films, in- her foui eluding Linda THE DEL MARS (2) Aero 7 Mint. Palace. N. Y. This is an unusual turn special- izing in slow, hand-to-hand pos- tures and lithe equilibristics per- formed with souffle lightness. The delicate, ouasi-humorous treat- ment is enhanced in the middle portion by. an assist from the pit’s trumpet and saxes during duo's gymnastic excursions. Their salvo finish has the boy holding both feet of the girl in one hand aloft. The femme is small, dainty and pretty; her mate is a short, good-looking blond with lots* muscle and grace. A top novelty act: Trau. AUSTRALIA Pepito Carvunv Bros Tipsy A Brow Evy A Evert o Bibs M.vrkinnon Moira Claux Les Ritchie Horne Dirgif 4 Celebrity Sinkers 6 I cs Models Lei Tivoli BaiM * SYDNEY Tivoli III 1 Ann inti Perren Marion Davies Trio Faves Devine A Kins Gerd Bjornstad Chribl Marika Saary Philip Tappin Wim de Joint Jacques Cartaux Junmv Elder Joe Whitehouse Cissy Trenholm Terry Scanlon AUCKLAND His Majesty's (•» S Joyce Graeme Alison Lee Lynne Goldin* Henry D-nton Rex Reid Leon Kellaway Corps de Ballet BRISBANE His Mtiesty's (I) S Wally Boa* G iJ* Brox A *fvrna Mtrquis A Family } Skatin* Merenos Bean • sazova Fan Yiie Jen Tp Detroy Ann Donald Celebrity Singers Tivoli Ballet MELBOURNE Tivoli (I) 1 Jon Perlwee Alan Clive 8 Los Trianas Darnell. George appear to be a mistake since Miss „ . .. .. . Hatcher sings her three pop tunes Brent, Marguerite Chapman. Zach- ratber lackadaisically. She tackles ary Scott and Mischa Auer, have the standards—“Let’s Fall in not been affected. |L?ve/’ 'Jealous" and -I've Got ^ , ... | the World on a String —with too Trade circles are speculating on appreciation of the words, the possibility of a connection he- seeming to concentrate strictly on tween the Stack incident and last j the rhythm. s controversy between Eouity 1 Act (dtliers steam when the four weeks conirovers> oeiween e. M u y boys her in ..j Dont Care lf and American actress Barbara the Sun Don’t shine’’ and “I Can’t Perry. The latter dispute was set- | Believe That You’re in Ix>ve with tied yesterday iMon.t with Miss Me.“ They also do a difficult a I , i capella routine, sans orchestra, on Perry s joining the union, but only “Over the Rainbow," but the very after producer Eric Maschwitz lv»d lack of musical background de- agreed to pay her initiation fee trom the trick, rather than * v 3 pointi 4 g It up. This sort of close and dues. harmony is better for concerts British Union Setup <han for bistros Quintet closes okay with Buttons and Bows. Previously, the actress’ holdout and with full orchestra. Kids had threatened to prevent the West could use some special material. Ei\d opening of a new musical, “Zip Goes a Million.” The situa- ======= ^ = ^ ==== ^ ===== tion stems from the curious rela- a ■■ || tionship between performer unions |I|(||PC HJI in England. Miss Perry joined the : iiwivm Variety Artists Federation for a - - -■■■ Continued l previous vaude engagement in ._ „ .. . London, and claimed that that Roseanna McCoy 1949, but should make it unnecessary’for her tending more towaru the latter to join British Equity. ,han the formcr ' Unlike the situation in the U. S.. Also something of a special ease there is no affiliation between the . ar ? ,he t ', u “' k ' e makers who turn British performer unions In fact. Wn irnl there is ronstanl friction, occa- o° m P- 1nle s, They ha n t been able sionally breaking into open dissen-: ‘° cut n, “ c , h ' slnr , e they n ? v *f si.m, as about two years ago. when '" e "«“*** ,0 ru " h « h .he Variety Artists Federation :r a U '*matu r m rf 0 fTre^cS sought to take over jurisdiction as . a 1 ,' are , spe J?” over chorus members in lecil a bit m0,e ,han f o rm <-‘rIy. That s shows. However, the move was ‘""f 10 " succpssfullv resisted hv Fomtv has P ushed W P tlu ’ ,r haslt ’ lrre - u , • . h . inrieHirtinn 'm t ^ nit- ducible expenditures, but more so uhich has Jurisdiction not only b a shorter runs on maior over all legit but also films radio. b r(;d h ./ vo crcated „ dt , mand OI . television, toilet, opera and con- { J nore p!X thal tl3s 8lven thom in . rir . ,u lv fi'uK cx,ept \auditi i cr ,. ase( j ,,-iarket opportunities and and night clubs. thus |he posslbimv of morc rom The question of British Equity for octter product, membership was not an issue in the Princ ipally affected bv the reap- case o two other American play- praisal of bu( , ge ting are the mid- ers in Zip Goes a Million. Gloria ( „ 0 . 0 f. the . road in dies-those who Lane had joined the union during ordinarily tlirn to United Artists pf )5 n ^ en 1 1 V, nt !5* ason in for release. They were the ones. The Consul and Ward Donovan. ( hardest hit b shrinking theatre 1 not previously a member o either , gr08se8> so have been the ^ nes find . I Equity or AF, has joined the for- j n g ^ most necessary to base costs mer for tins appearance. on realistic p r0S pects. | Under the Britislf Equity rules. While u is difficult to stHke a . \sfiin TV •finSTSLi a * es in the fie,d ’ a sound guess is legit, films radio, TV ballet, opt ra tbat currrn t budgets on UA prod- nf n| he »f must be J nom ^ )ers uct are running one-third of what of the organization after they have tbpy werc fivp years agQ and one . iurv for entry by the Min- bajf of tbree years ag0 j n tbe waf- , ofi OF - J hey P . a> \i the re ? U I time heyday they were probahjy , jar lnl,ia,lon f ee and dues but averaging around $1,200,000. When 1 l H e ffi! a flock of P roduc ^rs got nicked on ’ h Equity nu*ml>ership to adopt the , f ba t basis, they came down to ES r tU , P as n the U' . s * wher , e ! ab °nt $700.000-$800.000. And now . glish players must Join Ameri- ; | be average Is more likely about can Equity and pay 5% of their $400,000. salaries. T bc deC |j ne bas h^en made pos- In the present Instance, British sible by shearing all frills and cut- Equity had ordered its members ting overhead to the bone. Gone are not to appear in “Zip" unless Miss the fancy offices, excessive pub- Perry joined the organisation. It licity expenditures before the pic remains to be seen whether the got to the point where it counted. Stack incident leads to further and the general big-time Charlie action against American players attitudes. htre * , , , More important, however, have • J - 9 I 9 l 1 • * . • GILLETTE Sc RICHARDS Comedy 8 Mins. Palace. N. Y. This duo is in need of a rou- tine. Material has no special char- acter and manner of presentation Is dull. Male's patter introing femme’s buffoonery is worn and badly timed. The gal Is lively—and that’s about the best that can b« said of this turn. Trau. NEW YORK CITY BirdUnd Arnett Cobb Ore Roy Eldridge Ore Lennit- TrittLino Son Soir Alberta Hunter Eugene Fields 3 Chateau Madrid Manuel Astudillo Catalino Orr Copacabana Harvey Stone Anne Shelton Clark Bros Jean Csples El.vse Weber Bob Millar m Durso Ore F Alvarez Ore El Chico Rosita Rioa Rainonchita A Leon Vh toria Ban elo Isabel Campo Fernando Sirvent Rodriguez 4 Ramon Torres Ore Embers Red Norvo 3 Bobby Harkett Ore Havana-Madrid Bobby Escoto Roberto A Alicia I Lola A Lita Tanya A Tnndela.vo Leon A Eddie's Eddie Davis Larry Daniels Libby Dean Al Dellav Carmen Montoya The Ko"er» Little Club Ernie Warren Ore No. 1 Fifth Avo Downey A Konville Hazel W’ebsicr Old Roumanian Sadie B inks Lou Seder Irene Carroll j Carol Linzer I Joe LaPorte Ore | D'Aquila Ore Park Sheraton Cy Coiem: n J Mint! Wane:. Ernestine Holmes Hotel Ambassador 1 Jules Lands* Ore Hotel Astor Sammy K ye Ore Hotel Biltmore Mischa Radinsky O Hotel Edison Joel Shaw Ore Hotol New Yorker Bernie Cummins Cavanauxha Kevin O’Sullivan Mary Over Johnny Flanagan Gloria Dawn Blade Beautiea Hotel Roosevelt Mark Monte Ore Noeturnes Hotol St. Retit Milt Shaw Ore Horace Diaz Ore Hotal Statler Shep Fielda Ore Hotol Taft Vineent Lopez Ore Hotol Warwick Gloria El wood Latin Quarter Juanita Hall Jaek Kilty Honey Bros F Mazzone Dora Gloria Le Roy Les Pablos Can Can Dcrs Art W’aner Ore Park Avow Davey Rogers Gloria Klwood Penthouse Paul Taubman Mirko Riviera Victor Borge Ralph Curtis Melod.vmen Sherry Ste\ens Nanci Crompton Clark Ranger Line Walter Nye Ore Rene Touzet Ore Versailles Carmen Torrea Robert Maxwell Emile Petti Ore Panchito Ore Villiqe Barn Burt Hilber Louise A Harris Dick Shawn Dolph Travmon 3 Bobby Movers Ore Village Vanguard Orson Bean Sho»hana Dnmari Clarence W illiams 3 Wivel Kaj Enrson Sul Noble Bob Lee Waldorf-Astoria Micur'ito Valdes O Hamilton Trio BRITAIN BIRMINGHAM Hippodrome (Ml 3 Joy Joy A Joy Anton Karas 2 Randows Sally Ann Howes Peter Rsynor Jimmy James Co Botonds Afrique BLACKPOOL Opera House (I) 3 BAB Bernard Vera Lynn Jack Radeliffe Co Harry Secombe Co Erica Yorke Tower Circus (It 3 Charlie Calroli A 1 Smiths Kmex French Horses Oscar Konyota Lions Gt Alexander Tp Victor Julian 4 Pets Entea Animals 4 Klchavs 3 Lome do* Mars Tp A: rigonis 3 11ones Jimmy Scott Fixing Constellation Little -Jimmy Annette* < ircusettes WINTER GARDEN (I) 3 Norman Evans Senor Carlos Canfield Smith A Snodgrass 12 Wh> eley Girls 4 Zid Angels D.trlys I>• Joy He-’Ute Anna Mac Gym i me dies BOSCOMBE Hippodrome (I) 3 Billy Whittaker Mimi Last B A T Clayton Phil Letter Erie Marsh Gail Iiarvcy Jack Lennird Gardiner A Baxter Hi D idle Diddle Debs Terrv* Juves BRADFORO Alhambra (Mf 3 2 Nadias Teddy Johnson Bdty Hobbs Girls W‘t«r*n Keppcl A Betty li terave* A Russell Ali Bey Co Roger Crime A A L Ward BRIGHTON Hippodrome (M) 3 Frankie Howard Mary Naylor Arthur Richards Joy Beattie 3 Jokers Greta Uncer 3 BRISTOL Empire (I) 3 - paw Kaye . Hazel Wilson Earl A Oscar Le* Femmes Montmartre Yvne A Valentyno Homer A Hal Derek Dixon Slick Edwards Yvonne Jon de U Fuente Mile Joaette BRIXTON Empress (I) 3 Fraser Harmonica Co Michael Howard Dick Henderson Marcia Owen 4 Musical Derricks AAV Farrell Doreen A Victor Davies A Lee CARDIFF New <S> 3 Rose Murphy Scott Sanders Tony A Ruby Yolandos Merle A Marie CHELSEA Palace (I) 3 Jimmy Wheeler Leslie Welch Julep Adrian Grace Soero Jean Turner Rob Murray Archie Glen 3 Spallas o Yvunnette 3 Sim Hussdl EAST HAMPTON Metropolitan (I) 3 Frank Handle Gus Aubrey Rita Shearer Jimmv ciitheroe llol Mack Co 3 Palmers Stan Stafford A J Powell Jchnnv Peter* Da gen It m Girl Pipers FINSBURY PARK Empire (M> 3 l.ynn A Lennette Terry Thomas Yale A Diane Christine Norden ( t.tig A Voyle Turner Layton Allen A Lee Vic Wise Renee Plat A Naudy Forb«s A Barrie GLASGOW Empire (Mi 3 Gyp*»> Rose Lee Dot A Maureen Len Young Carl Carlisle Maisie Weldon Duncans Collies El Granadss A Peter 4 Kentons Woods A Jarrell CRIMSBY Palsco (I) 3 Ossie Morris Stan Stennett Rita Page Dancettes Les Henry Dorothy Williams Don Saunders Miry Sullivan J D Girls LEEOS Empire (Mi 3 Be be A Belle Dorothy Squires Donald B Stuart Eddie Gray Cawalinis Dogs Amazing Britoil I.e* Heilyos Joyce Golding LINCOLN Royal <l> 3 Jimmy Gay Jimmy Bruce Tommy Godlrev Gold w> ns I - • 4 t « . i • i • been reductions in actor costs and minimization uf shooting schedules. For one thing, performer feestiave come down in general in Holly- wood. Secondly, however, the indies have tended away from big names that they discovered cost a lot of money and didn’t provide the ex- pected b.o. guarantee. Greater Preparation Counting for saving on the actual production side currently is I he great emphasis on preparation, which most indies now take as a matter of course. Scripts and plan- ning are so carefully set up there is little mind-changing or shilly- shallying once the cameras have begun to grind. The indies have learned that they can’t afford such luxury. Another important factor in bringing down the general level of costs is the concept of the type pictures to be made. The indies are no longer essaying scripts that by their very nature are expensive to produce. Emphasis rather is on the style of story that doesn't require extensive sets, costumes or casts. Indies have been forced into economy thinking by the current potential. A $400,000 pic must get between $650,000 and $700,000 to break even. And UA must put up a hard fight to get $700,000 on anything but an exceptional film, so the producer naturally has to trim his sails accordingly. Indies have been able to cut their costs much morc than the majors because of the great flexibility iri their operation. Among other things, major studios are under the handicap of tremendous overheads which seemingly can’t be sliced below a certain point as long as pressure for quantity product pre- vails. Indies, it is generally con- ceded, are able to »et considerably more on the screen for the same budget than can the majors. MIAMI MIAMI BEACH Casablanca Marion Morgan Andrews Twins St a n 1 e y - K uu c-h»r—4) Clovar Club Kirby Stone 3 Buddy Greco N A F Zxrra Dcrs Tony Lopez Ore Woody Woodbury Delano Hotal Willie Hollander 3 Zina Reyes Mickey Walker Louis Adler Ore Johnina Hotol Michael Stran*e Tony Matas llelcne Aimee Jimmy Woods Loon a Eddie’s Eddie Guertin Tubby Boots Gaby DeLano Billy Auatln Martinique M<*t#i Manolo A Ethel Danny Yates Ore ’ Mother Kelly's Pat Morriaaey Freddie Stewart Bea Morley Arne Barnett 3 Charlie Pai*e .Nautilus Hotal Bobby R :imsen Katherine Chan* J A S Reyes Marty Beck Ore Foinciknna Hotel Phil Napoleon 5 Robert Richter H't' Al Kemie Gomez A Beatrice Dancers (6) Woody Woodbury Tony Lopez Ore l>on Lannln* Roberta Sherwood Charles Castel 3 Roney Flats Hotel Geor*e Hines Ore Sons Soucl Hotol Helen Forrest Jimmy Byrnes Macner A Herman Arne Barnett 3 Socaaas Ore Saxony Hotol Patsy Shaw Chavez Tono $ Dyo > I t t « f