Variety (September 12, 1951)

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Ww V«ft IA » *r VmM|. Mm aanusi wkm WL MU X Um Hit OflM X N#» Yeti. N V r, tggt. ¥MiiTV INC Alt l'*HT| MUIVtO VOL. 1H4 No. 1 NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12.1X1 run K 25 CENTS iV-'A se Radio-TV as Bait With such program* as * Songg# For Sol#" opening up some oppor t unities for amateur cleflers. the I a Clift’s «; For 6 Mins, on Television • * •• ' • . ^ F Indicative ef the Kind of com SBC la willing to spend for the upcoming Kate Smith Wednesday ni|hl hour long video show a teuttal customer* via a showcasing | Mi f CUgiKil the Arthur Godfrc on radio add television. song -shark* are current I y oper at inf their racket at full biast Thai sharks, who have several million e*p4ring writer! in the U. S. to feed > upon, have boo* p i tchin g up a get*] rub-quick proa pectus to their j>o . . The racket has keen Intensified . recently hut the operation has re*' mained the same. The tharka usual* [ ly advertise In the pulps and hinterland press that they give pro* feat tonal assistance to the budding v ten ett(Jer hy suppUrtac a tune | t a finished lyric nr the reverse Since apparently there are mere poets in the U Si than tunesmlihs.; the sharks generally supply the mclodiea Prices for their services j usually depend on what the traffic will bear, and sometimes run as , W* as 15 for a shoraiion '* j lit their adt the shark* dress up CMS siarua, are the guest sta the network ia willing to shell; out. In addition In a top mile week- ly, the shew will site have a dramatic spot. Montgomery Clift goes Into the Sept. Si presentation pulling donn |6.0 *mj for sis nun utes Program proems Srpt If. with Paul Lukas and William Bcndix a * the initial guests. Continued Divvies their hail via a |M of their nvdits w Mich Imp as ing the Among w as near to misrepresent a- uo get without violat- law. They usually include their songs variations on M H|l>>. all tncky switches on welt-known standards. staffers who run such shows as •*Songs Per Sale.** h ow ever, are hep to the operations and throw such In Iff effort to. hide their Identity, using a form lead sheet with their name* tContinued on page 21 > nitrations * tes out of the competition, ft'tfoe cases the sharks make Psychiatrist Blames ‘H wood Dream World’ For 505 Marital Snags Detroit. Sept IJ Wives wl|a try to live in w a Ho»iy- uo<»(i dream world * were blamed by a Detroit psychiatrist dor than 1 1>r A f «ni that 1 Current invettori’ interest in mo- j . tlon picture stock 'Issues was. seen j further itiergthend via dividend | declarations by three film out Ala | ■ within the past week Whilr tUNl j ’latwi. and Paramonut came at : , he surprise, the tnird. KKO The* at rev had not been ■ generally j anticipated in view of the chains ' heav y dropoff in earnings. RKO chain has set a divw ef t |fg per share on its outstanding , | capital stock. payable Oct 15 to stockholders of record on Sept 28 '! This represents the first pa> off to share ow ners since I he circuit be- f*H Independent opera ti o n via d ' vorcement last Jan 1 Loew s continued to maintain its / 81 50-per year rale with its regular , NW’ TV is blueprinting a and radical departure Hi .program- j riling It imolus a on» »• nmn'h’> i t ril e s of “spectacular* each run mng two hours in length and slotted in cream the* segments ' They'D he to." Client« cmveni.y occupy ingj J ffew rhoMw nigh ho wilt relinguiah* their regular shows for the once-a- . month sui^M attraction* *nd par iK ipate in » )otni bankrolling f**i inula < Vl\ being 0- Within tv ctacu! < - N H( » VHIee .es | will shoot for so*called '’colossal 4 ' } attraction* heretofore unattainable and w(mh other** i <*<* Mould he j "freren out because of the pres*-1 ent IK) status If, for example. Rodger* A Mam* j MBerstein finally okav a qsmvn ship performance ai South Pa- cific** on t V. it would be channeled into the two hour "spectacular j with the clients sharing the tab Likewise, anv other major iirst**} in video, such as a Denny. Kave , TV preem, a - super all-atar R«*d Cro*» show a major "frontal lx>bev‘* project, etc. would be earmarked for the oace-mdhthJ> aeries Initially Sylvester L; fPati (font.m»«d on V lle.Marr<M Help Sell Fashion* in Mpla. Minneapolis. Sept > I Hot content with offering gratis dt* plays of latest modiste creations on beautiful models, to the strains of orchestra music, a depart men! store here ia tossing In name ** t % for added measure / Day too a. leading kxal store in- cluded Tony and Hally DrMarni* b*Ht o«Mti lev ping w it h it % h« tti« KosehMelh fa>l»ion allow Iasi week to whhh no admlssku. was charged During their dance Interludes Vli, ly De Marco, of course, wore H‘>v enstrin gowns Ifvmg .-He Clin who has ducked any biogrsphiralv «iage Mveen. radio or TV---may a. -luiesee to a v id eo scries |f H easy be made to come off at being ty sitil of (Big American slnry " yHi* night rWed I. under TV show Ked C'ru lo- I ‘ff Pictures Join Top Product In Upturn at B.0 See Boff Biz Talent agencies and nitery owners anltcipaie an excellent sea- son in eafev f'erceotcries report that placement* tti‘* year are above those of la*t season The flock of New york nitery opening* last week which introduced the fall cafe season, was sufficiently potent quarterly payment of 37 i >c per for operators to discard gloomy i h^if mu ih * f * ot fwWmo « voted by the forecasta that prevailed this past *V *:.« *“** board of diffggtors last’ Wfd hes day spring and during ihe hot month* fmfJLa J r^~Li^ V tbi# if N? » lo th#: iianbaitai. schnapp* dtuhtg Chanties holders of record on Sept. 14 opened exceedingly strong About . „ . , .Jlf n ^^rrlcap girls Pararnuunt Pictures hgld to ita 300 uere turned away for Dfta < unhealthy deluiiift ibpyt mar-j -ntinued on page Horne's Ant showing at th# V * Riviera Ft Lee S J There were Raaat’f TV IWsmt RJytf tpnungay* ^ K. ll* ( opa DcUBJ I If InHI UCM cabana bow The rope was up at ♦ Le Ruban Bleu s debut, and there Hiiinff)rf upturn which start* m early in the summer and has <«*n tmued into September is providing additional encouragement;., now to 81m chiefs In that lesser pis in *Do doing b«-iter hi* The original hypo was given by a series of hie* budgeted special*, hut audiefiee in- terest now appears to be extruding right down the line. . • > The higj ones such as "Here Come* Uu tiroom.** "That’s TMv Hoy " lajt Horatio Horn blower " ‘ David an I Bathsheba." ~Allre In Wt»nderl*rrd " ‘ Shirw ar.d others jane still scoring compara- tive! v hr tiler than the und product /However lesser pix have picked up in recent wieks to a very rnciHiraging degree Whether that * a free ride on the coattails of Die hettar Alms or a reffection of r* < Continued on page 541 auspices, is only vicariously btogi aphiral lbs- accent, at the ] iiimfamtf h s . behest. - i» . a salute lu >ia rather than Is himaelf Hv eschewing any iiersonal fee and agreeing i*> the s h o w if the gRog rumpanv donated 825 OOP to the find IIFr *-1 A i we rtc ♦ Fund of the Hi»y Heuut* amt ftirl Scouts of \»m*rira Foundation this was Ih r- ffki** way of again aokn«»wledgtng hi* fealty to his beloved adopted trnd • ■ * t, * . t •■■■.’ • t he Red f'i«rsi Sli**es ^tipw h«#w ever has sfiarkcd a poa*ihle,;>erigNi that ran run. I3«. 28 TV weeks in embrace H* rlln -» 4 4 year* a« a |*o|M«1«r soogwritri It would tra< e N<' arrival |B Castle <*ard«n jiKllis Ivl ind >, as a Hii«>i«n mil-. ^lani. and musicalD limn the Ber- lin t.ifcja and swa csv afeade m W- tnlnote vignetteA pr >* 'ding 11» it is for -rfWKf fHMI* 1 ’ 'iv<* cause, ' . H*ont»nu# d oh , ,*e 81 * jciisol Tetoff Means S ; r Ads a Day for N.Y. s ‘Urges! Boyer’ Network With the Nm-w York fwihlic '"hiHils having reopened Monday it s revealed that the gram- mar school* in this tt%y mrt proh* aht> the largest buyers of talent New ^ gfh s j>*j | svstem ha* a nimimom ot acts w»ii king every school day of th# *r The pay hurt of the htgitesf, tmt it's a romfortahle hying with most of the talent/, averaging around fl.OUf annuall V Majority of acts UNed on the sr< fuitaytic circuit are maKtc and puppet turn* There are a few * health shows with such drs«nptive • Continued on pagr 54 1 riago. h'ery ftirl axpects to live In l ivary and rOise, beautiful chil- dren who will never have any til* Dr Chwreh said “Thgir And that AH men »rt not hand *' «ttp, good health is not universal • nfi that husbands fail to keep 1 ecstatic with constant alfec- W . , ' ‘ Dr Church added that Alms and extent, parents and * iools "picture life as g bed of r tves—failing completely to imv 1 jtu/e girts for the shock to t •• i#..' . •' . After the honeymoon._ wives 0* tacky Strike Tkeilre’ were standees mi’side the upstairs room after It* first got underway Returning vacationers •# <Continued on page mam show' a Mi I v o fi ij- -ire their "prince Charming" the new season for ■JJet are bald, hav# dentures End His trip to Korea to entertain uke t# may out bights "Their hue- Ahkkan JUpops. however: forced Jf*’ 1 ftt Uid off from work and a imcpasdryVposI p o iiemewt of Mi ^iC gldi g#t aicfc.** he said 1 appearance He ll Ay to N Y Hollywood Sept 11 Jack benny will make his tele- vision dramatic debut on Robert Montgomery s "Lucky Strihe The- at ie" via-NBC-TV in November as star of "Gratitude ** a play penned by the late Trank Craven Hr H have the role played originally on Broadway by fcrneat True* ( Jladacol Has Benny ; whose radio and TV tiun of . the shows on CBS ate also sponsored Temperance L «<ion' Dry outf it has by Lttdtiei. was to hart preemed attacked sale of the dietary sup- Hl O n t n om er y. plement * to children as well as WCTtTS ACOL ATTACK ana. Sept VI* ached the attar- omen’s Christian Th for en the wives etart cracking up! the show, taping his radio program **•4 cotne to mb for help*' 1 that week in advance. the performance of the. ffadarol Caravan. th the Public Stadium brie, slated for tomorrow Wed » ILtdacol contains 12'^ alcOhot which the lAakers claim u used i merely as a preservative.