Variety (September 12, 1951)

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a * MINCXIXVVY lapqe* Fibn Cops Venice Fete’s lop Prize; Par’s ‘Carnival’Also Cited V» ^ p( 11 ♦ < . i »rtrl prjie for th# best i|) » <»un 4 oktiipf wit handed I Japa- nese .film O Mer<U> Mon > it thf \ l' *• It t.-i «■ • n,tl I llm F**t , t innrr is “ Rnabiidto*’* ' In thr Wood*"’, turned out. by tht Daiei »ludi» At Mr* ( uroMwi directed Inun * M>vel by HjuUOUftcbt Aruts • < -to l twrlutiw fae rie MiIuim atCd Mm«)ui Id Mori, a mine rifwr* Tht*#.* prises Inr * oOUtandinit , ft tiM« were conferred upat Para j Mount t the Big Carnival ’ liar I meet} titled “Ace in the Hole”»:|' ”Th# Hiv»*r ” an Oriental Interna I tinnal |»i <kHu \ entered fu«’n In dta ami F i^rwt a I# Journal d on f ('urr tk ^aiaa” * lhary ■'»( a (‘auatrv l*r»» »I‘ K Laurels I«*r the threa ! ! oulVAml *»« arr» W > # Ui l value but of ti'tf«n»rtl rin.tiv at ton No pi t/j a for *bn»t ' director wart* granted mi ■ r' i» >« riii i- • in Ittia ’’brtl” picture award*. Billy | W tldrr fiii drtl "Camlvalv ’ an did Jraa RriMr The River ” and Rah j e »1 Bh>i.iaa ‘ U Journal '*| A Ntrret ar Namrd Desin 'MAH* Mttudtd a special psia# [ Tti < tl li.iit i»h ld«*ntall> , mas awarded bv thr jury f«»r anjr n*»t« %*ti««u not to\ n t*d by thr u ual.j rat tfru try Y I *-.1 M . ♦t.irr .-.*•» a<t|oi 1 *?ot ’ a- \ a in I a • d im page IS 1 funny man Bob Ho|»f a ••> Mm af « SBCi JV oiking Hut Commercial j I* th# vac stirs* H Biit t: ■y i«im tt BOB MORRIS I lusirc via pot inr b- a **unf v ntfiNp* • tyl eiwctacd uort ah y WiAi M iUa. V|rt#mU» it mi FirtYt miforTYPmiiaiiii Th# roming months mil probably aitnaM ah all-out compete, ve battle krtaraa U»« #aat a»d weal (tail imprmrmi for damn. •a th# major TV .production centre fa taaw quarter* th* opinion i* expmaed that 'the torrent • luff eats h dya ai thratrr j\ homo vi e w i ng. or th# p>*-cnnial pu v» video hottlr *»ii p.,;, rdntravt to th# Jockeying that * on tap to fpUhlwh a “homo bate • list television* While on th# op# hand there are a Bock of adherents to jh# Bddio Cantor ramp la su h o rHb to g to the belief that pethafg k of TV will go Hollywood;' Juat a* all the major attraction* >n radio Maked Iheir claims oh the Coaet bock In the *30a the %tay •oaf advocate* are equally as convinced that tha Gotham kn«>«. flow will forestall any *u<h general exodus. Meanwhile the sgrncie* are bet w ist and between in trying id formulate a TV modus operand! for the future With thr tohog- ganlng of apanaa red radio attroriions emanating from n e ( . .1 over the peat couple ‘of seadann. many of the ageneiee hav* shuttered their H< My wood aWtoaa or ritavtiralty retrenched A widespread “gn Holly*pod* movtasa nt to TV would neeesMUtc * revitalising of their Oa«t off Wes and personnel, probably 1 unni wholesale N V to L A shtfu of key men Idcm Sic Resolls From if- Im Hoteli Bar Ts ias T to Mia g Act no a I - ru o M at Mu Gordon to if v ^ ? ! As Sinatra Prodscer, | * - pm”tVi 40G Budget for SUw 1 ■ — I cgil produtrr Mat Cohlon silt BM ■ 1 lit am h out into trl#v4*ton a* pro- li| 0 T ^ (• HS «»f thr nprumlng : Frank Mitaila show Gorckm ha* i ■ n'-. ,a^ - ^j[. •litned a Icing term pact wltli the | |JUp|| pi w#h. .and may double Inin oth* ^ 5 ®* * * .*.n aa thr Sinaf.a u ,th Tyrone (,« *.h»m which trr* «»ff th t. i S*i* old V h? director, i* intling S.natra will air ngypnAffr n«*w piTHlu<*ti<»n <►! \4Ht».n Best# % ’'Texaco Star The-.the A|«tr<H>«>lit;>n <1 an i*n town any other pop. 1 amw CIXAUf 111 AllCClt • * That. • « LCull Jfivn IB AUjjIL t|.'W 0 ' **<it ti»« _ M-rWa 1* KMif: Ward Um to p u Diarta Barrymore, going nut to t t 1 >■ a ' AustraJii later this month f**r a * ontt^ccTwAftOg mtery date ia Sydney, oaht* to it-a Brood*«y run T Bd appear to legit there after baf ebsb MANA DICKERING FOR Jeritza to Do ‘Salons’ LEGIT SHOW IN AUSSIE At 73; Secoad Coneback Diana Barrymore. Suing out to I If Mw|Jm a Vinnnx Australia latrr this munth for a 14*1111.1 Mel Addins More i ulhntf Sinatra will air <»p|n*'tte new piwliM-tke «►! ‘t.'armen for MllM. rli’ili > 'Teaoro The- the Mi'tropolM. n < *pn As*b this Aii nn the jival NIK \tdeo weh fail tn# Met s legit to* begin to irv-itu* Tuesday bight • to • |»c- stand out all the wore Ihre# thea- storkbolm. Kept, g The vurtden wave of hnsKilMini-m. v wbhh f».Mrangely awept t> Swedish 10 said to hr at Hit bnttiim if: MM Hotel small prnvmn. , Masinr arrt>i. .dali«»fi> to |t.e 4 Hameve« who are «*n the rin'irnt bill at the l huu j St (Mkhot ms No. J vaudrry The* tuinblilMC .id are KRypttans but Frau Mad fold the pie** that she- Had ‘attprcl a reservatioo Im four (ierm.m a|ii*ta, and if t-h«*v %av tiercnuM* they must vend (In ■ mans I Hive a cettain standard/■ at toy hotel'.*ml we cannot arrom*, m< i..t« N* si or•*. I ' »he • h«» » i•. call the emMir family. It becaitM* a minor casus belli lux where the Sw ede s aoe^bnoWn tur their bHiad” thinking I The IimsI juvrplle deltnnurm y. I •licgrd lo base an American jju- ntad and Aim ru art movies tnflu-1 erne.** ia ai*o something very (o<- eign io Hie normal temper of the Su. di'ij profit GYPSY, scon SCORE AT LONDON PALLADIUM Mndon Kept VI. Tice new . lour headline r l*.»l ladium show indicate! a capa« ity V4 r h n»e show r.n ryiu’ .* M*' i hhI t.rliut «nd produc t ion hvuiaei , c HS haa pad* <1 tor A ml lew* " '** r “ ^ P ins to geo#*#' on MM proe m / With opener '‘da Mired * ‘ u |l- ***** «w rounding art • b* Wi aa #n Mw..» tltrrejnr, inurnal 7or the fSliediml' Show hea»Vin M ' (he mm- ..1 com pan* of as legit rep, hat written two ume started tlw moment .Jorfttaa • will start from N Y h,,t mav t»ie Flede, maus whtch the mt.-*** Jhich Mtsa Karrysnor# appraranci w^intoMnred and a in the season depending on Ji«nat- her a me pcocnic.rnt tt ' 'tl* .. work CM baa^only resent a*t season, with advent of Hucb.ii . . w y . CL t*? ^wtfu ndfor t^butld- i. u nrd to Mtch the 'how to c**- Hcng as the Met s new general man- AUcLw Tie NppJ ShoWS 1 * D1Kt * house on th# cSS^tr fr* imrd/ahi. athoffresh Ull HC^M JWWJ *****»•« this week -» Ae WmA It I|TM U ** #tole<1 J? ,T ' I Bfobatoff was liimiitMla t* Stage BlIlvO la liVI vB y uva. 1 opening. • wmu VcnZTnDg . Ultory dato in Bydney. wants to! Vienna. Kept ♦ J.-. Mm> rumi f* wr WJWCjU** •«« Vr O* in , A , " j stint, which will last • month. Art 73 v ear-old do •. returned ■. Jreaa;' whn; appeared '.In, "Ktreetcar ,.to VlttMia this week for a second IflAfP Named Desire ' on the straw nat rtr- ^annual com eba c k of 0|W-r* and *,»n- IfBVI V | (Ul | l+ ,,» tuimrt#r; cwnfaered with appeerancea. Lagt year Jent/a “ : Dorothy Ktewart. N V rep og tb# j^W* 1 * n ' Tosca'’ at the State | •• lb J j C wtillomson Theatres Ausale jOpera TW* year she Intends to ex- |M|| rrAftlirm Lain, op doing “Streetcar Down ing the rrperioir# to Inelude »p- I I VllllWI u i it<p r Lhama. however waa dons tetunm in Roaenkavaltei an«| in Auaste last .ear w ith V tola J tIwr Richard SUnuM ’ Salome ’ ruti % With Tvroco* f .uthrM I. a wdn n » Keats Ru.. Itardto and Adek whigh the wag tensarional « Old V k? direc tor, parted to d it» ' s |^rmgmlre and pnll of a repeat fcafi’t J##0tion ago new produetton of C armen tor iluamaen also repuita a i tascal opera oArionedoa are par- the- Metfopolitiin °i** • a Assn thia rJu dudu.n skrd for 1 tie fall, ticularly' amaaed at Jentta * deco l.vll ttie Met s legit * l, _’ .wgin to ^ tIxwastr«-w available jslen to do “Solonm." where she will stand outJM *be Muir VMMlmO || H-irvinuic i> to -»»»ir ir at ■ V »ro vHably ccwnpared t.. -ui h in 1 m , |K,, ?|| li/^hin Tl N T-«W ChSSo «*luh. ;i»*J5!w»l. tlirsW W O. «« * Uub. W»|. y.K hw-ly ^ M Hrr hu*h.nd H..Wrt WU<o* ' ' l * h »'» d »h« ■*» »«d hemse his sea*^, Margaret we^ . iioMig to Aus-re with her There * ( 'h'»un star. < hnatl Colli,^ 'Sal- ster Will stage t.»c season i NOV. 13 *• g*wn« CO nu> »e wun ner. »i»rre * . p r ,nandina aiui r,.u . Vlll , \tired l uni inak- IMMI # chanev the duo may get to* IM% ® **** .... ... ■ .r-.--— ***’ w ™*‘ • , l u !l! .** her with u ' irttwon on another rc'dkinng vocal agility along with a nd»og ..a. still to t» his t*.-w aa aw M ppTg-^ tg#inr,. Strgftonr ** Mean. Uvt, *h flesh display m the “Dance .elected 3m k Brnnv Has been set w»U put on ,.p new of the Seven Vella. * c.J teatl /In addition. G arson Kanin is re- k *rijef f Npw la the Hour » to | Hun on opera ticket, for hat writer OMinial for the .1. ..... ... M.. I ..I I will CmW art on t*«r II >•« •»*» >» « w ' u «‘* ""•••>' O'* in the season, depending nn ?i»nal ra‘a him work CHS has only rec ent l^egtt ahgie bre-ume pi oimornt . last season, with advent of tiod«dI teniial s|»rs since the detail' were only ftnati/ed thi* week. Jack Donohue who directed th*- sing r s show la-l seaaon on CHS. wi*l again direct. Ilarry Kurmti, s* rrenw uid II Brhwartl nHI handle the M liptlllg . |> IIK nations Pooch Routs b > ^ ^ \ !«* Ca^ShowV ^unV NMb dm . buaband, J p i> i II ks,rl mm i U 7^ r k!* U '.K* ivi !° MJ a * n< * Vbn prevtousty this year tour* * r k N J umhrelig n Ponderous Pm h>ck*fms nrtt furnishing the tyrfcv •;» <l ec! the lUtdon pontoaola Po wrll •cenmpanied her Imre. yy - N ,, Sti ' ; .*“« ■ afloe hei tx* r haae^l out of tow n at \ i . ■ a** " 1 ., tf %e num h#- 1 in (he initial l House Red l*rob* ‘ ” yi* ,*" " " ,,v “ft' <» be dUpalcbed < .v. losiisbuif N C by a pugnactnus »»f perftwmawrs in on.* season. Its Camp Show» around Nov. 1 * r,or *° little dog who attacked the cirrus c ontinued on prge IRi I Jh u i « Hollywood taat season, with adseflt Of Hudcill . _ f .. ^ in* iunn mi irounu- viarlrd to Oitrhthc thowtn po- Hmg aa the Met s new g» neral man- AlacLi Uf Npocj ShoWl * ln|t *!** house On th# started to pitch tne »now to ^ ^ ^. 4<h it1 frrM Ulb JIIWWB ,,„g. Munlmd out In the ttot d air from HrcMdway. hr told. Miss. i 0 Mm^L we faras Qay Xh * 1i * r ‘ U ia alated for a DM tr Webster was hrcuight m to stage < HBC1 Jvn opening- “** - last seasons opener. “Don Carlo ■ l U/L. D - s i l The night of JcnUa s return a this not only being her Hist attempt JACK lOWCII, p DO DOlHU big crowd, with a brass band. ga f b- at opera staging but also the hist rntertalnnwnt for troops tn err * i Hotel Krantr and sere- time a femme has ever put on on ] AU%kM * TZT M noded her until she responded with uper. at the Met Crillcs called it ^ |or ’£ ^ Krtrr 7 balcony bow. and tossed flowers to .unr ul th» w««.n. hr., job. | m JkI »ho rr *«"'>"** Th»y dost do Ihu lor o. iriMHjr ral rd o« , umrd llrt (r „ m , flvr-.rrk -oodrrn<l.r oh*rMir hvorHrt. Jrr- 1 ^ 1 u . br r i . mp Show,' jaunt Ihnmrh AU»k« iKWVJWW —4, *. P. % Now. I..» Urdrrmauv with Howard d ^ ho ou , lv >r , r ,^ r . »rk. N. J . mbrtlU m«ndl..Iurrr. rtlrr, Artlr Auorh.rh >• «l» r » »** *• « time a femme has ever put on an . ~ . . . . ret me tvorean uenm'uia r-«^ru k....n «., Ihrn «krd to .!.«« the hra<lnl thr work. It was the seasons big hit »77. k- S 7.0^; ;V'rV" *“ hSLT? Md n ,n Ih^ in" •'- h mmVi ftou^ Red Probers Meet rh«w4 ewt M town et Met . S.-tr-r y .... numtH-r u , ffl w dl 7Llrhed bv I e. K._ .. at munAM paii Annul do * * h0 • iutkrd Uxt A1 LUnUUn I /UdLAUIUN pacade Ivrre and ciuxd a erth# Condon Kept It . «H»ntry stampede. RO Thr ne w . four headline r 1 • Ttie animals w. ML frll ladium show indicates a rapac paradf through town by tlv# I *1 crowd for its fortnight# engage- . ^ 77 ^ — ■ I * rurni Prodrwm. which peremed <* m >“ ‘ ••< “* ‘ ° ul WH H votcrdiy Mont, is topped hv Fmplo>r«S of Ihe circus or #nd Gypsy Bnae lee and her i d a 'Sian and started »n lllv East package to he dispatched bv .< ..inp Shows afound Nov 1 I Powell declared . -that V S troopa slatitinrd in Ala»kg are re- moved from any ouuide activity. * ms .at !a. _■ _ ^M -* — * Prior to Film 11*Brings Hollywood. Kept 11- Rep Donald L. Jackson has launched exec hearing* of the . lintiDi viMtitiritil in Sidtod mw- . . . - RB7 rmiRTRlf.HT MAY "»v3 Iron. .«y ou.,Mt» artlytty. ? UMh r d "** , h *"‘"!? of , h * ntil. WUltllUvIll MI ,„ v , , midaw•( dt-mtoo M ““** l " Amrrlc.o SH.b.o«mm~ CVTCkin CIIDADC TAIID .■><• thrrr « lililr lor them to do •" ,h */™ r *' ■u.tdlt trU* to r*- tAltNU tUKUrt 1 UUK duno ( of hour. n>« v ,r.ou. """^•«;» «j >he Red pro^ hra.,nr, Hern.ndti Courtwridht. ptr»4rnt >-"•* «*«P»*‘» *• h *'* much •» , h/rr^vr/i? wr.kt'^" ** .«d Mth#.. -I ...» ^ (Mh,rc„o,ou„l.,;;,„hwr. ...d (.VP'S Rose Lag and her Four * a safari and started in ||lv HUH „ oU , rrluinrd (r ,„ n 'tutors and there * a r* Hal cd kgg Frank Ta^ j? \ r * Amertran BratKlM wbleh went pursuit, and toaH* led them out hx <(ir k’rMerday «Toes, loneliness there Th.* fec tog M f r *»*J^*venner. Jr jmg our handamn.*ly ID in •> ‘ »*«N east of and b|m hack to the Ccvaat after [ ** accentuated by ^ Pi the elos.ngspm. held tb# amtoeme Umi-hurg One of the smaller thr Hohm^.n-Ttlrp.n fight tonight ,he °* lht Led fur tTuTi intact wh.U local fsv,. Ted R .v elephants a*to>M fM_ fwk. Pf bad \ {l% * , (r singer RotoHnd ’ eou * trsr - nTT* w^rks m iW ** pecled lo intact., while local fav* Ted Ray landed a big exit hand , The French Pnports. Campagnons dc la t' s»m-. got the house measure with their tune*. . ■ to he helped out of Courtwright is remaining in I^m-1 All their show*. Powell said, got ■ ...ii. nl hruih mil i.dv . . _ - l_ it . m . k uu . pwth Of brush Md tSStoW* return from .he B C Davenport, owner of the <'B rl Carrere. l.e Drap d’Or and ! trm»p* To do their quota of cn- rlephants. said it nto unusual for (’tog Ptorenee. all In Paris, a* well • lertaining. tba troupe had to By House was sold out for the fit*! th# p.utnderm* to go onto »s*tt a , other bids Irorn niterle* in Rome '»*• dlalgnr#* and do. twn allows two shows and advang# toles were ground lie reasoned they must And \filan dally one flight took nino hour* naed for seaatona expected lo Iasi two weeks. A ndutber of Ahea# are adinittc d- ly friendly and expected to di*ulg# names of party members. Four of the 40-odd subpoenaed strong for th# enUre engsgemtnt have bren badl> frightened. . 1 ' J. 11 111 ... L _iij— ! .X.. ""gg "" 11 Smharriptiom Order Verm Enclosed find check for $ Plesge send VARIETY for m took imi "Ur** un.lir y.lrrmrh dinfi-nitit rondi- id Vf Siigat OC M ill IS m the fuingn dates, the, ll relum the V. K. t# play room* lined t fdr h«-r by Music C'orp. of Amerk It was their first European jaunt. to the next point, • • •. y 4 *. #. -a (!%*«« Pi H. Vk#.»» Snrt'. . . lily ... • • • • P • • •„.p #•-*.•# 4 • *mr ^fule • .* • ■ Rtojulnr Subscription Rnftt Om Y#or—|10.(H Conodn ond Foreiqi 1S4 West 44 tb St root Two Ymm^llt OO .SI Additionol p or Tour V Now York It. N. Y. ior n» r nya*to*r \ .orp. 01 America. Uter to the. effect that ho It w*> their ftrst European jaunt. \\* i**J* +. ***'; t refused to be intimidated into co- ^ —7— Adding to the Htter* pHAd com- operating wKb tho committee. Hephurn Back Home I 9m.* ** t other* called Included art dirert- I IfUr PJ-. iuL._ * rr i. -i, * number qf cra ghe* during tho ors snlmator* Eugene.and Bern\c< 1:.. After IlC, Other Am\Blh time Umy wwr there, with mor# neurv and furniture man Pr Katharine Hepburn, who coatar* fatalitie* Hivwevtr IN#w ftontoy. in Horison Ptiwlmtipns “African P*' 11 * d ■*' m * «'*ndition*, Shipp wag told to appear/«t“ the * Oueen ' with Humphrey Bogart, re- . jr * rso*»d#rahiy better ia winter. p U nji c hearing Sept. BO- turned to. New York le-im! The troupe played to tost a ila- Barring laat-nsinntechange, hear- lur* . an Ibo Wueen Elisabeth, i Dona where aa aaany aa 3.000 were inga won’t be televised Rep John ^rudto Interiors oh the todie veil-f to the audience I'ntt tomprtsed. { wood chairman, notified KTTV lure were itot completed Ul Brit- »■ addition to'Powell. Evet\ n Hans- ihat the bearings “in all proba- ’ win l,o4 4tiuh wort was Irnsed in r|Nm. BUI Roberts F.laine Lenia. biltt^ will be the same a* to Alrtra j Paul L^Paul and Dorothy ttenael i Wpabtejinn. tans video KTTV la Ms* «ivg wag' actresa Gerald- j Cump Shows Iasi 'week dis- one of several videoutlets which, Epr H • •>• >hr has a top rot# to [ patched another unit to Kprea. pitched for the coverage Frnu h de fttm. IW at the Acts consul of Frankie I onsrile k Donn Tatum. ABC video veepee, II Band i*h recently finished Sunny Dale. Walter Wikeh, Jr , says net asked Waelitogton long * in Puri*. Other show bit[Blgge k Karr and Les'Smith ptoaetiti r« inclihlrd muneomedy, Urvteurateur A! Schacht star Irene Manning, actress Con- left la»t week to do Jus baseball stattto t’oilier Howard S.Cullman, pantonume for troops tn Korea amateur' hour *meee. tegir hi.«k« r and Ted Mack, tadio-1 Negotiations are on for Audrey -ge k Karr and Les'Smith ago but nrv#r got reply. Neither Restaurateur A! Schacht also did Klaus l^ndsbtrg. KT1.A tt last week to do Jiis baseball veepee, on a similar request J-< k- ntonume for troop* in Korea, ton ha* jndtested h# favors fete* ‘gotiatiom are on for Audrey viatog it 'its up ta the full Totter to entertain m that area. i rominiUe#.