Variety (September 12, 1951)

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JJ-I Returns to But With Accent oo Stars, Not Art l tversnl International. in shop ♦ ■ - 1 ■ 1 ; — ln| new product lonpla ns tHat a*ill M . > a limited number of INllIlP HfflIlltUff Abb 1 high budgeter* eoeh year. Is plot- ImC i rwmpittf *»Ufli fr*» th» Fe«% v* 0 «t pr oduct that got It in Iron Me three tear* l|o Eight new nil planned with budget*, of up to Kill »( I he la the light of recent court de rioliMtt, eiiitf di«H1l|i now irv *ing- Tt Mono.. A .V» Miiwh i’lpdl ,|li# blues tner then own or- u_ i •.«twwl II i 1 *<"» draktiesllv cutting clear* *• thousand, of situation* . • * ‘ M ' 5 I a«nw the count r\ Thev n«*w be- u „ . „ - - ... “* «nw> ntntrnjmUmm. u» | ,„, t ^ ^ " h ».»" ■»« , *r Ml •*« W la lh» 0»y :"*** «*h«4 .. ,, ^ in. VM, MOW «..v.l«vaction «.nr» M lx,M hwOImI J It •«.« i.U Hw*>< *•» h.« t.. , “ r «►!*•«*<»*>••« •>' V»*Omi M« »«• mmwhk »l («« vMtfi m I»» iwwlut-r on K«4— »_ M— « r »W» , 4 .,.,,,, * ““ " " nau year have put l I on tbd C lfi ec ul n r venture starring Jane protit highroad • , j Nigh and •John Archer * Inch Difference will ha in Increased Mirtaeh ia personally producing ■■P ♦ Whit# a; Federal ( ourt judge gl ' a- u' .. ^ 'found the, doing at admtaaton AltflUin, JT., wy OOP l prices |i> 4t.»ir<tv% « t) t it:pri PrtKhltcfi fof M fl I n * film eornpamr* «iiti are unde. .... . t , order It retra- i (pgib the pi Hatty weed.: dept - It \ \ attorneyt pointed out thin ... Th# N V Federal Court and the L H Supreme t tmrl »n Pp m. *« **'•*' • h,ch - thi« edict, the dim »n their rlearance- o ill lay « e added coin. Hub- ciaU p r o d uc e r onfho amipWn .. rl *f?23U3S kMHUtniin* for fiOMkfifii I Tm *.entlv r«mioiete«f * *ence-Actum i af * ,r lect matter accounting for present 1 recently completed - *ence-lief fan j *"• sucre** wont he tampered with, pic Flight la Mar* We super-1 »*■** , ***' There util he no return ta the vised cutting ot a number at huh nr sophist i cet o d . type pr o du ct . 4 hudge t Mono -A \ leaturee. Mdtd gnrh a< III Mv Hon»,” ."Another. joining the organmatlon hi Id4 ■ part d the Cereal,** Letter In no] —— . ■ f i ' i 'v i -r I nknufiii WiMnan" and other ev pcnvlve pn which ran V I heavily into the red Ann mi the return to big budget, fit h id Widen the groaning poten icon |x« in association with M»»ll> wood pr<Mm er« HU hard Tmnp knw former geneiot manager Ireas urer f«ir HKtl at the Mrvken , i'hurubust'o .t i»• 11 »m. . ». here tr y ing vie tntereol Moll»wood producer*, udering partial dnaming _ . i Ueql Ihvolvea Al em an paving all redmtkM* viuee Solve lawyer. lUgfl 1-a-Month Color liol of the fMtipdty a di.tiihuthm Setup Feeling i* that V U now the undt*puled leader in catering to yome tiMW oceount* that lap up ijit tips ni product It has been niaHitia h*u that there are 10.000 other houM** iKHti which It ahould he drawing coin ;■ now think they shoved an mer- aSmdame ot caution in their rf> fuel to ctunpty with the .'courts' Id hnHl of this thinking waa th* rt% | 4 1 rerent decision h> Federal Judge tervsla ieiWi W Vankwlrh which r**je» r. .t a |J(N) (NW suit against the di*trll*. by Fanrhod A Mifi u in beh ill of I its Haldw m ftllla Theatre I. A j Juri.t approved t ieai uues of 2| [ daya after. tV«%t r un in L A and r similar a> e.»s . ;| Jmtge Vankwirh al.*» and the] fact that vatHMta .'of the di.triloj operatedOn- the same clearanre I • vv stem Wo* mot in it*clt lie (iuai antee of at leaaf one rol o r > said. Ig ctlect. this uniiiomH ..i const ttiiied business Costa. Ilollv W ihh! (N (» durers assuming slauvc line (mU Tom plum eaperta to set tlpee p»k, with fit at to roil In Mijavemhei t nh at three iitunl n in Mono for ’51-’52 To Television In i n - l*urpoae ot the new type prodtic Won ta to tap this market It la fell picture a month among the tidal rleoronr* that can he accomplished by hrpa « Monogram and Allied \rttat« r •- Wie- reasoning that all the run* mini and varmg the t I peugram lease# mi leaturea during t ie P-**** n,r P« u h *e i n a and w ithout in live pence**, jeopardtc- ip 5 | .** w'aa assured In New ; r,HrM * upvi'lfh the same vitiitlons mg the company’s prevent fav«»r- Yorh ywsterdav *Tuev » by Mono Jor 4,,< * P*utei*tioo of eatb a'- e niche. gram picw Sieve Uroufv Troduc- ■ ‘ rw T* v *du.iM\ 1 -I Hill put M product utn\ m | H>n *||| ii.ited at four |*4rtucea 1.0 v y .* i - interpret ! "• ^ * ,n F s' 1 before 11ic cameras during the Wi "iimion *> 1 1 >• a«< *ihm| jpf hscal ■.v.ear starting neat month point Inc mil «h*t "thi* year la ,he decieFs in the mdusify case Half of the entire output will brIS th4> m *»t >M4 ,,.ssi„i ,n the history lh * ' ***** i ^ ^ of the compMiy M consolidated ju.nftr.t.m, in ihn-e week I'ffew It^Tiped will '^n Malary ami t..r ^a^ion M telefllms it 1 . ..n IM holy the hoggrr product * JJJ Cum ^ iu ftrm ^ rom -iw.ut unnmui.iv in the s |M ».«g of hut had u , - ttdoi W > r . . I. m se« <*nd tiroe tinned lo ltdmi to find a cusIOOmn for Hie teal rdrile It i« nnl«»a4ing in pieration f«o rWeucreow ur t ooipan A sold t«» N H< i• m guMMaar n \ it .plwoir n- dm in. Htook 1 ' n *s**c .im i m l \ S*.. S r l« <M K > l> Jll IS ' . 1 . t ' » huihling foe liye-slwisr origin.*!lops w cell v ■ • The legal n*«l given upt*ed i scales was in a derision hv Judge II t hutch Ford'th IHatrlrt < .*uri I.eaington Ky Tl*e court denied the m.»tn>n of the New IfarUn fli.-4t|e Itaftan °Kv » »I dislit - sal of perc entage art Mai hrougtit igiiinsf the house h f.lumtoa l ruled Artists and l mv»-r- d lh*- itil%>ai iiimf *»v ha*ed un the con- trnf uni that adihi. t.<n m o e j»r#. /visions in evhilntion contra. *a i a*te the ritiii) ; i' > g 1 he *« lion, rovers a jeiti.i to the 1;. S, : , hiipieme ('unit de« tvioa in the industry ;*nturu>t ai#»t Judge v ord decided the fi vifi* of adi’ ioiis tn Its. It - u f vi..I | of the Sherman antitrust’'Ta-v« lliiwryeij.-there would b a vud. tion 0|Min evuteru e the lumiwmi. y lint mingl'd in i \ T hus Judge Font i dr< i*tOft it Cuoalstent - with ftie Snpuiti* ] ( on»i s edict tMonuig tl»e in «i «• is. d a* lies. Siiiw cine t oin* barf toiind • ronspira#* and. the: film mil fits ' are roa.<MWfm , utty . U.iMid hv ^the mint*. Mon agau the tilled ticket prues V'V ^ . ' . In'si iibut i»*« law peg s paid i he Ford d*-i isuoi wa.s eaperiaMv a»g' tilth ant herauar, if austatm-d it wiwkld .rule': hut from fbiiue pghp< Mill >;r l|4ud 1 is. s flu. tlp|M*d- a ale yflgle fn»m rvhttvs defense Jmtge find said in port' There is no d<s|M«te as to the 'lad that many of’ the luen-e •1 *mtinned on page 1 >» |pw ""»'»* wmnwtr.ssuiHo. ... matli ***• buaiaep, hut that possibly it wll nine rrontha nl the fiscal year*. l M ' f 1 '* ilaa |gp^|p||(l|lBpga MH gy predicted that the jrear'a ItCOMtH—< j—> tt* , I apocbholders rrpml the Last week laf this month ur the Aral ia^Octo- ber will show even greater gains The ccdor phase ut the Mono gram IbAI-'iZ season, flroptv stated,' began eight month* ago and there are now five color picturi* com- pleted. in Cinerolor, with two otheis readv to roll Another tint film, in Tertmiioior. Is now In pro- duction in FngUnd. it a "24 Hour* ifnaiinur^ m page lb* SAG Caacds Lippert | Pad Over TV Sale; Preps Vid Pay Talks , used by W H on tv for slot age pu< |«isea tn r i eui • i Anon.. i | aosall studii.i across - I r ee l non. the Yitaphmie lot ». being held Wacneis f«»r storage WH a few .mgath. ago • s dd ■ to NHf a nfFarre phd it hehl in Hur- hank Vk eh |s building a siudtn on , ' S. 110it.» lie /•-« i < .» J . 1' plan hv Warner* to /mi# all •»< It* ii'il • stale and oil., i « .1 lM»ne in preparation for the twith routing spill nl theatre* and too V Bennett Wanger A* M.C j pf New Series of Vidfiims Hollywood. Sep4 If. Motion Picture* for Television. I v Inch acquired hundred* of old lectures fur sld-o. Including gl Richard T«aW. and Its piart ut a ^ fjpperf 1‘iodiict ions as of Vm S J *•»< epiJntitA ot uut standing stmk Mark .d Monogram ptx. plans pro- prndntt hm deal M ** ] No' . - * the This strrnjilu n* n» ptMitnm U.t duct.ion of new telepn lo ha • |,h Associated nrltish Picture* c | 4MI%r ‘ Wr offOr to me«*f with you rh.ihlmg it to maintain it- dtvi financed ht a mlMMUary. I>ef caHmg liir two ph * ' ri1 ^,4 |p r fhdettendent Mai Won ftc-'d***»d rate despite d. Flomes Kntcrptises lac. Klliotlfv* three years Claris also are under , u|r 1‘iodqrrr i A^-n to negotiate vnue the diw v mud tie pod a new contract Ilollv wood S**pl 11. S* in n Artof > Coild ntiehed M* campaign tu secure added payment faf ptayefS apfMur'tig m Iheatrnal duet ion divinbidion H PP .Alms Ihot are »old to te .mmi« by Atm of the firm is to get as mueh in the idle •< a woman, fitainrig fMI4f .|n n< p* cuat rm< a4lb iMbf* aa poaiiMt Ifif-f# M F***m| Richard Todd 1 * *“—* a Pan, David Stillman and Matty Fos. before; returning to N Y* c t oned a deal for the first series ol 2* halt-hoot vldpts with Joan Ben- hilt and Halter Hanger as emcee * Rat pit Bunion Monogram Plrts t»oii 4 nominee, bun ia»eil w ith way for pictures ptoduced in J ipan with the Sbothiku t o Morey tioldslein. veejtee and »*'••• — ■ pw r - oe-ja ;«i 'p/r'.ur'« lUk 85 » gw iff «h» »*» \ Monogram pMigram will be out- l.s also repotted lined at lour regional sales meet- group Edward iuCs lo lie held during the nest 30 I *hn n »ent sis months set* da" Fir>t meeting is vet foe the Keooon given fqr I We cancella- tion was that Liptieit lud sold tcv- Aug 1. DMfl. to TV without negotiating wilh r th* (iu d o»l ulibd pjx to actors for fhetr teles talon rights t iulld haves |ts action on a sec- tion of the Ci4ft nmtiart. whiih t*M tfco dool. wMI be esesuttve Harwich Hotel. N V ^pt « foe ,», r producer iball fiFaiac 11 . William Stephens taking sale* rept e.sentativ es from Albany.. tr | rvl ^ luense tdevi-mg of anv *t>a»2e ol pioductlon Hyman said Boston HutUlo, t lOcinnati. t leve- n , ol lMI ,„ rlu<# fi|, f< n,e f.uild I - l<ned up omple smtrees ol 1*04. Nr> * H.vrn New ^ ,. <n4r j tb.s contrart on «0 financing tor a total of fight sene* V «»i k I hitidelpbia. I uuhurgh. and ^ wrl it,. n n„i. 14 t . * Mi*s Bennett and Wanger will in- H ashingtun. Second confab will be t Lippett weentl* sold ball * •t the first 26. wtfh Mi- t. » I .dwevf cschanget | f.: M > to te|e- Jbnnett starring in two F'rocedure either in Chicago or Kansas v itv vision in order ib recover their i. b lie, package deal- with Smithei n and v i seaolons will mgpff-i Ty— iu -.44 , the Sam Jalle agem y contributing he set within the nest lew «>*• . j W4< | *| the theatre boaislfh e>. Ife Packages. Inc I ud i ng arripu ;ir55S?*£?SSi5® Bernstein Back It Britain Mfrticic» have already aubmitted aj is.iv 14 I * Bfl tola) iu 22 of the M needed Fa. h |$Ut Ullf MCK 111 MOOth project, being » »eparate package reiuvi'd to discus* the camellation Gerald Shea Elected Prez 01 Late Mike Shea Co. ia Trustee Dissolution Following dissolution id a 1*4 veal trustee uperall«m and disposi- 'loti nl the corporal mmc* vim k to iix'Hileri • if the lair M A, NheS'* lainlly t*eiald Shea was elecied* president of shea Enterprise*, for . at a irtreling in N V «hi VlnmUi • |ll > , I hit fit IS a hoh.tlug ciMfipao . Mh.i-a interest’* liu lode Jittirvumn . A ton* Cm amt Ot her rharOs »w M o saeluiWtts. New llatMiishuc N Y, i thro and IVnn-y Ivami fief at«f She* *aif»*(*»h F (’ (•rainget to Die pcesv’s (.laiog. < will KHilinue Ok geoeiat maoager of the operaltob Shea Is a oieiolier of the fantitv IhMHigh hi* matitage to Doiofhv Shea daugb' ter of M A Shea, leil I* other wi*e unrelated iaPthe tanitly * | #v t i* r,< * died fhl !• Settled Out of Court “ ■ »-•' h, t * h ; hands of three ttusiee*. (jratiiger, Kifmrd C Raftery and the tale Dennis F O'Riten More hi* death fl'Mh rs hod been a im iiilef d the N *\ law firm ot ORiirti Dri.cul) 4 Rafter\. of which Rafter> i* (m*w a partner THomas F. Sh*-# yu c cred- ♦•d (,) krien as Iruvh r upon tl»e lat' ter’* death' Three truster* have prepared their final aetuunting and dellveied the company * 'slack to the w idno . on a fewer numlwr of share- H it ha* reduced its «hii standing vetruM* tie* by about ITVtOW shares al- ready v«a this route i ‘Living’ Piracy Suit ]&%. I.o* Angeles. Srpf II IHracy suit lor tl aMkat filed hv John H Slone and Fred f‘ ll iiru - agatnst MKm Jack C r on 's Hwdn sn.ivk jrut H.4e*i f ’s’,.. . -. tied mil of court fm »n uiuli-rh*.. <1 sum. ■" V H filers drtlaird t e pu tm •• • Easy l iving." W as ttased. t*n then own - Never Sav Die." w |ttu*ut •mtiv liensaturn Tl>v iskrd A **i mat im i Hill he available for syndication on uul rather than block ha-u Klans h tic been set up fdr advance Pa 1 merit and profit participation to package* and start 11 v e’ c*>«i' Cieo. Skouras Heading Brotherhood Pic l T nit w arner Bros of I K t bad- .Ck head ot I MIT A I jitter de* lat ed’ th*| inemleiv sf his urganiralion reserved the right England ove, .he weekend aftef five week* in New York Me Cs pett* to rtduni however. In about a month to be?.n active w*»rk on the Toast with hi* producing part- ner. Allred Hitchcock on a film {fur thrijr in<J<e unit 1 nnsatlanuc Picture* l atter release* through ‘le. lafjnll the case wa* tn the handa »t, r ymi aitf f MMIfkltj .* damage*. ZANUCK ADDS 16 PIX D.C. \\ arnn Mfrs. In Appljinx for MaleriaU Ha*' iniiou. Sej*t it Mannf act urer voi ph.Mo^i apio* F i Maurice A and William . H •Nt'. and In M< Ar«d Mrs, (.• i ■44 Shej-r _ good* were wainetl jtfvlvfita’ \|ott < thal ihey must fih* .* ' A - - . _ _ . __ . __ Don* for fas nuti'ital* under |in j TO 20TH S 1951 SLATE c, r , . ull T" , - , . ,, ' i ?. l r ’ ' which i* the deadline for rvguisi- ’ Nept It m niatenals lot the first 'liras, presy of the ' Beifi-tem irturued to England to ‘KKnFpyi F Zanink ju k finm qunatef of JH2 Sfcoui*a- i muh, will be national 1°°M into the affairs nf Mi* Granada a vaV-ati.m In Kuiope. annnuivtad i | Alanul.icturgi v are rmumthd chairman oi the Motion pteture jrircuil. which he and bff brother ' pmduciion program nf 16 slarter- tti •» i' ■ y should hie nnt> nne thvTsion ioi the 1162 Brotherhood f’et it operate ttierr He » been on hef.. e and fit tbe jrear. in gfidH. ( Ml’-til applicatioa under m h YAeeg |g script search in toe t ^ He Don to fiv- i» itui* - currently be* proddrt r«nie Hrp Ekec commit tea *m the d(vi- *a»d prom t.» leaving that he and ' foire the i ameras pair and replacement p*f fion Meats a a luncheon at the Hitchcock now-luvgi fin re. or four Twentieth-Fox product im* chief separately scheduled. tr»e rerjiine >1e»ro OK’s Story On lirasN Band* liy U*ky Ilollv wood. Hefd I! Met) <*. has given Jesse I I < kv the jrvenllghl to develop 4l<d jn u- dui r a musical h.* v **d cm fit* o<> u slot* ulea. * The Bi{ Hr ivi Hand It deal* with famous hand* aaid , ».iid niU>»c. to be told through the i jiiaiicr of a pair of young musi- cians. - L*sk> originally dev eloped ‘ Ca- rqs«i/ which he sold a* • package to Metro He fiaa followed hand N . i <h*r t - A *t oni"N(' Y. to- prosped - and will make up their expressed optimism over the film mafits for such parts nsnaf be in- activttj for years, and estimate* I m to ditebha plan* mind on one of them when be re situation and j« e*l a definite eluded a a»*paialt t \||'-4H *i»’ I'xiMU.tP Byou ng people In the l ■ *v*i the cvming year. turns |upward trend «l t* e bovolfive. iplicatiuau I are'Mcmberi mi bands.