Variety (September 12, 1951)

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It. HS 1 F'Mmated Total Greaa fift» Meek ISttlN • Agied oi )• Hi ret ret I LaH Year 1555.744 > Hosed an 1.4 ih**trrt » Thorpe’ Strong $12,060 in Mpk. ‘Groom tall $24,080 in Strong LA.; Pickup Fast 2SG, Continent’ 24G; David' 39G, Woman' MG, Botli 1 Ia** Angelfi; Wept 11 . """ Fu - *! run |mmc Is runtime ihtMl | •. ■ g% at **** **** last ywar devr »* KroadWl? (iFOSStt fact that otil) throe pt* kills # S< ■,•••(• < n arid that It is 1 , . i. id«v week Total ItrM rup F«tlmsted Talal (irna »*twe«tt mi' mighty $273 500 Tilt* WaH 9521.341 nr tetter than holiday Wfpk « A|m 4 m It t.irotrri I lad '$far AIm» it *ai biiifil Laal fear ISSS.1K Manta for ■ first run un 4 dart < Hosed #• II (IlMffrl * N« * > rat % week ot tHO when 34 Inm'* « hit over $300,000 Three nr* hills are running very 4»fn 9 p» rtu r 1 xm( Continent m three I H A rf\0 NfriUUT theatre. )M>ki fud I2IOOO Tick 1 1IUI lIV JU Ullr up * vhape* fait |2S OOO in t w© spots ; W ' : White llete ( n0n Groom alwi OlA AAA • II 1 )n two, Wont big $T4«00. letter ,\1 / |MJ| |n M n | L especially %tr«nf in view i.f low tDILeUvU III III t M wait David and Bathsheba“ Hall l VIW,VVW “ 4, “ B U great at 934 W*0 in «e<x>nd round U ... „ ,, fir two »ite» Hi* Kind of Woman v Minneapolis Kept 11 1 li**k« big $20 <iOO for MHtmd (ran*#.] Comparative grarrtty of n< three Wa< atiwn* Moil other hold- comer* and their inability to It overs are )u*t modipt up too much box off ire excitem Rnlij***** TW* ^rtlaw. ''Will, land to alow up hu <y*T 2u«7 445 i!Fl» 70 $1 i round. Sturdier of new XNt fawtfn — lap and ■p pdgw to kt Jun Thorpe ‘ »h Itghlv I iangerous I f Good look, to h# .’sorko at State “’I $20,000 in on rush Booking after w*»rand Happy Qi Ln * People Will TalkVaoth^ held only ! „ JZT: two day. beyond initial seel. B J* IU h# 1 with $24 uoO for 0 day* ■Mia Kind if woman is in Loyola, WMabfro FWC* <J 241 third downtown wooh while 2 2M. 70$! 10* —* “People Will second session for htghstepp Talk ' '2uth> ‘2d wk*. Nice $4 500 j David and Bsthxbeha ” ‘ Th .Held full second liame here Last My $ny' and "Flying l.eatl week. $15 000 neck* " Holly weed. p»Wftfe"«« * *M*rw Fall mate* for This Week (WM 1 Ik 1 Off! Century far 1 AXl 74-11 H J **nanT^t *~k* aI»Ut ■—"David and Hathvheba » to $10,000 tm .mm 2d »l Hi* 912000 after u. loew* Hi^tr IgypUao UAI ‘ UnlB ^ 12 404 I 53g 70 $ 1 10* - * HKh4 >>t rmpher .Berger •! <¥», 50 7 Yuung l*ietty’*. *M ti» and Mon-) .^Mage Wear ifar* Ok^y $5( tana HrvpriMW ‘Mon*’ I <>«■* t LkM week 2W*ipulh l*ar' ointv ) Jd wk Mild $12 000 m «] w*L fMti* days l^aM wreh. $23 7oo l.yrlc »#ar> >1.000. 50-71 HilUireet Paotage* KKO» »2,<- 'Je**i James ’ fSOthi and ”Bet 752 2 012 7o-$| >--**flckup ’ ;U ol* Frank June*” 20th' rei^u and ‘ t rimmal Lawyer (. ul r Fagt; HioY $5 000 ! a*f *re«‘k V $2M*M! I^»*t week Mappv Go After Mow* 20th> 2d «k' lovely'* HKO> and ‘Tlard. faal. $•• f« aut li.i ^>«y,0 $.’% .*00 Radio 04* f .i <40<N1 50 71 l oa Angeleo. Nellvw**^ Para That « Mv H* % f,v 2d v OMHSOla ;FhM * 3 300 l 430. till $0 000 after *ma>h $17 'Hire flHlfl Uf*«M» and first week * fwo Cials. (lid ' «UA» it A only* RKfl ftrphrnm RKO* <21 Big $24 000 especially nire in view ao-ti ^ lfappv i.o lively ’ R» •f wnlr 1 . ,11* Mv Vaftii $«• dot |nat v* ,m *1* tiag lerthrmrclu flKOi, l olled Ariiatat Rita. Irla 'DA* $tf Mo FW( -?1«H » H14. 7t) $ I It) - nWftr— iRKn t 400 A 40 Trmm it To Races l and Native H5M" 1 K Bon'* i Indie • l A oniv 2d Viailnn iW * i^lTwio 0 %U ^ Ul1 , * rrk ° k '' Kind of Woman HtKOi Four Mar H A too - Five $5 700 lCcd» 2d wk Fat $4 500 First _ Mate 'far* 2 500 50-7«'~" week $0 200 ; Thorpe* IWB) Stckrimi $ 12J Ft we Aria FWi $77 »0$l 50* Last. week. Tall Target’ <M fia«r in Sun fat 4tti wk M 000 Near $0,000 U»t week stout Warld ‘Mann* *400 SO-R $0 UO0 “Tony Draw. Horse’' 'Indie* $ g a s tflf Canon '.ABC' '520 $1 •— $2 5000 Last week '<>n \t«Mml *'K«»n Tiki HKO» 2f*th wk Abvud Bay WB 3d wk mild $2 30 $1 SiMi l ast week. One’ $2,000 > hioeae QM« il WO *2 049 d9 . . , .. 79P, Otril 50‘ r- David and Hath 4 | |J •heba 20th 2d wkv Cireat $3$ - tCatllCmCCKS li 1 000 or near. Last week, unaah , •• $$4 700 tirphewm fcl Rey Hawaii Met- HW ’flAAA ropolitan <iAS -FWf 2213 H01 I nHITIP \ I II I III $ 006 OO-PO’—*' It ia Kind of Worn- 1 IIUI |lv VlVyW an Mki> 2d wk Big $20,000. B Last oeek. $30,000 { Cincinnati. Sept 1 ^erihvilmamf* hid^ei Downtown trade is back to f?vn .rkT iTlned f! , ui?tnl Tame I ,r » i1ln * holiday Spit Wk Current topper. “'Flsring l^at Monday 1 10 after okay $5 600 last *• g hotsy at Albee j Thorpe’ has fala< e m plea mm a m • i ■ i« i n stride while Grand ha* a wit Hi) C Hobb P Htlh BO* m Tomorrow I. Another C 1 IIWWm IIBB U,V *» Here Come* Groom and I ‘PaiMfe’ Fair $ 15 , 500 , K “" «P^L .wi 1 DJAi IIP Albee RKO* 3 HMB 55-7 DflgHl 1111 y King l-eatheme» kv / RK » 'Thorpe’ bdyls. Chip, 12 G; ‘Egypt’ Torrid 10 G Indianapolis • Sept 11 First-run bu here la holding up well und*' bark -t« school « hangr are below rcepRt ' . • \ • Ttioi pe it fryn' ' untiVr with ><*itd figure at the Indiana L t M I e %jmy f' also ts good al U*e « "Ihckup” la getting a moderate play at Iw s » Det. Weakens; Wajme lively 24G, Egypt’ Shaky $11,800; *Boy’24G, 2d Minnewpoli.. s» pt ll Comparative wart tty of new- Comerx and their inability to kick up too much b«>*office excitement will, lend to slow up bti this ! round. Sturdiest of newyOhlrlpg j appears to be Jim Theirpe " whirh | looks to he yorho at State fan* I swge W#ct * and Happy Go l*nve- j >** are mphing little headway ia Kind df Woman in its third dpwnfcp.wn week while it • aerond *e**ion for- highsteopiog 'David v and Beihsbeha ** •*That , » My Bevy’ and “’Flying Leather- necks” Ratimate* for This Week t eniury fat -16*41 74 $ I 20‘ — 'David and Bathshrba” *20th> ■2d wk* Big $12,000 after sorko $1$,000 initial Hants C»opher Berger 1000, 50 7* ”fa**age West * <Par' Ok.*y $5 000 1 1st wt « k M i) I ... I'SI 2 ‘ wk $4 000 l.yrlc 'far* * 1 000 ; 5<L7«i— Thorpe it frpnt-runiwr with antid or ns hgnrrat Hie Indiana Lit t U Kef Utf UTtSSeS Egpvt also if good af the C irrle. 7 7 ’ »*irhup” 4s getting a moderate _—— pl .y .( to, » , T^l OnJ laltautfi M TW, Vrth 1 **l» **«V . Circle 'CocMntl-Oollei ‘2.9$0 44- • rffOsed on 29 rtftet. 929 the t • and Three i'vi, ch«efig /leaf run*, inctud- Steps North t V Good 910000 inp If Y ' Laal weak Meet After ftkpw” Tatal Groaa tanae Week 20th> and Fv - ‘hep*, '. Laa4 Tear $2 477 404 $13 000 - * loaed an 15 mitt, and 199 Indiana C PJ 3 200, 44-#5u- theairrs.) ' m Thorpe >WB» and *’Yet Sir/ Mr Bo** Lip Da dy $12 000 1 avt week. ‘ Here Come* Groom’* (II ■ | 9 11 " - p *” d * Hornblower Hep Loew s 'Loew s.* *2 427 44~05»-~ *od Mask of ; 'vf- mo r aaa a IF /t Avenger ( «>l Fair $0 000 Lost ilk I MM I IV * ■ I Week feoplr Against O Kara Jlrl.UUU 111 l\*V/s M Oi and 'China Cofwalr ” tColl. ViVyVVV Hi onaw/a $10 000. Lyric C D^ 1400 444$ — Dead ’ Kahaoa City. 8e«)4 IT On Arrival t a' MgRl and CroMOt continue general St ride Attack Indi* Mild here a* calibre of Alma hold* up 10.000 l a■ i ik i ii Amen* *n ORF*' H ®*9- newcomer t. Cap! 1 Mono! and $4 000. ilef* N * v y’ $14,000. L'ville Horatio Hornblower” at Mtsaeaiil with solid total, “Here Comes Groom” Is airong la its second week at Paramount white *T)svtd and Bathvheba** In third round looks stout at Orpkeum * attic Drive" and “People Against O’Hara,” are mid new entries. M , ’’r 11 lauinille Sept II Mymg l eather- n,, |t *,adualh^ getting bat k into stride at first-run. here While for TMi Week j current session will hot be a* 1:000 74-fl 20' heftv •< last week wuket pair is Rgththeha” -20th' ' HWly even with arhopl. Openings 912 000 after sorko and the Kentucky Klatc Fair pufi- ll ansa ; mg strongly Rialto la hitting an- .*r 1 AMI an.»4u— A other good Manga with John w* i-.r‘ ok,J*iana • •>'""« Win m»«»« la • Viy- r.rllik' IfJrl ,f| fl Leal h ernfc k s” Ktate Is also vsrpath I sr» virile wHh C omm* Round Moun . AkA tarn ” “Cavalry Scout” and ”Tbi» *1 000. 50-74*— . M Korea” at Strand loom, average. "Je«*e James” f2othi and Return Frank James” •20th» 'rei.v*ue*' Neat $5 000 IwM week, *'Mrel After Show” *2<Hh» >2d wk*. $4 - 500 Radio City Pari *4 404; 99-79w "That's My H**r’ 'Par* *2d wk* Nice $4 000 after smash $17 000 ftrst week RKO-Oepheom RKO* -2 400 40 74 Happv Go I <»\ * l> " RK< > Mriurn Ratlmalea for This Week Mary Aoderxett * People’s '1200 ! 45 65Jim Thorpe” <WB*. Fair *■' $$ Ml© I .eat Week. Hornblower' WB* 2d wk* excellent $7000 O 76 — | Kentucky ♦Switowl *1 100 45- Id wk* ' H5*~-”R» lv» dere Rings BeU” *20thl. $17 000 Gka| 97 oOO in 12-day frame Fab- iula ‘ UA opens Sept 12 tnllA Rime Dukinson' 504 75 44 — L VIlltr i Ballerina ’ Indie' Strong 92 500 Lad sff* Ulll Manewe 7 <HKo tJc mi* Midland Loew Si *3.500 50 40*— ! People Against O llara *M-G» vLu Z lm ; *"<* Flame Mamhoul ' Coi» Light irhJt rw, I. $10,000 Ust week. Rich Young li m^ninalf Dretty” <M-G* and ' Painted Hills ' Jir J ‘M-GA nice 14,000 . hittnnan- Wloaourl tRKO» <2.950 $0 75 — John Wavne Hornblower WB» and ”OhoM rnctinVv ( h*^rs” 'Morvo Big $l50<*n and Rate D alao ‘Will hold Last week. "FKing Immd Moun-! 'RtC°l •"<> '“/urjr ” and "This ^oli ‘2d whh fork 111.000 nm* average J Midwest l G tH j I, Week 75-$l 20— David and Bathsheba apU x T 200 '20th> 3d wk* Although pace <WB* Fair * , *«'ken»ng somewhat still solid in Hornblower rl $ ht »* $l$®00 LpM week, rnt 97 tHh) ‘ • 15 000 *1 100 45- Paramount Tn-Slates* '1400; Bell" '20th* 54V44'*- Here Cpmus Groom Par 1 frame Pah-' 2d Wk 1 Breezing- to Strong t 12 912 000 unusually big for second •2 400 RKO*. Wobbly 9MWG Ust week, “Ply- ing Uathemecks*' ‘RKO*. 6ne 912 5410 RKO Pan Rhn I H<M)'i 40T« — Flying Leatheme< i* / HKV <m u I Big 16.000. l^aatr wees ’ His Kind of Woman tyb 1 1 >2d w k 95 700 7 Stale 'Par* 2 900 50-7« — Jlm Thorpe” WH S*x:keriw> 112.0410 Last. week. "Tall Target ’ «M <• $4 000 Wurtd Mann* '400. 50-* “Ton y Draws Horse’ 'Indie* Mild 92.54K10 Ust week, 'On MiMmlight Bay” «WB* 3d wk'v mild 92.200 Rialtu 'Fourth Avenue* <3 000 45-65' - Flying Leathernecks ! • RKO* and ‘'Father Take* The Air** j < Mono V Rousing $14 000 Last week "That's My Boy” <P*r* snd * Roaring City” • Lip*, sock $20,000, in • daw j Mate fnew’** <9.000, 45-95 *— 1 “Cornin' Round Mountain'*^ <D» and ’ Kalir Did It" U* Healthv $12- 000 Ust week Rich Young, I Pretiv ’ *M <** and "No Questions Asked' MG 911000 N Irani FA* '1.200, 45-45 — ;“Cavalry Scout * 'Mono and ‘This Is Korea Rep* Tnm 94 0O0 Last week “Frogmen” 20th* and * Ro- de© Kins Senonta” <Rep*, excel- 1 lent $4 000 week iJtft week, great 914.000 | 'R*»»d Block’ Tuwer. I ptawn. Fairway, C.rau- $10 000 for ada (Foa Midwest! <1.100; 2,04t; ' after sock i! 700: 1217 50 75*— Cattle Drive” ! MaJapMc ' Av’erage 914.000 Ust week.; "Urn Thorpe "Meet After Show" «20th> with Rose” <Rep* help, from holiday and extra skew*. 1 week “Meet fancy $19 000. but not up to hopes snd "Yukon St Lsns; leaker necks* Fat 18 G, ‘Rick’ IOC, 24 . . Detroit. Sept. II. * That s lly Boy” is doing gre«$ in second half at (he Mi'hig.n. Flying Leathernecks" looks, very slirr af the Fed "People Mill r-ik ii fairly good at Cniicd Artist* Little Riyr hakv at the Palma. "Uw and Udy” is a dud at the Adams Trade generally is way off from lest keek $ stlmates for This Week Fo* 'FosTietroltl *5 000. 70-051 — Plying leather neck« HK •> * and "Roden King’ Rcpi Nice 1924,000 or hotter for John V#vnf opus Ust week. "Adventures Copt Fabian” *Repi plus two s-day Rpike Jukes onstage <36.000 Michigan tL’nited Detroit* 14 OOO, 70-95<—"That s My Boy Pari and Katie Did It” fD* '2d wk*. i Great $24,000. Last week; lernne $31 000 | Palme «L’D> <2.900. 70-P5i— [ Little Egypt" *U) and "Arnmnin for Hire” Indie* Shaky 911 04«i Last week "Iron Man" C» and “Saddle V^egton” (Uni. 915 000 Msdtssn *<UD1 1.900. 70dM>^ Francis to Races" <t f ) and Mani- ac on Wheels” ‘Up*. Slow 94 000. Lhat week. ’Hornblower' iVftl <m «i >, $10 490 Culled ArtiaSa <CA» *1400; 70- 45i—"People Will Talk" 20th * Nice $13.0041 Ust week. "Strip” 'M G) and ’This Is Korea” >Rep*. 910 000 / Adams Bala ban' IffOO. 70-461 I- 7 'Us and Udy” f$fG* Weak $5 000 , Ust week. /"Happv Go Lovely” (RKO! 2d w)i*. 91509. ‘Grssu’ Crad $ 15 , 000 , Prot.; Tborpe’ Sturdy 14 G, Wayne $ 10 , 000 . 2 d Providence, Sept 11 Majestie s “Jim Thorpe 1 * ks hut this session srfth "Here Cornea Groom" also sock at Strand Lai- ] ter is holding. All other stands are holding for second try Doing fairly well with holds are RKO ’ Alhee with “Flying Uathernerk* ' and Metropolitan with “That's My Boy ” Estimates for This Week Afheu RKO* 2 200 44-45'— j “Flying Leathernecks” RKO* and “Road Block” RJ2d wk> Nue $10,000 for John Wayne starrer after sock $15,000 In 6r*t week Majestic 'Fay! '2 24 m> 44-96*— “Jim Thorps" WB* and "Havana . Rose" 'Rep* Hefty $14 000 Uaf week Meet After Bamw** '20th* and "Yukon Manhunt” Mopo 1 , $4 500 Metrwpwlitan (Snider! <3 100. 44- •5‘—“That’s My Roy* *Pari 2d wk . Good 94^00. First we* sol >dV$ 16.000 stjie^»l oewi '3 300 44-45 | “Rich Young. Pretty” M-G< and I "Big Gusher" (Col! *2d wk* Fair | $4 400 Uat week, good 415 000. ‘Leathernecks’ Hot $15,0(0 in Gncy; ‘Thorpe’ $10,000. ‘Show’ Sharp 9G, 2d Bt. Lout* Sept. II, Strand tStlRMiiiMtJII; 44“ Emploving an upped xcale. never - 45i_ Here Comes Groorii Par*, rehxhed^ M* natives. David and Second week opened Monday 10*. Bathsheba ts roppmg a sorko aes- rirst round was nifty $15 000. sion at the Rt Uuu. Swell bally > , ■ , ■ is helping "Flying Uathemecks " 4 a Dii ct IflVV D pin AAA also getting benefit of .well week ARMS MILD S 1 0 000 . end coin it grabbing big stanza at nni f»V|VW, (he Fox Herr Comes Groom D 41TA. (fDAAIfl 9 Of 911 continues sulid in second week af DIILIv, URvVRI J'h LV 1 the Missouri lUltiin.. e Went 11 \ Bostun ' S* pi i 1 >td«»ver* »f major hou' Montlv holdover* *t n»4)«»r luuivrv, this slants witfv newiomcr* Pas- gage West .at Paramount and Fenway and "March of Renegade" at RKO Bcoton vhapuig litUe more than average Belvedere Ring* Bell" at Astor look* nice “That s H*<> m third round at M. I still fancy while "Flying Uathdf- neck' «U11 is tall at the Memorial in second frame Ealimale* for This Meek Aamr B4Q 1,200 5o tf. — "Belvedeie Rings Bell 20th 1 . Kue $11 000 shaping U»l week. "Thuntier on Hill l <4th wk< fast *7.000 Beaton BKo 3 200 40 45* — "Mark of Ren*gadr *1 • and ‘ "Wagon Wheel* R« p *r*i^vue‘. Fairly good $10 000 Last week. "Little Egypt L and King of Wild Horses ' Col*. $8 500 Exeter Indir 1300 55-00' — Continued on page 20* . Cincinnati. Sept 11. 4 Downtown trade Is back to par j trailing last week’s holiday splurge Current topper. ‘ Flying Leather- ! neck* M is hotsy at Albee "Jim i Thorpe” has Palace in pleasing ! stride while Grand has a winner ' in Tomorrow It Another Day ” "Here CiHnes Groom" and “Meet After Show" are solid holdovers Estimates foe Ihia Week Albee • RKO * *2 IMF 55-751— j Y iv my 1 *-j't fit/. Iiv / KK I Hot XV $15 0CWI ; . • .. il . . Uo Hornblower WB* vapir ( a pilot Mfd laiiwl J(H¥) 34- 75*—‘ Here Corrtrv Groom" Par* 2d wk Sprightly $10000 in wake of sorko $ 15.500 unveiling ! Grand 'RKO! «? 400 55 75*— “Tomoriow Is Another Da> '* ' WR* and "Fugitive Lady " ’Keph G«iod $4 54)0 Ust week People Again*! O Kara <M G>, $g OHO Keith s Mld-RUteui * 1 542. 55- 75)— Meet After Khow" <20th> '2d wk li tiding to big $4 000 after big $14 000 preeut l.yrlc RKO I,S»I0 55^-75 — ‘Hornblower’ «*H' *mo». Okay $5 000 Ust week, “Annie Get un" 'MG' and 'West Point Story” WH' ‘reissues' split with TOoT lM-C) and Capt Cast ilie ’ (20th* 'reissues*. $4 500 Palace RKOl *2 400. 55-75*— ‘Jim Thorpe’ ' WB' Pleasing 910000 Ust neek > His K.nd of > Woman 1 RkOi, 113.000. Amkimidae FAM* <3.004, 40-75* SHOW* STOUT $ 10 , 000 , | [ OMAHA; ’GROOM* 9 G. 2 D a Omaha. Sept 11. Fum FAM • <5 000 40-75*— bo continues strung here cur- "Flying Leathernecks’ *RKOt and. rently Top fr oaa sr foe week will “American Spy" 'Mono*. Big $14 - be "Meet Me After the Show” 000 Uat wreek. "Jim Thorpe - which looks solid at the Paramount W R* and ‘ Stage Tucson” <Col*. i Three holdovers tell the story of $20txxt * m . a f. 1 JJ6dt. ‘ Ftymg l eather- l***', I^ew’s* <3 172 . 50-75 — ™' k% JjW pw« ©ver • "Rich. Young. Pretty” -M-Gl 24 ond week st the Bondeis while off to $10 000 after good Here ( onset Groom at Orpheum $15000 first stanza looms fast in 6rst holdover round .. u * ruiHjtM Im *si- SmI Mimosui -FAM- <3.500: 40-75 — Faramewnt Tn*iales' 2 400 lt»- Hr,r t omr * Groom Par and "TET Au'inK^'SiS “A^wl }*m» Nice $10 000 or near Ust week «'»■»/5w/' d 4?*?°*!* following On Moonlight Bav W H $11.1104) 917 04)0 initial stanza Orpheum ‘Tnstatrs* <3.000. 16- Pageant «St Uuis Amui! <1.000; 70 - Here Come* Groom Par. SO-OO*—’ Magnet ’ «U*. Oke $2 000 Baltimo e. Sept 11 A few new entries this session hut number of holdovers on down- town list indict'es how well biz it holding up. rorre of Arm** is Inching out a mid stanza s! the Stanley "Flying Leathernecks’ looms big at the Hipp tn aerond week while “Here Comet Groom” ^ wk> and ' According Mrs *L542. *5- lL*vle 'M«»n©' S«m k $9 000 or o\er 2 d Uyl.ueek big 112.000 • 046 after StW Cmldberg* 165 25 75*— U>*t) r.Inunent «nd G I 55-7?'— Janrl I ip ' *pened Sunday • o Okay Ust week. ‘ Warpath ” ‘Par*, |Mf Ann. t $6000 rest Point Brandeia HK<»» 1504: 16-70*— spRt With “Flying Leatherneck-*" RKO* *29 t Cs*tille wk Nice $6,500 First week great 14 200 I 55-75*— Omaha Tnstates* 2 100; 16-70. Pleasing — ’On Moonlight Bny” <WB* 'm.o ). il Kind uf j "Father Takes the Air” Mono*, i l ;...: 1 Surprising ijr b*f $6,000. 1 Ust week “Oliver Twist ’ »UA> 3d wk big 11500 94. Lssh 'FAM* '4.000: B0-$1 20' — David and Bathsheba > '20ih Sock $23600.. Ust week, not firat- run, Shady Oak St Louis Amus * 400: 50-90*—"Oliver Twist ’ *UA* 4ib^rh Nice $1,200, after >1.490 4(iKWla N» e $1 200, alter >1400 third chapter , Shwbert «lnd> ‘1.500; 40*— Smoky 20th< and Kentucky" lOt'h* * reissues'. Passable $3 504 Ust week. “Jesse James” «20th» and “Return Frank James’* '20th* 1 week while "Here Conies Groom” JR” 7 *‘ . is equally as strong on Keith’s ifi'Jfr holdover Thorpe’* I • . Eslfasates far This Meek " '( ol Century <Lpew’s-UA» ‘3.009; 26- 70—"Caitle Drive" <l r A< Vlodcst v> *« _ $7 000 Uat week "Rich, Young, l-C) 2d ITetty** 'M-G» t $4,400 ^ rr *«km 1 Hippodrwme Rapp.port* <2 240; B • 20-70 Flving Leathernecks -RKO* *2d wk* Big 99.000 after 00-75*— ||3 200 opener: Holds a third ar* and Keltk’S 'Schanberger* <2 400 20- Mono* 70 — Here Conies Groom" 'Pari ollowing 2d Nice 99 000 behind $15.- •• 200 Arst week Holds again >1000 Mayfair Hicks* <490 20-70 — p >2 000 “Adventures Coptaio Fabian” I” <UA) <Rep*. Opens to day 'Tue* • after i three solid weeks o4 “W’si psth” 40-91 20» .Par* with One 914 200 total for f JOth run Final week was $4,500 rust first- New Mechanic 1 400 24V70' — • "Meei After Rhow” ‘20th‘ »3d wk*. Amus * Winding af at oka $5500 after it” 'UA' $7^«) lor second, tr $1.499 Stanley <WB* <3.290; 25-75 — "Force of Arms” tWB. Dull 410.- 60'— .000 Ust week, “Jim Thorpe eniucky tWB*. 112.900 YW9M. , Bappaport> *1.500. >5*701 People Will Talk 20th • 2d !.»k>, Trim 49 000 after pleasing ^reissues’, I preem at 910.700. -