Variety (September 12, 1951)

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12 . 1*31 iE«rkA*-m*i< R«tiM This Last »b. »k- 12 csiier m 4 rt i wt ii com- pmritiv* mUi rdf mg for tiii* end 1nil week. Week Endina ■ SepL I ArUaL UWI. Till# 9 A TONY BENNETT »Olumb»a» 2 Ikciie af Yaw * - 3U MI3 iMr MARTIN TV iclor) 3 -I Get Ideeej—2tM 14 VA ROSEMARY CXOOM V *( olI l -( >■ » — A My Ma*»r 3U4«7 M ARIO 1 \ N / % 5 ,* Uy>ll»R Night a# l eaf --10-3300 « ' NAT "RING" C OLE • (Apitoi< 4 tw V«Wf w -l44« Til TONY RENNETT • Columbia t >R 7 -< aid. (old Heart* -3044R DIN AH &MORK • V »ctnc» H 13 It I - Sweet Violets"— 20-4174 \ LEX PAl l- M ARY I OKU C'ipmVh t ‘Wartd Watting S«nn%* 48 «> FRANKIE t AINt Columbia 7 12 "Jeeebet”—3*337 ; . | DORIS DAY 'Columbia! t 11 -Shanghai'—3*42.1 PATTI PAGE *Meu ui \ > Hfinf ^RH III I Y W 11 1.1 AMS \t (i M shanghai"— 1 Good R. C ROSRY-I. WYMAN l^fii 13 “fwl. Ceal ( *d l ioiac tIWI PATTI PAGE (Mmun* Mr and MtanMpM' V149 DEL WOOD *tfnnr»Mrl Dawn Yaoder**—775 lir STARR < .Il| A My How*e *—17 Ml * w. • > . .* LEX BAXTER Capitol» 13A IS **Be« auae a# Yan*'-!700 LEX PALL »Capitol V HhUpr rtn« -1592 ■—+• i. t- v— - — WEAVERS ‘Dett a* 13 "K l aa ea Sweeter Than W ine "~ 17370 MARIO LANE A »Victor! ‘‘Breenor'*—-10-1207 A . . **■ • . a. • Label (olantla \ bier . <• (a at tel Mrrrnry t Ditk Beet Sellers by Companies • Rued on Point* Canted/ Ne e# V Label I Deer a . M-G-M FIVE TOP ALBUMS M-G'M WO-MM KS4 . E 33* ©WAT CAftUtO Victor DM-1503 LM-1127 AYDM-1303 DA-373 Bud Brees a Dee jay Philadelphia. Sept 11. fcud Brees, former vocalist With » Art Mooney orch. has been art **■ » <N*k jockey airer on WPEN. i > iladelphta Hrrea teed off his dee jay stint V »V week m an across-the-board »how which features hint singing v * with the disks. an aii time favorite FEATURE House Stirs Col to Do Harpsichord Album Click of the harpsichord •* a jazz background for Rosemary Cloo- ney » **Come On A My House.** Columbia Records hit. has rued the diskery to issue an album by Stan Freeman on the ancient keyboard I instrument. Freeman did the back- I OONT STAND ft GHOST OF a CHftNCE WITH YOU MILLS MUSIC INC ground on the Clooney disk, and the Set has been titled “Come On- A Stan s House " Initial use of the harpsicord on pop disks, incidentally. was done by Hugo Winterhalter ti Ms • Across the Wide Missouri ’ slice lor RCA Victor. Faith Records chartered to man* u/acturc records sad machines siili offices la New York. Capi'ai stock la 320,000, 310 par value, John N Griggs. Jr. N. Y . was fil- ing attorney. USTtH TO DUSTY WALKED with Th Nirmij Mb ft UTTLE KIT OLD FftSNKMED •CA VIED NDUCATHMS - D.NJ. .Mal t y tad >3. Cob#. 4 I » OUTS AMR ROUE VO*CI 0# XTA3AT Decca DA-325 3-203 DLP-3033 Trade Assn. (MtanfO fFMS *•!• Oft concerning the disk Industry. Re- cently. for example, there tsero re- ports that a Congressional commit- tee *** considering upping the duty on Imported tapes, basing it* assessment on the value of what was on the tapes rather than the physical value. There was no Cen- tral agency to check details of the report for united act ion by the Induatry. The major dlskers, how- ever. did submit a joint brief on the Office of Prtco Stabilization price-freeze regulations affecting Setup of the new association will Include a fulltime staff with an exec director piloting the Industry studies and action Directors of the outfit Include Milton R Rack- mil. Dacca preay: Frank Walker. M-G-M preay. Glenn Wglltrhs, Capitol pres, Leonard W. Schnei- der. Decca eiec vice preay; and attorneys Henry Cohen. Morris Sherr and MorUmer Edclatein In- corporation papers Were filed by Cohen L Bingham, N. Y. attorneys for Decca. Orlando Barrear. former aw sistant conductor of the Houston Symphony Orchestra, has been named conductor of the LI Paso Symphony for the 1*31-32 season He Micceed* H Arthur Dross who resigned to a**ume directorship of the Tulsa PfcilhanMksc uuitiui t, v DECCA 0RI8IRAL CAST ALBUM lembom o# lb# How Yedl ARTHUR LESSER Made bf ly*»«* 3 W •*«*•• by JUll 3TTNI a SfTTY COMRCN oad AROIPH fiffllN with ELLIOTT ftllO Mi COLETTE MARCNANO Mnltal NmMti by T«R CAPTT UH.A 9 A A by MOW At 0 AAV • (Wu*a by JOAN SISSONS TO SflMUtnttCM Ov PMILIP 1 AMO 0«<M« w«n« A.a* Sf Ml VIS VS etrot. vnd sr um c Mi Mi A bcMiio si*««tM by Miaaser #••■*• •M?ia« eeoowcTioM oiaacTto iv ASA 3UIROW1 ovcsrwaa # SMOW T«A«M • MOL* ms-mold mi- moxo mi -m«m gw Two* • Htat sm« comas mow a vawsivhli aim t mar a VM«ea Mtvaa was a oaiv um my iarv a catch owa ACT AT TMf AM ST f mm* Ac* |i a 0 «V« A ilTTia—AST A iITTtt a IVH C.ASTMDO # W TOO NAOMI luT YOU 0*0 • TD*f CLOWN # HOW *'IL Mg KNOW 0 Final g FS IFaa IS II ■ s' ‘ ■ ■ •, * l ' • • * * ' • . ^ f . * - »»«• SI «* lHHS-FrH« M II as A A»Av*^» m=n*» IS imS tawa Play America s Fastest --Selling Records!