Variety (September 19, 1951)

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i*. mi COMPO Urges Exhibs Plant Info Art! m ipating ffffttl ol the . C<»ngre«*m4n c th Mid «m **• Commuaiil film from start to finish Hf Mid H •dually vn written by Clifford Odets although John Howard a *• n 1 i Lawauo took the credit, adding A Vtt 1 Kfl/I that the story m« earlier used to /UHrAvU Europe by a lading publicist (or ; Ru«*la ** Mid wli»r<iMi «<ly tssed Donald L Jackvon {again by another Communist - Angeles hearing* of j who ha# been a member •# the sympathtm ■ ■ . ir Hohi • in tmm<a* Activities [ Hauto Obthmittre declared It Imluvioo of propaganda i* jRA.i unfair for snyosto to brand H i» not due to csretr s soes i nr a by fnxiiKrn |<* of its but rather unawarea##*. Ashe < ;11rt into HoilyvkiKMl Inm umau mr mvmir io nr.m. n«- the Com net I id Motion wood-at-large t, omiminiMii Ally m- deliberate attempt V'.i 'Uir Organ training is planting dined when less than t | V et* »ith cvhtbithrs. urging j personnel has been identified by . umtlierixe (oral editor* the committee afe involved in any * i; If. Hot Jjrii nod' *• anti commie ac- alleged Communist activity tfvjHrv. “On#- of Amerira e leading labor i. oM f*< ) i* particularly w ary bn- rep*r1ei « after rev iew ing anti- m ir hearings preface the 1‘ommunid isrtkM\t^JljwrtCab/b|- « » Mated He added that witnesses at earlier hearings who Mid that Dirir a.,* no gn*p4^.f»da in »>«* weren't “sufficiently familiar'* with the parly and it* aim* to reiognrte H WitoBi ttM question aa to but party bran ; i .,l ni ’ vi.rh br r»adf a *1 V pi #bieh ha* in it the taegeM rot** Socialist Party lie Mid that i testify honestly, freely, fully m cooperation with yoUr committee ’ ,» i R ) he# s pape r * <>i I paid#* in the world the chipping Communists Had a five fold aim in | a ■ a. • ■ aa it aa riiL I i j .11 a* aarunmidA». Tn mosIsnA fs'ivws narnut «.o nine of it* giant nationviide doyirteadc^Ur^ ,, f*idfn>rt*onately, nhethnthnnyone • \Ur itiMM l i A campaign In there arr fewer Cortimuniafa tn. mouW get aurh propaganda , hraringg *iH nvertap’ the Hollywood today than in thn multi- e Ash# Joined the Communist* , 4 4 the btg n^ontng guns the bttBmb4Bi»r olnydbaMlMi to dwrir y, .;,gdd|g n ddg mtnfMry idMtoCBdl n •r-d Ml Via** louring 4A vtate^ b*«. ,ndu*lry otter# r„nvtd« rable roh Hollywood To enliM nim name* g f r, ,a rvt i laboration »ith f ommunud* ha* •% m ember* or cympothuer* to aid W tdr i.,«t oheet prepared froin been (ound much to rverybodv v recruitment of other dupe* and Ini < pplied by the \!«»- fcadmr Ihr vmrltini indu^ti v dope* general reeruitmeni tp get : fiio, » i* fnduAtry (Vnimil. nhlrh Hm » II wme mighty big nanaby, whieh d ffd h ig hte » \ nin-tini:-- firm*, the htllion-dolUr fur indue- '‘\m analvsi* of prevlou* hear- try: and of f«ur*e in hundred* hvgv hv the t n %mertead Artivitie* wnaller chop* organised by gome < oniodttee uill *ho» rlearly that thing railed the OKdibUtive Woth < • attempt*.' to take ’over.. er* ’ : . i r-. — i Information desired to be bailed ; linatly dropp* d m favor of i«* wur * MPICs Stand Vs. Reds Lna Angelet. Sept )• The Mottos Future Induvtry C ouncil reaffirmed Ms opposition to Communism tn a letter read at the start of the hearing* by the House Un-American Aetivitteg Committee, which opened here yesterday Man). •*HPIC uanU to emphavis# that nith the over#helming majority of American people it believe* clear, present danger* to the no- tioo esisu.’* the letter stated “MFIC offers tta strength and sup- port to any legally constituted body that ha* at Ita obj ec t the rtpueure and destruction of international ( omrmmut Party con- spiracy MPIC tpeaka on behalf of the motion picture induvtry m Hollywood We wish to make It crystal-clear our repudiation of Art*. Science#, and Professions Council' any right to speak for any branch of the motion picture industry in attacking the pur* po«es and objectives of your body Statements Have been nude that there has been re*isUnce to employ ntent of individual* because of their actirity in their fight against Communism We declare such statements completely un- true We commend and encourage Utoae who testify to their complete repudiation of Communism and effectively demonstrate their loyalty to our country Our hope t* that #itne*«os mill Film Reviews Bi OsUbmH Umm peg* • j pletely outdoor# the camera #oik t%~ Aaiarted pt< ps*«,pie could *uppb m of »»«e sums to control fM^v coil' ! ■ ^ Irnl to pmrirau thr union* Ob- typ* Pr* urnlty all «h* U ' ®* ''n.. l : 7hH r ,t.>r ,.l»™ mm h.« union , ua»4 W akn« off Mia. HwlaI«o • «■"«,* t'-r'mt partor manta aa ;ha HfVli* >d have b*rn failure* and Information de>.rrd to be tailed | iinany aropp^a , *' or 4 *? ,w * actreso. defeat* and have not achieved any to the attention of the pfeoa In- filtration Ashe adding that the. The dlltMlnr h , i .succew which casual Hude* a re*t»rd of Hollywood guild* Porlv frequently paid members^ |# ti r« .<;•»< - »(' h* :»d• •*«* ' alone n 1 ght h a ve-: indicated i,' \»» one denies that there air CoviununisC* tn Holtynhnd hut a* and tin Ion v re« i oi d #4 management »hy Communist« hatei American gjana,; arhy, Hollvwood is singled .Out Reds Named in Hollywood Probe un "*? ^ maintain Winn. % j or y »hich rqfK . friu the impoa- standing*’'-’ ubillty of a beautiful woman re- Ashe Mid he broke #tth the faming her purity. It also relates party tn 19)0 after his growing the story of,a mother condemned disillusionment and feeling that the by apriety and making the supreme party woe a betrayer 9f the work- Mcnfice for her child Trite dialog ing claoa ’" doe* nothing to lighten the srhule supp l ies itenmty At hire Curwaawa lend* • • d«n» not luni — jSy rtm &- B -r 4 Blneaeard * i( ()l.un--FECN( Mi Venice Sept AW MM II. lurf - - I MMlfM**# (•«*«■ HI* * mmmmm aonal k,n,vslr«tg» ef membrnthip of ment It w«a submitted «h«* m«M. M turn entered Into the transcript of wrl<er %ale* pro mot ion lengthy hearings The names he following several years ■srntwmed were diretior Joseph Tlmirgi " a d C« r i Dreher She was followed by |a»m*v and hit wif»- Ijouise. agent fug»d to answe a ^ g ^ WM lOordon. wbn was accompanied by Juhn Weber' and M irenwrttccs M 'Jti J ’ ****** A Wirm of the American Bess Tall*) and Marguerite Hob jjjjjj; •J? 1 ^ f i **J* ll * f Er-.mwSieb : |CMI Liberties Union eru ‘^^rbutr After identify to* hlmaelf a* a ; Tow nsend stressed his hrlicf that i,^ i * t 0 i,^ At and director. Gordon list- the i ommumsto hod never been ... “ ed hla fftalumore education, eariy toits tn insert • N y stage work, the number nf t ammunrl propaganda into film* ‘At m osphere af gear* pU he‘s directed tn Hollywood In- He p«>inted out that even if i> jfto frequent eschanges were eluding Another Part of the Eor- wriier followed the party line on ■ pumtuated by attc’npt* to grt evt.*’ ‘ Act of Murder.*^“Cyrano, uraJ teen-ager The picture already has done well here and in the province*. It has interest for A mer- it an audience* because of the curi- ous resemblance to Hedy. Vut, any vob)e<t, the script Still had to mio '.the record hty opinion* of cofive up fur approval by a director (he committee and the * , atmo#' prodiner and frrqurntlv an rsrcu- phrre ul' fc^i** which he taid live |wKlmrr ami studio head as wav reqMOMblr for people bv ing well. The ("ointnuinivts he avldrd "afraid to vign the lletiaralion of MM ’Con- rouUMl # 'ne\»r got one step tow aid first hose"; Hi’ their. etfoH* to slant pi* He vaid he doesn I believe that “any studio heads now or ev er had been *. memhers of the I vu n muma t Partv Tow oM-nd told the committee Independence " laiter in an n- change with committee member (k»n*ld I J.o Iim# It Cal 1 he objected to phrasing of aquestion Can Get It WhoteMle vkt Lake * When committee thief Frank Tav e nne r . Jr,, aaked If he knew Frank Tuttle. Gordon, after staling “I Wlieve the man you re- ferred to appeared brfore the com* j fl#riMI- mittee, declined to answer under L the Fifth Amendment Tavenner »**«a Go«»v «*mi UfSw UrowS k* AaOre HunW *r **•«• *w 4 VititMf TImv as to whether he would report m- ‘ben read TuUM# tesUmonv listing W IB ner of four Arsis at the bolage by a Communist if he wit- Gordon among others as pmTy v bhy Film Festival * h ‘» nessrd such an attempt He .n- member* G«dk>n continued to de-, Femme EstFormidable la a ... ------ slated he would report it by any- eltai# to answer ail questions reiat-1 b f^ roon ?. come d> ruc ^' takes the forbidden hey and And* that a* a member of the party he aiiHMiHi ‘fraction meet me* ‘hat, one" hut der lined to answer the • ing to Tuttle, the League of Amer is uu< w»r* of other party mem- directly phraved question contain- kin Writer* School and CommiT bersinthe Screen Writer* Guild.'* mg the word ' Communist calling fee for the Pint Amendment m ^ in which they set plans for their it an attempt at entrapment Asked If he joined the eiprtnto effort* to work their will op th*i Chamberlin i*»ld the committee, Pf optoMn on the Committee for mtM g suicide# and a vandahmkt <;»i»id He again emphasbed. h»»w- ^ found it deeply repugnant n * r rw»t Amendments original • clay-throwing riot in a wuljHor* ever that Cormnumvt Parly m«m an d profoundly un-American to be **»*cment that It was disgusted studio tto«e of this give# the Aim bers never anmuntevt to more th n %m eared blacklisted and strangled outraged by the continued at- the madcap Alltp it strain* for and Shoot .A9 in the (mild and that was r , -uv ' bv his aoDraranre ‘f m Pl °f lb* House committer to it is far from eshilarating It may a> the peak nf infiltration of the Zforc the en.nmiUre lwT« fur- ‘blear Hollywood ’ Cordon pre- serve on duaia at some lessor U 5 k.Klv .round 1*44 HMr^JSL fSTiL mUZa ! «»«*»*’ W MW W ) i nS i>»M gaudy parody on the Bluebeard legend Coatumer about the trial* of Bluebeard in disposing of ht« wive*, thus has spice and movement It should make a Ane grosser here Pic may do for some special situations In America Govacolor (a a hit pallid but the delicate hues enhance the Aim Plot concerns Bluebeard * choosing of his eighth wife Hts men swoop i into town (ollectlng pulchritude j for the choice of his neat wife An Innkeeper's daughter has herself substituted for the daughter of a nobleman and wins the fancy of Bluebeard On their wedding night, he tells her the story o( how he killed hi* other wives, producing the biggest yocks of the pic This part is high in sophisticated ma- cabre humor But the Atm is un- even. with more spirit needed in several portions The little wife forhi oldry Compounded out of mtaun the other «**9A |Bl| and happi^l j* 2 j^ 2 ss :r. 4 ^ i »««««»«, d.» ations which^ are always less than j| |§ theaping is a highlight ... mm he bluster#, grimaces and IsNSHd ( MbMr v vI' M fofSMr War guv v Me Bi vtl <«•• ! • ■ an *1 • * « • • # ' St Wil ., ># sa>ag Gravel IVwBiittt v»aw AMr#4 AUe ViMM* Dvlwll* Jmsmi Ihrea . %Ua AAaU opinion He parried questions by Hep Francis E. Walters O . Pa i as to “what criminal charge do you Fernand Gravet is tn Ane fettle as the misunderstood spouse of Sophie Desmaret* She in turn .htaui muhi b. »uc^ yi.1 yo« Whether as the chronic ilrunk or Name Used far “The Tea* was gavelled down by chairman Shortly before mlddav rwfu.j^^d He siepped down after 12 Towr^end came to the subject that minutes ~ about half the time ha* stirred considerable Hollywood Hlankfort had taken - -and the com •peculation smee the 1947 hear- mittee then called Townaend U !?■ T n.’ j M >« Writer’s Testimony -ir sr 1 0m,pi « Mosl ^ 1,1 Day ssasr^st _ he ha I sin,# left u!e ^11^-10001 ,BI,ul * ,lnr ** '‘hen for the U % in event of war with rol# calls for sentimen) As the ? -V? ” hearing# spewed in the Log An* Bissau He declined to diarttM hit other woman. Simon Valerie ia for answering questions Asked by Rep. Donald Jackson ‘t.. Cat i if he wag devoted to the prances through the role with glee. Cecile' Aubry is a perfect foil an the perl little frmme who stand* her own ground with the ogrr ’ ' : Wo»k> U >nlt Knl M ■iv > (Wight I* My Ktogdoml 'FRENCH) Venice. Sept 1L as the harried husband pursued by by two comely females. Grasey ia the Aim s mainstay Sophie Des- maret* is loos Interesting when the k>. ■mvw} w >>*, ,# fri „ Frdrral Bu)Wing ... ■»■*»» .QWafg A.h» «r«Unr, m,« », 'Ten ** in the first Instame he col* properly decorative. 'In the Wanda) tJAPANESE) Venice Sept 1L Harold personal "pinions “under ctrcum- rnter a >tances of my position.* regarding Uhorilll(i llfl . mllh tnrm * r BWA> lunctionarv who told (he U S course of notion In Korea lrvi/r ( o e m the he ,i ,he rommittee that the parly re- Daggett bated bis L. A- educa- t^!L r k " . . r d * *. garded Holly wood a* a “tatted turn, work on local and Seattle lowed tu* name to be attached to »_ ^ ill *aaaA isJ ' »n ..rMrmil uriifvn h, M.iin. lobe milked He added that newspaper*, and publicity work for an VI. ** ’ Tj "" the “party had some pretty good- Aim people in addition to publicity Trumbo in neither caar was he to ^ •• . ^ V *T ’ * "l. 1 " 1 "- ” i*”"? rr.. .vr •>.*„ Nr.thrr w-np, Z*. ‘*^51 fhoMwnlW *°r*: hr rupunri »ddu«« tlut d*.l» »»r* ",*#*.* 11 ' *' ■■■» ®rruP>«< mo« vrll Hr »»• **P‘“>*f M*S ^ »«<nir<l h\ I.ui.r «ho ” f ,hr ,,r ’ 1 <*•>■ bul ""*> »r»i by liutrU ProdiHiioru ol hu. brrii mtnitiinrd in MJI.-MM MUPf.Oit.Ml H* AnMTW. H* was Um only •Dim bearing* followed by hts former wife lo answer quickly, and clearly, but Towu'ends recital of his actrvl- Mfldred Ashe, also a cooper* declined to answer questions per- il# - n the part' including hi* post ,lve *’ wilnwn. director Michael Umiftg to signing of a ballot peti- a- code* tor Hated such H#»li\wood rK>rrfo ». pubUcUt - newspaperman tlon for the Communist Parly and cle*. Brilliance of looceptinn. tech pri«p)e as ( ole Trumbo John < h * rle * Daggett and furniture his acquaintance with Aahe. He nique. acting nnd Its theme nf pas- tlpwavd Lawsdh Ah *h Bessie Abe Perry Solotoy denied ever living in Roaemead., mow make this a good art house bet l‘<»l,i>n*-g\ Morris timonky 1 and Latter trio used the Otrvcte# Its H M«r .1 ■Agaenmi sgu#. Venice »,lm l>«t. ► • #•# * %»###.#•« • • * .* e #;*:*■# « *‘. V•*I . . i .... . ^ • • qe *•*.-; A.* i •- V- * i' ; c*ns v »l»i* p v w n# Basse# o«ry Merci i.tltiilli ,. ■ i • • .* • r h • Thi* is an offbeat Aim about the rehapilitatioo of a blind man It is dime with reserve and intelligence. Downbeat subject may militate _ ^ ixiecve# against this in most situation* but •* * G * bl * 1 nMm * Biay get it AI \^?uce ru«i reel, a*#* m. ai *ome sure-seater trade in America. o«M. f# mins J A self-sufficient engineer it TeeHe wifrnT blinded by escaping steam from hi* •Jura Ceres*w» locomotive He believes he will be cured after an ooeratton He broods Unveiled at the Venice film Fest and frets and is Anally badgered this caused a Burry in rnttcal cir- into going to a school for the blind where he starts to regain normal interest in life. | _ 1 Scenes in the school utilising r.( lh Cal . thua refuting some of Ashe's in the U S. Exploitation values are the authentic blind are done with k- »<I, 1-bort* ansk. ftaOU;JUM«*Mi w*m M 'Mg a ... ' *!!? f: ‘ ISST mJT'SSS- «d lobrn Rw™,.,,*. .(ItniM all » »« nw,n 1 « 'rTv.nMf’I“''.‘JUr'lLZ! pus/l riwnutHe^iW •# i env.roniJUit.Uin c edible™ Je.n eihers Their names had come up hership Daggett, however, said •* Tavenner* questions Daggett .. throuMh t|, c Gabin ta excellent as the maimed . .. eetmlS ta Wa.h. he 2* -no. ta*.' member ... C ^.^yAgllE g uta i though he dev lined to answer J™ •» !* th t eye vutnean Each one differ* A ae* for life Anally help him over- First witness of the second day ’s qweriido* concerning other pertoda t L om»unut Party with a Aat. 1 tiandit sees a Samurai war- come hit handicap Simone Valera hearing* ‘Tnes ‘ wat llenry Blank- Ayhe emended that Communist * m ^ member.*’ He then do-J ) ra a in g his comely wife ia *en*itive as the blind school mim fort m m*nwriter, former associate pTopagamla was Inverted in many, rimed to anvwer however, concern- through the forest He overpowers trCs* Direction by Georges La- Broducer at Universal who almost. , many films.' adding he could cite mg other periods. the marnor and seduces the *4e combe is restrained Lensing it a* he m( down, gut into a verbal instances if g*vrn time for re- Tpe day’s Anal witness. Solotoy. || all ends in faceMvmg han-ka«1 smo«»th but editing cou it b, lifM ( ftnlerrhaage »th citairman Wood rear# h At the moment, he could l***‘cd only 1C minutes* declining by the husband ened to give the Aim a ******* at he attempted tq offrr a state- only l Blockade, which, he , moat questionc. I Direction ia excellent. Shot com- movement Mo**.