Variety (October 03, 1951)

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Riviera Rover Boys View j Cannes on the Half Shell By JIM CARHARTT ami MCkY WINTER Cannrt, Oet 1 w ' *hea »« u« the Tim# article I » ft^ u C quotini our V amity orifiMt, »e Jf^l W»t, k,M-w .. h.d .rrtwd nmw.ii. m AH. VHh Anni Fete course. such f«me )ui • tre | .. ... r nw ndout differ#no# la «ar Cannes ^ ( *V * aril! standing Up until It > the ' ****** _***; ^**1 * r* 1 1 Time thing • appeared, the store* •*' emceed the 50th * nn ‘ ***,*' here, flatly refused to riht their '»«• A )L price* to ua any higher then the tofpeff Monday 'l' * t l* | t, * 1< " standard markup of 15%. the 'alt »er*e delegations pto+rni fioM Americana are rich* clam. We ho* affiliated Him Industry unions get the 40a or the we don t know »nd «u»ld* attending^ v ho the h»-ckji«»> -re but th* > l»anu\ Kave »n<1 '■•■’tr R“ r, »» muet be Important" markup. One were erroneously reported having more burxt of publicity, and we II bee* scheduled to appear, but no he In the atralght 75% brarkrt. definite > fd tme n M wort made * ..H h entitle* ua to an autographed ' picture of the Duke ef Hrmdxor a n»• n a/\/\ nAnf ■ ri SH0W Blz ,N 8,°°° wp. I. privilege* of breathing dewn the ! CANADA FARM TOWN * neck ef anyone at the nolliiut R, rttL A GAI5NU *J ^^'arrfJid here after e brief This Week’s Football By MABTY GUCfcMA fOLUCJ *.• ■ • \ •* • ’ • ■ t ART Captain Bob Spear* one of EUif I . • waMfhff^R Big Red baa another well-balanced aid ■. ... C. oleml Ixmi Uttie ha* eapeiienced tei a t • o e • a * < l*W <4 a * WTWPPH After California, Ivy league «ill • a > • • • * a • e. Tough ball fine! Crusaders lb*........ . hyri BOB MORRIS l»irtn. ili« p*M IMr ■>•*• »“'■« SHOW BIZ m 8,000-POP. _ I s£3£Hg®Sg 8«ift Current, Saak. Oct 2 The fairs first frost and the on than any ether pap] afcager In the buatneaa Tbs* cover* Northwoelem a U*t of territory Sat tb# record •proka for its*If. Wed hke to play caiocado-Kse It her j uu. uV .rriJ-u a hrirf S* ift Current. Seak, Oct 2 m o m y yomom £rl ! •; n» WAV «rM rraM m* u» whii. rBwamm *2£2* - .fT_? Darnlr.lH'* »rrl.«l In I** ».o^l.«> fu “ l !wl the! tMauilv operate* In cIom* ureat, Saskatchewan. the WWMWPUMBlMi^BWWffBWWWWffWWh < uniunction with the Cole d Atur t h«e Friday night la mid Septem •_ M 1/ sj-ji sr js ars Brit Fesl Year same The fairground* grandatand iftaene* I alayrtSs brrarnae . •* Orange showed elate la close g ame with Cornell. | Mnep-Mwglkfi » * * • STffkaffOffffi ... 7 thek K at mater the Tigers* ace. Pena Aute Vtllanma . .. ?, .. . . . .YUUnova ......... II Wlldcata off to one ef their finest aeaaeng. T cm pie • Rutgers BdHI* 7 Harvey Harman may have his best yet. aiO-WBST NorgMeaalsfn-Arm* »«..»•.• MnsHppasfia^B •»• . iff ha> dels Just not up to their schedule. GoAMiff-WffBMff .. . MaSMB . Kansas graduated too many top players. Petretl Heirs Daeae <FrL nttei . ..... r .. Notre Deeae ........... If Irub bouncing back sooner than expected. 111 ini the team to beat for Big Ten title, ■wiv • «• . Mmwb . ■ - Despite ND debacle. Hooaier* are first-rate * aw a e a a see • m Fiopr 820-35 Per-Plate Friars < i> I , A* $|H^|fiBflH|^^R RRBHHUij SMffsr Jack Bony's ^ - A 20Hi Anni Laab SRO lively inleraperses its Jalopy thrill* I '• ' : ^ ' j —w. » tnr Ja4k Kh eniie arte elenna nhn_gffidse l.sni o n. Oct 1 tow foinmrmoi <ting tte r-mw ,h * * id# * nd *** } 6 * With the end of the festival sea- .. . iwy ' /ytnarnu i **• oumlier uf the better leaking (rand > * a- u vanderblH-AU *•« ^ ■ b * ^ww» flw ?n#o , the llilttt N>,t da> the JWX..!L8gWLg ..hi. «f oo. wo J ..r^ ntau-ht Neither team aaheng 1 Big Tea t • • • ♦IliMtlMi i f /g o a.- e a e a e a < , Kansas Stole Just doesn't hate It. Okie Stale Mleblgaa Mate ... : Michigan State ^v. Game of the Day. Spartans are greet. MkMiMdHHiMB - , .. MMdgan Wolverine le deeper in the line. SOUTH 7T -nderklK Ahkana Alabama * • Crimson Tide due for good aeaaon. Arkaeaaa Texae Christian ........... Texas ChrinHa TCU surprised last week. M i« 0-0 ae fayaO as- tame scaling " anus* had had. and hu.bands were Bn ^ ^ Tulaae a-, per person ticketa This la deemed thru* mi vex kiddinciv thev i wWc * na* net meam en extra pen . the solution to the down fronts »*• worth of business for show MkMi mtPfi. lem versus the rear and balcony {»*• To entertainment promoter. " ... i. . .. .... 1 ■!!■*■ fled with my lovin’ after theirs’" table has* 10 Shindig la aisled for ■ ?, 7 . K,>l " * ,irr 7^' ^ the festival haa proved an expen- Teoneaxee Duke laoie nairir. Nut to niu any loose rhxnxe I ^ ^ T L- lenoeaoee uune Nos i and wilt have a Urge < «»aM . rmr «* i<> m * xr d»s*pp*»intn»ent The antict- . thero were a few carny games to of tourists never *0*1—---^— — contingent coming east especially ^ ^ ZhXZZ ZTtZZ tor the eccaaton. such as Ronald M * terUIUrd Although the total Tulane beat a An# Miami club mi College (Fit site I MIoaAaaippf Ole .Mias amsaod by licking Kentucky. .TeuuMHM .. Volunteers have everything. V • 4-.0 ip' IOT ine orr-'ion. «urn mm » _ u i u . .w- u . u .» rttxxtrd ^ ■«*." ”1 ; t olmani *Hen.ta Mumei. the Wll < h» an iMny 1,Umbrf ^ v4#4|ort *“ 01 Itam Goetaea * Kdith Mayer I, Claud- Lm it P 2ST Dnlihi.^Drn *■* year the number of American rtte Colbert. Burns h Allen sJfinVurrenter* donned *** *^« ***** ,h * Y *" k * , 9 *~* SSS125 *««« u«wr. |2J&S Terrapins are Southern Conference hope. . If - «: t * • •’i'f.i < p jf. e.i George Jex*el to Mn, probably r" V/ntVr u^rVearT,., *" ffencrally regarded a. the Mg-f Kddte Cantor who U trying to re- iUv — *^ slanders, the anticipoted arrange hia TV schedule Universal r . n *‘ ~ at . D# * t , f Mntr *_ ^ P* gold-rush was nothing more than , arrange n»a * J., v“ . . . aiul »t served no useful purppat he- *1 a™ mm* s *'» H(umb.rg .1. (h.a Irom lh» oc- . , I _ , _ I r..w«i.l mo^ulto . Th.« 'h. «Mto teMUW tht »»m Currrnt'l t«o Dim hwun. *♦•><»»* to w p<*p uly ^> |SX f> both mdrpfiMlrnttjr t€H>k tr^-ttonv t« thovn la tho itlflid. < A CBS salute—taped—on the oc r salon will Include the Col man* l.thel Merman. Jeaael. Durante Bobe Partlll ulna one for Old Kamtuck. . Slate Klee mite) ........... La. Slate . .......... Bayou Bengal* are Southern dork horse. Mate GeorgU ... . .. Georgia .*. w......... (.eurgia Bulldog heck on top. • r»'t •> J??? "T5?*- "T”- "~r" r null, n boating that night, but *nc »gur« A« U«» *«MWH* ( antor and Benny Because of hta * u M€ttrr *iiY good "Aee it€m ffre«*ff* on the South Bank of ^*5' ronU-yu.M 1 '-*. Milto n Bntr |K< Hoi#. '.ttb mlr uMUWi tho Tboi^. «^h ^button- UnjlT Abt»< t gl Qg Pp* rt - yn. "*»r-l> ... „u r*«olv«4 And though piny Sundny <3*>. tho t OOP OOt^pMQ | loaotmutrr tho dinner hut not .n , ,, v ,, ( „ lt0 n to -Gr».t OruM." *“ • *»»*•>'• poor on •"> brondcaM. »og*»Ullv drrw S r() <s.i u rd.v ntght tthonlrr* Th4 • r u»»»lr »«Ml Fortlvnl Gordoit c err a CBS outlet. Jesae BI«n 1 h ar closed flMdav) unlike the at Rei**«wea Park, which were eo-1 land Sully i. aa chairman Of the i rt , umated to register Just ever 1 q dinner committee, haa enttated %*■■■■» •• I'tf* ‘ 2l OOA.OOO admissions, are alreody way Benny Davis to write some special ] ,-••■. 1 /..■ ■l-!? over 7.000.0B0. By the time the ■ material for the fete. Block la also I » V nrv UkfAi «9C Gardena rloae Nov. 8. It la beltev- arranging for General Matthew ImTCiJ LWRIll vtU ed that substantially mors than < material for the fete. Block Is also arranging for General Matthew Ridgway to tape record a greeting to Benny from Tokyo, as a salutr fur the comedian's recent "aoidter in greasepaint" stint in Korea. Umated to register Just ever “ ozzrz*. «,•, m-w m over 7 .i»o , msk) H> tne time the ir >hiiin r n m .t» nki. ania itu i — - -*-«—- - - «n_.. Garden* dose Nov I. It is bel.ev- »■» Agg^rarTVub-plr ' ed that substantially more than i t |u. ( w pariiu n rMM miui ^ •Continued on page 221 College of Pacific out of IU claas. ICLA-Senta Clats 1 CI.A ............ iitiAkniM ah.M ihtahi aim tclans are outside threat to Golden Bears. i7 YVONNE DE CARLOS WiHHggf ■»»■■■ CaMfomia Washing ton m ■ f IT6 VfiMMP J Coach Howie Odell haa his best team. ■■ Mustangs Impresalve against Ohio Bute. ocwMna Btete—^CBesffffffff ... f^BgKHigig ,.. Ctemaon Tiger not as sharp as last year, but feed « ^^etPgBBkg Tmbw Longhorn* touted as southwest rhainptons i AAM Oklahoma toilet . . .. Oklohonsa Tough test for Booker*, hut they eon handle It. FAR WEST dkffb^kBRkBgffgkg .fSffW8bgk8k Golden Beers may yet be a Rose Bowl winne 4 ••»•••••« • title. In Defamation Suit •Continued on page 221 p me romeoian s recem mm«h i . Ancclr* Ot t 2 1 frr».rpaint'* «,n. m Kor.. F ., mn . t Uv^ ",«..d (J2U7 YVONNF DF FARIA’S Ml damafles and court costa from • vnnu arm vmuiw u «'^bt." SOCKO ISRAELI B.O. On the strength of his one song srigbt recently won a court Judg- Haifa. Sept. 25. *ashinglon-N¥ GUoM .. •..».> « • - »» : jMgfffli^ ... In last week * British production -wnt for that amount in an action w lhoW bu la still talking p hl ,„ lr tphl , Sa . yraMtoi'^ tftoL ^/^‘Stoi^Fram of The Big Show " George San ^«ivmg hm ptoy. <^ntlenun abcu( tl># read.on to Yvonne de P - ” great^ s^ dor* has been inked for a Festival} F *win Athen a, w hich had Carlo's recent set of engagements Chleaga C ardluala-Chleasa (lean • Hall concert next May by Lynford •'ailed un-American propaganda" h . r# ^r- . ixuicago x aruMam-snseage peafn f nears ,w. icwl Promo! ions' lit Z+M •« • Tow a HaU ' broadcast to Sep- ^ _ Carlo ^*SSL*** *~r he will receive ctoM to a ^ in K r ^, ^unbehevalS. All tt£l ^^a^!STr and^w^ PROTESHIO^AL Washington NY GUnto Giants will reserse exhibition lows. M • ••• • * • w • •#•••••• ee • •egoeo'eswe •* he will receive close to 83.000. a tember. 1047. «sj * ‘".t! «« d.^, u*«, t ..E George Hatas’ team on the way back. V id Browns are older and slower. for "The Big Show' broadcast l pay the full Judgment rather th*n *' a ' T ft hc»rTlr*nc# to the Sanders started for America to- appeal were Metric Rysktod. Rob- "jjj* Detroit theatre thousands of people waited Green Ray-Pittsburgh Yanks Just don’t have It. 1*V 2 r 5> ^ toobtainticket* by some miracle at Joel of available dates for his May and the estates of James K Me- , I’nfnrtunxielv it wax concert a* soon as hi* existing film Guinness and Sam Wood Only ELflZ; k-i 1 commitments have been deter defendant refusing mi ned. ui the sett lenient wi ig to participate !T r ^' S ‘^7vr, «M “T.»n H*ll " ,J^“ 1000 Smbaerlptimm Order Worm ■'[./ ;■ ■ ’. *.• .* ... • . : ^ ■' *v .' .: • • • - . • ' l ' Enclosed find check for $ Plraw send VARIETY for ie to do anything to help every theatre haa no more >0 seats. Steeler* grind it out Seaaen a Record Wen. U: Leal. Its Tie. 1; Pet. .ISd ‘Ties Don’t Count) Tx'wTTSur ^ SSih'Snh^oT* Xb 1 ".^ i •” esrtmwea. «at .fW«l odd,. ClMM r l mi >UMi page, the whole of wrnen was re- j , .* served for her. The most eothusi- j I by the Mayor of Jerusalem, the hkr-Laiu C.U | STRAKHI CONCERT SKID assjptawK 4 uu ■ uwa set for lawy ross SmhSPiP j':;.-'™ it a ^ ^ ——. Orthodox Jew. Such an event Is carry their borscht circuit doren tryout List \* *v n most unusual In Jerusalem thinking to London’s West End the the straight concert field, haa been After the performance In Jeni- tn4 ^ October, when Logan is due set for 30 or mote upcoming dates hiw' 4 U^Luuo* «««^ 0< 10 “*** ,h * “"T v » r * to * a hjr Naltaaal C«M«t 4 ArttaU Carp, the city, Moshe Dayan, at the King ' “South Pacific/’ Kuher’s "Having Hell do * Mrai ght recitxi * “ n J David HoteL Wonderful Time" comedy Is being }*5? h * lr . rw “f* rt k»^>hini ng At the first performance la Tel collaborated on by Logan as s hght mvd ^rvous music^ on ■ Street ■ .// . * '* * * Uly . . /one. ... State R e fine Subscription Rotes One Yeor—$10.00 Two Years— $10.00 Canada gad Ftr sif SI Additinnnl pgr Yt dlAto F A A • Ffwif WwTH elTleT Iasi season in field, has been upcoming dates th Artists Carp, t reeital. along Aviv. Monte Davies, American Am Library wUl Include French then li special r Nm Vw* 19, N. Y. next day, including Irsaeli and American celebrities. Although Is- rael to used to such receptions. Miss da Carlo's was the biggest being called. Kober files ever with l.i%. lagan and the auger around Oct 20. tween rertUrNCAC and^Cl dates. Tour will ha ever by n* J April, w hen Rosa goes to Europe