Variety (October 03, 1951)

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COMPOS BEELINE TO THE B. 0. H’wood Can Do a Job . "MovieUme U. S A.** U proving that Iho pic tun Putin tat can do a job. Tht pyramiding publicity and goodwill of tht COMPO campaign art tht big payoffs for all tht travail, uncertainty and frustration experienced by industry leader* to put over tht Council of Motion Picture Organizations. COMPO should stick now. It dtat r y t W. WIN OVER EXHIBS ■ VII CO OP MOVES T# M Spilz-Goetz’s Stock i> U: now. . It degpjgg.,m .. • . The two yean that have passed The coordination of the production, exhibition and dlotHbu- start the Ctss c B tf Malian Pic Mdn elements to dr » R Mtttp> the reviuiizatloo of the picture busl* tore Orgonioot lens wet original!) ness, has been an accumulatively progressive job well done Star fonr * lv *d at an all industry meet- junkeU. eahib powwows and basic showmanship have helped . . ni . lor reaffirm the potency of the bozoffice Keeping up the high * h *nge take puce la the concept standard of current pU U vital to maintaining that potency. r* the public relations arganlfUMn dbel* L Rather thsn s large-tr ale heivtlv- Fix Co. Management to Remain as is Fmds ‘Movietime Boosting Weak Spots Expected number of squawk* from regional ‘ Movietime USA” chairmen poured Into New York and Hollywood this week following ditrlosuro of the ninrt ot slaver* who'd tour each area next week ln i York yesterday (Toe* i from Eu- I important future activities ran he ! pceM*nt form th» b o promotion.) cmp»i«ii. * *>*. Tht »0 th |KW t_ -»« throtd t.ptrltd to bt Mt4 «rortl< to tht h.vr rolltct. Hr.dqu.rttr. on both ro.«t« .« *•»“« ,h "» »***» Prlm * r >' *o OlMOtPI currently busy, as a result adding | B ton .w** ln Zurich, vwtf^ktj ji \ t §uch activities that bring ■ ■■ » star names to bolster “weak spots’* viewed developments on the El do- exhibitor reafpmmr -even to the h V, wv. a Peeling among pfemo “Movtotime ' HSL'iEPLaS '*}* m tent of financial utppoci Such IL. Km m eaecs is that the list is as strong as * h Jf h 2 ** h ho, ? # J** VC . nwrk ss polo m« critics sod pu hli 1 K Dl4 5 possible, but that the studios might - Rkouras went from Switarrland catmo* gathering pro-industry data have extended themselves a bit far-1 J° f* 1 * * for use of writer* and comments-i ww s* • ther to have urged • doten or to lunched with Dr <.uilia Andrcot t| toea planting of favorable Stories lenll/MOC more really top names to hit the ^ ndrr ,? l I? 1 "?, T ™***”* * ** to now recognised as being a* § MRBS ro *d 1 ouwcti . wno nos n analog y » mm highly necesaarv a* ever hut *® un- Among the new names is Danny wegoUgtimls. Twentieth topper's re- «oertacular that it will not get ex- A f Kaye, who It go m Chicago Orlgi l ^ n w “ V ,l ^ l * or 4 r 1 ? ,np ?? ,y 1 J Mb support COMPO with lis t If f| nai group assigned thers comprised itorkhoMots conclave in Now York limited budget , wilt therein' fOI Spyro* Skoaru Back Rather than a Urge-scale Iwiotly- budgeted continuous eperat ion. COMPO |g now vtsuoliasd by lts execs as a skeleton organisation handling s minimum of day-to-day public relations duties, but ex pending from UMe to time to spon- sor such sheets! events at the cur- rent •'Movietime V A A **. drive. Possibility of COMPO folding after ’ MovteUmewhich ha* been in the minds of some induxtryite* now appears unlikely However m tight of the new thinking re* Spyros Skouras returned to New carding the organization all of its York yesterday iTue# • from Eu t important future activities can he —1—*— ■ — ♦ :,V kf Ml OR COLDIM Eskib*’ COMPO Aid Negotiations are reportedly near . ' , . . consummation wherein Deeco (aiTMtly being pumtrd to Hecords would acquire for appros- ■* i’* 1 **!^ 1 *IMately ibo Mock of erst ion of tbeCnwnctl stork In Universal Picture* owned tmn Picture Organisations on- b ^ ^ ^ WUIUm GoeU. der Its new coocept of opera- Th|$ * tttl g nr *, lo *,*# non are recent exhibitor mail* Decca a strong voice in the opera!- rial mnUibuiionv They Mri . (|)C control of the company now exceeded coin «P ky The negotiation* mere arranged the dutriba, although that will u ^ Mate J Rlumbeig and be evened out In accordance Ar# completely friendly Consum- wiih the majors mat ton will not affect the present match exhibition dollar for management although an eventual * r met* probable Di^n i»w have '**> / I l>ecca hoaid has approved the 000 and cvhibsT 4 Wfk^T a purchase at 111 per share of the mean* that in the 1J mon b» ‘ ] approximately 1)0 000 shares held •mre It was ocg.n.ied jm Ihe b) Sp)U Arid ( ; 4M . (> |» .ddiluMi. present format. Ct MP< *»ll | Derr a prexy Miit«m R Rackmit, «n have collected just short of behalf of the di«*k Company ha* glagdgi., / y f b ea n purrb a s in g l' common and ■ ■ ' 1 ' ‘"w »r >n • m »rk<*t I* ||« y | .• n Rpsu and t IV Kl 7 C Aflfl.KPn r,| e»ge of t iMuductim With the 1A Lel£« 5 Allll llvll merger of their international Pic- tures into t m 1*4*. wilt continue ■v 1* • a v» It, ’>* 1 ’>c !•■•!') urulei present ^AliriAC A || |V II W e«np'.»vm»*nt c<»Mt«a«t- h i* re- UlIviVU It U IL II I ported however that Spur who . ™ has been ill may b“Y out within 1/ A f | <r<mtmued on i»age tA : present format. COMPO will have collected just abort of R150.4MM Barbara Hale. Bill Williams Taul lw Marvey Otto Kruger. Jesn Hagen . writer Sy Bartlett end producers • |1 William Per I berg and George Sea-1 W ton,-'. 7 • * Dihcr late stgrtere sre Zero . jdostef, who 11 supplement” ‘ the Philly contingent and Catbertne McLeod, who'll go to Milwaukee Ginger Rogers and Olivia de Havitland. who arv touring in legiters currently, have also prom laed support As a result of these additions, the tomorrow <Thur i. Cues eschew such vital activities in fa- i vor of mnr. .p-rUniUr oper.fion. 0.1 F " ™ ni ^ rh«....,)) h. , hl . Plans lor Powwow Of to he he’d m December prt»bahly »dhrring strictly to the policy ■ C^i Uf #f * D |r C f ^ in mew York A»4rndmg will he Idop**'*' the—tilatoiic Waldorf fcmot* ffwOl I IV K»Awvo the JO charier member orgamca- Astorig M Y , meeting of 1*47 at Plans for a co n c lave of Industry turns plus all other groups which which time it was decided Is d> exec* from the east and went cniatS have indicated a desire to come in miss an* Ximite Involved with were revived last weak, at a New in accordance with the new conxti- C<>mmuni*m or in contempt of York meeting of the board of di- lution. adopted last winter This Congress The fact there's no ap rector* of tbd Motion Picture Assn, will include numerous regional parent deviation from the '47 stand of America An agenda a locale Policies Augur K.O. for Buchman » ’• «r I • MPAA Bd. Revives Plans for Powwow Of East, West Pic Execs Plans for a c»Hulave of industry laed support ■■vKM V 1 f kA/ttIV exhih organitatmns adihated with immedutetv places in jeopardy the and a dale are all still to be de- As a result of these additions the Theatre Owners of America Al- professional careers of writer pro- cided upon original list of Itl personalities Theatre television exhibitors lied Exhibitors Assn . Pacific Coast ducer Sidney Buchman and others 1 • It was originally planned to hold will be upped to over 100. Included must gauge the bo nofk ce poll off Conference of Indeoendent Theatre who declined to cooperate with the a huddle of tiudio and diatnbutiop (Continued on page lit Skotru NT Deal d^^e*^J^ lUt l^T^^?ediL 2 lfw ih * v^rir ii m”la M spo«v«»riM Spokesman for C ol. where (.uarantees His Servint * * tch * >v,r ? 1 ai lh ^" 1 .h„ m*. > n a «h. imur. * *h. »«•« ,in * ,uln « •"<*'' ' ,ni '' - „ W .ItTf.” ?“ °* »,.'t'H Oq* of !h» pmhl.<n. toqiwirtid IK.I u.y d-pulur* s-,r 7 aK.-,“srM": ss;r.azisi:ass: -~r." . ..—„ - ™.. each Individual event in setting Owners or purely indie outfits House L’n - American Activities execs last winter In Phoenix After their price tcales That was the Slew Prexy Problem Committee at it* windup hearings 'C ontinued on page Ik new lemon loomed by eablbe who I ^ „ „ -j. . here m the work of COMPO in sponsoring Spokesman for Col. where 'arJety TV« 4 « War* RfitSmS . rot st»tj> av srut an vxauxN e«m»m«e waaatv •» vaanvv imc Har«M lr»tu r»»a*Wm IM WmI (Bli ti V«* VmS It V t . Maovwaae M tssa xtiiMdsuM But'esi Caissas it SIS Hu UWhiaaa S*a L M#M WO • SI ttacuw • d Tralakt** tract for Charles P Skouras as charging H » anud gz found them- ’vwkpww on * ’ j tneu wmn s* waaiste. inc *•*•'"* «'”• *'«•«tw. no << — !i«riu*wrs *. drafted by ZOth Pox. Nationals par wi ; ■ wt « ■ w% aa 9 ry n ent corporation, at thia early date Big-screen houses also had a A H I Uktl jl I Kf IY III I If *1* ^11 P\ I* V • : gwi y wrva aw yn In order to fuiruIN Skour.. rt>»»ee to *.««. Uw b o droo ol llttUUUttl Uil.VUI IH V .711 r * * T ; ... . services following divorcement of college football on an exclusive c D . u , Q , , n . ** r « / o.i : Ca i s aas n the chain In lift! baaia last Saturday tl»i. but there New, Stout Pix Help BlZ; David Chomp tor 4th sis 4>« j*;;:, ou r hl r c' h p, ^r r 1 ^ pr » ; .v^ w^k . n row ; •svh.c- u . ‘e.^- m - - J 1*54 He will head National while ' i-rague pennant race was mating With several new «t u r d y pic- ' American M P»nv M (. due auwh nirricMs Spyros P. Skouras. pret of ZOth. *° • climax Saturday afternoon tures breaking into the lineup this at Radio Cttjr Mu*»c Hall. N Y/j _■ ;^sr*W* *M n will continue at the helm of pro- which was the first big football day, week gro**erx at the nation * first- this week is easily the outstanding -i; ‘ •+*** R ,# " u duct ion-distribution. I More Interest was centered tn base- mns’are holding up well thM kee- neweomer It i* terrific M Ran /iin i.nkcs gau*. 1 Under his present employment (Continued on page ISl • Is ion Kail weather and some as- Prancism and top* in Cleveland . arrangement. Charles ttMmraa Ckbl — ■ ■■ j . — «n<e fiom the Jewish holiday* Other fresh tire i* not ae pconi" ,v 0 | 184 lects a maximum of $3X0.000 an Ifwan lAUklCTAkl HIV in l»rger k tes also are factors ing although ' Behave Ysphelf nually. based on salary and per fttAlx JUflnjIUfl MAI ‘David and Batji«heba~ 20th' m 'RKO* is doing well in two spot* ; iu _ rv tentage of proAts New deal Is ivyis tifl cruivnn * 0, U for the fourth consecutive “No Highway in Sky” ’Z*)ib> looms • : ^ expected to contain similar term* TkY ►IjR II N \KjjATnk week although now moot I v on hold- solid in Vlashmgton Just okay In-;; Band Review* 64 Circuit topper returned to the over date* Majority of play date* N Y and *low in Indianapnlix Bills bZ } Coaat last weekend following the Washington. Oct 2 are rated heftv to terrific Street- Painting Clouds With Sunshine ’ Chatter 73 at as* aim ion Sl« •n ! busily, based on salary and per (tentage of proAU New deal is expected to contain similar terms. Circuit topper returned to the Coast last vstktM following the Theatre Owners of America con No 4 mu* rvvis up cruivAn No i for the fourth consecutive No Highway in Skv 2‘WI»> TKY rUK U.J. jLNATOK *vek although non mostly on hold solid in Washington Ju*t ok : • ^ - 1 ' : over dates Majority of play date* N Y and slow in Indiana WaaMnM«n, 0>t 3 are rated heftv to temfic “Street- • Painting Clouds With Sun« With Eric Johnston now in Eu- ear Named Desire ' «WB*. just <WB> is disappointing so far INDEX vention in N. Y. He % expected back rope on a survey mission for Presi- starting ant on its engagemrni* ’Cro**windk p .r i* rated light at the homeoAce in a lew weeks to dent Truman, there M talk here thu stanza.'it pushing up lo second jg l*h The Weir l \ is just Ink the new pact. ilhat he may have another to at place on basts af four dates good on N Y preem “Millionaire * — I ORuw — • '‘ - ' ■ -nw _U.aL ' asL'j asiimt ok.*:,. Ink the new pact i that he may have another try at place on basts of four dates a ,kod ^ N Y preem “Millionaire Ihotdr lei *—— " 1 I the Republican nomination for Day Earth Stood Sti I 20ib j „ r c'hrixt.y ** 2 hapes mild t*» Inside Mu KI itni r Ouieilv Into senator from his home state of will be a close third divplaying slow * Magic Face‘ •C'o ' aU* Inyde Pir Hashinglon If so he will run in marked stamina Fourth money is n# . H f^ ir ln Minneapolis and Inside Rad N. I.; Mum on \ ISlt o o P primary againvt Sma- /mnt m Sun Pan barelv oka* m N Y 1r ,d. HSU* S» Wrt«f>i cqtnnily Ui fghO* »*W» ■*?* W.rprth P» (oak* >m» la '«•"«« •rMwIloa on tht Coni. Stanl,> * h “** <""> *»Pim at tht «* •» Rhuturb Py »H) »jnd up fltih Th, M .h Col> » (orai I -Wit,.,', kramrr saatkid quwlly Into Ntw '®^. . .. ^ th.t btinc >irtu»ll» H» imlul »f«k sl i^,,. |,.-i ( ..ntin^ni l.tit r .1, V '* l»tt rndty ,M, n,«ht Ha . J<W«'tonmadt on. »n.urte»M irwmd tht count tj rt> m , ItM >*(u«td thw weak to rtvtal tht 'ry fw a Stall* wtt la 1*40 lib • Hrra «omri C.ruom insi.ih . Vv>\t. purpose of the visit la currently on leave as prr* of the *pv»i is the third Paramount p*< tn . . .... „ Night Out W ,ko n ,h, oast hu Mot,™ P.rtor, A.«a ol Amtrki. tha top m» th„ .aak Ft.tttf \"' r Tati l ,. pi. •!**>» «iven ctMnplala parmal at- pp the Economic Stabtll- Lc.thcracck,RKO. *» lawdlQR ; IVtur, - tent I on to pix in oroduclion pro- **tion Program. seventh position while Hw Kind *| r Eaum ra«* ( » Had o- Tele vided- a considerable vurpnse^by Meanwhile Johnston will not of Woman * also from RKO. is Krvl ht. EXE? tZ *»« *o»»rnm»Bt aod «• tmk to M «h.h **»«.«. - OHM*' .1 JgJS I,T l? u.r h. , A cameras now are •High Noon* (hu W* MPAA post the latter pari of M-G will be ninth -Saturdays f * ,.[■.!*. ,, . tn . Frank Sru last for L'nited Artists Please V thia month, aa he had planned to Hero * Coli People Will Talk" Tctcvi*ion “My Six Convtrta.** The Sniper." do at the expiration of r Jd* nine- 20th» and People Againxf O'Hara *"11Ar»rv < fnR Rcvir “Death of a Salesman' and Tlie month leave of absence from >M-C» round nut tbe Qo?den Doom i i Vbndeville Fourpomer.- r" ■> :”'; v •; MPAA. However. President Tru- in that order . Tl, kJv — Producer waa accompanied east man has asked ham to remain for • Tales of Hoffmann 'Indiet ^ up "• " *** , ^\oa» by hla wife, former actress Anno at least another month to boodle j "Little Egypt" and * Force of c .;■* • ^pwHn Fearce They’ll be In New York some d fAcult stabilisation prob- Arms" «WB* are the runners-up m i (Co*«pVfe Boroffice Scores j . sis • t bnul the end of tbo week. t lems* and he may stay even longer. 1 that sequence. ** r -- =m ttnuoaro -rap w». up m.n ^ Mob" C ol* ivgOaid this being virtually tta- mtoial- ueok -,& Ut ^ 9 .. Um ( >r !jtm ^— * u b.Mth , <p m Ctn* lo<ym* fa*t *pr»t ix the third Paramount pic tn ^ ■ the top sit thu week * Flvmg , f L T ** ..* ’ }* P Leilhcmcck," RKO, „ l.ndma <• . Orv.lqqd ua^ll^cMbr *h<- .eventh position »h,ie tit. Kind "* Toll* r >) .hope., nice Band Reviews ; . . 64 Bills ; ..... bZ Chatter k, . ,. 7.i Fdm Review* •» Football . ,.v,. .. 2 House R^-vicw* k.i Inside !>fP»t,,:. RR In*id* Mumc . v> 56 In -'*!•• »*i . r «' . IH Inside Ridm '■ 43 Ir v*d»- Television . . 34 Internalion^l . . ... in LegRjmaie \ Literati . * - “2 Mu*»r 48 New Arts B2 Night Club Review.** . tM Oluluariex . 75 Picture*, . v. .,.. ; 3- 1 Rad-o-Television M : . 26 | Radio Review* .. 3n Records' 4$ VI Frank Scully .;... 7? Television Review * -t L'nrt Review 6i key . ' 11 V osii v vae»s rv rf»w»««**e mi Motopuue s dm(t Vacfii Lie t SIS • Veer tan r*r»N f