Variety (October 03, 1951)

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OtOtt s. mi Of ExUb Sohtion Via TOA-ABied Meet White younger members of the A-Med gnd Theatre Owners of America unlta that will meet to her in Memphis Oct i U It aee t>«# hunt conclave a considerable >»>p forward. a number of vet the <nen In the two group* are < 1 ,,*/untied over the Idea, The* ire\ that Allied and TO A ap pieurhff to similar eabib problem* are too Oaporato for anything to tome of auch a joint aeaatdci Also figuring to the oldtimer*' nr* of this newfangled ocbeme «l having rival eahlb organisation* meeting together are par son alU y difference* Seasoned campaigner* In many a battle over the year* some of these veti admit they ju%t t !<ke muT ie of their fellow ex Kite in the other organisation eng ihe> Just tahe no reluh In ti ling down with them, Vounger member*. on the other I and are enthusinatic about the po«»it»ilitie* of such a regional hud d r of theatremen They point out one thing, that a number of eshitw are members of both or gam rat mo* In addition, they *a\ the problems of the two are identical, an why have two weak meeting* instead Of one strong one 1 * Also. some of the younger e\ hihs arc convinced you can't do am missionary work on a rival )4w never see You've got at least a chance of winning him to your way of thinking when you're tit trng at a table with him and talk tug about common problems pointed out In this regard is the posaifctlitfr of TOA and Allied get ting together on theatre TV chan pel hearings aa a result of aosne chance talks Si 'Fabian and True man Rembusch bad together Heads of the televtalon committees of TO\ and Allied, respectively. •Continued oo page M* o——w— m—m — Maj sssi’s ‘Vslcaas’ W 1 FniDy Enpt Os Yaak Screens ‘ \ oUano" made In Italy more than two years ago with the ides RutteM** Cover*Up Cleveland. Oct 2 Loral religious groups pres- sured The Cleveland Plain Dealer last week to revise il« ad on HKO's His Kind of Woman" ‘Howard Hughes pro- duction current at the Pal- ire Paper's art department' obediently inked in a high- necked gown to conceal star Jane Russell t parti) bared bosom .r, ‘: v ;-. - ■ ■: Hughes became similarly in- volved in Milwaukee last year, when beer-town authorities blacked out an espoaed bill- board pic of f aith Domergur on the complaint of a local high M hool f acuity claimed the billboard located in view •of claoamom windows, wu*. not. conducive to fbiKi stud) bohlt*, l Recalk His 1948 B.O. Pessimism of having two femmes in the life of director R aha tie Rossellini simultaneously competing fa simi- lar him*, may Anally bit V S Mrreeh* shortly. Pic stars Anna Magnani. who preceded Ingrid Rergman : romantically la Roaael- Itni s life ‘'Volcano'* was originally aimed f«»r early 1*30 release opposite Rossellini'* Bergman • starrer. * Strom boil." The pis are parallel In locale and s omewhat similar in their storie*. Mirlad of Anancia! and techni- cs! difficulties, however, delayed ‘ Volcano." which was directed by William Dieterte. Motion Picture S-les Corp. beaded by Charles Casonave and Nell Agnew. which ned U- 8 rights, took more than I* months beyond exportations t* *iecr "Volcano" through .these problem*. Along the way. MPSC had so reduced It* own sales organisation that it was forced to ham the pic over to Cnited Aetist*. That re suited from preaaure by Dieter It and the Italian ;p(iKlucer, Femic ei* ('aramelll. both of whom hold percentage Interests **'•< was dubbed Into English In Iialy, hut the job proved to un- adufactory that another $33,000 *• he spent In Hollywood on redoing it. Film was also re-edited t'*ere under Dictorte's supervision Included in the coaU were espenses 5 *} C ssonave for throe months in '•“llywood while the job was under W$y MPSC deal for U. S rights rsileg for payment of SAO.OQO advance against a $230,009 guar an tr * and percentage. The IBO.OOO v*s Anally paid after a long con- troversy with Dieterle a* to the **rder of various percentage share huiders ia the pggofl line i’tlm has long since played off In Europe. Ita entire production o»*t is mui to hove been about 11 V» npo «tfh a hefty portion go- ,n< le *lisa Magnani at the rate oi $3.0Qg weekly for her services. Paramount president Barne) Balahan’s address brfure tiie The at re Owners of America last week, in which he espresaed full ronA dcncc In the industry's future was in sharp contrast with a talk deliv- ered by the Par pres before the same group In Chicago In Iff* Bala ban told TO Vs 41 convrn tirtti that dutnWtton-prodwction was running heavily in the red and was on the verge of collapse The producers of your onl> source of supply are losing money and will continue to do so for some time." he warned theatre men He capped his gloomy report with the comment ‘ no one can guarantee" that the distributors will be able to remain in business because of their downbeat Anance* Things are plenty different now. Baiaban. in effect, told the TOA-ers last week "We are looking ahead, eager for what the future tan bring, and ronAdent that M holds a new and brighter era for every- one connected with our business," be declared ; Speech was the moat optimistic made by Balahan In years, ncoord- Ing to vet mdustryites He said he was in Hollywood recently and the "atmosphere of conAdettce is really contagious " , ; : Baiaban gave TV full attention, commenting at one point: "When all the shouting Is over, the motion picture theatre will atill be serving the public, exhibitors and distrtbu tor* nil still be arguing about Aim rentals, but television will have come of age. The maturity of tele vision will keep us on our toes to produce better pictures, to mer- chandise our product better on every level, and to give our patrons the best possible facilities and serv- ice in the theatre. And well do it " In looking back to his address, of M although not quoting from it. Baiaban said that the problem at that time was "every hit as serious as I then presented It. The rapid mushrooming of television was hav- ing its unmistakable impact upon our industry " Baiaban recalled it was "a shock to hit the solid ground of reality" alter the lush economy of the war years EFFECT MERCER While sentiment is on the In- crease favoring merger of Theatre Owners of America sod ‘ Allied States Assn , such m affiliation U regarded a* "politwallv impossible" for aosne time Insiders say the> fail to> See how the top brass of both orga in view of tlie traditional rivalry, could agree on terms of an overall joint winking trlitiiNulvip Informed exhtb* though, under line that Allied and 1<>\ m re cent months have wurkrd hand in hand m an increasing mi in tier of projects and prosnive to team up even further a* time gne* on. it s pointed up that the twu out BlS. already have mined efforts in the battle agsfrtst adverse la* login lalion The Two were able to reach a cwmpnmute on thr Council of Motion iheture Orgaavi/alum v board representation arter Tt)\ original ly balked at the original <T»>IW> hoard makeup t illed and T« * \ in effort have hnned hands in the "Movietinu 1 S v’’project ■Some T«i \ »p »u want Allied, to Work in hannony on aurh mattrcv na a Syafenjr.of iudu arbitration and to join forties in combat ting wfiJt are felt are in equitable rental d* nvand^ h\ <MimV di»i ri Ik A haral event likely to draw tlie national >|HWlight this month is the joint meeting of AI lied and T«> \ dint rut unit* in Mem phi* Oh 19-17 Both vide- hue "mutual piohiemv Canvas« ot opinion at the TOA New York !.«>! week diM loses that less prominent rrhihi are the chief advocates «>( l lie closer association brUrcn the two giant theatre groups They have become "organirathHi minded" It's clear, and believe TOA and Allied mote or less are faced with the same vt of problems consequent K'ontinurd on page 2A» ; Laud M-G. 20th Fxhihv who charged Hamers, and Paramount w iU» e*i*e< ialii ol»ie< t tonali'e selling demands. •I bat week's Theatre Own* i %>f America convention In S t : ar< ofup.mtt-d their squawks . , with posit s ftp Metro Nat Williams TMtWHulir C*a . theatre op and M > \ ( <vn- nett, m e m be r of Ibe TtiA board and exer committee at an «»fien meeting of the TOA emhih-drafrtl* rel tiums cum not tee gave \l (« credit as 'Hit v cumiMnv where you ran get conaidei at u»n In respect |o V ; percentages ip small town- - C'enneft eonottenteU privately later that 2ihh->’os also was agieeahV in if* potirle* ■ ' nil I I I Small Exhibs Get [ I t Justice Dept. Neglects Small Theatre Owners, Sez Martina; Asks 841G - Reisman to Eye Ear eye Phil Reisman. bead of RKO's foreign department, planes out of N V Saturday 'ft for a four-to- Avc week invpection tour of Ku rope. Beiaman bos act a meeting of RKO‘» European top braaa for Pahs on Oct 13. Former ambassador Joseph P Kennedy will probably accompany him. T Department of Justice spends “million* of dollars'* in enforce ment of the antitrust laws, but nonetheless neglects small busi- nessmen such as theatre operators, according to C. V. Martina, presi- dent of Martina Theatre Corp Out- At operates houses In Oswego. Ogden*burg and Korhcster. H. Y. Circuit head claims that for two years he a*krd the Justice Depart- ment to demand compliance by Schme Theatres of the latter's con- sent decree in Its antitrust suit, hut without success Martina allege* he received onlv 4 to 3 of the Arst-run pis in ogdensburg. al- though he was permitted 40'w of the prmr-run product under the decree, and obtained 3 f t to 4% of Arst-run Alma in Ovwrrgo. while the decree give* him 13's'a of the top release* in that city, Martina contend* he was furred to clove his Capitol. Oswego, for four month* because of the lark of prior runs, and the Puntiac. same cit). kept open only with second feature* and foreign ptx Martina Claims he received some top Ainu only via competitive bidding, and in many instance* was forced to tnd more than 100'*'# of the actual - gross 1 Circuit operator is plaintiff in an antitrust suit aga»n*l Schme and the dutnha in which alleged dam- ■ age* of $941.300 are sought. ‘ . . ^ V ; Cro»n to Europe For Sate* on ‘Want You’ Alfred W. Cross, Samuel Goldwryn Productions Mies topper, leaves S Y nest Monday «$» for g Ave-to *ix week swing of England and the Continent to art up sale* for Goldwy n s upcoming * i Want You": ' ; VV Plan Is to arrange dale* St the earliest so as to draw full value from the Alm s timelmesa "Want You*’ concerns current re~mob«lisa I Con in ihe l. St’ Bigger Voice In TOA After Beefs Theatre Owners of America chiefs th»* week showed promi*e ot gtiing viiiat) eshih member* moie v im e in Axing the out At * p»li< V : and ar«i»e of : . activlty. Merwr i- seen aa a : mean* nf a**usging *i »> toot* theat renw n who romplaiiivd they more or iev* Were neglected and their problems wtill were un- voiced following Iasi weeks \ V convention i Flr*4 measure Will he to at te#r*t partially ch**e the gap In relation- ship between Arid units and the N Y headqnartei'v Ho«h |»re*i- dt*nl Mitchell Wolfwrn and lw*ard . chairman Charles P Bbouras re- nnrtedly will rnrommend that all TOA-ers m the Aetd sit in at itjeel- ing* at six rent i all* located fit le* about even rouple of month* Midwest me miters would convene in Chicago and the southwest rv hib* would meet Hi Dallas "lor ex ample. Idea l« In give each evhih full opp««rtunity to relate heels about trade conditions to the TOA hoard member in his area letter would he called upon to suggest national action where juviiAed Additionally. both Skouras arid Wolfson. under the plan will tend many of the regional con- claves over the vear's span it * said, to immediately acquaint themaelvr* with members' *quaw« , In anv event It's dear roanv of TOA's principals have recognised that the smaller members want more attention given them and what thrv mv is their biggest prob- lem that of dixtrib rental demands Couple of board member* com- mented privately last week that they expect many of the small the- atre ops will ankle the TOA f«M unless thi* new attention i« given K \ A sure* of Theatre Owners of America want the outfit to pun hand- With Allied .Hiale* V**n in in ru.*«k upon,-the d^*ll 1 tl!^t«»rs , «ali-* policies Home member* of I’OA - duirtbcvhib rrlalion* cum* furitee .ate„planning to iHupr-e such An alliam-e before toppers of Allied w hen the taller hold* tty n»i tonal conv entn« in N Y Oi l . 30 '• ;V Sjr.-clfM ohjcftive i* to t..Mv the ahSndon Itw practice of wUing national **lr* poHcirx for pig T*» \ er* eontend rental, terms vImhi iii to* determined in aretwd- .»»«e w ith . conditions in each area .iful the earning power of e.‘« h ihe itr* 1 They argue fur examide a 4o' i • iital d**sl for a him in an HOiMrrtant theatre m N A or any riiitei kt y rtly do«**ti t> oere**aSril$ iid-.iti tiie *.»n»e Aim vhontd draw ♦'* |f .*m Uieat retneo tit lesser rev- iwudunng situation* I’ line with this TtIV i* rn tGotuihg to induce Omi Aim mm- I'uutx.Ur give mon* auiutvoim to In,im h manager'. *tnce the latter h vVi immediate know led c rd CM* drum* in tonl area* and arc t»e*l -nor d to ^ •syrtahh* rental*. 11 ** i•• <ng want* the diUith* o |m *k froHi the put lev oi iiM|tiirmg h«rm-rMtue SpjHrival of alt lltytMiltg t o i(c.»< t* ■' ''v"/ T V\ »t it* nat tonal c die lave in V \ last week, souylit ad ju-iMHiit* in dlstrih hxfnt* in a huddle with sale* trippei* Hut N w ry clear the theatre «*mn utirrs m mV |U'>n j*rwgre*s, K -el'rig now • • t »jm n (i T( JN *j,d \ ! 1 • »<’<f to thrrrw their forNwit length tv to 'id the pitch for new rental «i.rlton* there wuuid In mo e Irh hu.aid.of meg wai s v Matter of dlvtnh rental d -mand* io.*r In <1 off the only really spirited tow at the TOA cun vent.Ion t .a gra**M«ot* theatre onp rai-ed a bool m behalf of throwing a ( >‘1 -fodlmht un the coat* of Aim.'1 bey t ontinued on page $$f ‘Glove’ Drama Deal Hollywood. Or! 2 Charles B*-nnett closed a deal with Benagoaa Productions to dram- i atiae 'The Green Cik»ve" ret entlv Aimed as a legiter for showing in N. Y and laafta. frider thr 4gre«rnent the *t^-'v play must not be shown in a majot American or Rrifutt city hrfuic May 1. 19*2 By that time the picture releasvd througb L’nitcd Artists will have Ailed its Arst-run bookings. * SDC Cite. Hitchy Hollywood. Ort 2 V Alfred Hitchcock won the Screen Director* Guild quarterly award for the bed directorial achieve- ment on "Strangers on a Train" Other nominees were George Sidney. “Show Boat”; Michael Gordon, "Cyrano"; Richard Thorpe Caruso" All were released in the. Ard quarter of 1931. Metro FieM Re** Ts Hate Vf :< e Is ‘Vafe’ 5-b* Policy Metro Arid reps, tnrlodiliff dl- vi-mo district and brancii msn- agers will have a voice in fm mu- htlag policy for the c*»mpanv‘s mMlit-million-doilar “Quo VAdiy" H'illiam F Rodgers V-ti * % p and general sales tooprr ha* rslhwt a tull-*r aie three-^y met ting at the \ntiiasi«a(tor East f!ot*l (’hlesg*». ojMSiing ITH 22 at which view* of the «»b * esecs in f s e Add wilt be » ,n\ ., t Kodgerx wants a complete *u«-up of i.nulllion* in each local area phi^the advices of h x held men to d*-iermine **Vadis'' ed*nlxsmn srah-s and overall Mies nollcy In view ot the length and t ope c»f the Chi *e«*mn. M-G*s entire linkup of forthctiming relearn may hr up l«»c iliMuuim It - patenting the studio at the •e-ston will be Dure Srharv., v p in chat fr of protfuctiun lie'll he «-n r«Mitc fid from Culver Clt) to ad- drc>* ihe Allied S'ate* A**n Cun* ventu»n in N Y late thr* month • Mflftwoffk* deleg-thm at the n*n- flavr. in addition to Rodger* in- clude E M Sounders, ivti'IMil Cencra) vales mana"^. Chrr»-> M Reagan ulf* exec, Howard Dtotg ad-pub vp. S4 Seadl r ad man* at< r. Ihn S TcrrEll. Add pr«*mo- tion manager. John Ju>epb, |»uh- iH-ity manager. H J1 Rich#-) -su xxtant to Rodgers. M L Simon*. asaiMant to Richey. William Kelly, head of the, print department. Alan ¥ Cummings in charge of l»rmc h operations t Rirhant A. M.irjwr circuit mIc* rep Jid Hr- cahh r in charge of bidding: W»i- liam Brenner, head of cheyking. George Maurer who herd* vales development, and Bril Chnxicin tr >d* pre*s contact . \ adrv” dual-preem* at V ' x ,V*tor and Capitol. Broadway Ai*t- ipn on the evening «»l \* v H It w ill run continuous at the Cap r«od play on a reserved-seat two-a-day policy at the Aator Admrvsmn Male* have yet to he set.