Variety (October 03, 1951)

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October 3* 1*51 — MPAA BURNS AT ON SPUN Ned trull, m y n of the International Boxing Club Mid thti week that N Would be economically unsound for the tllC to Mt up its ova circuit of big-screen television In irrnai throughout the country and an rut film theatres out of the bubm. Irish. > i aloe enec w tf ii of Madtaaa Bgaaft Ca r den Corp. N Y . the number of potential theatre araf- for tug «rren vid»<> lumbers t rnaa ada u a l y the relatively fen *e*i* that IBC could /open' up via its own arenas ln*h admitted that roller rink* mwiui|u) auditoriums and tfylMdf and hla brother want to get Into the art/’iiesiegtog IK( «»*ih requeaU for the promoter*' ftghK it they ran get the r flulry taulpmont ''We’ve dismissed those requests as ndicu- ftous *■; Irlah declared “Of course, nobody « ,n prrdul what the situation will be two or three years from now when the theatres nurtu no longer want to do busineaa siih u* It that happens, we ll probably try to set up our own circuit but that would be a forced situation, and we d do It only through necessity “ Irish Cited Philadelphia as an example of why an IBt big-^rreeti circuit at this time would be unfeasible Phitly an na he said, has only 7.1IU6 soots and tpM of those would have to be aaertitaHl U» accomnuMUte any big-screen equipment Two Philiy theatres inis carrying btg-acreen shows have over 3 (MM) seats, and its a that a number of other Ptiilly houses a ll install the units soon Al • result, Irish pointed but, the theatres will be able to grow far mn* than the single arena ever could. STEAMS IT SLIP 10 * t Companies Snare $ 2 , 167,870 Sis. mcarthy While actum by the Motion Pic I tare Assn ot Amertia on tin* pro- posed new StMnisii-t . S, films lagreemen ta still pending. MO* A A tntefnational department is burned at (lie attitude of the Society ot Independent Motion Picture l*todu- | eer* KIMpI* niyrd the pact at a was to n In Be* York laid week MP A A itself Ih libel\ thi- week j to turn down acceptance of the agreement Reason* however will differ t»mn that of M AI.PP MPAAVI I difficult % Is that t he interests of Its f Pic-Legit Dueled Chicago. OH 2 I niqoe double feature bill Will be tried at the Tivoli. in suburban Ib>w net <. Grove in which the theatre is hilling an as yet u»»-elected * \" pic piu* a atoi k c omp i ptage v • of “Arsenic and Old Lane " Arsenncompany u> main l\ amateur hui is dire* led by Mart* t ngdI and Brady. actress' currently appearing m MM . TA v Haw kins Pali- Double bill wilt run thri*e data, start- - N.Y. Pa Publicists Vote for IATSE. members are in considerable vari ance in Spam Those who ha veil . been doing okay for them-ch * ■ v * g, utfh 11 tap w.»nt to maintain the M . . while the others of course, would like to see an oka'* »m the new • deal to nnptove their situation SIAII'I's turndown of the part i. T; if not In itself the cause of the On Old Fix As U«t week's switch of the Screen* Publicists Guild unit at the Para- mount homroff ice MdOthe Inter national Alliance of Theatrira] Huge (employee* already ha- apiouted difficulties. Problem lies In the fact IA la without any unit into which the ftacka could be ap- propriately slotted Delay FCC TV Heariafs ; . Washington Oct f As anticipated, the federal Coi munication* ('imumoton has poi poned Its hearings on theatre TV. • „ Wa-hing»«n, Oct f.‘ ■ Kumoniit Cooperation Adnuniw* ] trstion has announced signing of convert i hit Mr guar entee contract* w ith III VrticiM in film companies ng $2.ld7Ji?0 f4* he collected for initial rclea e of pt< tmo in iluciog p. t i xl Srpt f. I non to Aug 31. HIM films spe.t- M for distribution m the West- ern /one wet «* rt*< omno mied for tfm purptw by the hi A advisory .committee on motion politic guar- antees. .Tbs* contrac t- enable each com* pan> lo rwmi'M limited amounts , of its Irt iHUii nook rsimngs into dollar* at the lawful rate iif ex- rh.*n*r Amount $»** able under ta h nsHrai i- limited to approx- imately §23 (MM) pet picture, plus out of pocket ibrtlaf rod- in« urred in prvpwr tiiori «»f (o rman language versions It is expected the amount* which may he Converted i will be <mI' k IN»I|ion of actual {get receipt* (mm ptiiiiii'x covered hv guarantees . V Contract* covering Aft feature* and 32 *lmrt*. give Columbia SlfLV- Wbelher old films will continue ! (»«ldw>n. tut) 240; lo evert viewer appeal on TV is t K.VI firjiwiHinl. War nri* f 211 ;i |» majors wrath —since there's no as- surance that the MPAA will arcept the agreement etther S-ue point Is the suggestum that John G Mc- Carthy. director of the association v international division putted a fast '•nit on the Indies tn the negotia- tions in Madrid If the AIPA A kibmhes the deal. _ ^ _ _ it will main I v he as the result «H lupwfYaught w irh7h"srpl\ divided ***■ Wepuhlu tb4 30v KKO 1W4- 2«Mh Koa» veto Of AH iinmutcd <>pln i on rradwrrr didrlbulgg m ; v,l>r Itlti YW Itfh-PoM, into Spate last year U reportedly hlblfor Kobrrt t fh „ , JJ»td4» t nlversol. •3«Sd3» and were S(Mb a, It naturally dorsn t ancient llolly wn«»d pictures will care to share the fruits of Hs acu ^ ^ ve ar or two «m _ The pr«v■ceding- had been tched men with other companies that video screens In contrast a (’BH Fira office wprlim*. apart from Mled te begin Mov t« They have have been getting many fewer II T V spokesman this week riled a the publicists, also voted' a twitch j been continued to feb IS 1PS2 ; censes I nder the new arrange big pickup in viewer response to If, and they immediately move into Deed I me. for tiling briefs and Uau rnent each of the ma|ora would >«rU and ‘ late ' Atm shim* as an I A s lf-«3 Local, which was set up wttnemes tw testify has likewise pretty mm h get an equal number , indication that “old movie- are some time ago apecifkally for of- MMfld to dan 25 j Mrf’arthy virtually pleaded with here to Slav HIMPI* presy Kills C, Arnoll and TV call, for an integrated serie- : u ^ r : m Tz n ' ««r!Sr KrL nTp u^Th h m ^ ?** S*!L *" h d»«»w MX, l. Art.x» slim .. r •“ f *‘T* ‘"I W«n», rm, ««M Th» , h .. m M 4 * public he aver» get- a yr u a lomad dm-ei-dire« («»i Ktxnk Mn—dm Ured vible Mri art hv, prior to depart* | n tn- pn,i |U r ri«e- Js«k Uent>x ; ^ v * ci son nims om iarf*« ins frt# tlxtiM i.ii.i.iUii ...CLn ■ eVi, /T ,,4rr,Mr *- " rnn " u» New York Usf week prior to re- wuh SIMPl» e ^ set then W V.S* “ "*£?**. S *•”"*"< •• «he ( oast Pridav <2Mi. views ^ Piraonalftles itl vjKit-i of tire quart.*! moves into, no* Pln^llv when the ssreeimm ws« Dated pis rant do tloiuii release tn January It 1 * the , r ., "n y r . ' ''. . uiT.«h. 'V* ’r—e«4K rmtlri-4 j.mb CmIVU- actually com ludcd airs arthy bad and the (aleni is ronlmually chang > j» 4V id Niven wimr th- » Inserted tn the draft that M must in - ™r*V nivew The 1-artV ht ok.yrrf I* ttM l 8 M onl. 014 MXI)—4 m 4 '". “u " " "" Ort 1 '>> w« -«*4. W V 0 *.kW 4. I.i^n »>ll b. -T* *T" : - - „ i'V I The Federal Cornmunications 31MPP as well. Thus, it rouidn ( *lmo*t mtireli vupplanied in tln»e ' tm N ^ Aim-making suggested, would Com mission was urged last week becimie operative wUhoul the In by 24 minute Alms made e-pectallv * , u A „ * V 'J n be lor the pubiicista to join the I to consider the effect of the AroerI- '**•* ■■ . V., 'j ■ f»*r TV As a possible portent of * JP** 1 ^ ,l ' ' ,<4r Mis- ( auiAeld. Sign Pictorial and Display Local can ffroadca-ting Co-United Para- , Th *' obvious the reas«m ihe things to come ” the e»n re T hu U Mr*>- m private life. “ | for the MPA At heat when word vested that so far he s -old his own Vr ? Mr * winter came mi the MMPI* nix last week, 1 pictures to ontv II TV marketing * llh flk,rrtef * bmsed In Panama The indies not only thumbed the. areas ami has deals pending In in iwl interiors in Hollywood Thud pro,—4 Mrer.ornt bul t.«* Mrp. ,«h„ ^ ,u Tl!,r. .,f- .!««, •» »!-* SV dee pers on nel 1A «|tokrsman Mid yesterday i ‘Tues i that It s now up to the Par Hacks to map their own course so I fay as affiliation is concerned and then huddle with IA toppers to work out an agreement. IA presy Richard Walsh la due bark in M Y. in about two weeks from the (oast, where be ta now Bitting in on studio labor huddle* WaUh will be consulted in the event the Par-Met decide they want their own charter within the IA framework. Alternative to this it To Mull Theatre Effect of ABC-UPT Ross-Sliflman Slate 4 //;/ For UA Release la 2 Years; 1st is Jaa. 230 This outfit, like IA, ti a member of API- This, however, might create legal problems since tlie Par unit already has voted IA as its bargatning gffMMI nunaot Theatres merger on exhibi- tors whew It holds hearings on Ihe application to transfer the net- work to the theatre company . Fanchon 4 Marco, theatre oper- opn dory of * nun di-gu-ted with to name a rep in Europe who would «5 TV marketing territories m *11 '*+" uf • "' al KKO Picture*' pubiiciata and M«rs in Liss Angeles and St Louis w un h * n '* »benevor MH'artby nr CHff TV version ol old movieV |1m * * n 5 Wv *shuqw*i re- ort department staffers at the ho told (he agency that although It *•* other MPAA icqyper was nego- pulling power let- the ratinjs have been in l^ocal 230 for about has no TV stations it should not Dating a ileal anvwhero. Suggestion speak l«e themselve- Last April, the past two years although the be denied opportunity to intervene th ** 1 *'** on,v it’s d»*< loved. bi»th the -early • and unit ban yet to necept a contract ; in the proceeding*. Proposed 1 (merest could he pro* Tate’’ shows had l*ul»t counts ot from management, according to an mergfg, it contended, will hurl tcried 3d apiece {Last month the ’>arlv KM) rep Indications are that other independent theatre oper- ,/^F MPAA-eri> agree that uah a show climbed to 6 6 and the 'Tate'‘ publicists at KKO Theatres and ator*. too. and the Commission v “ ,ulrf tkr Fcoper by hlMPP jumped to to If the product is Inesi’s also may align themselves should hear from at least one rep- • IH * fli,m *"* ' ^ welcome having a good, the net's %pokr«man empha with Local 23(1 /;•• • ie-enlativr of the business 'Tep of the independents in negotia* Hired t in* people Will l«*ok at it. generaUun Hw k ground calls for a numbt-r of eastern VfiMlle«r«nean p*»n«* l*rodun r plans/to true a freight* r fur Inui imtnth- next • pring »» a ci*nier si ojh rations. Iuid.v Suv- No. Ho*s» diM'losrd. wa- prtvatefv financed hv htmself and Stillman, They II al »» bank- roll the olhci three rip oinin * prx It has been recommended by F 4 M which has an antitru-t Lf®* 1 * 1 he\ re-4*nt however, after Most of the prints used un the wrh siHw»uiv wrMrir aid Producer Hu--ell Mo—. H43 hejd that prub- ca-e pending against Paramount SIAIPP refus'd to send a delegate repurtediv are Ars» run for TV ably all tht' dim daehertes would has run tato thhsnppnaftiogi nf fhc Madrid the implication that also .-e-r— T y .. o , , ,i bencAt if they joined under the FCC Broadcast Bureau on its re- MUl ,hr meeting that Ale ro*»f of the iame AFL local. He que-f to participate in the merger 'Continued on page 2d \ said this was his own personal healings The Bureau lakes the po- | —■ '■■ —— view not an official IA suggestion sit ion that the theatr* company has . In any ev»i»t. it's clear Die Par no basis fm intervention since it is MPAA Invitpt PlC FIPr4 switch to IA. from District to of neither a TA licence nor an ap- ■ 1 ** ttre Distributive. Processing and ptlrafH for any of the broadcast t>ffice Workers of America, has facilities involved in the merger In replying to this opposition ' F 4 M comeded that this i* true but a—erted 'their business and treated some confusion on the in du-trv v labor front. ROZ RUSSELL’S INDIE PIC IN TELE TRYOUT Hollywood. Oct 2 Hovalmd Russell and her bus Subpoena* Served On liijtgie* in I nionistw Suil Lm Angeles Ort 2 Sii|>«iu»r fourt subpoenas hair lw‘en versed on a gioup of dim ex- m m m . «h utiyes in the 5214 nut) »u*t died To II.S. for Poet Talks *> M loir^ier mnntkrr- nt U»e In tecnationol tlfusrr of Theatrical Of Spanish Govt, to Come * nd Ij “‘ uI '“'I ** «Jni "film "«« > 1.1*twi— vitally endangered if the applies- y s a* guesU of the Motion Pv£ Mo > and other* conspired noted that hxnk> have adopt'd a tough altitude l«»Ward indie filrii- makffv m that km vintv p«e>:ed for a fVm hoi hud'ctc»y f«» ex implg olM M (dust * i|U l *700 «a*o • It •»« ,• h«* aitrled H-S d«M ldt*d In It >■ i without IwoUrU li» a hank 1«m> • MISS. EXHIBS WIN 45 r G JUDGMENT VS. MA»0RS tionv ol the merger corporations . ‘ . shall be granted " In these circum- ’ wilh li»e (Continued on page IS* Invited to c*»nie at their earliest h-Md Fred Brisaon plan to use Hack Sues H(ipp\, television as a lest tube, ahowras , n.;_ r a " - a i>w< mg their upcoming indie picture I . A HIW .T .YfifflllnU merit Ny*ver Wave at a Wgc.“ on Schlit? * Lo* Aageles Oct 2 YTayhou-c of ^ars'* via microwave John A DaieV press agent Aled convenience were Ju-c Maria flir *v (rum N Y. Oct. 19 I suit in Superior Court against Wil- cia K-r udero director general of They said here that purpdag gf liam <ttopalong Boyd and he man- cinema in the Dept ol ladurnMHi*»n the experiment la to get audience ager: Bob Stabler, demanding an end Tourism and F Javier Kl«»r /a •od critical reaction before cam- accounting of profits and dlddJMd. Migqura de Nerv• peer of the aub- eia* roll on the pic in January* Plaintiff declares he had an agree- commission tegulaitng cinema* in The picture, to be directed by ment a* publicity director to re- the Alintstry of Commerce- <i«*orge Marshall, has a UA release reive 3 f » of Boy'd a gross income Heps of Ml* A A , member com Fnm budget will be about $700 000 for 1950 pamex and of the Society, of Inde 'list Ruaaell will star in the Slahiec contacted in the ea*t pendent Motion l*trture INteiurer^ v drs* and theatrical version* of dented the charge and said Daley - will be invited by McCarthy to sit >he <for> authored by J. t Me* had been hired on a straight salary Iff on the talks with the Spaniard** *v”>«hi ana Pavid SwtfL I basis and payoff last December. t and theif stall asaistanta. «4 America w a* dt* . patched to Aladrid last week bv , * lrn1 04,1 M work »rt the Ubx*ra John G McCarthy, dirrttor of (be ' inter national drvuton Purpose '■ ned in the subpoeinpa nrv Y would be to discuss further the pro* Frank Freeman. Harry Colin K J posed Spanish-C. S Aim agree . Manmx Sid Kogell Fred Meyer ■.../ / Greenville., Mis- Ort T A juilgment *»t ftm (gvi wa» ma)<> •rtutiu* tn keep aw.u <ii «1 .fu- \i. V t l* j in 1 IVrt Roy Brewer, Harry Warner, B H Kahanr and I F ( hsdwick; t ax- is called called for Oct 22 £i mills, two f«»r rm r Grevnvilfe the- atre owners agaihsl 10 pir /ml div* Irtbuttng comp.inre* lost wr« k The lw« eshib* were granted the judg- Here along with 'n‘aM*nahlr attorney fee* and t»*?.i*. |j> he riffiT* mined *1 a later date in am it r tid pun reding* w hirk had been aTgueff since feat Jan 3i JOE H0MSTEM MEMORIAE ■ Prelim to the establishment of a iptrrsl i« p» v. m them from aerUt rhemoriai to the late Joe Horn*t»-in ing A Alms »•« then GitvnviMe Fred J Schwarti chief barber ef dhy ntowa house The Bfmm--Vp Variety Tent Slu 3A in V Y . ha* plebaum roimbmaii*»n fold,thed- • invited a group M 111' friend* in era.I. Court that thru »*.»-• lit m tiie industry to a luncheon at th«- gel t*»p-g«ade ar^l fir*t-nin Ahn- f<»r Hotel Actor tomorrow *Thur* K-. the Greenville area forcexl Ihe.rp (# Hurnstein was known fur his ae- ' the their door* «*t a considerable i Uvily tn that liable organuatiobv. | lo-s.* •