Variety (October 03, 1951)

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s. mi v LA. StiD Strong; ‘Earth’ Ace New Fk. Saart $40,000, ‘CaravaT Fair :'-M 22G; ‘Streetcar’ Botfo 2QG for 2d hitting a great stride, Dav Stood Still" hfMtlni for l.oa Angrtm Ort 2 Overall film bis outlook here this week t» good denpMe the num- ber of hnideegfi Owy —i mm kilt it hilt in Earth f noiArt MO OUO in five thr»tm trial Carnival” look* fair $22 fWO 'in two hoove* but ' Faint mg C loud* With Sunahme” m slow $23.twO in three Warner spots Doing fairly well it Rhubarb with $1$ 000 in two location* "Net . Mexico' it drab 112 tWO in three titn Second • werk of XKcei. ,.i Kamed Deaire continue* hollo with $20 0tW at Be\rrlv Hill* while fifth round of * David and Hath- thvba shapes ok* $13 .OUO m two house* Other holdover* are wild rurrytini “III* Kind of Woman toil solid in fifth tetvion at two aptRs , Estimates for Thia Lex Atirln. ( Marw. I Loyola. toilxhire IWi 2 097. 2 0411 I 71$ » 24$. 2 29# 70-81 10)-- “Dey Earth Stood Mill 20th and • I)«*c Jockey ' Mono* Smart $4t) •/ 01)0. l.axt week, with Voeue at cad of ('hineae In 5-lhealre unit ( apiain Fabian Wept and "Beal Hornet Hep $3000* Hell v wood. Dow n town. Willem «W H 4 2 751*. 1*737 2 344 70-SI I(F *’ Fa int mg ('loud* SwlMhine to H Hull $23 taw l*awt week, * Fon e Arm* WHi 2d wk), $13000 larvi State. tcvpiian l’t» 2- 404; I 333 70-$1 DF—Texax Car* nival” M G* Fair $22 000 l ast neek. ”U* and lady” and •atrip” vt G $13,300 IHIUlreet Canlatrt 11KU 2 732 2 312 70 $1*—” Behave Yuur- Broadway Grosses $3$7.7$$ thrtirri/t $43$.$## theoi ret « ‘Sbedcai’ Saul Id UfhPMit $27,000 \ Pittsburgh. Oct $ H*B all “Streetcar Named Desire at the Warner that week Playing , (untinuout at advanced price*. get- away indicate* a terrific opening round Nothing tto# to tunning People AgausoC O Hara t* going now here at Pena. » alienate* for Tbla Work Fallon 'Shea) <1.700. People Will Talk** 30HD <2d wk> Falling off lo Iround $#.300 Which i* plenty respectable, on top of $$.* 300 last Hai no Dagnar Tilts‘Street'to $45,000, Del; Hero’Fast 18G, ‘Christy’ 9G • Harris) >2 200 :: Earth’ Rich 18G : to I Kan«a* City Ort 2 Bit here this week to m od e rate | pleasing "Dav Earth Stood Stiir in four Fox Midwext bouse* is easily out m front with strong $16 000 Saturday * Hero” at Mid- land is not so hoc. **Jim Thorpe” at Missouri la fairly g oa d white Rhubarb” at Paramount look* nice ’Tale* of Hoffmann” contin- ue* to get great money at little F.atlasate* for TbH Week Kioto (INekinsnnt '504 $t 20- $2 40' Tale* of Hoffmann 'Indie. 1 2d «k* Near brat week pace with $4 2u0. big La*t wreck $4,500. be*t here time Red Shoe* * I #3-11 23 +J David and Bathsheba 20th* id wk». Will wind up with okay $|0.- ooo Last week. It we* around f»3»- 000. giving tins about $43,300 for run. plenty good for bouse. Pena <Loew«> '3.300. $0-Wj-- I >op*e Against O'Hara »M-G» Dismal $10,000 Laat week. "New Mexico” tUA). With Frank!# Lam* unvtage. dipped to $24 300. about $11,000 leas than Lame did here 19 month* ago. .■ Manley WB> fSjOO, 50-15)— That • My Boy” *Par» <2d wk* Should get at least $#300 maybe more Last week, fine $ 11,000 W artier “Streetcar Cnx lauded this one and p» col off to a roaring start Should bit $27 000 terrific Last week. “T#- morrow Another Day'* «WB). $3 300 Detroit. Key City Grosses Total it at? an# (Baaed on 23 rifles,. 21$ the- atree. chiefly first runs, includ- ing jf. r.i Total Gross Kama Week Laat Tear $2 #85 ### ( Hated on 23 oftes, and 1*2 fhesfre*.) Dagmar. ptageshow boosting “Sunny Bide Street' nice $43,000 at the Pot * s# day • Palma Darkl will hold up at the only fair at jOi " mijii vlow St Comes Groom ond Michigan OvL R J# *o Bator* •tout at the Baths he tu. ’ la secon d “Christy* the United Ar- O Hara'* Here in sev- the Adams la slipping Detroit! 3.000; $D Side Street ” «Coi) Ogbt Big plus f Ingmar Good $43 000 of Daemar ‘Mob* tai Law v iwyer'Coi*, Moderate town sector Baltimore. Oct I. I activity in the down- here to highlighted by ’ at the Stan tS 1 XijrWv-. rk Place la the Sun. at tlia SUa PalmaJUD <2.000; 7( ^ wbT #ohd * rM,on ,n ,hr m * k * vsr Named D—lr* _;WI» l||g AMr | f ta the Outfield” | Bandit”^'CaO. Fast $ mg “Angels laaM okay at ‘‘Bitter Rice“ to the Town Loewr’a Century disappointing at Asfcls’ High $14,000 Is L’rile; Egypt’ Bsafip 11G, ‘Whistle’ Trim 7G fell’ KM)' and “Big Guv»*er‘ ♦l «t» '2d wk* off to $IT OIK! l , t week, mild $23 2tM> l«« As tele* MoHswood mounu '1AM )$ 3M. 1430, * Rhuitarb ' Pori usd “liene and Mount lea ' <<'e|» • I. A Mode%( PltOOO Last week C ern e s Groan" 'Par* and Gals, a Guv ” ‘I’A* «L A wk*. $i0 2tm I sited Artist*. Rita. FWC* *2100 1 370 *14 —.“New Mexico ’ »UA* and “Secret Flight indie> Thin $12 nno Last week Thunder On Hill l • and *$2 Bettor" Indie), $10 200 Four Star *1 A* $00 70-#0 — •‘Five’ - ft’oli *3lh wk Down to $2 200 Lavt week n« r $2 $00 Fine ArU FWO #77; iO-$l 3# —* place in Sun” *Fsr» 7(h wk- Medium $3 300 Lavt week $# (Mg) laurel • Kosener) Hti. $120- $2 40M**‘Tale* llaifm.»nn Indie* (Itth wk- Into 18th tound M«»n dav Hi after big Mono lad week \ ague Globe PW( H$ 79$ •0-$l 30 “David and I 120th) 3th wk Okay $13 000 (moved over from Chinese to Midland 'Dew *• <3 300 30-1$> ’ Saturday s Hero*' Col* and ”H»g Gusher <( oil near average at ^Outfield * $11 (JOO Ijiyt week. “Angels m Oulfleld” 'M-Ci* .md “No Questions Asked” M-G< 2d wk* $*000 Missouri RKO» 2*30 30-73*— ”J|m Thorpe.” »WH» «»nd “Road h»«xk \ KK()> with Saddler Pep ftghi pix Fairly gmwt SIOtMK) IjiM week. Behave > ourwrlf*' ! RKU* and “Five ’ 'Col*. SlX.ooO Paramount Tri-State*' I $0t) 30-1$• - Rhubarb” «Par V N I f e $10 (Mg) la»*t week Force of Arms’* W Ri. $* (MM) only) id Tewer, I plow a, fairway. Graaa da Fox Midwest* 2 100. 2$#$; 7(10 Iris l A- $'4W. 30 74*—‘Day Kartk Sfood 70 $| J0» Still” 2<gh 1 and “Varieties on par Para- 80*—.. Autry | unt> ». Here T wo; 3dl f ade ‘ 'Upt. Sturdy $18,000 Last week “Comin* Round Mountain L'» and “American Spy” Mono. $16 000 Grid Seasos No Help To MpU But ‘Rbsiurb Rkl $9,000; Behave’ 8G,'"g Minneapolis. Ort 2 De-pile su* h strung newcomer* as “Behave Yourself and “Rhu- barb grosses generally continue lo flirt w tth lon'er krveit here cur- Vogue for coniiuued run on Huily-renily Opening the gridiron wood Blvd l^ist week. Chinese and Globe. $t$ 700. Orpkrum Hawaii 'Metropolitan- GAS» 2 212 M06. #0-90 — His Kind ol Woman" RKO' 3th wk 1 . Solid $7 <Mg) in 8 da>*.‘ L**t week with F.1 Rev $10 400 Beverly Hills to B> *1.112. #0 $>50*—"St reel car” *WB 2d wk' Big $20 000 Last week, smash $23 $00 ‘Cyras*’ Crisp $10,000, Omaha; Rhubarb Tasty UG,?ekmg’Go*d7G Oi aha. Oct 2 , “Rhubarb” and “Cyrano * loom ps money leaders here this session •‘Jim Thorpe” did good holdover nt the Brandeis he»ped by the Pep- Saddler Agbt pictures "Peking F.x- press" looms fast at the Omaha Rstlmaies for Tbla Week Paramount Tristates» 2100. »• iRmld^V “Pickup house* von here and attracting 33 000 peo- ple. the Minnesota - Washington football game was no weekend help to film trade On the warn* day Radio City had ns an added attract!**# the exc lusive theatre closed TV of Notre Dame-Indiana foot ball game with the ante boosted from 76c to $1 20 until 2 p m Rhubarb looks best bet of new plx RaHmalec for Tbla Week Peatery Par 1.000. 74 $1 20— "David and Bathsheba * 20th* < 3th IwIF;,' Okay $4 300 Last week $5300 v -:v- r ttepber Berger) * I 000 50 7t»— “Little Egypt *L( 2d wk*. Light $2 300 after slow $3 $00 initial vianxa. Lyceum »N«*drr lander* (1.900 $! 20-$2 40»—Tales of Hoffmann lndto) Opened roadshow date here Mondav night *T» on twro-a- day. reserved seat policy Hope «itb to keep it one month until next scheduled legiter, Olivia deHavil- land tn “Candida.” Louisville. Ort. l.| High spots o# local first-run* lal timely big turned in by ' Angels In | l larvi State Little F.gypt and “Havana Rose* at the Rialto is shaping nice Kentucky closes Cyrano” run with okay bu m « davs Whistle Raton Fails” looms fine at the Mary Anderson Estimate* for Tbla Week Kentucky Switow' 1 100 43-95* W-Cyrano” 'L’A*. Held for $ days fur uka> $4 000 “Peking Express" Par* and ”Motlle'' *Par) opens to- morrow Wed.). . Mary AsdofiM People's) 1.1 200 4313 , — “Whistle Eaton Falls” < Si N.( f $7'*O0 near l ast week “Tomorrow Another Day to H <fair $1000 Rialto Fourth Avenue* '2000. 43-15)—“Little Egypt” «U) and I “Havana Rose” «Rep*. Indications are for nice $11,000 Last week. “Here Comes Groom” 'Par* and Paiooka Triple Cross* Mono* $13 000 State .(Loevr'i) *2 000 43-651— “Angel* in Outftetd” «M-G» and “l^adv and Bandit* (Col* Big $14 000 Last week. “People vs O'Hara” ‘M-Gi and “Smuggler's Col) $$<**' Strand «FA) *1 F*m1; 43-15 — S4*rf ' I’A) and “Try And Get Me RKO* plus Saddler Pep fight ptx Bargain bill not helped much bv ring braw l. Modest $3 300 last week “Cattle Drive” (U» and * Yu- kon Manhunt” (Mono*. $2 000 on hergei Hill r> <2.460 20- tXi). Mod 'Loew t-UA) 3 000: 20 Htr^Alfsb in Outfield 'M-G* OkaV $8,500 I..isi week. “Iron Man” CL NSO $6 200 witb TV of ' Pep-Saddler fight added but not much help Mppodrome iRa(<i «port> (2 240 $0-70 —“Vila Kind of Woman” RKO* 2d wk*. Oke $6 700 after hire $11 $00 getaway Keith s Svlu 70*—‘^bunder est $6 000 Mayfair »Hicks* $60 20-701- Outlaw Brother tUA) 2d wk* Start# aacand week tomorrow Wed ) after average beginning at $4,700 New Mechanic) 1 $00; 33-81 20) —“David Bathsheba” >$0thi t$d wk' Winding up run with oke $7 000 on heels of solid $10,t00 for IffwM. Stanley WB» 3 2B$; 23 7$)— ‘Place in Sun” ‘Par* Leading town with solid $12,000 or over Last week. “Rhubarb” Par*. $8,000 Town (Rappaportl *1 300. 36-63' — Bitter Rue ’ 20th> Duappoint- Fox $1 23 Stadter-Pep heading via appeal •CoD ar ‘ $24,000 Mlrbigan ‘L olled Detroit) 4 000: 7o-$t)—“Hero Comes Groont ‘ Par) and Four In Jeep” >t A» 24 wk*. Down to $14,000 Lost week, trim $20 000. CD) <2J00; 70-06)— “Sat- “lady ai d $!$ ooo tm week “Peking 1 “Basketball Fix 1 Madison 'I D* David and wk*. Hefty $31000 I’nlted Artlsla »UAt 0 000 76- 93)-- nHristy ($9tb) and “Mur- der Without Crime” (Indie* Mild T Last vnE ”Fonwlo Will alk" «20th) ,3d wk*. $9,000 q Adama Bala bam .1 700: 7S»3 - “People Against O Harx ‘ <M-G>. Slow $7 (KM) Laat week. -Angrts in outfield" iM-O) (2d wk), $3 000. j »a«t • Par» and (Indie* $9.00)) <1900 90-g I 20 - •20th* 2d $30,006. Last week. in Is Paris' GisK $24, Qete; ‘Wonai’ Rossisf 14G, *Snn* Lofty 11G, 24 — Hitter Hue TOth> Dtsappoir *ng $3,000 Last week. “People W Talk" <10th> 4th wk). $6 <00 ‘Ssa’ Sockeroo $17,000, Cincy Leader, ‘Behave’ 13G,‘CmlMt’Ush8G ^ « I Hipp (Schefta ' Cincinnati. Ort 2. > u Oct 2 Theatrical sector to overloaded with big-name products but not all of them art Wg. “American m Paris ‘ will roil up a giant total for th# Stillman, to pace city. Palaces “His Kind of Woman' looms excellent. “Place In Sun * to shining on second lap at tho State • Warner* *3.000; 73-61 1$) — “David and Bathsheba” * 20th I 2d wk* Off to $17 000 or eio«# after record $82,000 last folio Hanna Hanna* (1940, $123- $2 40'—'Tales of Hoffmann 'Indie'. 4th wk*. Off to $4,000 after solid I TO—“Cyrano* UA». Ixndu g< N »d J 1 ^5° 30-76 — 1 10 000 Last week David and j J M u n £*** athsheba” 20th' 2d wk>. $8 300 i * ,,h L»»* *re6. "Short Orpheom TnMatrs) 3 000, 16- fc ra **. and Lett Go TO)—“Rhubarb” Pan and “China r H®* 4 ' 1 ’ M W Corsair ‘Col* Fine $11 000 ful- Bsdto Ctty Par* 4 000 30 7$— lowing big bally. I an ueek Lit-1 l<w Comes Groom” Par* 2d n He Egy pt L* * and Let's Go Navy tMonov $8 500 Brandeto RKO' 1 300. 1$-70‘— **JiMS Thorpe ’ to B 2d wk* with ftoddler-Prp fight ptx Good $1000 La*t week $7,000 Omaha Tmtates* 2 100; 10-70* ^Peking Express” Par*, and “Casa Mananna” Mono 1 Tnm $7 - (Mm* Last week ’"American Spy" (Mono* and Hollywood Story” flft. $6 «00 Stale (Goldberg* §63 73-73*— '‘Angela in Outfield ‘ M (. 2d uk £7 and “Pier 23 •U Ange tr wki. Holding up wet), and sup-] emenled last week with Saddler- fight telecast at $100 and Saturday with TV of Notre Dame- Indiana football gam# at $1 20 \ Good $8 000 Last week, big I $14 000 RKO tkrpbeum RKO* 2 $00 40 76* — “Behave Yourself iJtKO and Saddler-Pep fight p«x Light $8 1)00 Ust week Mask of AVenger <Col> and "Never Gambler" Col*. 36 000 RKO-Pan RKO* >1 600 40 >**—, ~ (iuod 4 wjo.1 M 8$‘ r Fare" and “China Corsair" l RHUBARB’ STANDOUT IN TORONTO, BIG 15G Toronto. Ort 1 Rhubarb” to topping the town with fine returns at Imperial A just out “Darling How ou’”. Is okay In two spots " to rated big in five Rich. Young. Pretty shapes neat at Loew t. Estimates for Crest, Downtown. Glendale. May fair Sca r born. Blo ts (Taylor* $63 1031 $53; 470 M. 964 23-60*— * Pickup * CoD and “Chain of Cir- cumstance” *Coll. Big $13,000 Last week “Lost Continent” (Up) and * Yes Sir. Mr Bones” Up* $12000 *1 (TP* 1 000 (WB* "fair $12- 000 Laat week. “Hornblower" WB* (2d wk* $19 000 Imperial FP* '3.372 50-60)— ''Rhubarb* Par) Fine 913 000 Last week. “Flying Leathernecks" RKO 2d wk*, $6 300 Leewt (Loew* (2.743. 40-70*— ("Rich. Young. Pretty” M-G* Neat 1 $12,500 Last week. “Show Boat” I (M-G <3th wk*. $8 000 Nortewu t niversity FPl 83$ 1 53a 40-86* — Darting How Could You ” 'Par) Okay $12 000 I<ast week. Saturday s Hero” 'CoD. $12 000 Odeon 'Rank) 2,380. 50^80' - “Thunder on Hill” *IJ) *2d wk). Near $11000 Last week. $14,000 Uptown Loew* 2743; 40-00 — Lady Pays Off” »«». Sad $5 000 ! Last wreek. “Law and Lady” M-G*. I Cincinnati. Oct. 2. Downtown bu continues in sea tonal stride this wreek “Place m Sun” is the topper with a wham Capitol figure “Behave Yourself* is a winner fur the big AI bee new. “Lost Continent” at Grand looks okay. Holdovers "David Bathsheba” at Keith t stiU to in velvet. Sc hr ft cl-Burger* x> *3.700; »UA*, w rek. TIL' “ Cap l M 000 1^,1 ■ aM 1 - ml I RgBihMK. 2 30$ 40-80* — “Painting Clouds Sunshine” Albee RKO* <3.100. 35-7$)— Behave Yourxelf' (RKO* Saddler-Pep fight plx Satisfac-1 - tory $13 000 or close Last week. “That’s My Buy” (Par* *2d wk», $13000 Capitol Mid-States) '3.000: 33 73*—“puce la Sun" (Par). Ter- rific $17 000 Holds Last week “Iron Man *U*. $7 300 I ^ Grand RKO* '1 400; 35-7$V—I '“J* “Loot Continent” »Up» and “Jun- " & Manhunt” «CoD. Sturdy $$* or over. Last week. “Magic Fare" (Col* and This Is Korea” Rep*, $1300 Keith's Mid-Stgtes) (1442. 73- $1 25* — “David and Bathsheba 20th* 3d wk*. All nght $10,000 trailing solid 811,000 second seah. Lyric (RKO* *1300; 35-73*— “That's My Boy” 'Par) *m o >. Nice $4 300 Iasi week. “Bachelor and Bobby-Soxer* (RKO* and “Re- former Redhead” (H«p) 'reissues) t it witb “Cansmand Decision” -G) and “II Of lock High” i20tk‘ (reiaaues', $4,000. Paloce RKO) *2.$00; 55 73*— “Force of Anna” WB». Fair $8 000 Last week. “The Mob” Col*, fine $11.000. urgei 33-00* — Ran All Wi * Satisfactory $13,000. Pickup 'Col*, $14 000. Ohio 'Loews) *1 244. 53 80: — Boycott'* 'Indie and Smug- Moderate seven days of ptx. nice $5,360. fRKO) *3300. 35-10) — “Htt Kind of tooman” RKO- Ex- cellent $14,000 Last wreek. “People Will Talk” <20th* »2d wk* $8 400. (Loew's* (3.440. 55-00' — Place in Sun’* 'Par* *3d wk). Hearty $11,000 following $11500 for last round • Loew s) (2.700 50-00) in Pans” M-G). Giant $34,000. and holding Last week. * Angela in Outgeld" M-GI | wer Sheftel Burger (300. 35- $0*—“Never Can TelP vU *. Pleas- ant $3,300. Last week, “Pickup’* 'CoD sad "Never Trust Gambler” (Coll tm on). $2,800 O’Hara’ Fne $14,000 Is Slow Dearer, Tab’ 18G DRIVE’ WHAM *12,000, PORT;‘ARMS’NSH8G Portland. Ore . Ort 3 . ppy here for the wub Arst-nans for are dueling. m m la amnah in two theatres for second wreck. “Cattle Drive” also to sock st Broadway while “L"4 Continent' fast at Biayfair Bix has been past few months booking strong ptx “Here Comes Grm Against Oct O'Hara 1 * fine $ OUK Trust $9000 j — -4 David and wk* Fair $8 000 Vletorta *FP» People ’Strictly Dishonorable” are doing to#— this “People Will two theatres enough at Broadwa to ay 'Parker) *1JMI: i4-80» —“Cattle Drive” 'III and Tail Target” M-G) Sock $13,000. week. “Jim Thorpe WBl ” (Ban), Talk” stupes good in “Fugitive Lady” ‘Kepi. $11,700 Guild Parker) (#00; #5-00 Things to Come" «Indie) Man Who Could Work Mlteftos” ♦Indie) 'Id runs). So-so $2 000. y and Or- Last wreek “Ballartna” 'Indie) and holdovers Paris 1800” «Indie) «3d *k», $1,300 'Parker) (1 300. (1.140;, 73-$D— “ 20th' 4th (Continued on page 24) I $10,000. r Aladdin Fox) (1.466; Millionaire fer Christy” <20lht and (Continued on paps 24* 1 2 < 40-60)— ' Jane” 'Up). Fancy Ki “Cl. Last week "f an page 34i